ConsciousSHIFT with host Julie Ann Turner show

ConsciousSHIFT with host Julie Ann Turner

Summary: We are crossing the threshold of a fundamental shift in our WorldView, which carries the potential to positively transform our lives beyond any shift we as humans have ever before experienced. Much more than a fad or a trend, this creative shift of thought - into our power as creators of our lives, work and world - is massive in scope and unlimited in potential - It will alter all we know or believe we have known.

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  • Copyright: copyright 2010 Julie Ann Turner


 STEVEN KOTLER / TOMORROWLAND: Our Journey from Science Fiction to Science Fact 6/17/15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:35

Ready or not - our world is hurtling into a deep dive of accelerating creation of those once-future technologies long-considered science fiction, into tangible realities happening now ... And it is prime time to explore - not only what these new creations are, and what TOMORROWLAND will look like ... but also what it means to be a part of this BRAVE NEW WORLD. Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guest NYTimes bestselling author Steven Kotler - author of TOMORROWLAND: Our Journey from Science Fiction to Science Fact - has written extensively about these pivotal moments when science and technology have disrupted - and fundamentally reshaped - our world. He joins us to share the best of his best, to guide us on a mind-bending tour of the far frontier, and how these advances are radically transforming our lives. From the ways science and technology are fundamentally altering our bodies and our world (the world’s first bionic soldier, the future of evolution) to those explosive collisions between science and culture (life extension and bioweapons), we’re crossing moral and ethical lines we’ve never faced before. As Kotler writes, “We can’t put Pandora back in the box. When you strip everything else away, technology is nothing more than the promise of an easier tomorrow. It’s the promise of hope. And how do you stop hope?” Join Julie Ann and Steven to discover the profound questions and startling advances that are changing our future, NOW.

 MALLIKA CHOPRA / LIVING WITH INTENT: My Somewhat Messy Journey to Purpose, Peace & Joy 6/03/15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:43

Intent means "purpose." No one understands this better than Mallika Chopra. Taught how to meditate at the age of nine by her world-renowned father Deepak Chopra, an authority in the practice of mind-body medicine and spiritual healing, Mallika is well-versed on how to harness the power of intention. The 40-year-old mother of two daughters, author, and former MTV executive is now looking to help others do the same. As the founder and CEO of, Mallika offers people a place to set an intention and have a community-at-large offer support and help spur accomplishment. Mallika Chopra found herself consistently overwhelmed with the stress of trying to balance being a mother, wife, and successful entrepreneur. Even though she speaks to audiences around the world about bringing balance into their lives, Mallika realized that she had lost her own purpose, balance, and peace. Being the daughter of famous healer Deepak Chopra doesn’t mean you are immune to the chaos, exhaustion, and stress that so many people experience each and every day. But it does mean that when you realize you need help, you can access a world of wisdom. In her quest to create more balance in her life, Mallika sat down with experts, including Andrew Weil, Eckhart Tolle, Marianne Williamson, Daniel Siegel, Arianna Huffington, and Caryl Stern for wisdom and valuable advice. As Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guest, Mallika Chopra, author of LIVING WITH INTENT: My Somewhat Messy Journey To Purpose, Peace, and Joy, shares her personal journey and a practical road map, full of wisdom and insights, that we all can use to create a more meaningful life.

 BRIGID SCHULTE / OVERWHELMED: Work, Love & Play When No One Has The Time 5/20/15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:30

In the midst of our fast-fast world, filled with time pressure and stress - it's no wonder nearly every one of us feels OVERWHELMED. Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guest Brigid Schulte - author of OVERWHELMED: Work, Love, And Play When No One Has The Time - as a harried mother of two, was stunned by a report that insisted American women had 30 hours of leisure each week ... and set out to discover the roots that give rise to overwhelm in our modern life. It's no wonder so many feel time is like a “rabid lunatic” running naked and screaming as your life flies past you - as we worry about all there is to do and the pressure of feeling like we’re never have enough time to do it all, or do it well. Brigid, an award-winning journalist for the Washington Post, set out to understand the historical and cultural roots of overwhelm, and will share how it is “contaminating” our experience of time, how time pressure and stress is resculpting our brains and shaping our workplaces, our relationships and squeezing the space that the Greeks said was the point of living a Good Life: that elusive moment of peace called leisure. We'll be guided by two questions: Why are things the way they are? and, How can they be better? Join Julie Ann and Brigid as we discover how neuroscience, and the science of both play and leisure, can lead us to illuminating insights - and a hopeful path forward to shift out of overwhelm - and into a state of balance, and yes, even serenity.

 STEVEN KOTLER / BOLD: Go Big, Create Wealth & Impact the World 5/6/15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:45

Larry Page, Elon Musk, Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos - there’s a reason they’re not like entrepreneurs of any previous era. They’re examples of a new and fast growing breed of “exponential entrepreneur” — those visionaries able to tap the incredible potential of exponentially accelerating technologies (infinite computing, robotics, artificial intelligence, and 3D printing, to name but a few). These technologies are democratizing the power to change the world, both driving us towards an age of Abundance - and allowing those in the know to create extraordinary wealth along the way. Who are today’s “exponential entrepreneurs” and how can you join their ranks? What strategies do they employ? How can you emulate their ability think at scale? How can you harness the same technologies, tools and techniques they use for having a global impact? Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guest, Steven Kotler, co-author with Peter Diamandis, of the New York Times bestseller Abundance - joins us for a conversation around the duo's new book, BOLD, a radical guide for using exponential technologies, moonshot thinking, and crowd-powered tools to create extraordinary wealth while also positively impacting the lives of billions. Join Julie Ann and Steven to discover how today’s big thinkers can become tomorrow’s bold leaders, using crowd-powered tools accessible to everyone.

 KATHY EISENHARDT / SIMPLE RULES: How to Thrive in a Complex World 4/29/15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:20

WHAT IF ... there’s a better way to make decisions every day? WHAT IF, just by developing a few simple yet effective rules, you can tackle even the most complex problems? Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guest Kathy Eisenhardt, co-author with Don Sull, of SIMPLE RULES: How to Thrive in a Complex World - discovers these guiding insights in unexpected places, from the way Tina Fey codified her experience working at Saturday Night Live into rules for producing 30 Rock (rule five: never tell a crazy person he’s crazy) to burglars’ rules to choose a house to rob (“avoid houses with a car parked outside”) to Japanese engineers using the foraging rules of slime molds to optimize Tokyo’s rail system. Whether you’re working to be a better manager or investor, trying to get your start-up off the ground, or get in shape, or get a date, SIMPLE RULES can serve as powerful tools to tame complexity. Join Julie Ann and Kathy to discover how you can craft clear framework for developing quick and easy rules for solving personal and professional challenges.

 SCOTT SAMPSON / HOW TO RAISE A WILD CHILD 4/01/15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:40

ConsciousSHIFT with Julie Ann Turner featuring SCOTT SAMPSON / HOW TO RAISE A WILD CHILD Connecting people, and especially children, with nature is one of the most pressing issues of our time: in the age of Google and iPhones, how are we to find a balance between technology and the natural world? Luckily, Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guest Scott Sampson - author of "HOW TO RAISE A WILD CHILD" - shows, the very best place to connect with nature is - wherever you happen to live ... as he joins Julie Ann to explore how to hook kids on nature (even in urban environments!) and help grown-ups become highly successful nature mentors, as well. American children spend just 4 to 7 minutes a day playing outdoors — 90 percent less time than their parents did. Yet recent research shows that experiences in nature are essential for healthy growth. Regular exposure to nature can help relieve stress, depression, and attention deficits. It can reduce bullying, combat illness, and boost academic scores. Most critical of all, abundant time in nature seems to yield long-term benefits in kids’ cognitive, emotional, and social development. Join Julie Ann and Scott to discover how adults can help kids fall in love with nature — enlisting technology as an ally, taking advantage of urban nature, and instilling a sense of place along the way..

 DAVID GELLES / MINDFUL WORK 3/18/15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:47

Perhaps one of the most surprising - and promising - trends in business today is the rise of mindfulness in the workplace. From small companies to multinational corporations, more and more people are meditating on the job, and with good reason: mindfulness can make us more focused, more effective, and happier. At first, the notion of yoga and meditation in the office seems like the province of Silicon Valley start-ups where employees bring their dogs to work and play football in the lobby. But in recent years, mindfulness has gone mainstream - as New York Times staff writer David Gelles shares in MINDFUL WORK: How Meditation is Changing Business from the Inside out. As David shares, many of America’s largest companies, such as General Mills, Target, Google, and Aetna, have built extensive programs to foster mindful practices among their workers. This is because — as employees and employers are discovering, and psychologists and cognitive scientists have confirmed — mindfulness has tangible benefits. For workers, meditation lowers stress, increases mental focus, and alleviates depression. For companies, a more mindful workforce is more productive. Join Julie Ann and David for this insightful investigation into the growing trend among major companies, including Fortune 100 giants, to promote mindful activities like meditation and yoga in the workplace, and its often surprising effects on productivity, strategy, and employees’ mental health ... as well as keys to balancing home life and personal relationships, future economic ramifications; and passing down a legacy of mindfulness to our children.

 JAMES O’DEA / ON BEING A CONSCIOUS ACTIVIST 3/4/15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:48

What does it take to activate conscious, positive change in the world? Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guest James O'Dea, author of THE CONSCIOUS ACTIVIST: Where Activism Meets Mysticism - and former head of Amnesty International and the Institute of Noetic Sciences, says only the integration of the two - both activism and mysticism - has the power to wake up humanity from its course of rapid self-destruction. In their ConsciousSHIFT conversation, Julie Ann and James will guide a deep reflection on the demands of mystical realization and effective activism. James will share his experience and training to become both a mystic and an activist. The mystic, he says, must move past petty ego concerns in order to experience oneness with each other and our divine source. The activist, on the other hand, explores the role of passion and conscience in activating social change. There is communion, though, between the activist and the mystic – both seek to bring abstract concepts into flesh-and-blood reality. James will also share what he sees as a meeting ground between the two worlds, where spirituality and action unite to spark an accelerated transition towards our greater goal: a more evolved civilization. He sees it as essential that we all become conscious activists – to learn, collectively, how to move beyond our rigid conformity to beliefs of the past and its archaic structures of power and control. Our global problems of extreme competitiveness and violence have escalated in human history because we have not learned to evolve beyond them. Join Julie Ann and James for this powerful conversation about what being a Conscious Activist means, as it offers a meaningful answer to the question of who we are when we are fully evolved. This ConsciousSHIFT offers us the chance to save ourselves from our self-imposed prisons, and to become fully conscious of our power to bring heaven to Earth.

 MPHO TUTU / THE FOURFOLD PATH TO FORGIVENESS 2/18/15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:03

With Special Guest Shawne Duperon of Project Forgive How does the mother whose husband and daughter were gunned down by terrorists forgive the men that slaughtered them? How do the parents whose teenagers were killed by a drunk driver embrace the person whose selfish act robbed them of their children? And how do we forgive the multitude of wrongs a nd slights that we will inevitably face throughout our lives? Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guest Reverend Mpho Tutu answers these questions with us - drawing from The Book of Forgiving: The Four-Fold Path for Healing Ourselves and Our World - which she wrote along with her father, Nobel Peace Prize Winner Desmond Tutu. Using real examples from their own lives and those of others around the globe, the Tutus share very personally: Desmond Tutu writing about the pain of witnessing his father’s verbal and physical abuse towards his mother as a young boy; and Mpho Tutu sharing about the trauma of finding her housekeeper, Angela, brutally murdered in her home. No one is better placed to offer guidance and hope in a turbulent world than the former Archbishop of Cape Town. Archbishop Desmond Tutu received world-wide recognition (and the Nobel Peace Prize) for the moral and spiritual leadership he gave in opposition to South Africa’s apartheid regime. Then in the post-apartheid era, President Nelson Mandela asked him to Chair the Truth and Reconciliation Commission which helped South Africa address the crimes committed during that era without bitter recrimination. The Tutus distill those lessons and the sequence of forgiveness into The Four-Fold Path: * the importance of telling the story, * naming the hurt, * granting forgiveness, and * choosing to either renew or release the relationship that caused you pain. Mpho also will share what forgiveness is not: forgiveness is not weakness, it is not a subversion of justice and it is not forgetting what happened. And it is not easy. She also will challenge the notion that the act of forgiveness is a sign of weakness or a lofty goal only the saintly can achieve. Instead, she and her father offer scientific proof that by pardoning others we help to heal ourselves physically, emotionally and mentally. Join Julie Ann and Mpho, as Mpho shares powerful stories, practices, prayers and journaling that give us the space and time – be it days, weeks, months or even years – to arrive at the place where we can forgive others, seek forgiveness or forgive ourselves.

 GREGG BRADEN / THE TURNING POINT: Creating Resilience in a Time of Extremes 2/4/15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:05

There's a WAY crisis can become transformation … a WAY simply surviving can become joyous thriving! Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guest, Gregg Braden - author of THE TURNING POINT: Creating Resilience in a Time of Extremes and keynote speaker for the Conscious Life Expo ("Creating Resilience in a Time of Extremes" Keynote & Post Conference Intensive - LA - Feb. 6th-9th, 2015 - www.consciouslifeexpo) - says that, in our lives, that time is The Turning Point ... and that, in our world, that time is now! Gregg shares that we live in a time of extremes. And because the conditions of global finance, markets, resources, and jobs touch so much of our lives, we can no longer separate our everyday routines from the extremes of the world. The crises of climate change, extreme weather, and failing economies, for example, translate directly into the cost of the fuel that gets us back and forth to work each day; the interest we pay on our loans and that we're in turn paid on our savings; the loss of neighborhood businesses and local jobs; and the closing of factories, with the many benefits they bring to our communities. All of this means that our lives are changing in ways we've never seen in the past, and they're changing faster than we've been prepared to deal with. The good news is that nature gives us the key to turn the frightening Tipping Points of such extremes into life-affirming Turning Points of transformation. Fact: The solutions to our biggest problems already exist! Fact: We already have the technology and the means to adapt to the extremes! Fact: All that stands between the suffering of the present and the world transformed is the shift in thinking that allows the existing solutions into our lives. The key to thriving in this time of extremes hinges upon: 1. Our willingness to honestly acknowledge the facts of what we’re up against 2 The discoveries that reveal the power of cooperation in nature and human communities rather than the old ideas of competition, and, 3. Our ability to create resilience on a personal as well as a community level, based upon proven, actionable, and sustainable principles. Will we choose the Turning Point to the greatest transformation of living and thinking the world has ever seen? Join Julie Ann and Gregg to discover the simple strategies of resilient thinking for yourself - and resilient living for your families and communities - as we navigate the greatest shift in power, wealth and resources in the modern world history!

 ASHER FOX / FAT TO FEARLESS: End Emotional Eating for Good! 1/21/15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:15

ConsciousSHIFT with Julie Ann Turner featuring ASHER FOX / FAT TO FEARLESS: End Emotional Eating for Good! Are You Secretly Afraid You’ll Be Overweight Forever? IT'S TIME TO STOP THE YO-YO CYCLE … as Julie Ann and her ConsciousSHIFT guest Asher Fox, author of FAT TO FEARLESS: Enjoy Permanent Weight Loss and End Emotional Eating... For Good! - share specific methods to stop our subconscious minds from sabotaging us (and transform it into an ally) - to overcome the fear that lies at the heart of every emotional overeater. Asher initially thought that becoming a personal fitness trainer would give him the tools, motivation and activity to conquer his yo-yo weight gain. And at 22, starting with only $300 left over from student loans, he built one of the largest personal training businesses in the state of Florida with multiple locations and a host of trainers working for him. But it’s hard to maintain your credibility with clients, when you reach 300 pounds — just as Asher did at his peak. Working in the business could not inoculate him from his own lack of self-esteem and the things that were literally eating at him. And so he began his quest to find a permanent solution for himself and others. It led him ultimately to create the most comprehensive arsenal of psychological tools assembled to date to overcome, convert and enroll the subconscious mind in the healing process in FAT TO FEARLESS - the guidance everyone who struggles with emotional eating has been waiting for. Why Fearless? Because, Fox says, it is fear that lies at the heart of every emotional often-unconscious fear that reinforces the desire to eat to avoid some aspect of pain. That’s why reaching and changing the subconscious — which is exponentially more powerful than the conscious mind-- is so critical. FAT TO FEARLESS is far from a quick fix—change-your-diet, journal-what-you-eat, get-some-more-exercise, or fad weight-loss guide - it's a full-on assault on the subconscious that requires from 8 to 12 weeks to do if followed as directed. • You will discover the three ways the subconscious subverts every effort to change—The Critical Gateway, the Reticular Activating System (R.A.S.) and the Inner Critic • How to lure these systems into supporting you in your campaign to regain control over your life • How the Inner Critic and the Inner Child are locked in a shouting match for your attention • How the pain-pleasure balance is critical to getting to and sustaining a healthy weight • How the hidden belief systems from childhood affect your relationship with food and your body today, in ways you can’t imagine! • How there is one question that moves you to action: Have You Suffered Enough? • How to search out and identify those hidden, mostly subconscious programs that have you trapped in the weight gain/weight loss cycle—and you just don’t know why. If you are secretly afraid you will be overweight forever, join Julie Ann and Asher to shift from Fat to Fearless - because the key to permanently changing your body is changing your mind, healing your heart, and reprogramming your subconscious to live life as the thinner, happier and healthier person you were always meant to be.

 DEREK RYDALL / EMERGENCE: 7 Steps for Radical Life Change 1/7/15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:38

On ConsciousSHIFT, Derek will share: -- The ONE PRINCIPLE that will free you from lack and victimhood forever! (You can start activating this IMMEDIATELY) -- The GREAT REVERSAL that will activate real wealth and success in your life FAST! -- THE PROVEN 7-STAGE PROCESS that will get you unstuck, on purpose -- and make you truly unstoppable! > FREE: EMERGINEERING MASTERY TRAINING from Derek Rydall > Julie Ann Turner's CONSCIOUSSHIFT Radio Show is broadcast worldwide to more than 505,000+ global followers and growing, where Julie Ann interviews the visionaries leading Conscious SHIFT unfolding across the globe - like Marianne Williamson, Seth Godin, Don Miguel Ruiz, and more - as we all realize we are the only ones who can consciously choose to CREATE the world we wish to see. REGISTER at (IT'S FREE) (Receive Show Details + Access to Gift Audio/Action Guide) Join Julie Ann and Derek to discover the “secrets” to radical positive change from within!

 MARCI SHIMOFF / YOUR YEAR OF MIRACLES 12/3/14 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:02

If your life isn't working the way you want it to... And you feel like you could really use a miracle ... ... then join Julie Ann and her ConsciousSHIFT Show guest Marci Shimoff - New York Times Bestselling author of Happy For No Reason, Love for No Reason and Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul series, as well as featured star in The Secret. Marci acknowledges that life can be hard ... when you have money problems, relationship challenges, health concerns, and you still feel like you’re not living your true purpose … But Marci, an expert on happiness - will reveal to all of us on ConsciousSHIFT - a proven 3-step formula for creating miracles in every area of your life - every day of your life... not someday... but Now! Maybe your miracle is in one of these areas... * You've experienced some degree of success and happiness in your life, but you still feel that's something missing. * You often feel tired and overwhelmed--you want to feel better, but you just don't know how to get your mojo back. * You long for fulfilling relationships, but they seem to elude you. * You're frustrated that you're working so hard and not making the money you want--or the difference in the world. Marci has created a truly miraculous life ... and she knows the formula for creating miracles - and has taught it to hundreds of thousands around the world. Join Julie Ann and Marci, as she shares 3 proven ways to create miracles in these areas - and so much more.

 BARB SCHMIDT: THE PRACTICE: Simple Practices to Promote Inner Peace 11/5/14 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:50

A wellspring of inner peace and happiness exists inside each one of us, and is easily accessible with simple techniques that require only minutes a day." - Barb Schmidt Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guest, Barb Schmidt, author of THE PRACTICE: Simple Tools for Managing Stress, Finding Inner Peace, and Uncovering Happiness," believes that making subtle shifts in the day will improve inner happiness, creating a positive ripple effect on all areas of life. Barb will share her easy-to-implement, 3-part daily routine - * Waking Up * Living Present * Letting Go that will help you look inward, cultivating the beautiful qualities of acceptance, gratitude, patience, compassion, strength, and courage. Julie Ann and Barb will explore this set of practical tools - that can be used every day to help cultivate a peaceful mind so that you can live your best lives filled with happiness, love, mindfulness, and purpose - the magnificent life that we are all meant to live. This set of practical tools - THE PRACTICE - can be used throughout the day to guide us along life’s path. It is a compilation of the great Truths taught by authentic teachers and masters throughout the centuries from various religious and spiritual traditions ... created to guide those who are looking to deepen their connection to their innermost selves. Barb also will her own personal path of self-discovery, which began as a part of her recovery from her personal battle with bulimia. Join Julie Ann and Barb to discover simple steps to overcome daily stresses and obstacles, and make changes that fill your life with happiness.

 JUDITH ORLOFF: THE ECSTASY OF SURRENDER: How Letting Go Can Transform Your Life 10/29/14 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:34

How Letting Go Can Transform Your Life Are you longing for your life to be easier and more fun? Would you like to stop pushing, micromanaging, and forcing things so you can relax? What if you could enjoy what you have instead of always lusting for “more”? What if you could live in “the zone,” propelled by powerful currents toward the right people and opportunities? What if you could stop worrying about money and live with more emotional ease in the moment? If you answer “yes” to all these questions and desire lasting positive change, then prepare to experience the ecstasy of surrender. Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT Guest Dr. Judith Orloff - author of The Ecstasy of Surrender: 12 Surprising Ways Letting Go Can Empower Your Life - shares that "The art of letting go is the secret key to manifesting power and success in all areas of life - including work, relationships, sexuality, radiant aging, and health and healing." Even in our superconnected world where emails and text messages constantly interrupt us, Judith says it’s easier to let go than you think. Julie Ann and Judith will explore specific keys and tools to let go, and claim the power - and ecstasy - of surrender. Once embraced, surrendering removes roadblocks and the exhaustion that comes from “trying too hard” — and it helps you achieve goals more effortlessly and brings ongoing happiness. Though surrender is often considered counter-intuitive to success — it's wrongly associated with weakness and defeat — it can make you more powerful, intuitive, spiritually connected, uninhibited, and ecstatically in the flow. You can sabotage success by pushing too hard. Surrender is the antidote to stress in a world that relentlessly conspires to interrupt creative thought. Surrender boosts your brain's endorphins - euphoric, opiate-like pain killers - and serotonin, a natural antidepressant that allows you to relax, have more fun, and succeed more wildly than ever before. Life becomes easier and more blissful when you can let go. Join Julie Ann and Judith, as Judith brings to ConsciousSHIFT her gift for storytelling, coupled with her unique, results-oriented approach to physical, emotional, and spiritual health — marrying neuroscience, psychiatry, intuitive medicine, energy techniques, and more — Judith shares how surrender can free anyone who is longing to be happier but who feels stuck, burned-out, tense, worried, or afraid to let go.


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