The Spiritual Peak Center show

The Spiritual Peak Center

Summary: The Spiritual Peak Center - Drs. Janelle & Rob Alex, Ph.D. & special guests share how you can experience a more powerful, playful, passionate and spiritual life individually & in your relationships.

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  • Artist: Drs. Rob & Janelle Alex, Ph.D.
  • Copyright: Copyright © 2014 Janelle & Rob Alex. All rights reserved.


 Weird Sex Laws - Wacky Wednesday | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:13:50

So, today we talked about some really weird sex laws!  Surely these are OLD laws that simply haven't been taken off of the books, but who knows?  I bet you will get some laughs out of these odd laws too.  Listen in and see if you have heard any of these before. Get busy. Get spiritual. Laugh you ass off! Janelle Rob of © Dmitry Pichugin - - Post on weird sex laws

 10 Things Your Preacher Doesn’t Want You To Know | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:59

We recently shared a blog post over at Sexy Challenges entitled 10 Things Your Preacher Doesn't Want You to Know.  This lighthearted post has a lot of truth to it though!  Listen to this episode as discuss the blog post and share these 10 things with you.  Prepare to either get a good laugh or be offended - only you can decide how to react to it. Rob and Janelle - Read the blog post is a bit different than what we talked about on this episode. Photo credit: © dedMazay -

 Q&A What Does God Think About Sex? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:23:14

Depending on the tradition or religion there are a variety of beliefs around sex and what "God" says you can or can't do and what you should or shouldn't do.  We touched on the question today - "What does God think about sex?"  It is a very deep topic and we only skimmed the surface, but listen in to find out the the things we ultimately believe "God" or the Divine has to say about it. Get busy. Get spiritual. Laugh your ass off! Rob and Janelle Photo credit © Mopic -

 Wacky Wednesday - Weird Sex Facts | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:13:50

A Wacky Wednesday of weird sex facts.  Sometimes you just never know what you might find out.  No wonder the elephant is afraid of the mouse. Rob and Janelle Visit us at Photo credit: © Ivan Grlic -

 Q & A - What Can Sexy Challenges Do For You? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:22:23

Many people around the world have found the amazing benefits of Sexy Challenges.  They can take your relationship to a new level.  One where the physical pleasure and the spiritual pleasure combine equally.  Sexy Challenges can build a bond between lovers that will find those lovers supercharge with amazing energy.  Manifestation is another value of Sexy Challenges.  They can help you direct your sexual energy to bring amazing things into your life.  The list goes on and on. Check out what so many others have found out all ready.  Start by listening to this podcast and then check out Sexy Challenges for yourself.  They are valuable way beyond the price.  Soon you will find the power of Sexy Challenges. It's easy to get started just check out Sexy then follow the links to find us on iTunes, Amazon or for the Nook. Sending you peace and love, Rob and Janelle

 Stupid Questions - Wacky Wednesday | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:10

Today we talked about a set of questions that we came across.  These were supposedly going to spice up your sex life.  We actually found most of them to be downright stupid or more than likely to start a fight.  Mind you we did find two or three that could heat things up in a sexy way.  Listen in today as we share with you a sampling of these possibly questions to pose to your lover. If you really want to spice things up, go over to and Grab some Sexy Challenges. Keeping it sexy and sacred, Janelle and Rob

 Sexual Altars | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:37

Today we discussed altars.  What they are and where you might already unknowingly have them in your home.  Even more exciting is that we talked about sexual altars.  Ooohh, what are those? For many of you your first thought may be of an altar in a church, but they are really everywhere and for a vast amount of reasons.  Altars are an amazing way to honor specific things, places, or people. Listen in as we talk about this topic today! Visit us at Honoring you, Rob and Janelle Photo credits: © stacy2010ua - © Ioana Davies (Drutu) -

 Q&A Does Money Affect My Sex Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:11

Today is question and answer day!  Have you ever thought about whether or not money (or lack of money) can have an impact on your sex life within your committed loving relationship?  Well, it can.  More often than not couples don't communicate about their money.  They may very well fight about it, but that is not what we consider communicating.  One partner may blame the other for spending too much.  Or there is great stress over how to pay the bills. Or one partner may have no clue as to where they stand with money. But, there are some very beautiful and powerful ways to communicate about money.  We talked with Bari Tessler Linden, a Financial Therapist, Coach and Mommypreneur.  She shared some wonderful advice with us.  You can find more out about Bari here: . And, Rob was cracking me up just before and during the interview.  He kept putting on our youngest son's 3-D glasses.  What a goof - LOL !!! Come on over to and learn more about how to blending the sacred and the sensual! Honoring you, Janelle and Rob

 Crazy Ancient Beliefs About the Birds and the Bees | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:39

On this Wacky Wednesday episode we talk about ancient beliefs about how many insects and animals were impregnated or for some - how they just "popped out" into life from seemingly nowhere.  This light-hearted discussion is based on actual beliefs held years and years and years ago! Listen in as you will probably get a giggle or two and most likely be a little surprised at the ways reproduction was believed to have occurred. Rob and Janelle Alex Co-Founders of Sexy Challenges Have you picked up a Sexy Challenge lately?  Why not?  Jump over to now and Grab'em!

 Sex Can Expand Your Personal Growth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:12

Your closest intimate relationships on an emotional as well as a physical level can expand and deepen your personal growth (emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually).  Relationships are actually a spiritual path and expanding your consciousness and experiencing personal growth through your relationships is not as complicated as it may seem. Join us as we talk about this and how SEX can expand your personal and spiritual growth too! Here is the link to the video about what a spiritual gateway is.  Click here. Honoring you, Rob and Janelle Photo credit © XtravaganT -

 Q&A Can You Accidentally Manifest Negative Things | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:28

If you are upset or in a bad mood, can you unintentionally draw to you negative things when you make love to your partner?  Can you accidentally manifest more bad stuff?  We talk about this on this episode.  As you may very well already know, we teach how to manifest amazing things into your life by learning how to direct your sexual/orgasmic energy and bring beautiful ceremonies and rituals into your life. See you over at Love, Rob and Janelle © alphaspirit -

 Do The Opposite | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:10:45

Be different the next time you make love.  Flat out try and do the opposite.  We talk about this today and how you can turn this into a wacky and funny as well as a sensual experience. Go to for more info. Janelle Rob Alex

 Surprise! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:22

This week is birthday week at our house.  Rob's birthday is today and then two of our sons have birthdays this week, too!  Therefore, we decided to talk about surprises and how great they can be in your relationship.  And, we are sharing a pic of our simple, yet, special little celebration with Rob's "cake".  He wanted banana bread instead.  You can make any day special, but remember to make those "special" days extra special with little (or big) surprises! Visit us at where laughter, sensuality and spirituality blend to create powerful, playful passion. Happy Surprises! Janelle Rob

 Q&A When is Enough Enough | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:45

Today we elaborated on a podcast we did a few months back.  It focused on romance novels and their impact on relationships. Listen it to here. Our episode today focuses on when enough is enough.  After all sometimes there are those who get too wrapped up in novels or romantic movies or celebrities and then you lose touch with your partner.  Listen to it now! Come see us at Light and love, Janelle and Rob © Pavel Losevsky -

 Where Did That Come From - Wacky Wednesday | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:22:30

Where did it all start?  Who came up with the idea to try this or that when it came to sex and love making?  Since today is Wacky Wednesday we get a little silly randomly tossing out ideas of where some things might have started from.  Of course, these aren't actual historical facts, but some of them are pretty funny.  After all, have you ever thought about where this technique or that practice came from? See you over at! Rob and Janelle Photo credit: © Lelde J-R -  © idreamphoto -


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