Weight Loss Guru Radio | Blog Talk Radio Feed show

Weight Loss Guru Radio | Blog Talk Radio Feed

Summary: Motivation and inspirational advice on health, fitness, wellbeing and weight loss

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  • Artist: Weight Loss Guru X Pete Cohen
  • Copyright: 2008 BlogTalkRadio.com. All Rights Reserved.


 Winning The War On Weight Loss With Lincoln Bryden - Jul 18,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:28:00

I am delighted to welcome to Weight Loss Guru Radio Lincoln Bryden. Tonight show is called "Winning The War On Weight Loss " Lincoln has been a fitness instructor, personal trainer, and aerobics instructor who has taught at fitness conferences around the world for over 20 years. He has literally trained, educated and motivated tens of thousands of individuals. What may surprise you that throughout this time Lincoln has had a continuing battle with the bulge as he kept to the ‘eat less' exercise more mantra. Through self discovery and some chance meetings Lincoln has finally adapted his research, and developed a more holistic approach to fat loss. In this interview Lincoln explains his personal fat loss struggles, why they happened plus the main factors that prevented him succeeding. He then reveals how he managed to turn this around to identify crucial steps that anyone can adopt to make fat loss more realistic. Finally he will reveal some actionable steps that anyone can take away and put into practice sand win the war on weight loss.

 Make The Shift Happen and Lose Weight - Jul 09,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:17:00

I am delighted to have the great Dean Dwyer from beingprimal.com as my guest on Weight Loss Guru Radio on July the 9th at 8pm (GMT) According to Dean; "We have all been led to believe that hard work, determination, perseverance and “healthy” eating will allow us to obtain that sculpted body we have long desired." It took Dean 25 years to the conclusion that story is false. He also says that; "The formula just doesn't work for most people yet this myth continues to persist. Walk into any bookstore and you will see hundreds of books on the subject and each one is promoting their magic cure-all for successful weight loss." In the show we will be discussing Dean's personal journal and how he now inspires so many other people to succeed in being, fitter, slimmer and healthier. Don't miss this show as this guy is beyond inspirational.

 How To Be Confident - Jul 04,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:09:00

I am delighted to welcome to Confidence Coach Ian Banyard to my show tonight. In tonights show we will be discussing the subject of confidence and why and how we can develop more of it at will. ?Ian's confidence coaching expertise has been featured on numerous TV programmes including: ‘This Morning Show', ‘The Bank of Mum and Dad', ‘House of Fear', ‘The Life Coach' and Channel 5′s “Help I have a high maintenance wife”.?? He is a regular guest on BBC local Radio and currently has a regular slot on ‘Jo in the Afternoon' on BBC Radio Oxford. For more information visit www.theconfidenceclinic.co.uk

 Balancing Your Hormones To Lose Weight - Jun 27,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:22:00

What could this area be? Diet, exercise, cutting out food groups, only eating at certain times of the day, supplements and meal replacements? When it comes to weight loss there is an area that is often overlooked that if addressed could make all the difference. I have put together a special podcast with Nutrition and Health Expert Ben Pratt. We discuss some of the most important hormones and what we can do to create more balance in the body and optimise our health and improve our bodies ability to burn fat. It's none of these but rather our hormones. The hormone response that are triggered in our body can effect many aspects of health and well being. Stress for example can actually trigger our metabolism to change and set us up to store fat on our bodies from the food we eat.

 Sugar The Deadly Poison - Jun 27,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:24:00

On the NHS Health Choices website the following question appears:- “How much sugar is good for me?” They advise that “Added sugars shouldn't make up more than 10% of the energy you get from food and drink each day. This is roughly 70g for men and 50g for women but it varies depending on your size, your age and how active you are”. Why should we keep a watchful eye on how much sugar we consume and what's the real truth about this substance and the impact it has on our health and well being. In tonights show I will be discussing this and more with nutritionist Fiona Kirk. When it comes to healthy eating, dieting, fat loss and finding a route that works, confusion reigns! Fiona states that "If it were simple and straightforward a one page site would be sufficient. However, nourishing the body and prompting it to behave in a way that ticks all the boxes is complex." The phrase one man's meat is another man's poison is perhaps over-used but is never truer than when it comes to what, when and how we should eat on a daily basis to look good, feel good and perform at our very best. Her goal is to cut through the confusion that is being hurled at you from all sides and give you both the knowledge and the tools to make a few changes. Don't miss this show as it will inspire you to take action that will make you slimmer and healthier.

 The Dark Side Of Fat Loss - Jun 20,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:23:00

I am delighted to be interviewing Sean Croxton from Underground Wellness on this show. Sean has spent the last 10 years learning the real truth about fat loss. He has worked with over 750 clients, read over 600 books, research papers and scientific journals, and spent over 10,000 hours working, learning, and researching how to become as healthy as possible, in the trenches. In tonights show Sean will share what he has discovred along the way about and explain how most weight loss information that is out there isn't just making us fat – it's KILLING us. Check out Sean's book The Dark Side Of Fat Loss

 How To Win At Weight Loss - Jun 13,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:00

Weight loss for many is a like the game of Snakes and Ladders. The game starts on the board and you know where the end is, but there are many different routes you can take and an infinite number of outcomes. The reality is that you never win this game in terms of losing weight and keeping it off and you continue on the yo yo of diets and dieting. The dieting industry in the United States is worth approx $46 billion a year; in Europe it is worth approx €93 billion. Clearly, our appetite for losing weight is not matched by our capacity to actually shed fat. Relating to these crash diets, the most up to date report in the 2007 UCLA review concluded: “We found that the majority of people who followed crash diets regained all the weight, plus more. … Most of them would have been better off not going on the diet at all.” In the show Pete will help you understand why dieting does not work in the long terms and the fundamentals that need to be in place to guarantee success. In the show Pete will discuss how ; Stop dieting for ever To be an intuitive eater To trust our bodies To take better control Have a better relationship with food

 Using Your Brain For Weight Loss - Jun 01,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:00

In this insightful podcast I interview Health and Fitness Porfessional Marcel Daana. He explains how we need to understand the makeup of our brain and how to change the way we think and feel in order to lose weight and be fitter and healhier. Marcel's passion lies in the realm of maximizing cognitive and physical performance by using an integrated combination of Neuroscience, Exercise Physiology and Nutrition. His Post Graduate work in Neuroscience coupled with undergraduate degrees in Complementary Medicine and Applied Nutrition and professional qualifications as an ACE “Gold Standard” Advanced Fitness. http:http://www.weightlossguru.com/blog


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