Eddy Addy's Podcast show

Eddy Addy's Podcast

Summary: Welcome to my podcast. Stay connected with these classic sermons


 Prayer Conference - Day 2 - Prayer and Offering - Matthew Addae Mensah | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:51:43

When offerings accompany prayer, the windows of Heaven are opened and blessings flow down to the giver. Ever wondered how Cornelius walked into salvation for he and his whole house? Know that his prayers and offerings rose up as a memorial before God Himself. Are you lifting any memorials before the King? We trust you will discover how you can as you glean from the wisdom of the anointed Bishop Addae Mensah. You will never limit your giving again after this message.

 Prayer Conference - Day 2 - Ask Seek Knock - Eddy Addy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:40

Jesus Christ taught that if we would Ask, Seek, and Knock, we will receive the things for which we asked, sought and also desired to be opened to us. On day two of the Prayer Conference, Bishop Eddy expounded powerfully on these keys to answered prayer. There is a heavy and tangible anointing on the message bringing the famous Matthew 7:7 into a practical perspective. Be blessed listening.

 Prayer Conference - Day 1 - Prayer and Faith - Matthew Addae Mensah | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:11:08

Bishop Addae Mensah, a seasoned minister of God, also ministered powerful on Day One of the Prayer Conference. He shared in depth on the two pronged fork of Prayer and Faith. Nothing stands in the way of a Christian who mixes faith with his prayers. Expect to tap into some powerful revelations that will propel your prayer life forward. Many blessings as you listen.

 Prayer Conference - Day 1 - Foundations for Quality Prayer - Eddy Addy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:07:52

On Day One of this historic three-day Prayer Conference, Bishop Eddy shares on the foundations for quality prayer. Bible says in Psalm 11:3, ' If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? Not much is achieved by prayer, if it's foundations do not conform to the set Biblical order. This message will enrich your understanding of prayer. Be blessed as you listen.

 The Loyalty Code | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:32:50

A loyal person abides by a set of loyalty codes which determine how he conducts himself.Unfortunately, most of us lack these qualities of loyalty especIally with respect to God and His Church. We are quick to employ it however, when we are in dire straits, needing God's urgent intervention. A loyal person on the other hand is cherished greatly because he or she is constant, faithful and abiding in the things of God through the changing scenes of life. As Bishop Eddy teaches this topic, in his very passionate style of delivery, we pray you will grasp the essence of the message and work to become a loyal person. Be blessed listening !

 Why Loyalty is Important | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:04:20

There are many reasons why the Church must take the doctrine of loyalty seriously. A noticeable one being; to enable us overcome the enemy agents sent into our company, to counter the great work being done. Bishop Eddy in the Early Rain service spared nothing as he laid out these very important reasons. Loyalty is truly a critical teaching, probably one of the main differentiating factors between churches which become large and those that do not. We trust that these reasons persuade to join the loyalty train. Be blessed listening.

 Lessons on Loyalty | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:05:09

Servanthood is a very special and also very basic requirement in Christianity. Loyalty and faithfulness are the pillars that uphold service in God's house. Each of us desiring to serve must cultivate these virtues. Join Bishop Eddy as shares more essential lessons on this all-important topic of Loyalty at his Wednesday Mid-Week service. We believe that these anointed teachings have come at an essential season of our lives to help shape our mindsets and attitudes to the Work of God and to the Church. May your value as a servant rise as you choose to develop this important character of loyalty.

 Why Loyalty? (Sunday Latter Rain Service) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:27:39

In the second service, Bishop Eddy reiterates on the subject of loyalty, taking it further with practical windows that will blow your mind! Little did you know that your little ramblings, murmurings and the secret despising of your man of God, are clear signs that the demons of disloyalty have located you. In the privacy of your listening space, we want to encourage you to allow the light of this Word to shine into your heart and drive out all seeds of disloyalty nurturing there to your own destruction. You will most certainly be blessed!

 Why Loyalty? (Sunday Early Rain Service) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:11:55

The doctrine of loyalty is a timeless and priceless teaching clearly demonstrated by the never-changing nature of our Lord God. Naturally, man does not have imbedded in his being this important spiritual nature. Bishop Eddy begins this special series on loyalty to help deliver our hearts from wandering into disloyalty and it's destructive consequences. Be it that the concept is new to you or not, you will glean wisdom from a tested and tried servant of God who upholds these tenets. It is our prayer that you will receive this teaching as a child and assimilate it unto the saving of your life and ministry.

 The Privileged Place of A Mother | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:14:53

Mothering is a characteristic of JEHOVAH himself. Great fathers of faith have mothered many to spiritual maturity. From his many years of mothering younger believers all over the world, Bishop Eddy shares openly about the privileged and strategic place of a 'mother'. As you listen, decide to open your heart to minister to others in this divine capacity. Your life gets richer as you give of yourself and your works remain after you have long passed away. Take the step today ! This message will inspire you to!

 Mothers of Faith | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:46

A mother of faith is any mature believer who has brought forth and nurtured others in spiritual things. The good news is, any one can mother another if only he or she is willing. Bishop Eddy in this special Mother's Day first service , opens our eyes to the many spiritual roles a mother must perform. A mother can pass on the great legacy of unfeigned faith, among other great spiritual virtues, unto their children. If you have never mothered another or have been doing so already, this message will encourage you unto greater works! Be blessed listening.

 Take up Your Cross | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:21:01

Bishop Eddy crowns this beautiful life-changing Losing, Sacrificing, Suffering and Dying series with a focus on what taking up our crosses accomplishes in our lives. As scripture says 'For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God' (1 Corinthians 1:18). In our Heavenly Father's wisdom, He chose to embed in this gruesome symbol of the cross, amazing benefits for you and I who will choose the way of the cross. Be encouraged by this sermon to actually take up your cross in any form the Holy Spirit will lead you to. You will surely be blessed as you do.

 The Old Rugged Cross | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:41

The cross in ancient times was the ultimate sentence for hardened criminals. It was therefore a symbol of shame and condemnation to the one sentenced to it. After Christ submitted to death on the cross, the symbol of the cross was forever glorified and we his disciples can lay claim to many spiritual privileges as a result of His Old Rugged Cross. Join Bishop Eddy as he explains the many significant gems the Cross stands for. This sermon is one of the final installments in the Losing, Sacrificing,Suffering and Dying series. It has been such a marvelous journey, you should not miss the crowning moments. You will be blessed listening.

 Desirable Outcomes of Sacrifice | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:27:44

It is ordained that by sacrificing we should enter into the glories of our callings. Ultimately all sacrifice leads to 'death'. It is when we have obtained the high place of death to self that God begins to trust us with higher blessings like the anointing as was taught in this powerful mid-week service. As Bishop Eddy shares with us the desirable outcomes of sacrificing, He explains how a corn of wheat must fall into the ground and die in order to regenerate into much fruit (John 12:24). Trust the Holy Spirit to receive a personal revelation as our special man of God expounds powerfully on the subject. You will be blessed!

 The Enemies of Sacrifice | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:12:24

The act of sacrificing is another cardinal pillar of our Faith. Unfortunately, sometimes our lifestyles and life decisions are the biggest opposition to practicing this act of sacrificing. As Bishop Eddy gently exposes these enemies to sacrifice, he believes your eyes will open to the things you need to lay on the altar so that power may be released in your Christian walk. You will be inspired to take an intelligent decision to accept the inevitability of sacrificing in the Kingdom. Your christianity will transform once you do.


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