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 CPT-LIAR LIAR Pants on FIRE Part II | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:40:00

President Obama is taking the tour all over the mid west with stops in Iowa, Minnesota in order to get his NEW message accross that JOBS are his # 1 priority during the next 6 years. The Presdent is planning many more stops & many more campaigns to spread his message of hope and change part 2 in order to  make America better for all of us and our families as well as  to restore AMERICA as a economic super power. This is all to cum in the following years........ Well during the past 3 years in which Chocolate King has been in charge he has done 100% the complete opposite of what he claimmed in 90% of his campaign garentees. Since being elected President we have gone from A BAD economy to an even worse. We are as A NATION working harder and harder and simply NOT making the progress world wide at any level. WHY should we trust President Obama to 4 more years? In todays LIAR LIAR Pants on FIRE Part II we will talk about the success of the President in REAL WORLD AND REAL person terms. Tonight The President is on the COLD or HOT seat what has he done to earn your vote in 2012 or NOT, Prime Time TONIGHT. ALSO A WAAU Media Special Report for Prime Time : The Ron Paul *R*E*V*O*L*U*T*I*O*N* basicly A tie in Iowa and again his funds are plenty. Is this A illution or is it A FULL FORM of democracy taking place? Take part bi calling in or jump into the  the delicious but dangerous chat room. Let the games begin!!!!!!!!!! 

 CPT-"Does Ron Paul Have A Chance!!!" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Ron Paul places second in the Iowa Straw Poll and now the media is starting to give Ron Paul the attention his followers say he deserves.Michelle Bauchman won the Iowa Straw poll by only 152 votes,while Tim Pawlenty places 3rd.Texas Gov Rick Perry enters the presidential race and is polling only 2% behind the "leader"Mit Romney".This horse race is getting more and more interesteng everyday,while President Obama goes unchallenged for the democratic nomination.So Tonight on CPT-Roundtable Edition we will discuss the 2012 election and a few other issues that concern our nation(we may even talk a little about Obamas Birth Certificate).All BTR host are invited to attend and as always guest are encouraged to participate.

 Primetime Sports "NFL Fandemonium" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

This Friday night,  August 12th at 10:00PM Eastern, join Ralph Lanier Jr., "NFL Director of Fandemonium" and his son, Jake Lanier for another exciting show on Primetime Radio USA!! They will be talking about the NFL and the start of the 2011 Pre-Season schedule of games. The 2011 Pre-Season starts this Thursday, Friday, and Staurday. Listen in for their take on the games and results from all the NFL action. You can participate by calling in, or joining the "live" chat room. Listen for the most football you can fit into 2 hours right here on BlogTalkRadio and Primetime Radio USA!! It's all about the Fans!! Primetime Sports "NFL Fandemonium"!! Every Friday night at 10:00PM Eastern

 Conservative Primetime "China Rising" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

China's first aircraft carrier steamed out of Dalian harbor for a sea trial Wednesday, providing a burst of national pride for China's people but a source of concern for many of its neighbors. The short voyage by the refitted Ukrainian carrier ends weeks of speculation about the date of the vessel's initial sea trial. A defense Ministry statement said the carrier, formerly known as the Varyag, would soon return to harbor for continued refit and test work. Chinese officials have downplayed the significance of the carrier, saying it will be used for scientific research, experiments and training. But the ship has become a symbol of China's rising military power at a time of tension with several of its neighbors over competing maritime claims in the East and South China seas. But China’s move could be provoked by necessity as much as anything else. Late Friday, the rating agency Standard & Poor’s took the historic decision of downgrading the US debt from AAA – a rating unchanged since 1941 – to a slightly tarnished ranking of AA+ with negative outlook. While being a major lender to the US certainly gives China a strong voice, its investments are on the line. If the unthinkable were to happen and the US were to default on its debt, that would mean significant amounts of Chinese capital going up in smoke..Tonight on Conservative Primetime "Cool"Mike and Germaine along with our guest will discuss how the United States should deal with China in the future.

 Casting Call on CPT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:57:00

BTR Drama continues, The battle for Wisc next week we think , The budget and battle over who is responsable never seems to end. So long live the KING & QUEEN tonight CPT ( Conservativive Prime Time ) this is your night for A casting cal well kind of and sorta of because we are taking politics and it goes asside for TONIGHT and we are talking your favorite Movie(s), Actors and Actress. How about TV shows? Do you have  A DREAM JOB? We all would LOVE to have A STARING ROLL in some Movie or TV show? If " COOL " Mike, , Lee ( CFGA ), Sarge or Germaine were on SURVIVOR would one of us be the winner or would Debbie ( The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth) show us all how its done? Tea Party Paul last night made his debute as A spot reporter, Now where is Wil? Maybe he\ is on the campaign trail en'route for A run to be President or culd he be the next BOX Office Star? Benyamin Solomon Prime Minister of Israel & KING of the Jews Part II? Well tonight we just talk favorite of favorite and YES we can throw politics in but we are going to CHILL MODE LIVE and just give some THANKS we are all here together and  life is worth living and so is our fight for justice. So who is the most $exy & stunning ladie on the screen in your eyes? What guy makes your heart throb and melt?  You like Sci Fi or History TONIGHT your letting us know everything and anything. Michael Savage, Rush, Sean or maybe Keith or Rachel. Bill O?  If you could anchor one of the prime time shows on ABC,NBC, CNN, CBS, FOXNews or anything what do you think would RULE while your in the Captains Chair?

 Chocolate GaNgStAz | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:02:00

The Congrssional BLACK cacucs is upset over Congressman Allen West's E-Mail to The Democratic Party Chair. They are caling for his A$$ yet only Allen West is telling people about it, NOT the media! The NAACP now is accused of being a moder Day group of GanGstAs?  : Whistleblower Tracie Jackson’s allegations, outlined in a Houston, Texas, federal lawsuit this week, come a year after an NAACP executive in Georgia was criminally charged with embezzling more than $275,000, according to a report released by Judicial Watch, a group that investigates government corruption Why do you NOT read about this in the local newspaper or on your TV NEWS? Does BLACK corruption or Mafia style in America get A pass due to the fact our LIBERAL & BIAS MEDIA is own by comapnies dependent on $$ BLACK $$ dollars of advertising? Jessie Jackson for YEARS was a modern day highway robber, says veteran investigative reporter Kenneth R. Timmerman, who uses cries of racism to steal from individuals, corporations, and government, to give to himself. Until now, however, no one has been brave enough to say it and diligent enough to prove it. But Ken Timmerman has cracked Jackson's machine, found Jackson cronies willing to break ranks, and uncovered a sordid tale of greed, ambition, and corruption from a self-proclaimed minister who has no qualms about poisoning American race relations for personal gain. BLACK GaNgTsAs are not in bandannas & at the street corners as we are lead to think as BIG $$ MONEY $$ tells us they wear suit and ties and they are almost always members of The DEMOCRATIC party.  TONIGHT we will talk about the bias media & have they for years and years given these THUGS A pass simply because of their race? How can people call for A congressmans A$$ and yet get away w/ it? In America where we have freedom of the press & many major 24 hour news networks, yet NOT one word? 

 Conservative Primetime "The Black Republican" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:42:00

Following the American Civil War, freed slaves became a part of the Republican Party, which was founded by abolitionists in 1854. The Republicans not only supported the abolishment of slavery but also advocated for equal rights to all men. The advent of the Reconstruction era led to the constitutional and legal status of freed slaves. For the first time in American history, blacks were granted suffrage and the opportunity to take public office via the 15 th Amendment to the Constitution in 1870. Black America is still one of the most conservative groups of people in America, especially the older ones.  They are God fearing and church going, they are against abortion and homosexuality, they tend to stick to their traditional ways even if it was a method to survive adversity, they still stick to their traditional foods even if they are considered unhealthy, and they still believe in family even though the man maybe absent.  If this is the case, why then, do Blacks vote Democrat? Tonight on CPT "Cool"Mike and GGT along with our callers will discuss the issue.

 CPT-Roundtable "The New Cold War" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:53:00

Contrary to popular belief, communism is not dead!  Rather, it is invading the West at an alarming pace - either overtly or covertly. China is a solidly communist country. Cuba remains communist and Venezuela is becoming such. The majority of southern Africa - South Africa included - is either controlled by communists or moving rapidly in that direction. The new communists may not proclaim themselves to be such.  They use other terms such as socialism, etc., but communist thought is alive and well in the halls of academia.  The communist collective process has invaded our governments, schools, state, provincial and county governments, businesses and even Bible-based churches.  Few pastors and Christians in churches utilizing the popular church growth programs realize they are based on the collective process designed by atheist Vladimir Lenin to brainwash the masses and impose Marxist control on society.Most Westerners believe that fascism is extreme-right and socialism is far-left. Perhaps a more realistic model would be a circle at the top of which stands a free market economy, private enterprise, and a limited constitutional government with a bill of rights for the individual as a cornerstone of freedom. At the bottom of the circle rests a dictatorship, individual or oligarchic, sham rights revocable at any time by the state, and where the rule of law means everything is state controlled. The only practical difference between fascism and socialism is that in a communist society government owns all property and directs all enterprise, whereas in a fascist society private property ownership continues, but entrepreneurs must submit to government's ideologies and goals - chief of which is the task of funding government programs with the proceeds of private enterprise.  Today's socialism is striving to straddle both models.Tonight we will discuss "The New Cold War".and Can America survive.

 Primetime Sports "NFL Fandemonium" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

This Friday Night@10pm Eastern  Ralph Lanier Jr (NFL Director of Fandemonuim) and co-host & son Jake Lanier will be discussing all the happenings in the NFL this past week including new free-agent signings, training camp news, and the 2011 NFL Hall of Fame Inductions in Canton Ohio. Deion Sanders, Marshall Faulk, Shannon Sharpe, Richard Dent, Les Richter, Chris Hanburger, and Ed Sabol. We will also be joined by 2 members of the PFUFA live from Canton Ohio. Listen in, Call in or join us in the chatroom discussion on Primetime Sports NFL Fandemonium. ITS ALL ABOUT NFL FANS and our LOVE of NFL Football !!!!  

 CPT "In Paul we TRUST"{United States Constitution} | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

TONIGHT Author & Radio Talk Show host Mr. Paul A. Ibbetson of KRMR 105.7 FM joins us & explain to us all what is legal, what is NOT. He will take your question reguarding our DECLARATION & CONSTITUTION.   Gun industry representatives said they would file lawsuits Wednesday challenging new gun-control measures by the Obama administration, an effort the nation's top lawyer vowed to "vigorously oppose."   The Justice Department, facing growing questions over Operation Fast and Furious, a controversial sting targeting Mexican drug cartels and American gunrunners, announced last month that it would begin requiring firearms dealers along the nation’s Southwest border to report multiple sales of certain semi-automatic rifles.   The department said such rifles are "highly sought after by dangerous drug trafficking organizations," and the new measures would help "detect and disrupt" weapons trafficking networks. A CLEAR 2nd ammendment VIOLATION. But ONLY Senators Rand Paul and Jim DeMint have committed to voting against the UN Small Arms Treaty. 100% of the others SUPPORT this UN Mandate for we the people.   The United Nations is requesting A bill to be passed and for all Government bodies WORLD WIDE to up hold A ban on specific hand guns. The USA appears NOT to be in opposition at this point.    “Firearms stand next in importance to the constitution itself. They are the American people’s liberty teeth and keystone under independence”  George Washington  Calls and chat room are welcome as always!!!!!!!

 CPT "The Republic" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

 "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government" (Article IV, Section 4). Moreover, the scheme of representation and the various mechanisms for selecting representatives established by the Constitution were clearly intended to produce a republic, not a democracy. To the extent that the United States of America has moved away from its republican roots and become more "democratic," it has strayed from the intentions of the Constitution's authors. Whether or not the trend toward more direct democracy would be smiled upon by the Framers depends on the answer to another question. Are the American people today sufficiently better informed and otherwise equipped to be wise and prudent democratic citizens than were American citizens in the late 1700s? By all accounts, the answer to this second question is an emphatic "no."Tonight on Conservative Primetime we will discuss various aspects of our Republic.

 Conservative Primetime "Islam Unveiled II" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:03:00

 Islam : Is it about LOVE & PEACE or WAR & distruction? What are their goals and true intentions? Do they desire the destruction of Israel and America or just FOXNews media bias and propaganda? Is it A religion of LOVE or A group of modern day Gangsters that use FAITH as A complete front for their cause direction & distruction of travel? What is the definition of a moderate muslim? Are their any walking this planet? So join us tonight @11:30 for another exciting episode of CPT ending w/ RAPID FIRE Questions to ALL of our Participating callers. { please be respectful in the chatroom }  

 Conservative Primetime "America 4 Sale" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Donald Trump was told by A Foreign Lobbying group just how simple it is to purchase the support of an AMERICAN ELECTED OFFICIAL & Isnt that nice? What does that say for those who day in and out fight for our freedom, for those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice & those who are disabled on our countries behalf? America has been for sale for years & we the people each day continue to be more and more clueless as to who indeed owns not only our country but out local, state & federal elected officials. Is the better term purchased officials? TONIGHT who owns who and who over the years have given what amount to whom for what favor in return? Is A candidate for President ( or Senate, Congress ) purchased long before they even announce their intentions? Is it business vs. business and may the largest war chest WIN? We are calling out the names of those who get the most $$$$$ NOT just from forien countries but those elected officials who appear to be on more then ONE PAYROLL & just where all that $$ CASH $$$ really goes each and every election. What does the $$$$ do during an off election year? Prime Time goes IN DEPTH & in detail in tonights series special : America 4 Sale so join us in the chat room or call in the show let your opinion and voice be heard 11:30 est

 CPT "The Conservative Roundtable Edition" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:22:00

Tonight on Conservative Primetime we will have our Conservative Roundtable discussion.All the host from btr are invited to call in and join the discussion.All callers are welcomed and guest are encouraged to participate in the chatroom.CPT is a member of Freedom Media Alliance

 Primetime Sports" NFL Fandemonium" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Friday Night NFL Director of Fandemonium Ralph Lanier and his son Jake Lanier will host and co-host Freedom Media Alliances' Primetime Sports Show. Friday Night  we will talk a little Fantasy Football,NFL analysis,the lockout and some scores and stats from tonight MLB games. Now that The NFL has reached an agreement and training camps & free agency are under way. Ralph & Jac update the status of teams and the schedule for pre season leading to kick off.  Friday Night  you get your chance in the chat room as well as on the caller phone line to let YOUR VOICE be heard and your opinion known its Fandemonium in its finest hour join us Friday Night .


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