The Durenda Wilson Podcast show

The Durenda Wilson Podcast

Summary: Durenda Wilson is the owner/host of her podcast and is a wife to one for 34 years, mom to eight, and nana to 10. She has homeschooled all of her kids from the beginning. She loves to share simple, effective approaches to motherhood, homeschooling, and life in general. These tools are a result of many years of walking with the Lord and finding freedom in letting His voice quiet all the others.

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  • Artist: Durenda Wilson
  • Copyright: Copyright 2019 All rights reserved.


 Real Talk From a Homeschool Dad (Podcast 56) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:24

What should you do when it seems like your husband isn’t taking the spiritual leadership in your family? How can a husband encourage his wife in homeschooling the kids?   In this podcast episode, my husband and I are tackling these and several other questions from our listeners. We’ve been married for almost 30 years and homeschooling for over 23 years.   Other Podcasts with my husband Raising a Family of Ten on One Income Children: A Blessing Not a Burden   Check out my book, The Unhurried Homeschooler Unhurried Homeschooler Mentoring Course   I will be speaking at these conferences FPEA-May 23, 24 2019 Orlando Florida NCHE-May 31, June 1 Winston-Salem, NC

 Is There Hope For My Kids In A World That Seems To Be Falling Apart (Podcast 55) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:36

News, online media, newspapers and a constant stream of information can put us on edge as people, but especially as moms. There are things happening that we never imagined would be happening and they are happening faster than ever.  We can't help but wonder what kind of world our kids will be growing into. Today I want to share HOPE with you...hope that we have as believers and hope that our children have for their futures. Please listen in and BE ENCOURAGED! Scriptures shared in the podcast: 2 Timothy 3:1-5 Philippians 4:6,7 2 Timothy 1:8-11 Isaiah 40:18-31 Daniel 2:21,22 Psalm 34:8 Psalm 31:19 Psalm 84:11 Matthew 28:18-21 James 1:2-8 Homeschooling Through a Crisis (Podcast: Found here on SoundCloud or on my blog)

 Let's Talk About Hormones (Podcast 54) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:12

PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU LISTEN TO THE PODCAST! In this podcast, I talk a lot about how to navigate understanding your kids through hormone changes. BUT I want to emphasize that as we try to empathize and work through these things with them, that we make sure that they speak to and treat us respectfully.  We want them to have a voice, but never at the cost of hurting the people around them.  This includes friends and siblings. Hitting the "pause" button is one of the best ways to do that. My husband and I have had teens in the house for 15 years.  We aren't perfect at it, but we've learned a lot and I'm sharing much of that right here on this podcast! The Unhurried Homeschooler Unhurried Grace for a Mom's Heart

 Homeschooling And International Adoption With Sarah Brown (Podcast 53) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:07

I like to focus on podcast topics that are important to YOU!  Recently I had a mom ask me to do a podcast on international adoption.  I don't really have much experience with that, but I have a friend who does!  Sarah has 10 biological children and 5 children adopted from Ukraine.  In today's podcast, we talk about how God's plan unfolded in Sarah's family's life, how God knit their family together through adoption and what the adjustment has been like. (The newly adopted children are 7, 9, 11, 12 and 16) Even if you are not planning to adopt, maybe you know someone who is.  Learn more about what this process feels like so you can be effective support for those who are adopting! (More info/resources on this post at my…rown-podcast-53/)

 When Character Training Feels Like An Obstacle (Podcast 52) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:52

We always say that character comes before the curriculum, but that can be easier said than done.  In the day to day, it can be a real struggle to actually lay down the math or reading to deal with the character issues in our kids.  But what if we saw character training for what it REALLY is? In today's podcast, I will be sharing a big picture perspective with a biblical foundation to encourage you to take the time to reach the hearts of your children! One thing I forgot to mention in the podcast is that as our kids exhibit behavior that indicates a need for character training, it's so important to find our first (especially if they are younger) if there is a need that isn't being met: are they hungry, thirsty, tired? Might we be over scheduling our family life, schooling or activities?  This isn't about giving our kids excuses for misbehaving, but about being responsible as parents to be fair and just in our actions. (Mentoring Course) The Unhurried Homeschooler on Amazon Florida Parent Educators Association-Homeschool Convention May 23-25, 2019 Scriptures mentioned in the podcast: Luke 6:39, 40 Ephesians 6 2 Corin. 10:3-5 Deut 11:16-21

 The Benefits Of A More Natural Approach To Learning (Podcast 51) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:48

Many of us are homeschooling because we believe it's a much better choice for our children, but we can easily get caught up in becoming results driven in our approach. Today I am talking to Ashley Wiggers who is a homeschool graduate and now a mom herself.  We are having a great conversation about what can be best described as "homeschooling from the heart".  It's homeschooling from our heart as moms and tuning into our children's hearts so that we can create a learning environment that best fits our families!Ashley Wiggers grew up in the early days of the homeschooling movement. She was taught by her late mother, Debbie Strayer, who was an educator, speaker and the author of numerous homeschooling materials (including Learning Language Arts Through Literature and Trail Guide to Learning). It was through Debbie’s encouragement and love that Ashley learned the value of being homeschooled. Currently, Ashley is the Editor-in-Chief of Homeschooling Today magazine, Public Relations Director for Geography Matters and the author of the Profiles from History series. Ashley makes her home in Somerset, KY, with her loving husband, son and one on the way. (Resources mentioned in the podcast can be found at

 Overcoming Writing Struggles With Fred Lybrand (Podcast 50) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:07:24

I don't think there's a homeschool parent out there who would say that getting their kids to enjoy writing is easy. Today I am talking with Dr. Fred Lybrand who has been teaching writing for well over two decades (along with countless other pursuits).  He is ALSO a homeschool dad of 5 grown kids and has a unique and sensible approach to helping our kids with writing. He shares several basic principles in this podcast that will make you shake your head and say, "Why didn't I think of that? It makes so much more sense now!" (Hint: simpler really is better!) If you are looking for a writing resource, this may just be a good fit for you.  I invite you to listen and find out!(

 Homeschooling: There's Freedom in Simplicity (Podcast 48) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:25

Most homeschooling families are not actually enjoying homeschooling.  Parents AND kids are feeling all kind of unnecessary pressure and unreasonable expectations.  This is NOT what homeschooling was meant to be and we FEEL that deep down inside. BUT what will it take to get that peace we long for and to enjoy our children again? Today I'm having a conversation with Karen over at Simply Living for Him.  We share our stories of how simplifying our homeschooling was a game changer. This is something I teach moms how to do in my online course, The Unhurried Homeschooler Mentoring Course. If simplifying resonates with your mom heart, please go check it out!  Enrollment is open for a limited time. (Links to connect with Karen and my online course found in the notes on this podcast at

 Homeschooling: Dealing With Outside Pressure (Podcast 47) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:18

As homeschooling moms, we've chosen to educate our kids in what most would consider an "unconventional way". We've made this decision carefully and prayerfully and bear the daily responsibility of our choice, which can feel weighty in and of itself.  But often, on top of that, there are outside pressures that bear down on us and can drain the life right out of us AND our homeschool journey. I've been receiving an unusual amount of messages and emails from moms who are feeling burdened by two main pressures: government regulations/state requirements and push back from friends and family.  Because of that, I feel like God wanted me to bring encouragement in those specific areas. Praying that this podcast will lift any unnecessary burdens and bring joy back into this very special calling!

 Encouraging A Growth Mindset (Podcast 46) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:10

I am so thrilled to have Dan Marcone (M.A., LMHC and Clinical Supervisor for Seasons Counseling) back on the podcast! Today Dan is sharing about the importance and how to's of encouraging a growth mindset in our kids!  A growth mindset is a mental attitude that determines how we interpret and respond to things like challenges, obstacles, effort, criticism and the success of others.  Do we have failure resistance?  Why is it SO important to encourage a growth mindset in our kids AND ourselves? We are feeling creatures that think, not thinking creatures that feel, so we MUST address our kids' emotional needs FIRST.   Listen in on the whys and hows of that in today's podcast! (Resources listed in the post at

 Essentials In Early Education With Cheryl Bastian (Podcast 45) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:07:41

We all want our kids to have a great start to their education, but what does that REALLY look like?Cheryl Bastian is a homeschooling mom to eight kids ages 3-29 and has worked in the early education field for many, many years. She is a wealth of information and encouragement!We will be talking about what's really important for early education along with simple ways to recognize common potential learning problems. (Resources mentioned are listed on this post at

 Parenting With Confidence In A World Gone Mad (Podcast 44) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:38

As parents, it can be easy to become disoriented in our parenting...even more so for homeschooling parents!  We are with our kids 24/7 and in the daily busyness of trying to educate our children, we can forget that we are called FIRST to make disciples.  But what does that look like?  What tools do we need to orient our families toward that? We are called as Christian parents to hold out the Gospel to our children.  What does that look like? What are the most important things to remember as we disciple our kids?  What does it mean to bring up our children in the "training and instruction of the Lord"? BECAUSE we spend so much time with our kids, we have a unique, God-given, opportunity to do just that!  Listen in to hear some simple principles from God's Word that will help you parent with confidence! (Free audiobook offer listed on the notes to this podcast at

 Homeschooling Preparing Our Kids For The Job Market (Podcast 43) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:39

Higher education is changing and today we are talking about why homeschooling is truly the BEST way to prepare our kids for what's ahead. My guest today is Lolita, a marketing associate at Praxis, an apprenticeship program that helps young people launch their careers without college.  We are talking about project-based learning and why it can be such a great place to homeschool from. Lolita is a huge fan of homeschooling and was homeschooled herself!  She is passionate about encouraging homeschooling parents because she believes homeschooling is not just another education alternative, but an optimal choice when it comes to truly preparing our kids for the future.(Resources mentioned in the podcast can be found at

 Answering Your Questions: Part 2 (Podcast 42) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:38

Many of us long for an older mom to help us navigate motherhood, homeschooling, etc. For months I've been collecting questions that YOU have wanted answers to!  We talk about chores, homeschooling, mom guilt (how does it affect our kids), busyness, how our married kids met their spouses and more! There were so many questions, I had to divide this into two podcasts! This is the second part! I also invited our oldest daughter, Brittney to join me.  I love that she can give her perspective as both a mom of littles AND the oldest child of a large homeschooling family! Our prayer is that God will speak to your heart through this question and answer time and that you would hear HIS voice above all others! (Resource links in podcast notes at

 Encouragement For Your Home School Mom Heart (Podcast 41) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:11

Oh, how we need encouragement along the moms, as homeschool moms! The best way I know to encourage moms is to share what God is doing in my own life.  It's been a times overwhelming, but NOTHING good comes easy, right?  There's a lot of goodness in this podcast that I'd love for you to hear! Please listen in and be encouraged! Resources mentioned in the podcast: Please check out The Unhurried Homeschooler Mentoring Course @   Link to song mentioned can be found at in the notes from this podcast post!


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