Your First Day In Real Estate show

Your First Day In Real Estate

Summary: Grass Roots fundamentals in selling real estate. Real world applications from a top producer who walks the walk and talks the talk. From FSBO's to Foreclosures, from Short sales to Sellers and Buyers.

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 Real Estate Sales Trainer And Coach Episode 0004 Jumpstart Your Career | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

O.k. so your market sucks and the business is down. Never fear, I have a pair of jumper cables for your sales career. I want to talk about tips and ways to get your business back on track. Here are a few tips that I would like to share with you. 1. Go out and door knock. Old school social networking. Hit the streets with a clean outfit, maybe even a tie, and knock on doors. Have a fliers or some sort of propaganda ready to leave at the door. There are scripts and dialogues available on my door knocking course available here. 2. Hold an open house. If you do not have any listings then find knocking on doors. If that is not fast enough for this weekend, ask an agent in the office if they have any homes that they would let you hold open. Most agents would have no problem. It does not matter if it is a great listing, only that it is a good location for traffic. 3. Advertise a home for sale. If you do not have one, same thing as open house. Ask an agent if you can advertise. 4. You can start a website or even a blog. That is not the fastest way but you will want to start someday. 5. Put fliers on your listings. Put fliers at your local businesses. Sometimes if the home is a hot property I do not put fliers, I want the calls. 6. Get a toll free number and put it on ALL of your promotional products. This will give you your buyers caller ID displayed because you are paying for the call. 7. Collect all of your contacts in one place. 8. Call them. 9. Know your scripts and dialogues, you may need them. 10. Hold floor time or get the calls from the ads that you office pays for. Spend the floor time wisely and do some real estate homework or paper pushing. 11. Volunteer in the community and wear a badge to them. Smile at people and they will talk to you... this is where #9 helps. 12. Volunteer at the senior centers. What a gold mine of equity sellers with all the time in the world to talk. They love a young businessperson. 13. Follow up on FSBO's and Expireds. Go to LandVoice if you do not have any. They will give you hundreds! 14 .Put your properties on Craig's list. It's FREE 15. Continue learning to produce results. Better yet hire me to train you.

 0002 The App Store | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Whether you use a computer or not your life is run by applications or software. The grocery store checkout clerk uses a program to make the job of collecting your money in exchange for a loaf of bread is no longer a punch key register. It is software written into the register. The gas you are pumping and watching go up in price is running software that calculates with precision how much you are receiving. From cell phones ,to car dashboards, to home computers we are all surround by the software running our day-to-day in an effort to simplify our mundane tasks so that we can hurry up to the next program. These software programs in recent times has been referred to applications or “apps” for short.  This term refers to an application that runs on a computer to perform a specific task. It has been a common catch phrase to say that “there’s an app for that” when faced with a technological challenge. Some parodies are on the internet spoofing that there are apps for any problem we encounter not just computer. Sesame Street does a jingle that shows all the ways you can using a pogo stick with a computer that fixes flat tires and butters bread. To be in the now and to know you are in the now with the ability to move forward and maintain that vision..that feeling. If I could hold it I would be invincible. How I capture it? How do I bottle it? How do I make it into a pill? Or perhaps fill it in a syringe find an artery and  slam it into my system. With unlimited refills. What you do have you do to get  that substance? Where can you go to get this feeling? You know what there's an app. The human mind is the most advanced computer known to mankind. We have the ability in an instant to distinguish hundreds of flavors and smells. The body and its sophisticated senses can identify millions of sounds and billions of colors. Our bodies can visualize in the mind and see things with our thoughts as they are and as they could be. Some may even see things as they are not. That is Insanity and we will discuss this in later chapters. What I'm talking about mental apps that we program carefully to perform specific functions that make our lives better. Our bodies are always making default responses to outside stimulus and have the ability to alter the state of mind simply by calling it into existence in the moment. From birth our hunger for nourishment and response to discomfort are the first triggers on this amazing programmer’s journey. From our childhood we continue to create the hard wiring through practice or simply modifying a slightly desirable outcome to become the perfect result. You’ve heard it said before that the ability for a child to learn a new language is amazingly fast given that they are so young and unable to understand limitations. As we become adults we begin to slow down the learning process as we feel our machinery is advanced enough to enter what I call a macro instruction or simply a Macro. A macro instruction in computer lingo is series of program codes written to eliminate mundane or repetitive keystrokes that slow the programmer down. By creating a mini program inside of the main program the user is able to speed up the result of the task at hand. This sort of behavior in the human mind however almost always leads to complacency. These complacencies  act a default startup program commonly referred to an operating system. We Hit the alarm clock or press the power button. We take a shower brush our teeth and get dressed or we boot up the software. Our hard drives whirr at the gym or next to the coffee pot. We go to work and let the applications do the rest. We stuff our guts with garbage and bog the processor down with unnecessary files and stress. We come home freeze our systems, maybe reboot with a TV show or a glass of wine and then power down only to start the same process the very same day. Do these long enough and we are likely to get the dreaded blue screen of death or even worse a virus.

 Your First Day In Real Estate has changed it’s content direction and feed | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

YFDIRE will become a news and trends resource for real estate.  But if you come directly to this site, then for the last time I am training on this link. Please subscribe to both on Itunes or Stitcher. O.k. so your market sucks and the business is down. Never fear, I have a pair of jumper cables for your sales career. I want to talk about tips and ways to get your business back on track. Here are a few tips that I would like to share with you. 1. Go out and door knock. Old school social networking. Hit the streets with a clean outfit, maybe even a tie, and knock on doors. Have a fliers or some sort of propaganda ready to leave at the door. There are scripts and dialogues available on my door knocking course available here. 2. Hold an open house. If you do not have any listings then find knocking on doors. If that is not fast enough for this weekend, ask an agent in the office if they have any homes that they would let you hold open. Most agents would have no problem. It does not matter if it is a great listing, only that it is a good location for traffic. 3. Advertise a home for sale. If you do not have one, same thing as open house. Ask an agent if you can advertise. 4. You can start a website or even a blog. That is not the fastest way but you will want to start someday. 5. Put fliers on your listings. Put fliers at your local businesses. Sometimes if the home is a hot property I do not put fliers, I want the calls. 6. Get a toll free number and put it on ALL of your promotional products. This will give you your buyers caller ID displayed because you are paying for the call. 7. Collect all of your contacts in one place. 8. Call them. 9. Know your scripts and dialogues, you may need them. 10. Hold floor time or get the calls from the ads that you office pays for. Spend the floor time wisely and do some real estate homework or paper pushing. 11. Volunteer in the community and wear a badge to them. Smile at people and they will talk to you... this is where #9 helps. 12. Volunteer at the senior centers. What a gold mine of equity sellers with all the time in the world to talk. They love a young businessperson. 13. Follow up on FSBO's and Expireds. Go to LandVoice if you do not have any. They will give you hundreds! 14 .Put your properties on Craig's list. It's FREE 15. Continue learning to produce results. Better yet hire me to train you.

 YFDIRE Goes to RESTAC? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:21


 Your First Day In Real Estate Episode 0053 Safety First | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Recently there was an article in the papers about  a real estate agent was attacked while inspecting a vacant house. "According to police, the agent was doing a walk-thru of the house. As she entered the basement, a man grabbed her and began to assault her. The woman was able to fight off her assailant who ran from the house, police said." As Realtors, we must remain vigilant and take precautions to protect ourselves. I've shown vacant homes before where It was apparent that someone was staying there. Showing vacant homes can be dangerous particularly for women and even the client.  I'd recommend for all realtors to carry some sort of protection because you never know when a situation like this can occur and your life or your clients may be at risk. Stay safe. To be honest, I'm always prepared when showing homes...or holding open houses - at least I feel I am. I carry a product that I bought at Sports Authority (among other things) - it shoots further than most, does a rapid fire release of pepper spray. My advice is if you are threatened fire it and go - don't hesitate and don't look back - get the heck out of there! Do’s Meet the buyer at the office. First it's never optimal to meet anyone you don't know at a property, you should first, meet them at the office and then show them houses. We are the only profession who agrees to meet a client fully on their terms . Does your lawyer, doctor or dentist do that? Even your insurance salesman doesn't meet you in the parking lot! Never precede a buyer into a house. Let them go in first, and you follow after they are well in the house, always follow behind, and never allow a buyer to block the exit. You stand nearest the exit. Leave the door open. Unlock other exit doors as soon as possible. Be careless with the truth. Use polite lies or exaggerate truths to avoid going with buyers into danger areas. For example, “ when going to basements or stairs say you have a bad back. Never show property after dark. Never show a home alone if you suspect squatters Do not show vacant homes to clients that you have not previously met in person, The vacant homes present danger to anyone, especially to our female realtors. . Preview the home to take note of escape routes and danger areas like dead ends. Arrive before your buyer and unlock the doors. Use a buddy system. Always make your office or someone aware of where you are going when you are out previewing vacant listings. Have a check-in system with a fellow agent. Be on the phone (or fake being on the phone) when your buyer shows up, and let them hear language such as, "Oh, the Smiths just showed up! I'll call you. ...let a team member know where we are and the contact information for the person(s) we're meeting (names, phone numbers, even auto tag numbers)--I'll make that phone call right in front of the party in some cases. Follow up with your check-in buddy at the end of the visit so they know you are safe. Have someone/office staffer calls to check on you during this time. There are apps for phones that can fake call you in x amount of minutes. Get a Man. The kind of people who are violent to women are intimidated by even the mere presence of a man. At minimum, have someone with you; such as partner up with another agent and preview each other's vacant listings. Have some type of a defensive spray and be ready to use it without any hesitation. Don’ts Do not get distracted.  Do not hold OPEN HOUSE ALONE! Have a partner or spouse, or even better a loan officer to work with you as a team. There are "open house home shoppers" who are looking to steal jewelry or prescriptions or are just scanning the house for their comeback. Most of the time, they are professionally dressed, and not suspicious. Always be proactive. Never let your guard down. Safeguard yourself. Self Defense In some states receiving a license to carry a concealed weapon for lawful self-defense,

 Real Estate Sales Trainer and Coach episode 003 Contact Management | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:38

Real Estate Sales Trainer and Coach episode 003 Contact Management

 Real Estate Sales Trainer and Coach episode 002 Time Management | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:06

Real Estate Sales Trainer and Coach episode 002 Time Management

 Real Estate Sales Trainer and Coach episode 001 Your First Day | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:52

Real Estate Sales Trainer and Coach episode 001 Your First Day

 Real Estate Goal setting Battle Plan 2012 Part 1 of 4 | File Type: application/atom+xml; charset=UTF-8 | Duration: Unknown

I am a Realtor, a father and a husband. I push myself to be better and enjoy sharing this journey through Audio, Video and Blogs

 Your First Day In Real Estate Episode 0032 How to Do a Short Sale | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:26

A short sale in real estate occurs when the outstanding obligations (loans) against a property are greater than what the property can be sold for. A short sale is when a lender accepts a discount on a mortgage to avoid a possible foreclosure auction or bankruptcy. Instead of buying from a seller, you are purchasing the property directly from the lender for a discount. For example: A homeowner, who is facing foreclosure, has an existing first mortgage of $200,000. You write an offer to the lender for $120,000, which is accepted as full payment for the loan. This is a "short sale". Why are they willing to take such a discount? Several reasons. First of all, banks do not like excess inventory and bad loans on their books; therefore, if they see an opportunity where they can sell the property without a huge loss, they will do it. Secondly, lenders know they could lose a lot more money if the property goes to auction. There are so many fees involved if the property goes to auction, that they would be better off taking the discount beforehand and be finished with the headache of it all.Short sales are a way for homeowners to avoid foreclosure on their homes and still be able to pay off their loan by settling with lender. Instructions: Things You'll Need Financial Calculator Real Estate Brokers Online Mortgage/finance Services 1. Verify the value of your property. If you are selling the property through a real estate broker, your broker will provide you with an estimate of market value. If you are selling the property yourself, do your own market analysis of the area and your property. 2. Add up all the costs of selling the property. If you are using the services of a real estate broker, the broker will provide an estimate of closing costs. If you are selling the property on your own (for sale by owner), call a local title company or real estate attorney and ask, as a seller, what the closing costs will be. 3. Determine the amount owed against the property. This will be the total of all loans against the property. 4. Do the calculations. Subtract the total amount owing against the property from the estimated proceeds of the sale. On a short sale, this will be a negative number. 5.Contact the lender or lenders. Talk to someone in the customer service department and tell them the situation. They may direct you to a specific department. Talk to a supervisor or manager if possible; this person will have more authority. 6.Ask the lender what its procedures are for a short sale. Some lenders are willing to work with you by reducing the amount owed or making other arrangements. Others will look to the agents involved (if any) or anyone else who's making money off the transaction to see if they are willing to make concessions to make the transaction happen. Still other lenders will tell you that your debt is your responsibility, one way or the other. 7. Sell the property. It is best to do a short sale when the property is in the pre-foreclosure state. Yes, you can perform a short sale when the bank owns the property, however your profits will more than likely be smaller. There are two stages within pre-foreclosure. The first stage being those individuals who are behind on payments and the second stage are those who are behind on payments with a notice of default. In order for this to work properly and for you to successfully get a short sale, you must find the homeowners who are in the second stage of pre-foreclosure or more than 3 payments behind on their mortgage. Once the notice of default has been recorded, banks become motivated as well, so you are more likely to get a discount. Until that time, very rarely will a bank ever discount a mortgage that soon. Why would they? The homeowners still have time to cure the loan and make up the back payments.Tips & Warnings Closing costs will include title and escrow fees (if the seller is responsible for any portion of them, which will depend on your county), attorney fees,


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