John Marty show

John Marty

Summary: Hi! I'm John, A few years ago I landed at Amazon as a Product Manager. My mission is to help you land your dream job at a big tech company too! On this channel I share LinkedIn tips, career advice, and a little bit of personal development.


 How To Improve Self Esteem - How I Lost And Regained My Self Esteem | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 7:35

Today, I’d like to share a story of a time in 2012 when I experienced a real drop in self esteem and tell you what I did to get it back. My goal is to break down what's going on behind the scenes with social media and share a perspective that hopefully puts you on a path to achieving a better sense of self worth. We're constantly exposed to images of extreme wealth or people that seem to have it all on social media and when we see it enought it rewires our brain into believing we'll never be enough. That's what happened to me when I was living in Miami, but I did two things that got me back on track. Equipment that I use in how to improve self esteem Camera: Canon T6i with 18-55mm kit lens Lighting Kit What program I use to edit videos? • Adobe Illustrator CC • Adobe Premier Pro CC I have a subscription to Adobe Creative cloud. (Student/teacher pricing is $19.99 a month and a regular monthly subscription is $49.99 a month). I highly recommend the creative cloud because you get access to all the adobe creative programs as well as all the latest updates)

 How To Change Your Life - What Can Groundhog Day Teach Us? | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 5:14

Groundhog Day is a great movie, but it also teaches us one of life's greatest lessons......that we have the power to shape our own reality. Bill Murry plays the character of a weatherman that’s sent to cover a story about phil the groundhog in Pennsylvania . Bill hates his co-workers, he’s rude,and disrespectful, but he quickly finds out that he’s forced to live the same day over and over. For a while Bill goes off the deep end, and fights his circumstances, but after a while he starts looking for deeper meaning. References for how to change your life Equipment that I use in my videos: Camera: Canon T6i with 18-55mm kit lens Lighting Kit What program I use to edit videos? • Adobe Illustrator CC • Adobe Premier Pro CC I have a subscription to Adobe Creative cloud. (Student/teacher pricing is $19.99 a month and a regular monthly subscription is $49.99 a month). I highly recommend the creative cloud because you get access to all the adobe creative programs as well as all the latest updates) How to change your life

 How To Motivate Yourself To Workout - And The Secret To Increasing Willpower | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 6:59

We always have the best intentions to workout consistently and reach our fitness goals, but after a while we sabotage ourselves and give up. Why do we give up when we know that reaching our fitness goals is so important? In this video I'd like to take you on a journey to understand what willpower is, how to get more of it by understanding how Starbucks trains their employees to increase their willpower, and I’ll close with 5 tips on how to motivate yourself to go to the gym consistently and reach your fitness goals. References: Duhigg, Charles. The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business. New York: Random House, 2012. Print. Ayal, Nir. "The Way You Think About Willpower Is All Wrong." Time. Time, 29 Nov. 2019. Web. 14 Dec. 2016. Youtube clips used: Equipment that I use in my videos: Camera: Canon T6i with 18-55mm kit lens Lighting Kit Rode Video Mic Me What program I use to edit videos? • Adobe Illustrator CC • Adobe Premier Pro CC I have a subscription to Adobe Creative cloud. (Student/teacher pricing is $19.99 a month and a regular monthly subscription is $49.99 a month). I highly recommend the creative cloud because you get access to all the adobe creative programs as well as all the latest updates)

 Arrogance - What Kanye West Can Teach Us About Insecurity And Arrogance | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 6:00

Arrogance - What Kanye West Can Teach Us About Insecurity And Arrogance

 Is College Worth It? - A Business School Grad Perspective | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 6:27

This video is a business school graduate's perspective on whether or not college is worth in 2017. I'll break down three categories of colleges, what they do for you, and provide a couple alternatives to college. The decision to go to college or not is a lot harder to make today than it was in the past. College used to guarantee that you'd get a good job, but today that's not exactly the case anymore. There are so many cheap online courses out there that, in many cases, provide a better education than traditional college. Unfortunately, if you'r trying to go down a traditional career path, free or relatively inexpensive courses don't hold any weight with HR managers. My hope in this video is that you takeaway a perspective that College is not the only answer. College give you options in an extremely competitive job market. So Is College worth it? Check out a couple resources below to get you started. Here are some resources to help get you started: Trade School Directories: Top paying Trade school grad jobs 2016 Top 3 highest paying Trade school jobs: Dental Hygienist - Median pay—$72,330 Top pay—$98,440 or more Job growth—19 percent Diagnostic Medical Songrapher Median pay—$68,970 Top pay—$97,390 or more Job growth—26 percent Registered Nurse Median pay—$67,490 Top pay—$101,630 or more Job growth—16 percent Software Development bootcamps: (This is the dev school I went to) Many of the students I graduated with got AWESOME JOBS ($80K-$90K +) and a few of them hadn't even graduated college! If you want to go to a dev bootcamp call the school you are interested in and ask to speak with a couple graduates. Also Ask what the placement rate is after graduation and where students are landing jobs. This is a list of some of the top dev bootcamps across the country Articles on College Graduate Median Salary: Equipment that I use in my videos: Camera: Canon T6i with 18-55mm kit lens Lighting Kit Rode Video Mic Me What program I use to edit videos? • Adobe Illustrator CC • Adobe Premier Pro CC I have a subscription to Adobe Creative cloud. (Student/teacher pricing is $19.99 a month and a regular monthly subscription is $49.99 a month). I highly recommend the creative cloud because you get access to all the adobe creative programs as well as all the latest updates)

 How To Break Bad Habits - According To Science | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 4:36

Changing a bad habit is the cornerstone of self improvement, but most people find it incredibly difficult to do because they’ve been told to focus on the wrong things. In this video I'll break down the three parts of a habit according to science, show you how to break a bad habit and close with tips on keeping bad habits from coming back. I recently read the power of habit by Charles Duhigg and I wanted to share a couple lessons I learned about habit formation, how to break bad habits, and how to keep them from coming back once and for all. Every habit can be broken down into a three step process of cue, routine and reward. The cue is essentially a trigger that sends your brain into autopilot, this cue can be anything from a time of day to a location, to someone around you or maybe even a behavioral pattern. The second part of the habit loop is the “routine,”. And the last stage is the “reward,”. The reward stage is when your brain determines whether or not the routine is worthy of remember or not. If the routine has a strong cue and reward the routine becomes a habit. So if that was hard to follow Let me paint a real word example of this. Let’s say you have a meeting every day around 10am where an alarm goes off on your phone. This is your Cue. After the meeting is over you travel to the break room to buy and eat a cookie. This is your routine, but the reward may not necisarily be obvious at first. The reward is something that the routine accomplishes. Maybe the cookie satisfies your hunger, maybe it satisfies being low on energy, or gives you an opportunity to talk to a friend. This habit starts out as a conscious and deliberate activity, but overtime the process becomes more and more automatic largely for the sake of energy efficiency, The author of the power of habit says that The cue and reward become intertwined until a powerful sense of anticipation and craving emerges. In the case of the 10am meeting the cue of your alarm reminder going off would immediately trigger your craving. No wonder it’s so hard to break bad habits. Over the years we’ve been told by experts that to break a bad habit we need to fix the routine. people would instruct you to Stop eating that cookie every day, but in fact it’s the cue and the reward in the habit loop that influence the habit itself. If you identify and focus on your cues and rewards you can insert a new routine and eliminate the craving altogether. Step 1 to eliminate a bad habit is to Identify the cue, routine, and reward. The cue might be fairly obvious if your looking for it but remember it could be be anything from a time of day to a location, to someone around you or maybe even a specific behavioral pattern. The routine will be obvious. Eating the cookie, but the reward might take a little critical thinking. You want to try and determine if eating the cookie satisfying hunger, gives you a pick-me-up from being tired, or something else. Step 2, insert a new routine to eliminate the craving altogether. Once you’ve successfully identified the elements of your habit loop you can insert a new routine to eliminate the craving altogether. If you identified your reward as satisfying hunger, you could simply bring a banana to work and over time the new positive habit will emerge. So how long does it take to create a new habit? Some studies point to 21 days, some say 66 days and other people have said longer. I think it’s probably safe to say the evidence isn’t conclusive. Regardless of how long it takes your chance of success for eliminating bad habits will be drastically improved if you follow this two step process. I'll also show you two ways to keep a bad habit from coming back near the end of the video. I hope this information helps! References The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg: This is a really great read not just for understanding your own habits but to understand how companies can apply this science to consumer behavior.

 How To Get A Job - 6 Unconventional Steps To Finding A Job | And One Little Secret | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 12:08

In this video I want to teach you an unconventional 6 step approach to landing an awesome job with little competition. This approach can be used by anyone from college students to people the are currently unemployed or someone that wants to make a career transition. We're taught that we should apply online for jobs that look like a good fit, but research shows that each job get's between 100-200+ applicants making it really hard to stand out from the crowd. So what can we do? I went through some serious struggles looking for a job a few years ago. I applied to over 100 jobs and got ZERO calls. I spent a few months working out a different strategy, a strategy that flooded me with interviews and offers. It's a method of uncovering the 80% of jobs that aren’t even listed and the best part is…..You may not even need to compete with anyone! I hope this video can help anyone out there struggling to find a job. How To Get A Job - 6 Unconventional Steps To Finding A Job | And One Little Secret References Songs Ayokay - Kings of Summer ft. Quinn XCII Heights by Shallou Equipment that I use in my videos: Camera: Canon T6i with 18-55mm kit lens Lighting Kit What program I use to edit videos? • Adobe Illustrator CC • Adobe Premier Pro CC I have a subscription to Adobe Creative cloud. (Student/teacher pricing is $19.99 a month and a regular monthly subscription is $49.99 a month). I highly recommend the creative cloud because you get access to all the adobe creative programs as well as all the latest updates)

 Mike Rowe - Don't Follow Your Passion?? & The Precious Little Snowflake? | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 6:48

We’re told all the time to follow our passion, but should we really? Mike Rowe from the hit TV show Dirty Jobs says that following your passion is a bad idea. In this video I’ll reveal research from Harvard that back’s up Mike Rowe’s claims, and I’ll discuss the two origins of passion as well as provide a slightly different way of looking at following passion. The phrase follow your passion has been woven into so many college commencement speaches and although it's inspiring, Mike Rowe points out that it could be a trap. Some young adults hone in one one passion and then try to find the perfect job to match that passion out of the gate without having an open mind. They set these huge expectations about how their career should be and become dissapointed when they start to struggle. If you do this and you set these types of expectations, the minute you struggle or face adversity your gonna think to yourself this can’t possibly be my passion because I should love what im passionate about...... and this is a big trap as Mike Rowe points out. References Harvard Original article “Solving Gen-Y’s Passion Problem Harvard article summary “Solving Gen-Y’s Passion Problem INC – What You Can Learn About Career Satisfaction From A Hospital Janitor INC – The Enormous Cost Of Unhappy Employees Angela Duckworth Grit Book Mike Rowe youtube Video on not following your passion Mike Rowe Ted Talk Equipment that I use in my videos: Camera: Canon T6i with 18-55mm kit lens Lighting Kit What program I use to edit videos? • Adobe Illustrator CC • Adobe Premier Pro CC I have a subscription to Adobe Creative cloud. (Student/teacher pricing is $19.99 a month and a regular monthly subscription is $49.99 a month). I highly recommend the creative cloud because you get access to all the adobe creative programs as well as all the latest updates)

 First Impression Advice 6 Tips To Make An Unforgettable First Impression | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 6:37

In this video I'll provide you 6 tips to make an unforgettable first impression that can be used for any encounter from a job interview to a date to a meeting with a potential client. All of which are backed by research. At the end of the video I’ll also reveal one thing you should never do when trying to make a great first impression. According to a Princeton University study in 2006 it only takes 1/10th of a second to make a snap judgement of someone’s trustworthiness and attractiveness based on facial appearance alone. It's crazy to think how quickly people make first impressions of us! What I found most fascinating about doing research on the topic of making a great first impression was that it's actually hard for people to make snap judgements on Competence. Humans only tend to care about trustworthiness at first to quickly determine friend or foe. This is likely a built in survival mechanism. I think one of the key takeaways of this video if your trying to make a first impression for a job interview is to not worry so much about showing off your skills. What really matters is creating an emotional connection thought small talk where both parties have common ground. Interestingly, when I went to software development school our teachers kept telling us that the people who got great jobs weren't the ones that had the most skill....they were the ones that you could envision sharing a beer with. Looks like the research confirms this! Skills can be taught, but the emotional connection is the primary concern. Some of my references: Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges Changing faces: We can look more trustworthy, but not more competent Universal dimensions of social cognition: warmth and competence Susan T. Fiske1 , Amy J.C. Cuddy2 and Peter Glick3,%20fiske,%20cuddy,%20glick,%20TiCS.pdf Amy Cuddy First Impression: Equipment that I use in my videos: Camera: Canon T6i with 18-55mm kit lens Lighting Kit What program I use to edit videos? • Adobe Illustrator CC • Adobe Premier Pro CC I have a subscription to Adobe Creative cloud. (Student/teacher pricing is $19.99 a month and a regular monthly subscription is $49.99 a month). I highly recommend the creative cloud because you get access to all the adobe creative programs as well as all the latest updates)

 Believing Is Seeing – Your Beliefs Shape What You See | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 5:43

In this video I’ll illustrate that believing is seeing; that what we believe and what we value creates a highly subjective visual fabrication of our reality. You have the power to shape your reality.believing is seeing I’ll use a simple example of my recent car buying process to highlight two main points around the concept of "believing is seeing" The first is that our brains create stereotypes for everything around us based on our beliefs, our values, and our pre-wired survival mechanisms. These stereotypes have enormous power over our lives and they can be largely subconscious. The second is that as soon as we associate value to something it we tend to see it everywhere, but before we associate value to something it’s almost impossible to see. Lastly, I’ll present an experiment to illustrate that our eyes have an enormous blind spot, but we don’t notice it because our brains fill in the missing information with your surroundings. I hope that after watching this video you’ll understand that you have the power to shape your reality – “Believing is seeing” what reality are you creating for yourself? seeing is not believing.....BELIEVING IS SEEING. Books/Article references and recommendations Equipment that I use in my videos: Camera: Canon T6i with 18-55mm kit lens Lighting Kit What program I use to edit videos? • Adobe Illustrator CC • Adobe Premier Pro CC I have a subscription to Adobe Creative cloud. (Student/teacher pricing is $19.99 a month and a regular monthly subscription is $49.99 a month). I highly recommend the creative cloud because you get access to all the adobe creative programs as well as all the latest updates)

 Self Awareness - Increase Self Awareness By Answering These Three Questions | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 6:46

Self Awareness - Increase Self Awareness By Answering These Three Questions

 Life is Precious - A True Story About a Man Mamed Fredrick | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 2:34

Life is Precious - A True Story About a Man Mamed Fredrick

 How To Be Happy - One Simple Trick To Be Happier Today | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 4:02

How To Be Happy - One Simple Trick To Be Happier Today

 Starting A Business - 3 Common Misconceptions - | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 4:59

Starting A Business - 3 Common Misconceptions -

 FIxed Vs Growth Mindset - Why Is It So Important To Have A Growth Mindset?? | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 7:07

FIxed Vs Growth Mindset - Why Is It So Important To Have A Growth Mindset??


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