Summary: The podcast for women of color who affirm their worth, value mental health, and seek wholeness. Biweekly mental health podcast hosted by Davia Roberts, LPC (licensed in WI). *As of October 2019, the AFFIRM podcast has discontinued + will no longer release episodes. Thank you for your support.*

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  • Artist: Redefine Enough + Just Davia
  • Copyright: All rights reserved


 ep 46 *Final Episode* Atatiana Jefferson: Why POCs don't call the police for wellness checks | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:13

In this episode, Davia discusses the heartbreaking death of 28 year old, Atatiana Jefferson of Fort Worth, Texas in what should've been a "simple" wellness check. The episode discusses the details of the shooting, the impact of this form of trauma, and its implications for mental health wellness checks. This is the final public episode of the AFFIRM podcast. It felt necessary to publicly honor Atatiana Jefferson and make space to normalize the grief, anger, and hurt caused by her unnecessary death. While the final season will be released privately to patreon supporters, you may gain access by becoming a patron with a monthly pledge of $4 by signing up at -------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: The information provided throughout podcast, the blog, and email campaigns are resources for educational and informational purposes only and should not take the place of engaging in a professional relationship with a licensed mental health practitioner. Music provided by Nangdo "Cry." Attribution license information:

 ep 45 The Problem With Positive Vibes Only | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:22:31

In episode 45, Davia discusses how using ideology like "Positive Vibes Only" can negatively impact relationships and wellbeing. Take a listen.

 ep 44 *MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT* Knowing when to release and move on | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:30

In this episode, Davia shares the announcement that Redefine Enough will end July 21, 2019 and the farewell fundraiser to raise $5000 to support women of color attending therapy and working towards a degree in counseling. Donate today: She shares her hopes to continue the podcast with the support of 500 patreon supporters by October 1st, 2019. Pledge $4/month at Take a listen for all the details...

 ep 43 Burnout is a real diagnosis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:12:27

In today’s episode, we discuss the news of Burnout being a newly recognized diagnosis in the ICD-11. Davia shares the criteria required for a burnout diagnosis and poses questions for what this diagnosis means for everyone moving forward. Continue the conversation by becoming a patron. Full list of resources for this episode are provided via patreon. Visit for more information. -------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: The information provided throughout podcast, the blog, and email campaigns are resources for educational and informational purposes only and should not take the place of engaging in a professional relationship with a licensed mental health practitioner. Music provided by Nangdo "Cry." Attribution license information:

 ep 42 Here's Why Therapy Isn't Working For You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:16:03

In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, we're talking about therapy and three reasons it may not be working for you. Plus, you'll learn of alternatives to traditional talk therapy which may be key to helping you get "unstuck." Continue the conversation by becoming a patron. Full list of resources for this episode are provided via patreon. Visit for more information. -------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: The information provided throughout podcast, the blog, and email campaigns are resources for educational and informational purposes only and should not take the place of engaging in a professional relationship with a licensed mental health practitioner. Music provided by Nangdo "Cry." Attribution license information:

 Ep 41 Dissociation: Not feeling at home in my body | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:41

With April being Sexual Assault Awareness Month, we are discussing a symptom that many survivors experience: dissociation. As a survivor, it’s common to feel out of alignment with your body but it is possible to find your way back… and that’s the purpose of this episode. In today’s episode, we’ll explore dissociation, depersonalization, and derealization... focusing primarily on dissociation and depersonalization. You are encouraged to take notes or revisit this episode because you’re going to learn a lot! DISCLAIMER: Please only use this information as a tool to educate yourself… not to diagnose yourself. If you think you experience dissociation, please contact a mental health professional. Continue the conversation by becoming a patron. Full list of resources for this episode are provided via patreon. Visit for more information. -------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: The information provided throughout podcast, the blog, and email campaigns are resources for educational and informational purposes only and should not take the place of engaging in a professional relationship with a licensed mental health practitioner. Music provided by Nangdo "Cry." Attribution license information:

 ep 40 Birth Control The Pill & Holistic Alternatives | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:44

Today, we're discussing birth control. The discussion of female reproductive health is highly politicized and while we’re still fighting to have autonomy over access to healthcare for a myriad of reproductive needs… there’s another wellness issue at hand: ...miseducation or a total lack of education about the best options for our bodies. I’m specifically referring to birth control, how it works, and the tons of options that we can use naturally or through medication. Because while women’s bodies are constantly the topic of conversation, many women are sharing how they received very little education about the inner workings of their bodies outside of the “Don’t get pregnant” message pushed by parents, schools, and abstinence programs. This lack of education leads many women to not know how to advocate for their needs or have awareness of different options. And when you don’t know your body and you don’t know your options, you can’t make informed decisions about the right doctors or medications. So today, we’ll be joined by an amazing educator who will help us understand our options and why we need to do our homework. DISCLAIMER: While we’re discussing women’s reproductive health, we are not acting as your doctors. Always seek the advice and support of your physician or other qualified health provided for your particular situation. Now without further ado, I’m glad to share that I’m being joined by Cindy Luquin, a reproductive justice activist and fertility coach. Get full transcript of episode at Continue the conversation by becoming a patron. Full list of resources for this episode are provided via patreon. Visit for more information. -------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: The information provided throughout podcast, the blog, and email campaigns are resources for educational and informational purposes only and should not take the place of engaging in a professional relationship with a licensed mental health practitioner. Music provided by Nangdo "Cry." Attribution license information:

 ep 39 Learning My Body | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:43

From a young age, the female sex is inundated with messages about our bodies. Commentary about body shape and desirability begins early. This scrutiny is particularly emphasized when a young girl's body begins to develop in puberty. This is intensified under the Madonna-Whore complex where women's values are determined by their desirability. This episode focuses on the need to shift from unhealthy societal messages and examine ways to begin a healthier relationship with our body. Take a listen... Today' episode is sponsored by NURX: easy, accessible birth control, home testing, and more. Delivered to your door. Go to and use the code AFFIRM to get a $5 credit for your next order. Continue the conversation by becoming a patron. Visit for more information. -------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: The information provided throughout podcast, the blog, and email campaigns are resources for educational and informational purposes only and should not take the place of engaging in a professional relationship with a licensed mental health practitioner. Music provided by Nangdo "Cry." Attribution license information:

 ep 38 Who Gets To Be A Woman Of Color In Wellness Spaces | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:12

In today's episode, we are joined by special guest, Seher, and we discuss who gets to be a woman of color in wellness spaces. Now the term WOC has risen in popularity in recent years, essentially replacing the term “minority or minority women.” Now, this term is not new, especially when it comes to activist spaces. However, the use of this term has extended beyond activist spaces and has become part of our everyday vernacular. We can see its use in magazine articles, marketing campaigns, and social media. But with that, there seems to be confusion about who this term is actually addressing. Is this term for Black women, Latinas, Asian women, Indigenous women? Who is the term for and who does it benefit? In fact, when I asked the questions “How do you use the term WOC and how do you believe others use it?” I was presented with varying responses. Take a listen and hear what women had to say... Get full transcript of episode at Continue the conversation by becoming a patron. Visit for more information. -------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: The information provided throughout podcast, the blog, and email campaigns are resources for educational and informational purposes only and should not take the place of engaging in a professional relationship with a licensed mental health practitioner. Music provided by Nangdo "Cry." Attribution license information:

 ep 37 Healers For Hire | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:23:59

So in the age of wellness and personal development, a lot of us are seeking information to grow and heal from emotional and physical pain, right? You're looking for someone to show you the way to transform and change your life. And as the demand for that grows, the number of self proclaimed healers seems to skyrocket. So the well intentioned and the flat out scammers all look alike on your Instagram and Twitter feeds. And with so many #healers, it's hard to know who's really in it for the right reasons. So today I want to discuss how the idea of being someone's healer can be problematic, but also cover the range of everything from an unaddressed savior complex to deliberately exploiting people's vulnerability to also recognizing the need for us to take responsibility in our own healing process. And I hope you're ready for that part of it too. So this isn't a "call out" episode but more of a "call in" for all of us. Get full transcript of episode at Continue the conversation by becoming a patron. Visit for more information. -------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: The information provided throughout podcast, the blog, and email campaigns are resources for educational and informational purposes only and should not take the place of engaging in a professional relationship with a licensed mental health practitioner. Music provided by Nangdo "Cry." Attribution license information:

 ep 36 Setting Intentions for 2019 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:13:21

2019 is upon us and instead of New Year's Resolutions... consider setting an intention for 2019. Davia provides you with several journal prompts to begin the process. Take a listen... AFFIRM will return February 2019. In the meantime, leave a 5 star rating on iTunes and binge on previous episodes during the holiday break. Join our mailing list at for updates. And see you in the New Year! -------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: The information provided throughout podcast, the blog, and email campaigns are resources for educational and informational purposes only and should not take the place of engaging in a professional relationship with a licensed mental health practitioner. Music provided by Nangdo "Cry." Attribution license information:

 ep 35 The Healing Process | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:34

Join Davia and Dr. Crystal Jones as they discuss the healing process. For episode notes, visit and learn more about our special guest and resources mentioned in the episode. Enjoyed the episode? Share it with a friend & leave a 5 star review on iTunes. -------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: The information provided throughout podcast, the blog, and email campaigns are resources for educational and informational purposes only and should not take the place of engaging in a professional relationship with a licensed mental health practitioner. Music provided by Nangdo "Cry." Attribution license information:

 Moving Beyond Compassion Fatigue: A special announcement for the helping professionals | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:13

I don't believe you have to suffer in order to your job well. Let's begin Moving beyond the compassion fatigue haze and put the joy back in your career! Sign up for the Moving Beyond Compassion Fatigue online workshop at Enjoyed the episode? Share it with a friend & leave a 5 star review on iTunes. For episode notes, visit and learn more about our special guest and resources mentioned in the episode. Enjoyed the episode? Share it with a friend & leave a 5 star review on iTunes. -------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: The information provided throughout podcast, the blog, and email campaigns are resources for educational and informational purposes only and should not take the place of engaging in a professional relationship with a licensed mental health practitioner. Music provided by Nangdo "Cry." Attribution license information:

 ep 34 Loving me is hard but necessary | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:50:44

Can you remember the first time someone made a hurtful comment about your appearance? If so, this is the perfect episode for you! Take a listen as Dr. Donna Oriowo explores beauty and body image in relation to colorism, internalized racism and white supremacy. Check out her advice on how to make steps towards greater self-acceptance and body love. For episode notes, visit and learn more about our special guest and resources mentioned in the episode. Enjoyed the episode? Share it with a friend & leave a 5 star review on iTunes. -------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: The information provided throughout podcast, the blog, and email campaigns are resources for educational and informational purposes only and should not take the place of engaging in a professional relationship with a licensed mental health practitioner. Music provided by Nangdo "Cry." Attribution license information:

 ep 33 Undocumented But Not Illegal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:45:23

One of the most controversial topics during elections stems around immigration. Tune into today's episode to join Davia and a special guest who shares her story of being an undocumented immigrant to naturalized citizen and doctoral candidate. Learn the nuances of the immigration process and see the connection between identity, self-worth, mental health, and coping skills. For more episode notes, visit and learn more about our special guest. -------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: The information provided throughout podcast, the blog, and email campaigns are resources for educational and informational purposes only and should not take the place of engaging in a professional relationship with a licensed mental health practitioner. Music provided by Nangdo "Cry." Attribution license information:


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