For The Wild show

For The Wild

Summary: For The Wild Podcast is an anthology of the Anthropocene; focused on land-based protection, co-liberation and intersectional storytelling rooted in a paradigm shift away from human supremacy, endless growth and consumerism.

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 DeeplyRooted: Remembering Back into Ourselves with KAILEA FREDERICK /173 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 855

Kailea offers a this experiential reading woven with simple movements to reawaken our inseparable connection to all of Creation, honoring mothers and caregivers who give of themselves so generously, and who are so deserving of moments of rest to cultivate wellness. Support the show

 Homebound: Capitalists and Other Cannibals with ALNOOR LADHA /172 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3931

This conversation with Alnoor invites us into a guided conversation on neoliberal capitalism, the global economic system and how we can work ourselves out of it. We offer this episode during a time in which many of us have witnessed the tumultuous behavior of global markets, the true price of poverty in the face of a pandemic, exorbitant corporate bailouts, and fear of impending collapse. Support the show

 LINDA BLACK ELK on What Endures After Pandemic /171 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4131

We are witnessing the rapid expansion of a pandemic, the decline of the global economy, the incredible power of community, and the shameful behavior that is a symptom of a capital-driven society. Linda discusses what will be left in the wake of COVID-19 and how will we tend to the wounds and offers thoughts on what systems will endure, what must we dismantle and what we must grow.Support the show

 DeeplyRooted: Declaring Interdependence with MILLA PRINCE /170 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 732

Milla Prince transports us on an embodied journey away from anxiety, and back into deeper knowledge of our ancient and integral place within the Web of Life. Milla invites us to root ourselves through the very soil, minerals, water and air of our own bodies and to shed what is old and give ourselves to the stream of life pulsing through the body of nature.Support the show

 Homebound: Decentralizing the Power of Healing with Dr. RUPA MARYA /169 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3580

Initially aired in January of 2020, this episode reminds us that the blatant neglect for people’s wellbeing amidst this global pandemic is not coincidence or negligence, it is the result of a global system that has historically centered profit over people. Rupa reminds us that “the health of the people should be our guiding light and principle.”Support the show

 ESTRELLA SANTIAGO PÉREZ on the Importance of Community Sovereignty /168 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2920

Estrella Santiago Pérez discusses Borinquén grassroots action and community sovereignty amidst climate crisis. Common understanding of Puerto Rico exists in a dichotomy, either defined by lush resort colonies or the aftermath of tropical storms. The reality is, of course, much more dynamic and the vulnerabilities faced by communities are political and colonial created conditions...Support the show

 DeeplyRooted: Black Mary-Olivering with brontë velez /167 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1047

brontë velez transports us through revolutionary prayer. We hope brontë’s incantation ignites your creativity and fills up your inner well with joy, strength and peace. May we learn from the mushrooms what it means to carry death into new lifeSupport the show

 Homebound: Personal Preparedness in Advance with Reverend M. KALANI SOUZA /166 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3692

We’re rereleasing this potent discussion with Reverend M. Kalani Souza, a gifted storyteller, singer, songwriter, musician, performer, poet, philosopher, priest, political satirist, and peacemaker. This episode originally aired in November of 2018 but we feel that these words on preparedness are more relevant now than ever. Support the show

 JILL WEITZ on Salmon Beyond Borders /165 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3125

The Taku, Stikine, and Unuk Rivers are three of the largest salmon producing rivers that originate in so-called BC and flow into SE Alaska. In a climate of weakened environmental regulations, a gold rush continues to unfold, with new mining projects proposed every year. We speak with Jill about corporate mining and transboundary watersheds, following wild salmon in their path beyond borders.Support the show

 KENRIC McDOWELL on Designing with Cosmo-Ecological Intelligence /164 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4048

We join Kenric in conversation to discuss the cultural genesis and impacts of machine learning and technological advancement, the implications of anthropocentrism in design. Kenric also covers topics such as relationality, more-than-human intelligence, the trappings of consumerism, personal agency, artificial intelligence, and interspecies connection. Support the show

 LAYLA K. FEGHALI on Borderless Remembrance /163 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4378
 KURT RUSSO on the People Under the Sea⌠ENCORE⌡ /162 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3768

Kurt and Ayana’s conversation explores the powerful memory held by Southern Resident orcas, the threats they face from vessel noise, chemical pollutants, and declining Chinook salmon population, the health of the Salish Sea, and the Lummi Nation’s sacred duty to return Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut (formerly known as Tokitae/Lolita), from where she is being held captive at Miami Seaquarium...Support the show

 JESSE WOLF HARDIN on Rewilding the Self /161 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4075

Jesse Wolf Hardin discusses folk herbalism as a green portal and agent of holistic wellness, the visceral personalities of place, tending unique bioregional cultures and ecologies, the potency of gratitude, and discovery within the weedy margins. We're called to the rich, dynamic ways of our earthly existence towards a reclamation of our embodied wisdom, resilience, and knowledge.Support the show

 InTheField: NUSKMATA (Jacinda Mack) on the Gold Rush That Never Ended /160 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3973

Uplifting the untold story of mining, this episode braids together the history of the Gold Rush and colonization in B.C., the state of salmon, the practice of free, prior, and informed consent, dirty mining for a “clean” energy revolution, and the urgent necessity of reform. This timely and important conversation pierces the heart of capitalism and our fossil-fuel-hungry, luxury-driven culture. Support the show

 ERIEL TCHEKWIE DERANGER on Solidarity with Unist'ot'en ⌠ENCORE⌡ /159 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3607

Our conversation with Eriel sheds light on what Unist’ot’en Camp represents, the ongoing history of surveillance faced by frontline protectors, how policy can be a tool of forced assimilation, and the illegality of the actions taken by Canada’s federal and provincial governments. Support the show


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