Eddy Addy's Podcast show

Eddy Addy's Podcast

Summary: Welcome to my podcast. Stay connected with these classic sermons


 Sacrifice Releases Power | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:07:18

The Church's power lies predominantly in the act of sacrificing. The Bible and church history have attested to this fact. Why should you and I live and practice our faith any differently? Join Bishop Eddy as he takes us on an exciting journey teaching on sacrificing. You will experience a fresh infusion of power in your Christian walk as you learn to sacrifice. Be blessed listening!

 Why God Wants You to Experience Suffering - Part 4 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:30:01

Bishop Eddy artfully closes the chapter on his teaching on suffering. We believe his indepth teaching has clarified many misconceptions and built up our appetites to bear up our crosses for the sake of the gospel. As he draws the curtain, determine to practice the Word passionately preached to you. As Bishop Eddy has taught, it is by repeated dosages of an anointed message that we too become anointed and transformed. As you choose suffering, believe God to also see the glory that has been promised fellow sufferers in the Kingdom. Be blessed listening.

 Why God Wants You to Experience Suffering - Part 3 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:14:13

We are learning that the virtues and graces released through suffering can be attained by no other means. Set your mind and your heart to allow this message to pierce the hardest core of your being and transform you into a fearless Christian soldier. Bishop Eddy so lovingly teaches this delicate subject that even the youngest believer is encouraged to embrace suffering for Jesus' sake. Be blessed listening.

 Why God Wants You to Experience Suffering - Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:14:13

It is important that we correctly imbibe the doctrine of suffering. We must understand that suffering is God's will for us and is intended to sharpen and shapen us. As Bishop Eddy plunges deeper into the subject of suffering, be determined to latch unto this Biblical truth. In these anointed teachings, you will find the keys to freedom from the many fears that keep you from going all out. You can not be the same! Happy listening.

 Why God Wants You to Experience Suffering - Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:04

Who is the man or woman who embraces sufferings? These are they whom God entrusts with authority. And this is why we are destined to experience such tribulations. Sufferings of all kinds are prepared for us, but not to destroy us as we sometimes think. Rather sufferings are ordained to help the believer build up spiritual muscles and to qualify for greater authority. Listen vividly as Bishop Eddy takes us further in understanding these essential pillars of our Faith. Your mind will be renewed and you will stand as a true Christian soldier after this classic teaching. Be blessed listening.

 How to Suffer Loss for Christ | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:19:02

Jesus Christ , who is Author and Finisher of His own Faith, is the very same initiator of this powerful virtue of losing for the sake of the Kingdom. At a point He confessed that ' if any man will come after me, he must deny himself' (Matt 16:24). Losing is essential because it sets us free from the 'weights' and 'cares' which hinder us from running our Christian race. Trust Bishop Eddy to guide you expertly through this art of losing, as he has himself walked this path for many many years. And trust The Holy Spirit to use this vital message to set you free from the fear of losing for His Kingdom sake. Be blessed listening.

 The Art of Losing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:08:23

The Apostle Paul passionately declared...'Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things' (Phil 3:8). Dare we say that today's Christian cannot make a similar confession? Losing is one of the bedrocks of our Faith. He who comes to the Father must expect to lose some relationships, some finances, and certain a lifestyle. The unfortunate trend today of an 'all gain and no loss' Christianity must be corrected. Allow Bishop Eddy to slowly massage the message of losing into our heart and mind till you are completely delivered and eager to give up everything for the sake of Christ. You can not remain the same after listening!

 Losing, Sacrificing, Dying - (Sunday Latter Rain Service) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:18:13

Losing, Sacrificing, Dying - (Sunday Latter Rain Service)

 The Four Spiritual Appointments - (Sunday Latter Rain Service) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:18:13

Bishop Eddy is sharing passionately on the vital but often ignored Christian pillars of Losing, Sacrificing, Suffering and Dying. He explains that because these important virtues are not being upheld, the Church of God suffers and the Words of Jesus do not carry the weight they should on our hearts. Are you tired of being a surface miner in the things of God? This message will introduce you to the forces that established the work of the early church. Believe God to grow into real spiritual authority as you walk the path of our real call: the call to carry our cross!

 Losing, Sacrificing, Dying - (Sunday Early Rain Service) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:44

Losing, Sacrificing, Dying - (Sunday Early Rain Service)

 The Four Spiritual Appointments - (Sunday Early Rain Service) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:44

Each of us has had to keep an appointment at one time in our lives. Missing an appointment meant we missed a very important event which would have led to new opportunities. As Christians, certain divine appointments have been scheduled for different phases of our spiritual growth. Missing any one of these appointments with Losing,Sacrificing,Suffering and Dying will retard our spiritual health. In this very important series, Bishop Eddy introduces us to our divine appointments with losing,sacrificing, suffering and dying. As you listen, trust God to overcome all fear and to rather grasp at these spiritual milestones which will transform your Christianity forever.

 Stay on Course - (Morning Star Cathedral) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:43

The power of focus is essential if we are to bring any endeavor to fruition. Be it our relationship with God, ministry in His church or marriage, we must learn to be steadfast in our pursuits. In this special message,Bishop Eddy teaches on the need to be stable, dedicated and also to increase in the work of God. You will love this message because in it you will find encouragement to press-on in good works. Trust God to give you the tenacity you require to finish your course. Be blessed listening.

 Leading Yourself Into Prosperity - The Power of Habits (Sunday Early Rain Service) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:50

The things we do without much effort almost subconsciously are the peculiar habits we have acquired over time which have also shaped us into who we are today. Great leaders are molded at the wheel of good habits and unsuccessful people also have myriads of bad habits that have led them. Did you know that it is as easy to form a good habit as it is to form a bad one? In this expository sermon, Bishop Eddy teaches how significant our habits are in staying us on the course of prosperity. Get introduced to powerful life-time habits that will transform your life. As you listen,trust God to shed off your bad habits and acquire new ones.

 Leading Yourself into Prosperity - Why Some People Never Become Good Leaders (Sunday Latter Rain Service) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:15:26

Philippians 3:1 reads '...To write the same things to you, to me indeed is not grievous, but for you it is safe' In this same spirit of concern, Bishop Eddy reiterates on the limiting factors that have led most people into dire straits. As you listen vividly, we pray the Holy Spirit opens your spirit to catch the truths you have missed out on and we believe God to usher you into effective self-leadership. Be blessed listening!

 Leading Yourself into Prosperity - Become a Master of Strategic Steps (Sunday Early Rain Service) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:21:20

Embedded in this powerful teaching are precious truths which reveal the missing link between your dream and it's realization. You have recognized where you are, and you know where you want to go. This message closes the gap and moves you from zero to hero. Practical, revealing and energizing, Bishop Eddy delivers in his usual style, straight to your heart! You will love this message and you can not remain the same!


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