Hanger Management: Ep. 115

Unorthodox show

Summary: This week we're coming to you live from <a href="https://rodephsholom.org/">Congregation Rodeph Sholom</a> in New York City!<br><br>Our next live show will take place on January 24 at JCC Manhattan, with Father James Martin and comedian Judy Gold. Get your tickets <a href="http://ebiz.jccmanhattan.org/PersonifyEBusiness/Default.aspx?TabID=416&amp;pid=648236814&amp;_ga=2.136440112.1401292337.1512688432-557203300.1512077329">here</a>!<br><br>Our Jewish guest is food writer <a href="http://markbittman.com/">Mark Bittman</a>, who just released the tenth anniversary edition of <em>How To Cook Everything Vegetarian</em>. He talked to us about the link between agriculture and global warming, and why Americans need to eat more real food. (But despite that, he still enjoys the occasional trip to McDonald's.)<br><br>Our gentile of the week is Kristen Meinzer, co-host of the podcast <a href="https://www.panoply.fm/podcasts/bythebook">By the Book</a>. On each episode, Meinzer and her co-host Jolenta Greenberg live by the rules of a different self-help book—their selections include <em>The Secret</em>, <em>The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up</em>, and <em>French Women Don't Get Fat</em>. She explains why women, historically neglected in conversations about health and wellness, are drawn to self-help books, why <em>The Secret</em> is bogus, and tells us what her self-help book would espouse. A Christmas obsessive, her question for the hosts is whether Jewish parents warn their children not to tell their gentile classmates that Santa isn't real. <br><br>Want more Unorthodox in your life? Join our <a href="https://www.facebook.com/groups/UnorthodoxPodcast">Facebook group</a> to chat with the hosts and see what happens behind-the-scenes!<br><br>We love hearing from our listeners. Please send your feedback to unorthodox@tabletmag.com—we may read your comments on the air.<br><br>This episode of Unorthodox is brought to you by PJ Library, the program that sends FREE Jewish books to more than 200,000 children around the world. Sign up at <a href="https://pjlibrary.org/enroll-in-a-community.aspx?refer=15">pjlibrary.org/unorthodox</a> and they’ll send you a new book each month.<br><br>This week’s episode is sponsored by HelloFresh. For $30 off your first week of deliveries, visit <a href="https://www.hellofresh.com/">hellofresh.com</a> and enter UNORTHODOX30 when you subscribe.