Traditional Cooking School by GNOWFGLINS show

Traditional Cooking School by GNOWFGLINS

Summary: Helping you raise, save, and prep food for good times and bad. Whether you're new to traditional cooking, just getting started, or an old hat at sourdough, fermentation, cheesemaking, and other traditional cooking skills, you're sure to find lots to help you on your journey at and Submit your questions to

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 KYF #022: Grain Mills with Vickilynn Haycraft | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:03

In this episode of Know Your Food with Wardee, join me and my special guest Vickilynn Haycraft from and the radio show Get Real—Get Prepared. We are talking about milling your own grains and choosing the right grain mill. Why would you want to mill your own grains? What kind of grains mills are on the market? How to choose the right grain mill? And much more!

 KYF #021: Listener Questions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:11

In this episode of Know Your Food with Wardee, I'm taking listener questions. Topics include: getting started with fermented vegetables, sourdough bread troubleshooting, herbal tea for pregnancy and breastfeeding, reactivating a sourdough starter with "aged" flour, how to make homemade salted peanuts, and how to get started with sprouting nuts and seeds. See this post for the questions and answers, plus links to resources I mentioned in my answers.

 KYF #020: Probiotic Fermented Beverages with Scott from Zukay (Giveaway!) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:43

In this episode of Know Your Food with Wardee, you get to meet Scott Grzybek (pronounced Jibbek) from Zukay Live Foods. Zukay makes raw, fermented, delicious, and probiotic vegetable kvass beverages. Scott is not only a guest today, he's also giving away a bunch of Zukay kvass beverages to readers -- and everyone wins something, no joke. Giveaway details are inside this post.

 KYF #019: Better Than A Box | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:14

In this episode of Know Your Food with Wardee, you get to meet Katie Kimball, the author of the new book sensation Better Than A Box! Her book, launched on Tuesday, has already sold 5,000 copies! Today, she's visiting with me about her multi-year project, the new book Better Than A Box. This book helps beginning and experienced cooks discover how to "reverse engineer" processed food recipes into whole foods family favorites. We talk about what's in the book, her first "reverse engineered" recipes, and much more! (And check inside the post for an exclusive 30% off coupon.)

 KYF #018: Traditional Food Basics #1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:08

In this episode of Know Your Food with Wardee, we begin an exploration of the basics of traditional foods -- so you know how and why to implement traditional cooking in your kitchen. This week's topics are: the importance of whole foods and traditional grain preparation methods such as soaking, sprouting, and fermenting. You'll see lots of links and resources below, including free ones! Come on in and join us.

 KYF #017: Top 4 Recommendations for a Healthy 2013! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:51

This is the first episode of the new year! I'm talking about personal and family goals for 2013, sharing my top 4 recommendations for YOU in 2013 (they go for me, too), and finally I take listener questions. That's what's ahead in this 17th episode of Know Your Food with Wardee. In this post, you'll see a summary of the major points I made, and links I referenced. Plus you can listen to the podcast, which of course, contains much more meat! (So give a listen, will you?)

 KYF #016: Dehydrating — Listener Questions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:00

Thanks everyone for submitting your dehydrating questions for today's podcast. I'm so happy you reached out and shared what's on your mind, and I'm even happier that I have an opportunity to help. So without further ado, here's this episode of Know Your Food with Wardee. See below for a list of the questions answered and the links shared.

 KYF #015: Angela England, author of “Backyard Farming on an Acre (More or Less)” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:59

Today, we're going to talk about backyard farming and how it can help all of us answer a growing food crisis. My guest is Angela England, the author of the new book, Backyard Farming on an Acre (More or Less). Angela is giving away a signed copy of her book, too. Be sure to listen to the podcast so you can answer the question to get a bonus entry!

 KYF #014: Julie Feickert from Cultures for Health | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:11

Please welcome Julie Feickert from Cultures for Health. We're celebrating the launch of our next online class -- Dehydrating -- with a giveaway of an Excalibur 9-tray dehydrator package from Julie, so I figured it was the perfect time to invite her to be a guest on my podcast. She said yes, and you're going to love meeting her.

 KYF #013: Chris Kerston of Chaffin Family Orchards | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:27

Please welcome Chris Kerston from Chaffin Family Orchards. I asked him to be a guest because I wanted to learn more about what they're doing and I wanted you to hear it, too. Their 300 acres of orchards (olive, citrus and stone fruit) are "mowed" and fertilized by cattle, sheep, and goats who are followed by chickens who debug (natural pest control). Since adopting these methods, they've been able to use 85% less fuel, plus they're building soil fertility and taking higher-quality foods right to the consumer. Chris and I visit about his family, his role as managing partner at Chaffin Family Orchards. We talk about the olive/olive oil industry, what's wrong with conventional olive growers and convention olives... And tons more. Do listen!

 KYF #012: Listener Questions! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:49

Today on the podcast I'm taking listener questions! Topics include: is a traditional diet low-carb? how is a traditional diet different than GAPS, Paleo/Primal? is there alcohol in water kefir? is water kefir safe for children? more information on dehydrated yogurt, eggs, and broth in vac sealed pouches? any advice for starting a family farm? #1 small investment toward preparedness? what do you think of almond milk, Truvia, xanthan gum, whey protein powder? which rennet -- animal or vegetable? what's the time frame/schedule for your online classes? Whew!

 KYF #011: Making a Traditional Food Transformation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:08:39

Want to make a switch to traditional foods or wonder what this even means? This week, we're talking about what traditional foods are, why you might switch, how you can make the changes, and what's possible when you do. Plus resources to help you on the journey! That and more on today's episode of Know Your Food with Wardee.

 KYF #010: Whole Food Transformation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:54

In today's podcast, you get to hear the amazing whole food transformation story of France and Joshua from This is one of those stories that you'll never forget! They were "forced" to eat whole foods and the amazing changes that ensued were so remarkable it was impossible to ignore them.

 KYF #009: Nourishing Skin Care with Renee from | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:10:21

In today's podcast, I'm visiting with Renee Harris from Raising, saving, and preparing food can take a toll on our skin and we should nourish and repair damaged skin with nourishing products. Such as... hard lotion! Frankly, there's nothing like it. Also in this episode, we kick off a giveaway for 2 $50 gift certificates from MadeOn Skin Care Products and a 15% off coupon. Come on inside and check it out!

 KYF #008: Naturally Knocked Up with Donielle Baker | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:17:28

I'm tickled to introduce you to Donielle Baker, the author of the book Naturally Knocked Up and the blog of the same name. Donielle is passionate about the link between food and fertility and has overcome her own infertility and helped countless others to improve their fertility naturally, through cleansing, real food, natural living, exercise, and super foods. In this episode you'll hear more about Donielle's life, family, work, and new book. She shares the very real risks and issues with conventional fertility treatments. She gives her top three (natural!) tips for those dealing with infertility. And much more on today's podcast!


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