UNspoiled! The Dresden Files show

UNspoiled! The Dresden Files

Summary: Roshawn is completely unspoiled when it comes to the Dresden Files, and Natasha has read them all! Join them as they discuss the entire series, one chapter at a time!

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  • Artist: UNspoiled! Network
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 Something Borrowed (from Side Jobs) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3589

Credit for this piece of priceless art goes to https://www.deviantart.com/ktobermanns/art/Bob-the-Skull-335328335This week and next week, RoShawn and I will be covering short stories that take place between Dead Beat and Proven Guilty, which while not crucial to the main plot, add a lot of detail and background that serious fans will really love. If you're interested and you haven't already read them, you can pick up Side Jobs here: https://amzn.to/2z47ABZ Next week, we will be doing "Fistful of Warlocks" from Brief Cases, which you can find here: https://amzn.to/2RPmlQi, and the following week will be "AAAA Wizardy", then "I Was A Teenage Bigfoot", both also from Brief Cases. So. It will be a little while before Proven Guilty begins, and I know you all are impatient to get there, but don't bite my head off, okay? This episode, by the way, is a hot mess. RoShawn and I were punchy as hell and you'd think that we were wasted at the way we cannot keep it together for more than ten-minute stretches before bursting into giggles. My apologies, and I hope you enjoy the show anyway.

 Dead Beat- Chapters 40-43 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3471

Hey there, you fine people! I'm here on this the final day of Dead Beat coverage to warn you that next episode we will not be starting Proven Guilty, but instead will be covering the short story "Something Borrowed" from Brief Cases, the collection of Dresden Files short stories. If you haven't already read it, I highly recommend it, and you can find it here! http://ow.ly/4SN330mwmq9This episode, RoShawn and I are slightly more subdued than we have been in the past. There are definitely some aspects of these last chapters that she wasn't happy with, and didn't find satisfying, although there are others that intrigue her. I'm very interested to see what she makes of things with Harry now being part of the Wardens. Thank you all so much for listening, and see you next week!

 Dead Beat- Chapters 40-43 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3471

Hey there, you fine people! I'm here on this the final day of Dead Beat coverage to warn you that next episode we will not be starting Proven Guilty, but instead will be covering the short story "Something Borrowed" from Brief Cases, the collection of Dresden Files short stories. If you haven't already read it, I highly recommend it, and you can find it here! http://ow.ly/4SN330mwmq9This episode, RoShawn and I are slightly more subdued than we have been in the past. There are definitely some aspects of these last chapters that she wasn't happy with, and didn't find satisfying, although there are others that intrigue her. I'm very interested to see what she makes of things with Harry now being part of the Wardens. Thank you all so much for listening, and see you next week!

 Dead Beat- Chapters 37, 38, & 39 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3887

HAPPY HALLOWEEN, lovely listeners! Do I have an episode for you. This is the one where Harry Dresden rides a zombie T-Rex. This is flat-out one of the most memorable scenes in the series, and one of my favorite things about it, is that it doesn't happen until Book 7. It's a really slow burn to get to this point, and by the time we get something so over-the-top, we've been through enough with Harry that we feel like we've really earned this moment. And I mean, let's talk about Butters for a second, because he's really the MVP here, isn't he? He's the beating heart at the center of it all. Heh. I just love that he gets to be so crucial here, and that he remembers how to use basic magic to defend himself, even during some of the most chaotic moments of the series. And lastly, we have Morgan. Oh, shit. Thanks for listening!

 Dead Beat- Chapters 37, 38, & 39 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3887

HAPPY HALLOWEEN, lovely listeners! Do I have an episode for you. This is the one where Harry Dresden rides a zombie T-Rex. This is flat-out one of the most memorable scenes in the series, and one of my favorite things about it, is that it doesn't happen until Book 7. It's a really slow burn to get to this point, and by the time we get something so over-the-top, we've been through enough with Harry that we feel like we've really earned this moment. And I mean, let's talk about Butters for a second, because he's really the MVP here, isn't he? He's the beating heart at the center of it all. Heh. I just love that he gets to be so crucial here, and that he remembers how to use basic magic to defend himself, even during some of the most chaotic moments of the series. And lastly, we have Morgan. Oh, shit. Thanks for listening!

 Dresden Files, Book 7- Dead Beat, Chapters 34, 35, & 36 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4700

It's the chapter we've all been waiting for. Or at the very least, one of the chapters we've all been waiting for. RoShawn thought that she'd gotten hit with quite a wallop at the beginning of this trio of chapters, when Harry gets foiled by Cowl and discovers that Bob the Skull has been stolen, but she was very unprepared for how this was all going to end. She says that she actually had to put down her book and walk away one point because it was just too much. As it turns out, Sheila is not real. Sheila is merely a projection, a hallucination, a vision...call it what you will. Harry has been fooled for half a book by the demon living in his own head, and the lie it is telling him is so convincing that he's almost ready to jump onto a non-existent fire escape to flee from a non-existent fire. Honestly, the whole thing is kind of sad, because Harry really thought that he had met someone who could be special to him, and as much as I didn't really care about Sheila, he deserves some nice happy things in his life. But no, instead Harry gets to find out that this demon is not only far more powerful than he had expected in terms of illusion, but also realizes why so many people were acting strange around him and why Billy the werewolf had that talk with him. So yeah. This is a fun reveal. I hope you all enjoy listening!

 Dresden Files, Book 7- Dead Beat, Chapters 34, 35, & 36 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4700

It's the chapter we've all been waiting for. Or at the very least, one of the chapters we've all been waiting for. RoShawn thought that she'd gotten hit with quite a wallop at the beginning of this trio of chapters, when Harry gets foiled by Cowl and discovers that Bob the Skull has been stolen, but she was very unprepared for how this was all going to end. She says that she actually had to put down her book and walk away one point because it was just too much. As it turns out, Sheila is not real. Sheila is merely a projection, a hallucination, a vision...call it what you will. Harry has been fooled for half a book by the demon living in his own head, and the lie it is telling him is so convincing that he's almost ready to jump onto a non-existent fire escape to flee from a non-existent fire. Honestly, the whole thing is kind of sad, because Harry really thought that he had met someone who could be special to him, and as much as I didn't really care about Sheila, he deserves some nice happy things in his life. But no, instead Harry gets to find out that this demon is not only far more powerful than he had expected in terms of illusion, but also realizes why so many people were acting strange around him and why Billy the werewolf had that talk with him. So yeah. This is a fun reveal. I hope you all enjoy listening!

 Dead Beat- Chapters 31, 32 & 33 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5454

Hey everyone! So it's time for the next installment of The Dresden Files, and this time Harry makes a bit of a boo boo. I mean, it's not his fault. Obviously. Cowl was there to fuck his shit up. But that does not change the fact that the Wild Hunt is now loose in Chicago, and technically Harry was the one to bring it here. well, to bring him here; Der Erlking is nobody to fuck with.Speaking of people who are not to be fucked with, the Red Court has caused such devastation that the war is all but over. There are still the senior council members of the White Council left, but for Chrissakes, they ask Harry to join up. Literal thousands of people died as collateral damage in an attack using sarin gas, and it's really so brutal that it's hard to wrap your head around. I hope that you all enjoy the episode, and I will see you soon with a new one!

 Dead Beat- Chapters 31, 32 & 33 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5454

Hey everyone! So it's time for the next installment of The Dresden Files, and this time Harry makes a bit of a boo boo. I mean, it's not his fault. Obviously. Cowl was there to fuck his shit up. But that does not change the fact that the Wild Hunt is now loose in Chicago, and technically Harry was the one to bring it here. well, to bring him here; Der Erlking is nobody to fuck with.Speaking of people who are not to be fucked with, the Red Court has caused such devastation that the war is all but over. There are still the senior council members of the White Council left, but for Chrissakes, they ask Harry to join up. Literal thousands of people died as collateral damage in an attack using sarin gas, and it's really so brutal that it's hard to wrap your head around. I hope that you all enjoy the episode, and I will see you soon with a new one!

 Dead Beat- Chapters 28, 29, 30 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4025

This episode has one thing happen that RoShawn and I don't really care about (a make-out session with Shiela), something we mildly care about (a discussion about life without death between Harry and Kumori), and something we care deeply about (finding out that the White Council isn't doing so hot). There's a lot happening here and the degrees of relevance to the main plot are difficult to distinguish at this point. I'm really curious about what you all thought about the talk that Harry and Kumori have, because goddamn did that shit irritate me. Hello, rational person here! Setting aside that the concept of death is a totally necessary counterbalance to life, what about the impractical nature of ceaseless growth? Ugh I got so mad, y'all. And then there's the reintroduction of Donald (hah!) Morgan, whom I have not missed in the slightest. He's accompanied by THREE fucking Wardens, and they are here to give Harry a cloak to swell their ranks to an impressive five. Uh oh. Thanks so much for listening, and I will see you soon with a new episode!

 Dead Beat- Chapters 28, 29, 30 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4025

This episode has one thing happen that RoShawn and I don't really care about (a make-out session with Shiela), something we mildly care about (a discussion about life without death between Harry and Kumori), and something we care deeply about (finding out that the White Council isn't doing so hot). There's a lot happening here and the degrees of relevance to the main plot are difficult to distinguish at this point. I'm really curious about what you all thought about the talk that Harry and Kumori have, because goddamn did that shit irritate me. Hello, rational person here! Setting aside that the concept of death is a totally necessary counterbalance to life, what about the impractical nature of ceaseless growth? Ugh I got so mad, y'all. And then there's the reintroduction of Donald (hah!) Morgan, whom I have not missed in the slightest. He's accompanied by THREE fucking Wardens, and they are here to give Harry a cloak to swell their ranks to an impressive five. Uh oh. Thanks so much for listening, and I will see you soon with a new episode!

 Dead Beat- Chapters 25, 26, & 27 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4003

Hey you! I'm so late! This episode was supposed to post this morning to iTunes, but due to a very busy weekend and celebrating my birthday on Monday, I fell dreadfully behind so please forgive me. There will still be a missing WestWorld episode for those who may have missed the Facebook post or Twitter message about it, due to RoShawn and I needing a mental health day due to...current events. This episode is a bit of calm before more storming (speaking of storms, there's some nice atmosphere in this episode as RoShawn's mic picks up all the thunder happening outside) and Harry gets to celebrate his birthday. Kind of. At the very least, he gets a nap and a little time in a virtual hot tub. That's not so bad, right? I mean sure, there's a fallen angel there the whole time, but...nothing's perfect. Thanks so much for listening, and I will see you soon with the next episode of Doctor Who!

 Dead Beat- Chapters 25, 26, & 27 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4003

Hey you! I'm so late! This episode was supposed to post this morning to iTunes, but due to a very busy weekend and celebrating my birthday on Monday, I fell dreadfully behind so please forgive me. There will still be a missing WestWorld episode for those who may have missed the Facebook post or Twitter message about it, due to RoShawn and I needing a mental health day due to...current events. This episode is a bit of calm before more storming (speaking of storms, there's some nice atmosphere in this episode as RoShawn's mic picks up all the thunder happening outside) and Harry gets to celebrate his birthday. Kind of. At the very least, he gets a nap and a little time in a virtual hot tub. That's not so bad, right? I mean sure, there's a fallen angel there the whole time, but...nothing's perfect. Thanks so much for listening, and I will see you soon with the next episode of Doctor Who!

 Dead Beat- Chapters 22, 23, & 24 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4415

POLKA WILL NEVER DIE!Poor Butters in this section, amirite? The dude gets yanked out a basement window by his HAIR by a horde of zombies, beaten up by a dark wizard, and then forced to endure a soulgaze he will never be capable of forgetting with said wizard. All in all, it has been a pretty crappy day. Meanwhile, Harry isn't faring so much better. His confidence in his magic –at least in his FIRE magic– has taken a hit, plus he's injured and exhausted. So maybe we can forgive Thomas for taking some liberties with Harry's medications? Because this dude wasn't gonna slow down, and that would have done everyone more harm than good. When this section leaves off, the city is shrouded in darkness as the Corpse-taker and Grevane battle it out in the street, using zombies and ghosts for armies. I think its safe to say that things are starting to get way WAY out of hand. Thanks so much for listening, and see you next week!

 Dead Beat- Chapters 22, 23, & 24 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4415

POLKA WILL NEVER DIE!Poor Butters in this section, amirite? The dude gets yanked out a basement window by his HAIR by a horde of zombies, beaten up by a dark wizard, and then forced to endure a soulgaze he will never be capable of forgetting with said wizard. All in all, it has been a pretty crappy day. Meanwhile, Harry isn't faring so much better. His confidence in his magic –at least in his FIRE magic– has taken a hit, plus he's injured and exhausted. So maybe we can forgive Thomas for taking some liberties with Harry's medications? Because this dude wasn't gonna slow down, and that would have done everyone more harm than good. When this section leaves off, the city is shrouded in darkness as the Corpse-taker and Grevane battle it out in the street, using zombies and ghosts for armies. I think its safe to say that things are starting to get way WAY out of hand. Thanks so much for listening, and see you next week!


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