Life on Fire TV (Video) – Online Business Coaching With Nick Unsworth show

Life on Fire TV (Video) – Online Business Coaching With Nick Unsworth

Summary: Get expert discussions and insider tips every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Life on Fire TV is for entrepreneurs, aspiring entrepreneurs, executives, sales professionals, coaches, and marketers who want to make more, work less, give back, and live happier, kick-A$$ lives. Focus on the four pillars of a Life on Fire: marketing, mindset, networking, and purpose with host, Nick Unsworth to get more done in less time, increase marketing conversions, learn highly actionable, innovative strategies from Nick and guests. Make sure you go to to check out all of the free resources we have for you!

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 121: Help Us Help You Contest - Life on Fire TV Survey | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

121: Help Us Help You Contest - Life on Fire TV Survey

 121: Help Us Help You Contest - Life on Fire TV Survey | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

Are you ready to get better at what you do in 2015? We are! And, that’s what today’s short episode is all about, how we can help you by giving you more of what you want from Life on Fire TV?!! In 2014 we did all kinds of episodes from teaching topics, to interviewing other entrepreneurs, to flying across the country to bring you special guests, to giving you behind the scenes footage of our private mastermind, calls, and events, Pay it Forward Friday and more. Now, we want to give you one focused and massively valuable episode per week. So here’s where we need your help! Hop over to and take a quick 7-question survey to help us make Life on Fire TV even better for you. Just for doing so, we’re going to enter you into a phenomenal raffle contest where the first prize is a VIP coaching day with me! (Valued at $10,000) And, four additional prizes of Life on Fire t-shirts and wristbands! Just go to to enter to win! Contest ends at 11:59pm PT on January 31st! Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes! You can do ANYTHING!

 120: Paying it Forward With Nick Unsworth | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 5:49

120: Paying it Forward With Nick Unsworth

 120: Paying it Forward With Nick Unsworth | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 5:49

120: Paying it Forward With Nick Unsworth

 120: Paying it Forward With Nick Unsworth | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 5:49

Ever heard of the concept of “paying it forward”? Doing something kind for others just to be nice? Some believe in doing it in the hopes that it will come back to them, and interestingly it often does. But, we like to do it just because. :) Sometimes we film it, and what you’re going to see in today’s episode was the very first episode of “Pay it Forward Friday TV”! We hope this inspires you to want to go out and give. You don’t have to film it or make it grand, it’s just about spreading kindness for the sake of spreading kindness. So… Who’s day can you make today?!! Love the idea of paying it forward? If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating. Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes! You make our day!

 119: How to Create Grow and Monetize a Podcast with John Lee Dumas | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

119: How to Create Grow and Monetize a Podcast with John Lee Dumas

 119: How to Create Grow and Monetize a Podcast with John Lee Dumas | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 1:24:18

119: How to Create Grow and Monetize a Podcast with John Lee Dumas

 119: How to Create Grow and Monetize a Podcast with John Lee Dumas | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

Audio Only Version Back for part two of the Life on Fire Virtual Summit is #1 iTunes podcaster, John Lee Dumas, to teach us how to create, grow, and monetize a podcast! Over the last 2 1/2 years, John has created and grown one of the top podcasts on all of iTunes, Entrepreneur on Fire. As a result, he has also built a 7-figure per year business in the process, all based on his podcast. So, how did he do it? John’s first step was to enlist help, in the form of a podcasting mentor. At the time when he started there was very little in terms of courses he could take or training available on the topic. The passion that made him want to become a podcaster was his own love of podcasts on his long commutes to work, time at the gym, and so on. One day, he simply ran out of podcasts to listen to. And, then it hit him… “There needs to be a 7-day a week podcast!” His mentors told him he was crazy, that nobody would want to listen to a podcast that often, that he would get burnt out, but it turns out John was right. Watch a listen as John walks through every single step of creating podcast from the first recording of the audio file, to adding the necessary data and notes to submit a new episode to iTunes. When things get technical they can seem scary and confusing at first. But, as you’ll see, he lays it out very simply and the process becomes one you can do in your sleep once you get the hang of it! From there, you’ll find out how John leverages that same content to be broadcast to multiple other platforms, capturing new audiences outside of iTunes. Next John dives into his growth strategies. This is truly the key to having a successful podcast. The bigger your audience, the more impact your show will have (and the easier it is to monetize)! And, when it comes to monetizing, one of the most desirable forms of monetizing is through sponsorship. That’s when other companies pay you, typically on a per-episode basis, for you to read their short advertisements during your show. This alone can create 5-figures per month of income if your podcast is large enough! So, where do you begin? It can all be a bit overwhelming if it’s not laid out for you step-by-step. Luckily, John has packaged up all of his knowledge and made it available to you in his step-by-step training at! Hundreds of podcasters have gotten their start by going through John’s system, and there’s still plenty of opportunity for new podcasters to make their mark in iTunes and the various other platforms! Start yours today! This is the exact system John used (and still uses to this day) to start his podcast a build a massively successful business! Get access right now at! Episode Resources John’s Podcasting Training Subscribe to Life on Fire TV Podcast Write a Review in iTunes

 118: John Lee Dumas on Making the Leap from Corporate to Thriving Entrepreneur | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 30:55

118: John Lee Dumas on Making the Leap from Corporate to Thriving Entrepreneur

 118: John Lee Dumas on Making the Leap from Corporate to Thriving Entrepreneur | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

Audio Only Version We are so excited to bring you today’s special episode featuring 7-figure podcaster, John Lee Dumas, live from stage at our recent Ignite Event to speak on his journey and leap from the corporate world into entrepreneurialism! John’s post-military life found him sitting in a cubicle, commuting to work, and doing the suit and tie thing, every day, like so many others do. For him, this simply wasn’t enough. As he puts it, he wasn’t living his life on fire and he felt his life slowly extinguishing. After 6 years of trying different career paths and not find his passion he had a defining moment one day while on a long commute when he ran out of podcasts to listen to. A lightbulb went off and he said, “There needs to be a 7-day a week podcast.” And, what John wanted to make unique about his show in interviewing entrepreneurs was not only highlighting their current successes, but specifically talking about their failures, their “ah-ha” moments, and what we can learn from their trials. Making that leap from a 6-figure stable corporate salary to start a podcast was terrifying, John admits. However, he acknowledges, that the feeling of being scared is also proof that you’re on the right track. You have to get outside of your norm and your comfort zone in order to make radical change happen in your life. And, “You have to find your leverage point”, John says. For him, it comes back to a pledge he made to 4 dear friends and comrades he lost while serving in the Iraq war, which was that he was not going let their sacrifice be for nothing by living anything less than what is his life on fire. When it came to starting his podcast, John had a bit of an issue in that he had no idea whatsoever how to create a podcast! So, he made a very strategic move that he will be forever grateful for, which was to reach out to someone who was where he wanted to be and ask to be mentored by that person. Luckily, the person accepted John’s request, and with a hefty investment from John to his mentor in exchange for her coaching, that was the moment that made it real for him. He was no longer a dreamer or an amateur. He had become a “doer” and aspiring professional. When it was time to build his business, John’s foresight and discipline to avoid distraction and avoid trying to jump on everything that appeared to be an opportunity is what truly allowed him to focus and thrive in his “lane”. Most people want to cast out their net and go one mile wide and one inch deep, never creating any real depth in any particular area. John, however, had the complete opposite approach, he chose to go one inch wide and one mile deep, creating a massive focus on the things he needed to do to be successful. Your income and happiness will be directly related to how you use that time. He reminds us that no matter what business you’re in, your biggest asset is your time. So, very true. And, finally, we ask John to describe his life on fire, which he answered with two words, “Ripple Effect”. Meaning, he feels that he’s truly having an impact when not only does he receive a message from someone thanking him for how he’s inspired or helped that person, but THAT person has an email from someone who they have helped an inspired. Amazing! If you’d like to learn more on how to start your own podcast, go to, to learn directly from John, how to start your own podcast and follow in his footsteps! Episode Resources John’s Podcasting Training

 118: John Lee Dumas on Making the Leap from Corporate to Thriving Entrepreneur | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

118: John Lee Dumas on Making the Leap from Corporate to Thriving Entrepreneur

 117: How to Discover Your Purpose With Steve Olsher | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 56:36

117: How to Discover Your Purpose With Steve Olsher

 117: How to Discover Your Purpose With Steve Olsher | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 56:36

117: How to Discover Your Purpose With Steve Olsher

 117: How to Discover Your Purpose With Steve Olsher | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 56:36

Here to give you the steps and insight to discovering your purpose is NY Times Bestselling Author, Steve Olsher! Steve refers to discovering your purpose as finding out “What is Your What?”. The path for Steve to discovering that he had the gift and wisdom within him to help others discover their purpose came at the bedside of his dying stepfather. Up to that point, Steve’s business pursuits and successes could be summed up in his words as “chasing the dollar”. In that instant, holding his stepfathers hand in his last few moments of life, it occurred to Steve that was the only legacy he had created up to that point, and he knew he had more within him. If you’re questioning whether you’ve found your true purpose, Steve points out that, for him, he knew he wasn’t living his highest purpose when every day he would wake with a lack of “fire” for what he was doing. The framework he created for himself, eventually became a class, which eventually became the book, “What is Your What?” Imagine doing what you truly love for a living. Many people think of rock stars and professional athletes and think, man, they have the life. As Steve reminds us, what we don’t see when those people are performing is all of the hard work they put in to get there. And, that’s the part that stops most people. Actually doing the work. Way too many people hit a tiny bump in the road, it stops them like an impenetrable force field, and they never keep going. It’s a 3 step process, says Steve: 1. Identify what your “what” is 2. Be willing to make a slow, steady transition to doing your what 3. Work your ass off Significant change doesn’t happen overnight. But, if you start in small increments, it can happen, for many. One big distinction you may need to make if you are looking at this type of transition is getting very serious about what it is you want (how much you’d like to make, for example) vs. what you really need (what you could get by with, if you had to) in order to actually make the transition. You may WANT $250,000 per year. But, you may be able to make some sacrifices and “make the leap” once you hit $5,000 per month. Big difference. Another big different Steve points out is your purpose, many times, won’t be your passion. You may have a passion for cooking, or horse riding, or woodworking. But, that may not be your gift and the way you should attempt to earn your income. Passion is based on emotion and feeling, which can possibly lead you down illogical paths for pursuing income. The key is matching your gift, with the vehicle to deliver your gift, which you then use to help others. You can start at either end of that equation. If you aren’t sure what your gift is, you may already know who you love to help, for example. Steve believes that we all have a unique gift inside of us that is just waiting to be unlocked and discovered. The first step… Is to take the first step. A great first step is to grab a free copy of Steve’s book, What is Your What at! We hope you got a ton of great information out of Steve’s interview! If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating. Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes! You are a gift to the world!

 116: Goal Setting on Fire! How to Set Goals and Achieve Them Every Time | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 9:31

116: Goal Setting on Fire! How to Set Goals and Achieve Them Every Time


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