Blunt Force Truth show

Blunt Force Truth

Summary: Emmy-winning Game show legend Chuck Woolery joins forces with polymath and serial entrepreneur Mark Young to tackle the toughest issues of the day, without the usual angry white guy banter. Part talk show, part Ted Talk, Blunt Force Truth features Chuck and Mark exploring topics one at a time by pulling back the curtain, setting aside the political rhetoric and laying out the truth using science, research and hard facts.


 BFT – Weekly Wrap-Up 18-09 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:06

For our weekly wrap-up, we bring you the wit and wisdom of Chuck Woolery as he distills the latest news in short segments of sarcasm, as heard this week on radio stations across the country. This week: Russian Indictments, Google Boycott, Obama Interference, Mueller Indictments and Bill Maher Traitor Talk.

 Going Inside the FBI – an Interview with Jeff Danik – Episode 309 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:13:12

Jeff Danik was a seasoned Special Agent with the FBI, on the podcast to discuss the realities of the organization now. Danik talks about his time in the FBI, addressing some of the politics of getting certain positions in the Bureau. He explains why there are essentially two Federal Bureaus of Investigation, with a huge force of hardworking agents and a smaller group just trying to gain status. They talk about the failure in the organization surrounding the Parkland, Florida, shooting incident, and Danik explains what should have happened and could have been done to prevent the tragedy. They discuss the FISA memo and the transparency issues that happen regularly at the Bureau, as well as the taboo of starting an investigation in the DOJ that might affect an election – like Comey did. He considers how frightening it is that a very small group of powerful, appointed people in the government can wreak such havoc if so determined, and what we need to clean up the mess. Danik sheds some light on the day-to-day practices of the Bureau in terms of diversity and sensitivity training, including the exclusion of Christian groups in the process. About the guest: Former FBI Supervisory Special Agent Jeff Danik retired after a diverse, twenty-eight-year career with the FBI. His assignments included, as a Supervisor and Acting Watch Commander in the FBI’s Counter-Terrorism Division, lengthy tours as the FBI representative to Saudi Arabia and in the Horn of Africa, as well as a two-year assignment as the FBI representative to Kuwait. He holds the unique distinction of serving as an Acting Assistant Agent-in-Charge of both a violent crime and a white-collar crime branch of a major FBI field office. Danik supervised highly successful FBI task force operations in both white-collar crime and violent crime programs. In his final assignment, he had numerous police officers and detectives assigned to him as Task Force Officers. His Task Forces became models recognized by FBI leadership as best practices to be implemented elsewhere in the FBI. He served as a long-time FBI street agent in south Florida and was the lead investigator in kidnapping and bank robbery investigations. Being a former Certified Public Accountant, Danik has an extensive, successful track record of significant federal investigations into stock fraud, public corruption, money laundering, healthcare fraud, government procurement fraud, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and financial institution fraud. He has been named an Outstanding Investigator of the Year on several occasions by the United States Attorney’s Office.  

 Obama’s Interference in Foreign Elections – Episode 308 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:04:06

Chuck and Mark address the idea of Russia tampering in our election, talking through how the Democrats and mainstream media are the ones colluding now to try and bring down Trump with false accusations. The fact is, election interference really is nothing new, and to stop the problem, we must stop it at home. The U.S. has interfered with 81 elections since 1946, and Russia has interfered with 36 that we know of. Chuck and Mark go through the extensive list of elections around the world that the Obama administration specifically meddled in, spending unthinkable amounts of American taxpayer dollars to push nations toward Islam or Socialism. Listen to also hear how George Soros has been funneled government funds to push the liberal agenda in multiple nations. Mark covers the threat in the current State Department because of Obama’s leftover bureaucratic diplomats. They discuss Congressman Bob Goodlatte, Senator Mike Lee and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson as possible hopes for stopping the persistent Obama agenda. For more details on Obama’s interference in other nations, visit  

 BFT – Weekly Wrap-Up 18-08 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:02

For our weekly wrap-up, we bring you the wit and wisdom of Chuck Woolery as he distills the latest news in short segments of sarcasm, as heard this week on radio stations across the country. This week: Hated Companies, Memo, Facebook's Mainstream Algorithm, Cops Denied Service and Racist Hollywood.

 What the Economy Means for our Nation – an Interview with Richard D. Wolff – Episode 307 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:33:12

Richard D. Wolff is a professor of economics who has come on the podcast to discuss current and historical perspectives on the economy, exploring how and why the system we live in generates the economic results we live with. They discuss the difference between neo-classical economics (a celebration of capitalism as the path to making the most people most happy) and Keynesian economics (capitalism is pretty good, but it occasionally falls apart, and the government needs to fix parts of the system). Coming from differing political ideologies and business experiences, they talk about what the U.S. economy follows and have a lively debate what would make for an ideal economic model. Also on the podcast, Chuck and Mark talk about the most recent school shooting and go into the details of who proposed gun-free zones. They talk about how the mainstream media is reshaping facts about the FISA memo, where the facts are barely discussed. The left keeps pushing accusations, when to many of us, the answers are very clear.   About the guest: Richard D. Wolff is Professor of Economics Emeritus, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He is currently a Visiting Professor in the Graduate Program in International Affairs of the New School University in New York. Wolff has also taught economics at Yale University, City University of New York, and the University of Paris I (Sorbonne). His educational background is as follows: Harvard University, BA Magna cum Laude, 1963 Stanford University, MA Economics, 1964 Yale University, MA History, 1967 Yale University, PhD Economics, 1969 Wolff has published many books and articles, both scholarly and popular. In 2012, he published the books Democracy at Work: A Cure for Capitalism (Haymarket Books) and Contending Economic Theories: Neoclassical, Keynesian, and Marxian, with Stephen Resnick (Cambridge, MA, and London: MIT University Press). In 2016, he published Capitalism’s Crisis Deepens (Haymarket Books). He writes regularly for He is the producer and host of the nationally syndicated radio and TV show (one hour weekly): “Economic Update.” Wolff has been interviewed on The Charlie Rose Show, Up With Chris Hayes, Bill Maher’s Real Time, Stuart Varney’s FOX Business News, Amy Goodman’s Democracy Now!, Al Jazeera English, Thom Hartmann, National Public Radio, Alternative Radio, and many other radio and TV programs in the United States and abroad. The New York Times Magazine named him “America’s most prominent Marxist economist.” His work can be accessed at and Wolff lives in New York City with his wife and frequent collaborator, Dr. Harriet Fraad, a practicing mental health counsellor.  

 The Conflict in Israel – an Interview with EJ Kimball – Episode 306 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:23:06

EJ Kimball is the Director of the Israel Victory Project at the Middle East Forum and serves as the President of EJK Strategies, a national security and government relations firm in Washington, DC. EJ is a foreign policy and national security consultant with over 10 years’ experience working in Washington, DC. Kimball clarifies some things about the political and theological conflicts in the Middle East. They talk about the perception of Trump vs. Obama in Israel. They discuss the way liberals talk about Muslims and Jews, and Kimball brings some truth to the concept of peace in Palestine – and how the conflict hasn’t gone away, even if the news has ignored it. Also on the podcast, Chuck and Mark compare the Democratic party to a cult. They talk about North Korea and their very strange, controlled culture, in terms of the way our media seems to approach the country. Is it treasonous? They talk about the Dan Bongino interview on the Mark Levin podcast (listen here) discussing the conspiracy against Trump. About the guest: EJ was the key coordinator and leader on Capitol Hill for all issues related to Islamic terrorism and ideology. He served as Foreign Policy Counsel to US Congresswoman Sue Myrick (NC) and was Staff Director of the Congressional Anti-Terrorism Caucus. Following his time on the Hill, EJ was Director of Government Relations for Jorge Scientific Corporation. EJ most recently served as the Director of US Operations for the Israel Allies Foundation where he built a niche pro-Israel organization into the “go-to” resource on Capitol Hill for pro-Israel and Middle East policy. EJ is also a national security consultant providing training to law enforcement professionals, national security organizations, business groups and religious communities on the nature of the extremist threat and engagement techniques. He graduated from Boston University, earned his Juris Doctor from Western New England College, and received a Master’s degree in International Affairs from the American University School of International Service. He also has a diploma in Islamic Studies from the Fanar, Qatar Islamic Cultural Center, focused on Islamic Law as understood by Salafists. Visit the Middle East Forum here. Follow him on Twitter @KimballEJ and @meforum.

 BFT – Weekly Wrap-Up 18-07 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:06

For our weekly wrap-up, we bring you the wit and wisdom of Chuck Woolery as he distills the latest news in short segments of sarcasm, as heard this week on radio stations across the country. This week: Socialism, Vistaprint and Gays, Dem Liars, Immigration Numbers and California Cancer Coffee.

 Illegal Immigration & Increasing Crime – an Interview with Dr. John R. Lott, Jr. – Episode 305 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:29

Dr. John R. Lott, Jr., is an economist and a world recognized expert on guns and crime. On the podcast, he talks about illegal immigration’s impact on crime in the U.S. They explore statistical evidence that proves how big of a problem this is, based on a recent study in Arizona. They also discuss how the media and Democrats are misrepresenting the problem, including the debates going on in Congress about DACA. They cover the left’s outrageous claims about “school shootings,” often reaching well past the facts for the sake of a sensational story. About the guest: Dr. John R. Lott, Jr., has held research or teaching positions at various academic institutions including the University of Chicago, Yale University, the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, Stanford University, and Rice University, and was the chief economist at the United States Sentencing Commission during 1988-1989. He is currently a contributor to The Hill newspaper and a Fox News columnist. He holds a Ph.D. in economics from UCLA and is currently a contributor to The Hill newspaper and a Fox News columnist. He holds a Ph.D. in economics from UCLA. Lott is a prolific author for both academic and popular publications. He has published over 100 articles in peer-reviewed academic journals and written nine books, including More Guns, Less Crime, The Bias Against Guns, and Freedomnomics. His most recent books are Dumbing Down the Courts: How politics keeps the smartest judges off the bench and The War on Guns. Nobel laureate Milton Friedman noted: “John Lott has few equals as a perceptive analyst of controversial public policy issues.” He has been one of the most productive and cited economists in the world (during 1969 to 2000 he ranked 26th worldwide in terms of quality adjusted total academic journal output, 4th in terms of total research output, and 86th in terms of citations). Among economics, business and law professors his research is currently the 28th most downloaded in the world. He is also a frequent writer of op-eds. Lott is the founder and president of the non-profit Crime Prevention Research Center. To learn more about the organization and read about real gun and crime statistics, visit To follow CPRC on Facebook, go to To follow Lott on Facebook, go to Follow Lott on Twitter @JohnRLottJr.

 Beating the Government Healthcare System – an Interview with Dr. Elaina George – Episode 304 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:33

Dr. Elaina George is a doctor in Atlanta talking us through how Obamacare and government involvement in health care is actually ruining your health. She talks about made-up costs in the hospital and insurance system and the alternatives that exist for people looking for affordable care. Dr. George discusses about the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons and how the price-transparent healthcare model, in a private setting, can benefit us all, vs. falling through the cracks of a huge hospital system. She shows us how paying cash vs. using insurance can empower you, citing The Wedge of Health Freedom as a place to start. She also reveals some shocking aspects of the National Healthcare System in the UK and how it relates to the U.S. system. Listen for some insider tips on how to get better costs for yourself and how to find resources for yourself. Also on the podcast, Mark and Chuck talk about the midterm elections and predict what platforms that Democrats will run on, considering the identity politics at play and single-issue voters. They discuss the filibuster and the nuclear option, as well as who should be held accountable for the investigations going on in Washington. About the guest: Dr. Elaina George is a Board-Certified Otolaryngologist. Her interest in the politics of healthcare and the reform effort have led her to become both a powerful voice for the practicing physician, an advocate for the patient, and a healthcare policy analyst specializing in consumer-driven healthcare solutions. She graduated from Princeton University with a degree in Biology. She received her master’s degree in Medical Microbiology from Long Island University and received her medical degree from Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York. Dr. George completed her residency at Manhattan, Eye Ear & Throat Hospital. Her training included general surgery at Lenox Hill Hospital, pediatric ENT at the NY-Presbyterian Hospital, and head and neck oncology at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. She has published in several scientific journals and presented her research at national meetings. As a solo practitioner in private practice who is also a small business owner, she has a unique perspective on the problems of healthcare delivery, the true costs of healthcare and viable solutions. Dr. George is a recipient of the Patients’ Choice Award in 2008 and 2009. She was recently honored with membership in The Leading Physicians of the World and Who’s Who Top Doctors Honors Edition. She is a member of the National Physicians Council on Healthcare Policy and has been a contributor to a wide variety of websites including,, and Amy Ridenour’s National Center Blog. Dr. George has been a recurring guest discussing a wide range of medical topics from Your World with Neil Cavuto and Newsmax, to appearances on Frances & Friends to discuss the consequences of healthcare reform with a worldwide audience of over 500 million people. She has also been a medical expert on a range of shows including The Bill Cunningham Show, Lions of Liberty, The Barry Farber Show, and The Kev Baker Show. Dr. George hosts her own show, Medicine On Call, a weekly talk show that explores health issues and the politics of medicine on America’s Web Radio and Liberty Radio. She is the author of Big Medicine: The cost of Corporate Control And How Doctors And Patients Working Together Can Rebuild A Better System – a book which explores how the US healthcare system has evolved and explains how patients and doctors can create a healthcare system that is based on the principles of price transparency with the power of the doctor patient relationship. For more information, read Dr. George’s blog and find resources on getting your own best healthcare, visit

 BFT – Weekly Wrap-Up 18-06 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:03

For our weekly wrap-up, we bring you the wit and wisdom of Chuck Woolery as he distills the latest news in short segments of sarcasm, as heard this week on radio stations across the country. This week: Mueller's Titanic Jaw, Straws, Clinton & Population, Veteran's Ad/Super Bowl and Good-Looking Conservatives.

 A Problem Solver for Senate – an Interview with Dr. Kelli Ward – Episode 303 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:51

Dr. Kelli Ward is back on the podcast to talk about running for Jeff Flake’s seat in the U.S. Senate. They talk about the mess that Flake has been creating. They talk about California’s taxes and regulations and how people and businesses are fleeing the state. Dr. Ward talks about the constituents of Arizona wanting a problem solver, while government insiders are opposed to that mentality. They talk about the upcoming course of the Senate race and what she’s facing with the shifting demographics and the money at play. Also on the podcast, Mark and Chuck talk about the Democrats making lying an acceptable platform for their party and how opinion becomes news. They consider this in terms of the Mueller investigation into Russia collusion and the FISA memo. They also talk about the stock market and what the numbers actually mean in terms of the Trump economy. About the guest: As a former physician, Dr. Ward has provided care to her community through her private practice and work in emergency rooms, and she takes the same approach in caring for her constituents in Arizona. Dr. Ward entered politics in 2012 when she ran and won a seat in the Arizona State Senate. While serving two terms in office, Dr. Ward continued to practice medicine in the emergency departments in Lake Havasu City and Kingman, Arizona. During her three years serving in the state legislature, Dr. Ward established a proven track record of passing legislation that supported small businesses, preserved the Second Amendment, decreased the size of government, fought the opioid crisis, protected vulnerable Arizona students and increased school choice. Dr. Ward was one the most effective leaders in the Arizona Senate during her final year in office, getting 19 separate bills through the legislature and to the governor’s desk. In October 2016, Dr. Ward announced that she would run to fill the open seat vacated by retiring Sen. Jeff Flake, one of President Trump’s loudest critics in the U.S. Senate. Dr. Ward believes in defending the Constitution, securing the border, repealing Obamacare, growing the economy and fixing the disastrous VA system for our veterans. Learn more at Follow her on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

 Guided by the Constitution – an Interview with Austin Petersen – Episode 302 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:10:23

Austin Petersen is a Libertarian and Constitutional Conservative running for U.S. Senate in Missouri as Republican against Claire McCaskill. He lays out his stance on a number of controversial policies and current issues, and they talk about what’s wrong with the political system today – as well as how Petersen plans to fight it. They discuss how money plays into politics, and how that has affected the Trump presidency so far. They also consider the media and the major problem of censorship of conservatives on various platforms, in terms of future elections and more. Chuck and Mark explain why this political race in Missouri affects the whole country. About the guest: Austin Petersen is a homegrown Missourian with a lifelong passion for liberty. He grew up on a horse farm in Peculiar, Missouri, and went on to attend Missouri State University, graduating with a degree in the Fine Arts. After developing a career in media in both New York City and Washington, D.C., he returned to Kansas City, MO, the city he now calls home. In 2016, Petersen appeared on the national stage as a candidate for president of the United States. He took second place in the crowded Libertarian primary behind Governor Gary Johnson and ahead of cyber security maverick John McAfee. During his campaign, Petersen earned many high-profile conservative endorsements, including Mary Matalin, Erick Erickson and Leon Wolf of Petersen also brings decades of professional experience in a wide variety of fields, from content production and media to business and political activism. He is the owner and chief executive of Stonegait LLC, a consulting firm specializing in photo and video services. He was also the director of production at FreedomWorks and an associate producer for Judge Andrew Napolitano’s show Freedom Watch on the Fox Business Network. Additionally, Petersen has a national following as a commentator and professional pundit. He is the founder of The Libertarian Republic, a powerful online news source for the public that receives an average of 1 million unique visits monthly and whose podcast, The Freedom Report, receives an average of one million monthly downloads. He is also a frequent contributor on television, appearing on Fox News, Fox Business, CNN, MSNBC and on dozens of local radio shows. Follow him on Facebook: AP4Liberty Follow him on Twitter: @AP4Liberty Learn more about him and contribute to his campaign at

 BFT – Weekly Wrap-Up 18-05 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:05

For our weekly wrap-up, we bring you the wit and wisdom of Chuck Woolery as he distills the latest news in short segments of sarcasm, as heard this week on radio stations across the country. This week: Trump Era Shutdown, California Tax, O'Neill and Matthews, Authorize vs. Appropriate and Women's March 2018.

 Thoughts from Our Listeners – Episode 301 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:05:17

Chuck and Mark break down some of the latest news in politics, including why Democrats don’t understand that Trump doesn’t just take hits but gets stronger with every attack. The left continues with irrational complaints about Trump, while wanting to give credit to Obama for his “9th term” in the same economic timeframe. They respond to listener comments and questions, exploring topics like the Deep State and why Obama is exempt from accusation from liberals.

 Surviving and Growing from Life’s Challenges – an Interview with Rabbi Steven Leder – Episode 300 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:16:45

Rabbi Steven Leder is a highly respected leader in the Jewish community and author of the new book More Beautiful Than Before: How Suffering Transforms Us. He brings an inspiring message to the podcast about learning from and moving through pain and suffering to live a gentler, wiser and more beautiful life. With personal stories that cover a variety of experiences, they explore how it feels to experience pain and grief yourself, as well as how to help others who might be suffering. They talk about raising children and the risk of protecting them from pain, and Mark and Chuck also ask the Rabbi how people should handle their feelings of dissatisfaction and anxiety within the political climate. Also on the podcast, Chuck and Mark talk about the pay raises and bonuses that business are handing out because of the tax cuts, while the people demanding a $15/hour minimum wage are staying silent. Mark relays the nightmare unfolding in Venezuela because of the government controlling business. About the guest: Rabbi Steven Z. Leder is the Senior Rabbi of Wilshire Boulevard Temple in Los Angeles and the author of such critically acclaimed books as The Extraordinary Nature of Ordinary Things and More Money Than God: Living a Rich Life without Losing Your Soul. He has studied at Northwestern University; Trinity College, Oxford; and Hebrew Union College. He is a recipient of the American Jewish Press Association’s Louis Rappaport Award for Excellence in Commentary and the Religious Action Center’s Kovler Award, and he is a fellow in the British-American Project, a think tank bringing together leaders from America and Great Britain. Newsweek magazine named him one of the ten most influential rabbis in America. Rabbi Leder lives with his family in Los Angeles.


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