ConsciousSHIFT with host Julie Ann Turner show

Summary: ConsciousSHIFT with Julie Ann Turner featuring SCOTT SAMPSON / HOW TO RAISE A WILD CHILD Connecting people, and especially children, with nature is one of the most pressing issues of our time: in the age of Google and iPhones, how are we to find a balance between technology and the natural world? Luckily, Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guest Scott Sampson - author of "HOW TO RAISE A WILD CHILD" - shows, the very best place to connect with nature is - wherever you happen to live ... as he joins Julie Ann to explore how to hook kids on nature (even in urban environments!) and help grown-ups become highly successful nature mentors, as well. American children spend just 4 to 7 minutes a day playing outdoors — 90 percent less time than their parents did. Yet recent research shows that experiences in nature are essential for healthy growth. Regular exposure to nature can help relieve stress, depression, and attention deficits. It can reduce bullying, combat illness, and boost academic scores. Most critical of all, abundant time in nature seems to yield long-term benefits in kids’ cognitive, emotional, and social development. Join Julie Ann and Scott to discover how adults can help kids fall in love with nature — enlisting technology as an ally, taking advantage of urban nature, and instilling a sense of place along the way..