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 Primetime Sports "NFL Fandemonium" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:21:00

Join Ralph Lanier Jr - NFL Director of Fandemonium and his co-host & son, Jake Lanier this Friday night at 10PM Eastern for Primetime Sports NFL Fandemonium!! They will be discussing the final weekend of NFL Pre-Season action, the upcoming Start of NCAA College Football and next weeks NFL KICKOFF week. Maybe a little more Fantasy Football info for your drafts this week!  You can also participate by calling in to the show!! We love to hear from NFL Fans from all over the country!!  We will get all the callers on the show, so give us a call and talk about your team!!  Please join us for the most NFL Football talk you can fit into two hours....This Friday Night at 10:00 Eastern. Only on BlogTalkRadio!! 

 Unseat Obama And Undo The Damage | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

It seems to me that this fact alone should unite the Right. Conservatives everywhere should make it their number one goal to see that Barack Obama and his coterie of followers on the Left are defeated in 2012. We on the Right need to seize the momentum of the midterm elections and charge headlong and confident into the next election. How do we do that? First of all, we need to present to the American people candidates who are compelling and vibrant and who stand on solid vision and principles. We need to unite behind our candidates after the primaries and refrain from the backbiting that can be so damaging. Getting principled conservatives elected isn’t enough. Once they’re in office, they need to aggressively work to undo the Obama agenda. Ideally in 2012 we’ll have conservative majorities in both houses of Congress and a president in the White House who hails from the Right. If so (and even if not), we need to do all we can to make sure that they restore damaged relationships with our allies like Great Britain and Israel, scale back the federal government, and reign in government spending. We need to stand together for the things that matter to all of us on the Right. We need to be unified and work together instead of picking each other apart. If we don’t, we’ll never make the difference we’re meant to make, and we’ll be a dysfunctional and ineffective movement. Regardless of our disagreements, I don’t think that’s what any of us want.So Join is the discussion tonight on Conservative Primetime @ 424-222-5255

 Peace Through Strength | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

The past decade has been a difficult one for our military: fighting two controversial wars, putting up with an anti-war movement unlike anything we’ve seen since Vietnam, combating unconventional enemies — not to mention the difficulties our military families face on a regular basis. Our brave men and women in uniform have not only had to battle Islamic terrorists, but they’ve also had to put up with rhetoric from all corners of the Left that has belittled them and diminished their efforts. It’s a shame to see our military treated with the contempt they’ve received from the Left. President Ronald Reagan firmly believed in and promoted the concept of “peace through strength.” A strong military is obviously the backbone of a defensive strategy. Conservatives need to ensure that our military has what it needs to defend our nation and its interests in the most effective way. Our leaders need to empower our forces with the best in technology and training in times of peace as well as times of war. Like it or not, the United States is a leader on the world stage (in spite of what the Left may have to say about our role). No, we shouldn’t play “world cop” and meddle in, or feel obligated to be involved in, every affair that takes place on the globe. But, as part of our leadership role, our interests are spread wide. Sometimes we have to take unpopular actions to defend our interests. At the same time, we should only engage our military when our interests (and, in some cases, the interests of close allies) are at stake. Our leaders should have the wisdom to know when and where our military should be involved.Join us in this discussion 424-222-5255.

 Diminish The Reach Of The Federal Government | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

One of the hallmarks of modern conservatism is the concept of smaller government, but the problem is that both sides of the political aisle have played key roles in the massive expansion of government at the federal level. The scope and reach of federal power is elephantine, spreading into so many areas of individual life, and these days that power shows no sign of diminishing without some sort of intervention. I believe that conservatives and libertarians, as believers in the power of freedom, should unite to stem the growth and reduce the scope of the federal government. Of course, it’s remarkably easy to point to the health care law as an example of the overgrown federal behemoth — and it truly is an obvious target — but what the Right loves to call the “nanny state” is an unfortunate reality in so many ways. And let’s not forget First Lady Michelle Obama. She has turned nanny statism into a crusade of the highest order with her obesity obsession. She’s gone after school lunches as well as restaurant menus in her attempts to tell us and our children what we should and shouldn’t eat.

 Top 5 Myths and Misconceptions about Conservatives | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:06:00

Many people (especially liberals) have misconceptions about conservatives.Though most of the myths can easily be debuncted some seem to stick, and liberals are quick to pounce on them for political gain.Barack Obama once said that people in rural areas tend to "cling to their religion and their guns" and while he issued an apology,the media done little to refute the claim.Infact they perpetuated the statement by hinting that the statement was insensitive but true.Tonight on Conservative Primetime we will talk about the Top 5 myths and misconceptions about Conservatives. While overall its not important what Obama or the media thinks,lets examine ourselves and debunct these liberal lies.(Like Sarge says "REJECT THE PREMISE OF THEIR ARGUEMENT".So join us tonight for another edition of Conservative Primetime.Here are the top 5 myths we will discuss. 1: Conservatives are religious zealots 2: Conservatives are racists 3: Conservatives are homophobes 4: Conservatives are warmongers 5: Conservatives oppose Immigration

 CPT"WE ARE AMERICA" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:24:00

Tonight we will vet the 2012 Presidential field.Our Roundtable format for WAA invites all btr hosts to call in a participate in the discussion.We will also take calls from guest who wanna participate in the discussion.

 Conservative Primetime -Solutions for America- | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:05:00

Solutions for America do you have any as far as Dept issues or free & fair trade? How about problems to the education or tax system?  TONIGHT CPT again is all about you and your answers to how we can in deatils get problems SOLVED. What steps do we need to take or what programs do we need to end, tweek or simply re-structure? Do you have A favorite man or women who you think if elected could and would get this country back on track? Who are they and what office are then in pursuit of? What is your answer and whats your salution to ANY & everything? Call in or join the chat but tonight this night you are the PROBLEM SOLVER and your answers and opinions await.

 American Jihad aka { REVOLUTION } | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:03:00

Todays show is dedicated in Loving Memory of :     Juan G. Garza, age 20 killed in action as A United States Marines  Pfc.   Juan G. Garza, 20, Temperance, Mich., was killed April 8, 2003, by a sniper in central Iraq. He was a 2002 graduate of Summerfield High School. He was assigned to the 1st Battalion of the 4th Marine Regiment, in Camp Pendleton, Calif. ------------------------------   Do we the people of The United States of America need our own American Jihad aka { REVOLUTION } in modern tymes?   Who is our enemy? Who should we really fear & worry about and what should we as taxpayers do to ensure our own country, its saftey & sadlize its economy?   Is anybody aware states like New York & Texas wanted to build its own energy effective independent stattions state wide but PRESIDENT Obama made moves to not only prevent it but after blocking it gave $$ CASH $$ to Brazil to help fund A Geoge Sorros lead operation so they can produce their own energy?   Why are the borders NOT being stablized? Why are we allowing MILLIONS OF MILLIONS of illegals into this country? Do you think its because their $5 an hour cash pay helps reduce the cost of doing business in America and helps reduce the paycheck of an American worker?   Are we aware of the LARGE $$ Tax other countries charge for OUR GOODS & SERVICES  just to sell our products in their country? Why has NO PRESIDENT in history demanded COMPLETE FREE TRADE with every country we give this to in return?   Who is our enemy? Who is really the person we need to fear? Who do we need to realy defend our STATE against? TONIGHT on CPT

 Declaration of Socialism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:04:00

While Americans are mezmerized watching FoxNews and other programed American media networks right before their very eyes LIBERTY is eroding. Today A Judge dismissed Dominique Strauss-Kahn based on ZERO evidence or proof. WOW is it possiable George Bush and his Dept. of Homeland in A joint task w/ The FBI were WRONG listening to A little whore make up lies and stories about her being raped?  CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS were given to us by our founding fathers but taken from us by The KINGS. Are you aware if an American born was in the shoes of Dominique Strauss-Kahn they would have LESS RIGHTS then A non USA born? Under the Geroge Bush & Republican lead house / senate political officials granted Departments of the Federal Government. un limited power over we the people.  Under The Laws of The Patriot Act if we are arrested we dont havee the right to retain A lawyer nor can we tell anybody about the so called CRIMES. Infact we can be held w/ out charges being charged for A year w/ out any declaration of charges for 365 & even that can NOW be extended for Americans. Does this sound like The United States Of America? The GOD of all Republican GOD's George Bush said in A quote : “Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,” Bush screamed back. “It’s just a god-damned piece of paper!” Yet in tears were so many he could not run for A third Presidential term. President Obama is George Bush TERM III in A ditto style admin. All this yet why do we as Americans careless and less and simply accept the NEW AMERICA where the FEDERAL Govt. rules as MASTER & KING and they let us know EVERYTHING and anything. GW & Obama supporting gun control also isnt that A scary idea? 1 vote on the US Supreme Court was the difference. So TONIGHT do you want your rights back or dont you? CPT wants to here from you agree or not call or chat

 Faith, Religion & Politics" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:57:00

Tonight on Conservative Primetime we will discuss the difference in Religion and Faith and how it affects peoples worldview.Why cant Christains and Muslims have an honest conversation without verbally attacking each other? Where does God fit into modern-american society? Are we headed for a Holy-War between Christian nations and Muslim nations? If we are, then should it not be written in prophecy(where is it)? Are Governments set up by God? If so then why are they at odds with each other? If you are a person of faith does that make you morally superior to a non-believer? Everyone is welcomed to participate in the chatroom(PLEASE BE RESPECTFUL) and call-in with your comments on your Conservative Primetime Show.  

 CPT-We Are America Roundtable | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:02:00

Tonight on the We Are America Roundtable we will discuss a range of social issues.Should women have a "legal" right to choose? If not then where does it say it in the constitution? Should gay marriage be a federal issue or a state issue and tell us why you support one or the other. What is the role of the church & God in modern society? Tonight on We Are America we will answer these questions and more.All BTR Hosts are invited to partipate in the discussion and we will be taking guest callers aswell.

 Primetime Sports "NFL Fandemonium" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

This Friday night,  August 19th at 11:30PM Eastern, Join Ralph Lanier Jr., NFL Director of Fandemonium and his co-host, son Jake Lanier for the most NFL Football you can cram into 2 hours. Primetime Sports "NFL Fandemonium" on the Primetime Radio USA Network. Listen, Call in, and participate in our "live chat" to hear all the latest on this 2nd week of Pre-Season games in the NFL. Ralph & Jake will be attending the Dolphins vs Panthers game at Sun-Life Stadium in South Florida and will be broadcasting right after the game. They will be discussing all the action of all the NFL games and camp news!! Join in on the show by calling in to talk about your team! We look forward to bringing you all the NFL football talk from the FANS all season long!! Only on Primetime Sports "NFL Fandemonium"!! Join us this Friday at 11:30 PM Eastern on!!

 Conservative Primetime Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:15:00

Tonight on Conservative Primetime we will have an open discussion about "American"foreign policy.Moving forward how should the United States of America deal with Islam? Should we rethink our policy towards Israel? If not then should we continue to broker a peace that seems to be impossible to achieve? What is the current status of the "War On Terror" and does the american public still have the stomache for it? Should our current phiscal crisis and souring national debt reduce the amount of money we spend on defense,and the amount of support we give to Israel and other nations? Whats the difference in Obamas foreign policy as opposed to George W Bushs' ? So Join "Cool"Mike and Germaine on the air or in the chatroom for another exciting edition of  your Conservative Primetime Show.

 Peter Konetchy (Republican ) for US Senate | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Peter Konetchy (Republican ) for US Senate in Michigan wants your VOITE. If you do NOT live in the state he wants your SUPPORT. TONIGHT CPT will interview Peter Konetchy (Republican ) for US Senate w/ A Panel of BTR Star hosts. Dr. C Robert Jones -  Craig Shall -  WAAU Media. Andrea Shea King & Annie of Southern Sense bring the female perspective to our American Republic And as always YOU can call in the second half and ask any questions you may have for Peter Konetchy (Republican ) for US Senate. The Budget, Abortion, you name it Pete is prepared to answer your questions so join us Wednesday Aug. 17th.

 In the name of FEDERAL, state, & local Government amen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:03:00

Are people of RELIGION & CHRISTIAN FAITHS being treating like second-class citizens? Does ALL branches of government dis-respect those who follow in the foot steps of Jesus Christ? Does A seperation of church and state mean we are NOW officially endowed by our elected officials as well as governemt appointed Judges? Does A creche, menorah, a santa and sleigh and a Frosty the Snowman violate the separation of church and state? An Olympia church was denied its request to hold a baptism ceremony at a park on the grounds of the Capitol. Officials at Reality Church had wanted to hold a barbecue and baptism last Sunday at Heritage Park.  The park, located on the grounds of the state Capitol, includes a 260-acre man-made lake. Church members had wanted to use a portable baptistery, not the lake. The Department of General Administration, the state agency that oversees the park, turned down their request stating that the proposed baptism service was a violation of the STATE constitution. Does A STATE trump our countries INDEPENDENCE as written by the founding Fathers? It seems like with each passing day and each passing NEW LAW, RULE & REGULATION those who honor the KING are denied by those who believe THEY ARE THE KINGS. Funny as Kwanzaa was EXPOSEDin its support of pro choice & more Government social services  it seems to of been given A pass by ALL levels of Government. So does where you go to church really make A difference where and what type of rights you are entitled to in Government or in  the judicial rules? TONIGHT we get back to OLD Conservative Prime Time show standards in A drop down all our complete bar room brawl style debate, Church & State or simply NOW STATE? Join us as we get that taste of OLD back into the system & go in full force - so call in and join the topic or may the chat room be with you TONIGHT on CPT.


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