Quite Frankly show

Quite Frankly

Summary: A Nightly Show for Current Events, History, Culture, Comedy, and The Great Beyond. LIVE Mon-Fri, 7pm ET, on QuiteFrankly.tv

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 "New Year, New Congress, Same Old Hitler" 1/3/17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:46

It's Tuesday, January 3rd, and it's the first show of the New Year; not because I wanted to officially 'observe' the holiday on Monday, but because I was sick as a dog, since Saturday afternoon. Over the course of the New Years weekend I did get a chance to watch a few extra things on Netflix, in my diminished, delirious state. So, we talk a little about the Mariah Carey incident, and then onto what I took away from 'Look Who's Back' (2015), a comedy that Matt has been suggesting for a couple of weeks now. This opens up a long train of thoughts about Europe, the US, Hitler, the media, and much more. Then on to the defeats that await democrats in the Senate due to their own willingness to auction the farm away for temporary satisfaction. It was a good show back. I'll be at 90% tomorrow, and then hopefully 100% by Thursday, which will be the last show of this week as well. Watch the full episode and subscribe to the live channel here: https://youtu.be/-jwUfdh_aC4

 "Psychic Readings and Hope for the New Year" 12/29/16 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:22:04

We are putting a fork into the regular programming for 2016. Tremendous ride. High energy ride. And tonight is a real walk in the park. Sam from The Current Year Report is our first caller of the night and we laugh to ourselves about the tomfoolery going on in the political media world, including some thoughts on today's sanctioning of Russian diplomats by Barack Obama. Then we have a smooth second half with psychic readings by GadgetDoc, a call from JonnyVroom, and more. "You're going to have to listen to it to find out what's inside of it," -Nancy Pelosi Watch the full episode and subscribe to the live channel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CYwsRLFMV0

 "Trump Voters Banned from Hawaii Restaurant and Why It's Great" 12/28/16 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:11

This one felt really good. The first half of the show was a great relief of a dump on the ongoing internet battle over who gets to control the way people remember Carrie Fisher—with a concentration on the recent attack on Steve Martin...yes, people have found a way to demonize Steve Martin. After that hurricane abates, we move onto the state of Hawaii, where a cafe` has banned Trump voters for being Nazis. I'm sure you know where this conversation went. After our thank yous we get some good news about Gene Therapy and one little girl's miraculous recovery from Leukemia. And finally we end on a grateful note. Tomorrow is the last broadcast of 2016. It has been another year of hard work and unbreakable spirit. Can't wait to cast off into the future with you all. Watch the full episode and subscribe to the live channel here: https://youtu.be/6Dk6L_YjlV4

 "A Princess Dies" 12/27/16 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:59

We open up with the news the country had already been marinating in: Carrie Fisher is gone; dead, at 60. Life, Death, Coping, Social Media, and all of the unanswered questions in between; plus a talk with GadgetDoc about the metaphysical, soulmates, and his near-death experience. In the second half of the show we talk about genetic engineering and its relation to social engineering. See you tomorrow night on the Wednesday night edition. Watch the full episode and subscribe to the live channel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUJ7xtMwybk

 "Christmas, George Michael, and Obama Would've Won" 12/26/16 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:16:07

I was trying to decide whether or not I wanted to get on air tonight, but ultimately I did. It was good to see a lot of people in the chat on the day after Christmas, which is always a really draggy day of the year; and in New York it was compounded by a cold rain. We talk a little Christmas, and a little Tumblr recasting legendary films to fit diversity quotas, and just a touch of George Michael. Max calls in to talk about the astronomical evidence used to narrow down the more realistic day and time of Jesus' birth, so that was fun to listen to. Then we finally hit up the NDAA 2017 and what was slipped in as the first legislative salvo fired in what will become the War on Fake News. I promise you this. This rest of the week is going to be light, and odd news, and calls, and other stuff. As Gadgetdoc pointed out, we have been going hard all year, every night, and it is time to recharge. We're all tired of the same shit. So, we'll have fun until Thursday and we'll take Friday night off to seal up 2016 and throw it into the vault. Watch the full episode and subscribe to the live channel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5P48wdaWLwg

 'Carrie Fisher and Marrying Robots' 12/23/16 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:40:21

It's Friday night, December 23rd, and we are live from the Facebook fan page once again. In this episode we pick up on the heels of news that Carrie Fisher had suffered cardiac arrest 15 minutes prior to her London-LAX flight touched down; with more than ten minutes spend without air, it is uncertain where this will all lead. *Update: At the time of this broadcast the second wave of updates came in, reporting that Fisher was in stable condition. This was denied by Carrie's brother Saturday morning; she is still in critical condition, in ICU.* Other topics of conversation: how did your parents discipline you, and how were relations with your siblings around Christmas time? Then onto more devlopments in the world of having sex with things that aren't alive: Should human being start considering what marriage to Robots could be like? Toward the end of this short broadcast, I put some of my own thoughts in frame on how technology has already made it impossible for some of us to accept new information or different perspective...what happens to our ability to develop real human relationships when we begin to have more interaction with robots that are programmed to be perfect? Watch the full episode and subscribe to the live channel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPJ_kj5RnJc&feature=youtu.be

 "Adam Saleh is a Confirmed Liar and More College Lunatics" 12/22/16 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:07

Oh what a mood I was in tonight. Watch the full episode here if you dare...tomorrow I'll be much calmer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLHV5Z94cos

 "Adam Saleh's Christmas Publicity Campaign, Europe, and more." 12/21/16 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:16:58

This was another good one. We start off with Adam Saleh's lifetime worth of using ethnicity to antagonize people, and the gold mine of publicity he's recently discovered. Why we should believe the boy who cried bigot? We talk a lot about balance in this show again, and how imbalanced perspectives are a key contributor to radical behavior. But in the second half we also talk about Europe's migrant crisis, and an update from Germany, where the details from the latest attack are still coming in. This hit on a lot of key points. To the close the show we have Jerry Lewis' hilariously awkward interview with The Hollywood Reporter, and a little bit of Trey Gowdy. No calls tonight, but the chat room was alive and well. Watch the Full Episode and Subscribe to the Live Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sOG-jLdK1g

 "MTV's 2017 Resolutions for White Guys and other Cringey Things" 12/20/16 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:21:24

It was a good one tonight, with good calls, and a little overtime. The Election is FINALLY over, with the tallying of the Electoral Votes it is now impossible to Stump the Trump lol But still, Hillary Clinton loses again...literally. She had 8 Electoral Defections. Then we hit the MTV 2017 Resolutions for White Guys video. That was fun, and then it lead to Robot Sex and Lena Dunham. Calls from Stefanie Evil and Perry were the jewels of the night. The chat room was hot like fire, too. Thank you for listening! Become a patron on Patreon.com/QuiteFrankly | Share the show with a friend! Watch the full episode and subscribe to the live channel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgRUpQfq3ls

 "Ambassador Assassinated in Turkey; Hope Assassinated in US" 12/19/16 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:34:01

This was a good one, with a half hour of overtime. We start with the assassination of the Russian Ambassador to Turkey, which leads us to Syria and SALON's latest up-chuck article for the feeble-minded. Then, we ponder what 'Hope' means to Michelle Obama. We take a break with a Bill Whittle video, and on the other side of that break, Vulture's article on whether or not Donnie Yen's Star Wars character is the Gay Chosen One. Then we look at pictures from my father's Christmas party. See you tomorrow night! Watch the Full Episode and Subscribe to the Live Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKnHgZGvLlw

 'Star Wars Talk with Vinny Brusco' 12/16/16 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:46:47

A Friday Night Facebook Special packed with first thoughts and reviews of Star Wars: Rogue One——minus major plot spoilers. So fair warning: If you were looking for headlines and other stuff, we took the night off. Good friend, Vinny Brusco, joins the show to geek out with me, and I had a blast. Have to have Vinny on more often. We'll also do a lot more Star Wars talk as time goes on and we can get into specifics without ruining it for people. Have a good weekend!

 "Climate Change and Star Wars Opening Night" 12/15/16 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:43

Description will come tomorrow! On my way to see Rogue One! Watch the full episode and subscribe to the live channel here; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIvAInnttLg

 "The History of Contested Elections. feat. Professor Lawson Bowling" 12/14/16 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:16:45

Tonight we're joined by Professor Lawson Bowling, and we start talking a little bit about the History of Contested Election and Faithless Voters. A little bit of World War I, World War II, China, Russia, NATO, and more. Short description tonight, I'm beat. Thursday night's show will be a great one, as it will be one of the last things I do before heading over to catch the premiere of Star Wars: Rogue Feminist One. Watch the full episode and subscribe to the live channel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkziF6Qwo0g

 "Dr. Cali Estes, and Kanye West: The NEXT WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY" 12/13/16 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:39:31

The first five minutes of the show is spent trying to make sense of Joy Behar's sudden fear of Communism. At 7:05 we began the process of bringing on Dr. Cali Estes. Hah! It took a few tries, but we finally welcome her back to the show to talk about opiate addiction and a new therapy she is prescribing: Marijuana. The call was a home run from start to finish, seriously. Lots of questions asked and answered. Then we hit on Sex in Movies, and Kanye West visiting Trump Tower. Alex Plitsas joins us a little before the hour marker of the show and we take the temperature. Faithless Electors, Media Spin, his thoughts on the likelihood of Russia being behind Wiki/Dnc leaks, and then a little bit of what Trump is inheriting in Syria. GadgetDoc comes on the end the show to offer up some additional thoughts on Syria, NATO, and setting the table for tomorrow's show broadcast with Professor Lawson Bowling. It's History night tomorrow! Watch the Full Episode & Subscribe to the Live Channel Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beCVB6QByJI

 "Did Donald Trump and the Russians Steal the Election?" 12/12/16 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:29:19

This was a good one. Go balls deep into Russia's alleged involvement with the leaks that woke people up to the monsters who run the DNC, the Clinton Campaign, and the media. Now Electors want to have CIA briefings to decide whether or not people, who were voting willfully, actually voted willfully... Scary times. We cover the latest article written by Alex Plitsas for IJR, and he will be on with us in the second half of tomorrow's show. The first half of tomorrow's show will feature an interview with Dr. Cali Estes, who returns to the show to talk about the use of marijuana to help people kick opiate addiction. In the second half of this show we have awesome calls from Max Ancaporado and GadgetDoc. We talk a little Russia, a little conspiracy, and a little alternate history—which was very fun. A little bit of overtime, and away we go. Good show! Watch the Full Episode & Subscribe to the Live Channel Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRC3S50s68U


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