Monkey in the Cage Productions show

Monkey in the Cage Productions

Summary: Purveyors of gaming, geek culture, and everything in between. We produce weekly podcast episodes as well as the occasional geek-centric article on our website.

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 Episode 58 – TV Shows That Were Cancelled Too Soon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:04:48

We all know that feeling. It starts with the previews and the teasers during re-runs. That new show, with those actors you like, is about to come to that network you watch. You can't wait to tune in, and when you do, it's one of the greatest things you've ever seen. You're vested in the story, the characters, everything. Nothing can possibly get better than this, IT'S AMAZ... WHAT!?! CANCELLED!?!?! Join us this week as we reflect and mourn on some of our favorite TV shows that were sent to an early grave by the TV and network execs. Don't get too cozy, have a plan B lined up for that time slot, and whatever you do don't let FOX premiere your as we talk cancelled TV shows on a new episode of Monkey in the Cage.

 Episode 57 – How Gaming Keeps Us Young | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:04:02

Benjamin Franklin once said that the only things certain in life are death and taxes. If that's the case, then Gary Gygax's response must have been "I thought it was criticals and fumbles?" Time marches on. Nations rise and fall. All we are is dust in the wind... but who cares! Join us this week as we discuss the reasons we believe gaming to be the true fountain of youth. From tabletop to video games, nothing does better at keeping us young at heart like a good session of gaming. Sit back in your easy chair, adjust those trifocals, and give Ponce de León the old two finger salute as you get ready to get young with a whole new episode of Monkey in the Cage!

 Episode 56 – Japan, You Crazy! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:25

Well, today is election day in the United States. The day we finally find out how pissed we actually get if our candidate loses, how screwed we are if this proposition passes or that measure fails, and threats to move to Canada start flying faster than mashed potatoes in a cafeteria food-fight. But, do not despair, for not only do we stop being bombarded with political ads, we here at To-Ag Studios bring you a bolt of crazy awesomeness to brighten your day. Join us this week as we discuss our fascination with the insanity that is Japanese pop-culture! Hold on tight to your companions pillows, because it's about to get crazier than a vending machine dressed as a tentacled school-girl on this week's unintentionally (but probably) offensive episode of Monkey in the Cage!

 Episode 55 – Movies That Scared Us as Kids | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:08:29

One person's scary movie is often another person's comedy, but, being a kid in the 80's meant you were pretty much on the same page with everyone else when it came squirming in your seat and being afraid of the dark. Join us this week as we discuss the movies that kept us awake at night when we were kids. Most are familiar, some a little less so, and there might be one or two in there that make you thing, WTF!?! So, be sure you've got a swimming buddy, make sure to keep that night light on, and whatever you do DON'T RUN UPSTAIRS as you settle in for an all new episode of Monkey in the Cage.

 Episode 54 – Zombies in Pop-Culture | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:08:24

Zombies. Zombies, zombies, zombies. They are everywhere these days. They're on your TV, they're in your movie theater, they show up at little kids birthday parties (true story), but what is it that makes these mindless flesh-eating killing machines so appealing? Join us this week as we look at the zombie explosion that has taken over pop-culture like a ... well, like a horde of zombies! Lock the doors, board up those windows, and remember you can drink the water from the toilet tank if you need to , as we talk Zombie-mania on a whole new episode of Monkey in the Cage.

 Episode 53 – Horror in Gaming | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:32

With Halloween fast approaching it would be remiss of us here at... wait. Did you hear that? Was that a scream, or just the wind? Hmmm... maybe we should split up and investigate to cover more ground, or better yet stick together and try to survive! Join us this week as we get more into the mood for the bestest of best holidays and talk about the joining of two exciting forms of entertainment - Horror and Gaming! We cover it all, with some wackiness in between, so make sure your cardio is up, bring along some competent friends, and be careful of fatal camera angles as we talk Horror in Gaming on this week's episode of Monkey in the Cage!

 Episode 52 – Monkey Birthday & Gaming Recap | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:14:27

Well, we did it! We actually made it a full year - 52 weeks and 52 episodes - without killing one another, destroying our friendships, and offending and alienating the podcast masses! Join us this week as we not only take a look back at our first year, but discuss where we're at and where the MITC crew is headed in year number two! Oh yeah, we're also recapping Robert's GMing rotation, chock full of Board-gamey and RPG goodness. So, settle in and take a listen as we go shout-out crazy and thank all of our listeners, supporters, and most of all each other for a great first year here at Monkey in the Cage!

 Episode 51 – Uncaged 4 – Back 2 Tha Hood | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:36

That's right boyz and gurlz! We're keeping it real and bringing fro the hard hitting suburban streets of So Cal for this week's pimptastic episode... or something... Join us this week as we bring you another "Uncaged" episode where we get wild and crazy and go top(ic)less for a full hour, just for you! We've got a little bit of everything for your geeky sensibilities, so lock and load, expect the unexpected, and definitely get ready for some brain frying craziness on a whole new episode of Monkey in the Cage!

 Episode 50 – Why We Love RPGs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:15

Of the multitude of geek hobbies and influences that guide the MITC crew through their everyday lives, there is one in particular that has served as glue to keep us together. It's the ketchup to our mustard, the salt to our pepper, the dungeon to our dragon, and while we've talked about it plenty, our listener David from Quebec wants to know more! Join us this week as we open up, share our feelings, and discuss what it is about role playing games that "does it" for us. Snatch up those character sheets, buy some new sets of dice, and get ready for some sexual tension on an all new episode of Monkey in the Cage!

 Episode 49 – Guilty Pleasure TV Shows | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:06:17

Everyone likes a good TV show, right? But, as we here at Monkey in the Cage know, "good" is a very relative (and somewhat dangerous) word to use when measuring the quality of the television we watch. Join us this week as we are joined by super-listener and über-contributor Kevin Smith to talk about all those shows we hate to love! Warm up your vocal chords,really suspend your disbelief, and bring yourself tons of cash as you settle in for another ear-melting episode of Monkey in the Cage!

 Episode 48 – How Entertainment Influences Itself | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:05:33

Do you ever find yourself watching a movie, reading a book, or playing a game and thinking to yourself, "This has happened before"? Of course, we all have? But, this form of entertainment deja-vu isn't because you've decided to re-watch, re-read, or re-play. Join us this week as we discuss the phenomenon of entertainment influencing itself, for better or for worse. From classic literature to classless television, it seems there are no bounds. Dust of that tome of Shakespeare, spike up that blow-out, and whatever you, don't feed the Honey Boo Boo as you settle in for a certified original episode of Monkey in the Cage!

 Episode 47 – Building a Gaming Community | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:05:03

What's better than breaking out a board game, rolling up some characters, or snatching up some controllers with your closest friends? Okay, maybe a lot of things, but in terms of gaming and having fun, nothing! However, those of us with established groups can often take that reality for granted, so what's an isolated gamer to do to help plant the gaming seed and make that community grow? Join us this week as we tackle listener @AllenStucker's question and offer an insiders-looking-out perspective on how to help a fledgling gaming community grow. Make nice-nice with the locals, gather up your games, and put on your extrovert pants as we talk gaming communities on a whole new episode of Monkey in the Cage!

 Episode 46 – Uncaged Part 3 – “The Uncagening” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:05:26

Hey boys and girls!  Do you know what time it is!?!  It's time to drop everything your doing and pay attention, dammit!  Someone lost the keys and let the Monkeys out of their cage again, so now they have license to say and do whatever they want to your ears!  Join us this week as we talk about whatever we please, but be warned, this one is a good one!  We've got everything from deep personal questions and revealing answers to off the wall insanity and John Travolta.  So, make sure your "Brazilian" is recent, pay attention to your surroundings, and be ready to laugh out loud as we bring you a whole new episode of Monkey in the Cage! (02:00) - We talk about Ramses "Fly" body, video games, and it being a bad week for anyone with the last name Armstrong.  R.I.P. on the Moon, Neil. (06:40) - Last Friday is almost here and steampunk is coming... to ABC with Finn & Sawyer!  Plus, we think Robert just had a stroke. (10:04) - The Office is ending... kinda, The Toxic Avenger gets Xenu'd, and  a discussion about works of the greatest actor of all time: Keanu Reeves. (16:25) - Matt asks the burning question - What is the most WTF thing you've ever seen?  It gets pretty dog-centric and the DC Logo still sucks... (24:37) - Robert and Karen talk pet peeves.  Blowouts, idiots, and poor life choices, oh my! (32:17) - The life, times, and origin story of Satan Baby, Matt's conspiracy theory, and Disneyland shenanigans. (37:45) - We ponder on the age old question of old age and acquired tastes. (43:32) - Batman Live and the evilness of Taylor Swift. (47:13) - Robert calls out Karen and Ramses on their TV watching, the truth of Snooki's baby, and Hot Wing Soda! (49:40) - All-time favorite video game characters! (51:50) - What is wrong with Matt and why did he have such horrible internet dating experiences?  Plus, Matt's impression of DnD in one minute or less. (56:15) - Karen is a liar and a (w)hor(e)rible person. - Swag update and Gateway 2012 Closing Song - Fly Me to The Moon - written by Bart Howard / Neon Genesis: Evangelion Ending Theme version

 Episode 45 – Guilty Pleasure Movies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:06:29

Movies.  You love them, we love them, even animals love them, but not everyone loves what everyone else loves.  Then, there are those movies everyone loathes, but somehow you still love... which makes you special, just like us!  Join us this week as we discuss some of our all-time favorite guilt pleasure movies.  We've got everything from martial arts to musicals, so lace up your tap shoes, call your family therapist, and get ready to chant "Kumite!" as we tickle your ear holes on a brand new episode of Monkey in the Cage! (01:38) - Matt is jealous of everyone who went to GenCon 2012, so he's going to become a Sky Pirate... the world's saddest lamest Sky Pirate... - DnD Next and The World Sky Race (10:51) - Ramses brings us awesome news of the worldwide race for obesity among "thems" people and crazy medical procedures!  Plus, new words and languages!  SCIENCE!! - Foreign Fast Food, Miradry, and Merriam-Webster's Dictionary (18:13) - Robert keeps it Punk, Matt questions (his?) sexuality and instagram, and Emo lazy eyes.  Plus... GET OFF OUR LAWNS!! (23:28) - We speculate on how the retirement of Mark and Brian can help the Podcasting medium. (26:12) - Karen's hooked on Happy Street, but then Big Bird killed her pimp...  Plus, K-Stew gets the boot! (31:10) - It's Topic Time!  Ramses has a crush on JCVD, Matt has no concept of what things cost,  Karen loves her some Grease and Grease 2, and Singin' in the Rain is awesome! (36:09) - Robert's man-crush:  Jason Statham.  Ramses' other man-crush: Jim Varney - Crank & Crank 2, the Transporter franchise, and Ernest Goes to... (39:31) - Matt loves him some Bubble Boy, Robert and Karen share a passion for High School Musical, and we all keep it real with our gangsta lifestyle roots! - Born in East L.A., The Friday Collection, Blood In, Blood Out, and La Bamba? (42:21) - We talk Young Guns, Blazing Saddles, and Problem Child, Matt loves Curious George because it's at his reading level, and Robert get's tech-nerd rage toward Hackers.  Plus, The Matrix Sequels. (46:00) - Starship Troopers is high on 3 out of 4 Monkey's lists; Super Troopers peaks early; and we get some Rom-Coms up in here! - The Princess Bride, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Music and Lyrics, (500) Days of Summer, and Love Actually.  Plus Ghost (and that's how Greyson was born). (50:55) - Ramses loves Christopher Guest films, we discuss the hotness of Rachael Leigh Cook, and the guys hate Footloose.  Also, a disturbing discussion of Wild Things. (54:29) - Ramses is truly guilty with his love of Signs and The Phantom Menace.  We also talk Clue, Transylvania 6-5000, Monty Python and The Holy Grail, and the Resident Evil franchise. (58:40) - Robert fixates on the wrong parts of The Next Karate Kid and we talk Shakespeare adaptations. - She's the Man, Sydney White, and 10 Things I Hate About You.  Also, A Knight's Tale is awesome and you all be hatin'! (1:00:37) - Ramses keeps it classic with The Incredible Mr. Limpet, but Matt makes it classy with Operation Petticoat.  Robert and Karen, however keep it craptastic! - Down Periscope, Dumb and Dumber, Ace Ventura, and Johnny Dangerously. Closing Song - Greased Lightning - performed by John Travolta . . . . .

 Episode 44 – Current Addictions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:07:19

We've all been there.  Breaking into cold sweats in the middle of the night with cravings.  You can't sleep, you can't eat, your family keeps asking why you're acting so differently.  You know they just won't understand, because deep down, you know you need just one more hit... one more bump to keep you going until the next one... just one more.. GOOD TIME WITH YOUR GEEKINESS!!!  Join us this week as we discuss our current geeky obsessions.  If you've been listening, you'll know that it can be almost anything.  Hit the ATM, bring a whole bunch of patience, and kiss the heat wave goodbye as we discuss what's got us all hot to trot on a brand new episode of Monkey in the Cage! (01:24) - Matt treats himself to a marathon and spends some cash. - Game of Thrones, Monte Cook's Numenera, and a general discussion on Kickstarters. (11:25) - Ramses brings us more awesomeness from the internetz! - Suitjamas,  fake rumors, gay rumors, K-Stew and R-Patz, and the Olympics! (19:35) - The Loch Ness monster has been Bat Boy...maybe! (21:46) - Karen and Ramses regale a jealous Robert with tales of their Hawaiian vacation. Also Jurassic Park is coming and so are the North Koreans! (27:11) - Hear all about Mahalo Mike and the 50 Shades Soccer Moms at the Luau.  Plus Ramses get's primal! (34:10) - Robert goes comic crazy in a not so fun way and reviews Game Night by Jonny Nexus. (39:51) - It's topic time!  Matt leads of the discussion with his ever growing obsession with tabletop roleplaying... we didn't think it could get bigger... (that's what she said). - Gateway 2012, Savage Worlds, and Karen is bringing back The World of Darkness! (44:35) - Robert is also excited for Strategicon, but wonders if his card and board game addiction needs and intervention! - Mage Knight, Twilight Struggle, The Adventurers, Dragon Quest, Infiltration, King of Tokyo, Mansions of Madness, Betrayal at House on the Hill, Zombicide, Tsuro of the Seas, and The Doom That Came To Atlantic City. (48:18) - Robert is also addicted to comics... and apparently has deep pockets... or doesn't care about his credit rating... - Batman, Red Hood and the Outlaws, and Marvel Civil War (51:18) - Ramses, the podcast master, finds his voice and loves him some Gamerstable Star Wars Actual Play podcast! Plus, Gen Con has got it going on, but not as much as Comic-Con (according to Ramses). (55:58) - Karen is obsessing about upcoming films and TV projects! - The Justice League Movie, Argo, Avengers 2, and Arrested Development is back!  Plus, we hate on Michael Cera. Closing Song - Gangnam Style - written and performed by Psy


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