Unorthodox show


Summary: Unorthodox is the world’s leading Jewish podcast™ - but you don’t have to be Jewish to love it! Hosted by Mark Oppenheimer, Stephanie Butnick, and Liel Leibovitz of Tablet Magazine, each episode we bring you interesting guests (one Jewish and one gentile), News of the Jews, and so much more.

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  • Artist: Tablet Magazine / Panoply
  • Copyright: 2018 Unorthodox / Tablet Magazine


 Dear Unorthodox: Ep. 118 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1951

We'll be recording live at the Manhattan JCC on Wednesday 1/24 at with special guests Judy Gold and Father James Martin! Get your tickets here.This week on Unorthodox, we respond to your questions on everything from Jewish pregnancy superstitions to what to read and watch while converting to Judaism. Plus we dive into the great tin foil vs. plastic baggie debate.Want more Unorthodox in your life? Join our Facebook group to chat with the hosts and see what happens behind-the-scenes! And sign up for our weekly newsletter here.We love hearing from our listeners. Please send your feedback to—we may read your comments on the air.

 The Nose Job Episode: Ep. 117 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4636

We'll be recording live in NYC on 1/24 with comedian Judy Gold and Father James Martin! Buy your tickets here.This week: Everything you ever wanted to know about nose jobs, and their particular prominence in American Jewish life. Tablet editor-in-chief Alana Newhouse and executive editor Wayne Hoffman discuss their personal experiences with rhinoplasty. Plastic surgeon Jonathan Kaplan, founder of price transparency platform BuildMyBod, breaks down exactly what happens during a nose job, and explains how 'deviated septum' became a euphemism. Professor and art historian Matthew Baigell tells us about the first Jewish nose job, performed in Berlin in 1898, and how stereotypes of Jews and noses can be traced all the way back to the 1300s. Filmmaker Gayle Kirschenbaum, who documented her mother's very unsubtle requests that she get rhinoplasty in 'My Nose,' tells us about coming to terms with her nose—and her mother.Want more Unorthodox in your life? Join our Facebook group to chat with the hosts and see what happens behind-the-scenes!We love hearing from our listeners. Please send your feedback to—we may read your comments on the air.This episode of Unorthodox is brought to you by PJ Library, the program that sends FREE Jewish books to more than 200,000 children around the world. Sign up at and they’ll send you a new book each month.This episode of Unorthodox is also brought to you by Wrestling Jerusalem, a unique film about Israel and Palestine, now available on DVD. Learn more at

 Is It OK to Call Someone a 'Jew'? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1428

Hey J.Crew! A little bonus content for you this Monday afternoon:Unorthodox host Mark Oppenheimer published an op-ed in The New York Times earlier this year about our aversion to using the word 'Jew,' as opposed to 'Jewish.' On Wednesday, he appeared on WNYC's 'On the Media' with Brooke Gladstone to discuss these ideas in the context of Kayla Moore's recent controversial remarks about the Moores' Jewish attorney. Give a listen, and, as always, let us know what you think at next full episode will drop Thursday, December 21. Happy Hanukkah!

 Gelt Trip: Ep. 116 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4775

We'll be recording live at the Manhattan JCC on Wednesday, January 24 at 7:30 p.m. with special guests comedian Judy Gold and Father James Martin! Buy tickets here.Our Jewish guest this week is writer Jordana Horn Gordon, who returns to discuss her Hanukkah gifting strategy as the mother of six children. Our gentile of the week is journalist and religion scholar Reza Aslan, who tells us about his latest book, God: A Human History.Want more Unorthodox in your life? Join our Facebook group to chat with the hosts and see what happens behind-the-scenes! And sign up for our weekly newsletter here.We love hearing from our listeners. Please send your feedback to—we may read your comments on the air.This episode of Unorthodox is brought to you by Harry's. As a special holiday offer for fans, we’ve partnered with Harry’s to give you $5 off your order when you go to episode of Unorthodox is also brought to you by PJ Library, the program that sends FREE Jewish books to more than 200,000 children around the world. Sign up at and they’ll send you a new book each month.

 Hanger Management: Ep. 115 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3669

This week we're coming to you live from Congregation Rodeph Sholom in New York City!Our next live show will take place on January 24 at JCC Manhattan, with Father James Martin and comedian Judy Gold. Get your tickets here!Our Jewish guest is food writer Mark Bittman, who just released the tenth anniversary edition of How To Cook Everything Vegetarian. He talked to us about the link between agriculture and global warming, and why Americans need to eat more real food. (But despite that, he still enjoys the occasional trip to McDonald's.)Our gentile of the week is Kristen Meinzer, co-host of the podcast By the Book. On each episode, Meinzer and her co-host Jolenta Greenberg live by the rules of a different self-help book—their selections include The Secret, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, and French Women Don't Get Fat. She explains why women, historically neglected in conversations about health and wellness, are drawn to self-help books, why The Secret is bogus, and tells us what her self-help book would espouse. A Christmas obsessive, her question for the hosts is whether Jewish parents warn their children not to tell their gentile classmates that Santa isn't real. Want more Unorthodox in your life? Join our Facebook group to chat with the hosts and see what happens behind-the-scenes!We love hearing from our listeners. Please send your feedback to—we may read your comments on the air.This episode of Unorthodox is brought to you by PJ Library, the program that sends FREE Jewish books to more than 200,000 children around the world. Sign up at and they’ll send you a new book each month.This week’s episode is sponsored by HelloFresh. For $30 off your first week of deliveries, visit and enter UNORTHODOX30 when you subscribe.

 Movers and Shakers: Ep. 114 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3354

This week on Unorthodox: Beauty pageant diplomacy, Gal Gadot's Mossad mix-up, and so much more. Our gentile of the week is Noreen Malone, New York magazine features editor and DoubleX Gabfest panelist. She tells us about growing up Catholic in the heavily Jewish neighborhood of Shaker Heights, her powerful 2015 cover story on 35 of Bill Cosby's accusers, and asks whether it's ever okay to call someone "jappy."Our Jewish guest this week is feminist author, speaker, and psychologist Phyllis Chesler. She talks to us about anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism in the feminist movement, and the future of feminism. Want more Unorthodox in your life? Join our Facebook group to chat with the hosts and see what happens behind-the-scenes!We love hearing from our listeners. Please send your feedback to—we might read your comments on the air.This episode of Unorthodox is brought to you by Harry's. As a special holiday offer for fans, we’ve partnered with Harry’s to give you $5 off your order when you go to episode of Unorthodox is also brought to you by PJ Library, the program that sends FREE Jewish books to more than 200,000 children around the world. Sign up at and they’ll send you a new book each month.

 Like a Roman Stone: Ep. 113 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3951

Our Jewish guest this week is Lani Santo, the executive director of Footsteps, a New York-based organization dedicated to helping formerly-Orthodox Jews establish new lives outside the insular communities in which they were raised. We discuss the new Netflix documentary ‘One of Us,’ which follows the lives of three Footsteps members.Our gentile of the week is Richard F. Thomas, Harvard Classics professor and author of the new book Why Bob Dylan Matters, which explores the literary themes linking the beloved American songwriter with the ancient poets of Greece and Rome. (So maybe that surprise Nobel win last year shouldn't have been a surprise at all.)Want more Unorthodox in your life? Join our Facebook group, sign up for our newsletter, and follow us on Twitter (@tabletmag , @markopp1, @liel, and @stuffism)!Kvetch and kvell to us directly at—we might read your comments on the air.This episode of Unorthodox is brought to you by PJ Library, the program that sends FREE Jewish books to more than 200,000 children around the world. Sign up at and they’ll send you a new book each month.

 Bad to the Bone: Episode 112 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3291

This week on Unorthodox, we can't be tamed.Our Jewish guest is Eddy Portnoy, senior researcher and director of exhibitions at the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, whose new book is Bad Rabbi: And Other Strange but True Stories from the Yiddish Press. He tells us how he stumbled upon these colorful, less-remembered characters and tales—so many of which seem to involve Jews rioting—and why it's important for a community to examine the good with the bad to truly know its history. Our gentile of the week is Washington Post religion reporter Sarah Pulliam Bailey, who dropped by the studio in early October to tell us about growing up in a conservative, Christian environment in Indiana, the intricacies of covering religion while being a person of faith herself, and the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation.We're giving away two copies of the Kale and Caramel cookbook, by episode 111 guest Lily Diamond! Enter the draw to win here.Join our new Facebook group! And sign up for our weekly newsletter to get new episodes, behind-the-scenes photos, and more! Email us at—we may read your note on air.Follow us on Twitter: @tabletmag , @markopp1, @liel, and @stuffism.This episode is brought to you by Harry’s. Get a free trial shave set—including razor handle, blades, and gel—when you sign up at

 Food for Thought: Ep. 111 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3367

This week on Unorthodox, we've got food on the brain.Our first guest is Kerry Brodie, founder of Emma's Torch, a cafe in Brooklyn that employs and trains refugees and political asylum seekers. She tells us about her unlikely transition from government work to culinary school, what she learned about refugees by working alongside them in the kitchen, and why she believes food is such a powerful uniting force.Our second guest is Lily Diamond, the Maui-born blogger behind Kale and Caramel, and the author of a brand new cookbook by the same name. She tells us about fleeing her laid-back Hawaiian high school for Yale, accidentally becoming a food blogger, and how food and cooking helped her grieve her mother's death. (Enter the draw to win a copy of her book here!)Join our new Facebook group! And sign up for our weekly newsletter to get new episodes, behind-the-scenes photos, and more! Email us at—we may read your note on air.Follow us on Twitter: @tabletmag , @markopp1, @liel, and @stuffism.

 Eye of Newt: Ep. 110 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3492

This week on Unorthodox, we're totally bewitched. Our Jewish guest is novelist Alice Hoffman, whose new book is The Rules of Magic, a prequel to her bestselling 1995 novel Practical Magic, which was made into the 1998 film starring Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman. She tells us how she re-immersed herself in the magical Owens family 20 years later, the ways in which her Jewish background influenced her interest in rebellious women, and why it's important to her to redefine the popular mythology of witches.Our gentile of the week is Charles Griggs, who has been practicing in the pagan world for 13 years. He's a witch and priest in the Minoan Brotherhood, and and studies neo-paganism at Harvard Divinity School. He tells us the difference between witches and pagans, how he planned to celebrate Samhain, the pagan festival also known as Halloween, and why eye of newt is something you might already have in your kitchen cabinet. Join our new Facebook group! And sign up for our weekly newsletter to get new episodes, behind-the-scenes photos, and more! Email us at—we may read your note on air.Follow us on Twitter: @tabletmag , @markopp1, @liel, and @stuffism.This episode is brought to you by Harry’s. Get a free trial shave set—including razor handle, blades, and gel—when you sign up at

 Relatively Speaking: Ep. 109 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3743

This week, we're live from JCC Manhattan!Our Jewish guest is writer A.J. Jacobs—our first-ever guest back in 2015—whose latest book is It's All Relative: Adventures Up and Down the World's Family Tree. He tells us about his unlikely entry into the world of genealogy, the famous—and infamous—relatives he discovered, and, in a 'Maury'-style twist, reveals which hosts are related to him.Our gentile of the week is actor Kobi Libii, who played Cantor Duvid on Season 3 of 'Transparent' and currently appears on Comedy Central's 'The Opposition With Jordan Klepper'. He tells us about meeting with rabbis and other Jewish leaders to prepare for the 'Transparent' role, which required him to speak Hebrew, pivoting to political satire, and what he does to unwind from the constant news cycle he now covers.Join our new Facebook group! And sign up for our weekly newsletter to get new episodes, behind-the-scenes photos, and more! Email us at—we may read your note on air.Follow us on Twitter: @tabletmag , @markopp1, @liel, and @stuffism.Unorthodox is sponsored by Hello Fresh, the leading meal-delivery kit service. Visit and use promo code UNORTHODOX for $30 off your first week.Unorthodox is also sponsored by, a new kind of Jewish gift shop. Use the code UNORTHODOX to save 10% on your order through 2017.

 Chag Sameach, Obama: Ep. 108 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2831

Our Jewish guest this week is David Litt, author of Thanks, Obama: My Hopey, Changey White House Years, a memoir about his time as a speechwriter in the Obama White House. He tells us about teaching President Obama to say 'chag sameach' for a Passover video, writing jokes for the White House Correspondent's Dinner, and the time his grandpa sent him a water pipeline proposal to show the president.Our gentile of the week is U.S. Naval War College professor Thomas Nichols, whose latest book is The Death of Expertise: The Campaign Against Established Knowledge and Why It Matters. He explains how experts today have been branded as out-of-touch elites and experience itself is being shunned—and how President Trump is the avatar of this cultural shift. We also discuss how his students' view of him changed after he was on Jeopardy, and why Jews feel such an affinity for Greeks.Come see us live on October 25 at the Manhattan JCC! Get your tickets here.Sign up for our weekly newsletter to get new episodes, behind-the-scenes photos, and more! Email us at—we may read your note on air.Follow us on Twitter: @tabletmag , @markopp1, @liel, and @stuffism.This episode is brought to you by Harry’s. Get a free trial shave set—including razor handle, blades, and gel—when you sign up at

 New Year, New You? Ep. 107 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2930

This week on Unorthodox, we're all about 5778. Our guest this week is Rabbi Shai Held, president and dean of the continuing education institute Mechon Hadar, and the author of The Heart of Torah, a new two-volume book of essays about each weekly Torah portion. He tells us why he dreaded tackling Leviticus but learned the most from it, explains why he's optimistic about the future of Judaism, and gives us some useful advice for the new year.Come see us live on October 25 at the Manhattan JCC! Get your tickets here.Sign up for our weekly newsletter to get new episodes, behind-the-scenes photos, and more! And email us at—we’ll share our favorite notes on-air.Follow us on Twitter: @tabletmag, @markopp1, @liel, and @stuffism.This episode is brought to you by Harry’s! Get a free trial shave set (including razor handle, blades, and gel) valued at $13 when you sign up at

 I'm Sorry: Ep. 106 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2918

This week, we're all about atonement. For our third annual apology episode, we're joined by University of Nebraska–Lincoln professor Ari Kohen, who explains what makes an apology truly bad (and why he stopped blogging about apologies). Mark Osler, a former federal prosecutor turned clemency advocate, tells us about the personal journey behind his career change. Vanessa Zoltan, host of the podcast Harry Potter and the Sacred Text, returns with a true story about a family apology that didn’t quite take. We also share your letters about Yom Kippur atonement, and offer our own apologies. (You can listen to our previous Yom Kippur episodes here and here!)Want to come to an Unorthodox taping IRL? (Of course you do!) Our next live show will be recorded in New York on October 25—tickets and info right here.Sign up for our weekly newsletter to get new episodes, behind-the-scenes photos, and more! And email us at—we’ll share our favorite notes on-air.Follow us on Twitter: @tabletmag, @markopp1, @liel, and @stuffism.This episode is brought to you by Harry’s! Get a free trial shave set (including razor handle, blades, and gel) valued at $13 when you sign up at

 We Are Family: Ep. 105 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3545

This week on Unorthodox: We recap the Butnick-Cohen nuptials (mazel tov!), Liel has a big reveal, and our guests wrestle with complicated legacies—both personal and political.Our first Jewish guest is Annabelle Gurwitch, the author of Wherever You Go, There They Are, a funny, wise memoir about the families we’re born into—and the families we choose. She talks about growing up with a fabulist father, becoming a drug mule for her elderly mother, her colorful Southern Jewish clan, and the various tribes she’s joined over the years in her quest for belonging.Our gentile of the week, director Dylan Kussman, comes with a bonus Jewish guest—actor/writer Aaron Davidman. They’re the creative duo behind Wrestling Jerusalem, a new film adaptation of Davidman’s one-man play that explores the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through the lens of 17 characters from a range of religious, political, and ethnic backgrounds. Kussman explains what attracted him to a story about one of the world’s most controversial conflicts, and Davidman tells us how he recovers from his marathon stage performances. Wrestling Jerusalem is showing at Symphony Space in New York City through September 17.We love hearing from you! Email us at—we’ll share our favorite notes on-air.Follow us on Twitter: @tabletmag, @markopp1, @liel, and @stuffism.This episode is brought to you by Harry’s. Get a free trial shave set (including razor handle, blades, and gel) valued at $13 when you sign up at


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