CBH Ministries - Keys for Kids show

CBH Ministries - Keys for Kids

Summary: CBH Ministries is a children's ministry organization, offering Keys for Kids, Down Gilead Lane, and much more.

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 The Messengers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"I'm tired of getting preached at," complained Matt. "Everywhere I go, I hear, 'Do this; don't do that. Love your brother; obey your mother. Pray every day; watch what you say.'" He chuckled. "I'm a poet, and didn't even know it." "Yes, well, those certainly are inspiring rhymes," teased Dad with a grin, "but please remember that God gives you parents and teachers and pastors to help you." Matt shrugged. "Maybe so, but my teachers and Pastor Ensley aren't perfect, either." He grinned and quickly added, "Of course, you and Mom are, but why should all those other people always tell everyone how to live?" "They're simply God's messengers, reminding us of His laws," replied Dad. "Well, I don't like messengers!" declared Matt. He jumped to his feet. "I'm going to see if Mr. Bentley has any work for me." Mr. Bentley owned a nearby ice cream shop and sometimes paid Matt to do odd jobs. When Matt returned home that afternoon, he was quite annoyed. "Mr. Bentley sent me to the hardware store down the street to return some stuff he didn't need," Matt reported. "The clerk there grumbled because, according to her, Mr. Bentley always buys stuff and then returns it. I doubt that's true, but would you believe the clerk bawled me out for it? She called me a smart aleck teenager and ranted and raved for at least five minutes!" Dad smiled. "All that just for giving her Mr. Bentley's message, right?You were his messenger." "Exactly!" Matt scowled. "So why yell at me? Why doesn't she wait till she sees Mr. Bentley and yell at him?" "Well, I guess she doesn't like messengers," Dad said calmly. "You don't, either, as I recall, so she must be just like you." Dad paused, then added, "If you don't like the messages from God that your parents or pastor and teachers give, shouldn't you complain to God, not to me or to them?" Matt didn't know what to say. "I . . . I don't want to do that," he mumbled. "Think about the reason you don't like their messages," suggested Dad. "Is it because the Holy Spirit is convicting you of some sin in your life?" "I don't know. I . . . I guess it might be," admitted Matt. "I'll try to think about that more often." How About You? Does it make you angry when God's message applies to you? Do you wish pastors and teachers--perhaps even parents--would worry about their own lives and leave you alone?Those in authority are simply messengers. God says they're His ministers to you for good. Listen to what they say. When they bring you God's message, be sure to obey, and don't get angry and grumble at the messenger. Today's Key Verse: Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls. (Hebrews 13:17) Today's Key Thought: Listen to God's messengers

 Time to Talk | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"Where's Cindi?" asked Dad as he nodded toward the empty chair at the breakfast table. "It's almost time for devotions." "She's washing her hair," Andy replied. "Her schedule is becoming a problem," said Mom as she set orange juice on the table. "I think we should change our time for devotions. Maybe right after dinner would work well instead of after breakfast." "I don't think Cindi has devotions by herself, either," offered Andy. "I wouldn't be surprised if she . . ." He stopped when he noticed Dad frowning at him. That evening, Cindi sat down at the computer in the family room to look through emails. "Everybody wants to sell us things! You buy something at a store once, and if you give them your email address, you get all their ads. This is all junk mail," she complained after a minute. "I can't understand why Sherry hasn't answered my last email. I always answer hers right away, but she takes weeks and weeks to answer mine. Some friend she is!" "We have one Friend who might often say the same about us," said Mom. Cindi looked up. "Who?" she demanded. "Jesus," Mom replied quietly. "Sometimes our schedules get very full, and then it's easy to think we're too busy to spend time with God--to take time to talk to Him and let Him talk to us through His Word. If He reacted to things the way we do, do you think He'd often shake His head, sorry that He didn't hear from us?" "But, Mom . . ." Cindi began. She paused. "When we do take time to talk to Him, I wonder how much of what we say is like those ads you mentioned," Mom continued thoughtfully. "How often do we pray, 'Lord, I want this particular item,' or, 'I sure could use that--please give it to me'? How often do we send Him junk mail--empty, repetitious phrases? I know I want to do better." "I . . . I know what you mean, Mom. I guess I'm as bad as Sherry," admitted Cindi with a sigh. "I want to do better, too." How About You? Have you been enjoying time with the Lord? Time when you talk to Him and read His Word? Or is He often disappointed because He doesn't hear from you? God wants to hear all about your day, your feelings, and your thoughts. He has much wisdom to give you through His letter to you--the Bible. Don't let a busy schedule cause you to neglect the Lord Jesus. Make up your mind right now to spend time with Him daily. Today's Key Verse: Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know. (Jeremiah 33:3) Today's Key Thought: Spend time with God every day

 The Riddle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Brian relaxed on the porch swing. "Hey, Mom! Do you know this rhyme?" he asked. "Here's the church. Here's the steeple. Open the door and see all the people." Brian clasped his hands and moved his fingers to demonstrate the words he quoted. Mom laughed. "That's an old one, Brian," she said, "but I still like it. Come over here. I have a riddle for you." Brian slid off of the porch swing and walked down the steps to where his mother was on her knees, working in the flower bed. She wrote in the dirt with her finger: CH _ _ CH. "Do you know what this is?" she asked. "Yeah, it's C-H blank blank C-H," replied Brian. "That doesn't mean anything at all, does it?" "You're right. It doesn't mean anything," said Mom. "Aw-w-w, Mom," protested Brian. "Then it isn't really a riddle." "That is," added Mom, "it means nothing until you put a couple of important letters on those blanks. What do you think they are?You can figure it out." Brian frowned and studied the letters in the dirt. "Well, a u and an r would make it church," he said. "You've got it! Church!" agreed Mom. "You see, it means nothing until U R in it." "Until U R in . . ." began Brian. Then he laughed. "Good one, Mom! U R needed in church," he said. "Yes," said Mom. "We all rely on each other for encouragement, prayer, and strengthening our faith." "I always knew church was important," said Brian, "but I never thought before about how important U R to church." Mom smiled and nodded. "We can put aside our busy, everyday lives and meet with God and other members of His family at church. We can find joy in the prayers, music, sermons, lessons, and fellowship." She reached out to pull a weed. "Weeds," she said. "Now they have another lesson for you. How about helping me weed this garden, and we can talk about pulling weeds in your life." Brian grinned. "Sorry, Mom. We already had that lesson in church--during Sunday school," he said. "But I'll help you anyway." How About You? Do you realize how important it is for you to be in church regularly? You need to experience the joy of chatting with Christian friends, worshiping with them, and learning more about God. It's also important for you to be there because it encourages and blesses those who meet and worship with you. Remember CH _ _ CH means nothing until U R in it. Today's Key Verse: Where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them. (Matthew 18:20) Today's Key Thought: UR important in church

 It’s a Choice | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"How about another cookie?" suggested Mrs. Brown as Blake helped her straighten the room after Bible club. She held out the plate of snacks. "No, thanks," said Blake absentmindedly. He was thinking about comments his dad had made the night before. "You can go to that old Bible club if you want to, Blake," Dad had said, "but I don't think much of it. If God is really so kind and loving as those Christians say, why would He send anybody to hell? No, I don't want anything to do with a God like that." What Dad said does kinda make sense, thought Blake. I'm going to ask Mrs. Brown about it. He turned to his teacher. "Mrs. Brown, if God loves everybody and is kind, wouldn't He . . ." Blake hesitated. "I mean . . . how can God send anyone to hell?" "Good question, Blake," answered Mrs. Brown. "Let's see--how can I help you understand?" She thought for a moment. "Tell me something . . . if you're hungry when you get home today, will you be angry with me?Will you say, 'Mrs. Brown says she likes us kids, but when I stayed after class and helped her, I didn't even have anything to eat while I worked'?" "Of course not," said Blake in surprise. "You even offered me cookies--and they sure are good--but I just didn't want any more. So why would I be mad at you?" Mrs. Brown nodded. "I offered them, but you chose not to accept," she said. "It's a little like that with God. He offers salvation and heaven to the whole world, but then He allows us to make the choice as to whether we'll accept His offer. We choose where we'll spend eternity." "I think I get it," Blake said. "Jesus died on the cross and paid the penalty for our sins, so no one has to go to hell." "That's right," said Mrs. Brown. "However, some people refuse to accept what Jesus has done for them. Some won't even admit they need a Savior. They insist they can get to heaven by their own good works. By doing that, they are choosing to continue on their way to hell. Does that make sense to you?" Blake nodded slowly. I'll have to tell Dad about this, he thought. It's not fair to blame God for a choice you make yourself! How About You? Have you chosen to believe in Jesus and accept His offer of salvation? Or have you chosen to continue on your way to hell? Jesus loves you very much, and He's calling you today to trust in Him. As the Key Verse says, choose life--accept God's offer of eternal life in heaven. Admit your sin and ask Jesus to forgive you. (See the ABCs of Salvation at the end of this book.) Today's Key Verse: I (God) have set before you life and death . . . therefore choose life. (Deuteronomy 30:19) Today's Key Thought: Choose life in Jesus

 All Creatures Great and Small | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"I sure don't like spiders, do you?" Shana asked her friend Courtney. A spider had stretched its web across a section of fence in Shana's backyard, and the girls had gone to look at it. "Ugh! No! I hate those things!" Courtney shuddered. "They're creepy." "The web sure is pretty, though," observed Shana as they studied it. All the silvery strands of the beautifully constructed web were connected to make a lacy pattern. Dew drops on the web sparkled in the morning sun. "How do spiders know how to make such a pretty web?" Courtney wondered aloud. Shana shrugged. "I don't know," she said. Just then an insect buzzed around their heads. When Shana swatted at it, the bug flew into the web. Quick as a wink, the spider dashed out from a corner of the web and spun strands of webbing around the insect until it was held tightly. "Wow! Did you see how fast that spider moved?" marveled Courtney. "Yeah. It sure didn't take long to make a prisoner of that bug," replied Shana. "That's a good thing--that bug might have stung us." "Bugs can hurt us in other ways, too," said Courtney. "Some eat garden plants, and some carry diseases. Every bug that's caught by a spider is probably one that could hurt us." "Before we see any more icky bugs, let's get outta here!" Shana exclaimed. She shivered at the thought of coming face to face with the spider's next meal. "Okay," agreed Courtney, and the girls headed for the house. "Like my mom always says," said Shana as they walked along, "God created everything for a purpose." Courtney nodded. "Yeah, I've heard that, too," she said. "I guess spiders are good for something after all! God knew we'd need them." She grinned. "Does that means we should be thankful for them?" Shana laughed. "Now that's going to take some practice," she said, "but I'll try!" How About You? Have you ever thanked God for spiders? In their own quiet way, they help people every day. Other creatures you probably don't like have a purpose, too. Stop and think of ways some of them are useful. For instance, bats eat mosquitos that can spread diseases to people. What other examples can you think of? Realizing that everything is good for something will help you appreciate the greatness of God and all He has made. Thank Him for making everything for a purpose. Today's Key Verse: God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. (Genesis 1:31) Today's Key Thought: God made everything good

 The Scented Candle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Sharla took a deep breath as she closed the porch door behind her. "I smell coconut," she muttered and hurried into the kitchen. "May I have a piece, Mom?" Mom looked up from fixing a salad and handed Sharla a carrot. "No, thanks." Sharla laughed. "I don't want a carrot. I want a piece of coconut cake." A frown wrinkled Mom's forehead. "Coconut cake? I don't have any." "Coconut pie then?" Sharla opened the oven door. "I smell coconut." Mom grinned and pointed to a lighted candle on the table. "You smell that coconut scented candle, Sharla." "Oh-h-h! It's making me hungry," said Sharla. "Well, I guess a carrot will have to do." She sat down at the table and watched her mother slice tomatoes. "Devon witnesses to the kids at school all the time," said Sharla abruptly. Mom smiled. "That's good." Sharla frowned. "I don't know if it is or not." Mom looked up in surprise. "You don't? Why is that?" she asked. "How can it not be good?" "It's the way he does it," Sharla explained between bites. "He's such a . . . such a smarty witness--it's like he's bragging because he knows Jesus and other kids don't. I don't think they even like to be around him." "Well . . . let's give him credit for having the courage to speak up," said Mom. "At the same time, perhaps we can learn something from him." She paused. "A person's witness can be like a floodlight shining in someone's eyes, blinding him. On the other hand, a witness with a sweet spirit is like a scented candle." Sharla took a deep breath and smiled. "I know what you mean. Your coconut candle made me hungry, and a sweet witness will cause people to be hungry to know Jesus. Right?" Mom nodded. "Mom, let's make a coconut cake after dinner," suggested Sharla. She grinned. "I think I need that as a reminder to be a sweet witness. Okay?" "Okay," agreed Mom. "We can both use it as a reminder when we talk to someone about Jesus tomorrow. "She laughed at the expression on Sharla's face. "Yes, tomorrow," Mom repeated. "Let's look for someone to talk to right away." How About You? What kind of a witness are you? Are you like a floodlight or like a scented candle? Always take opportunities to speak up for Jesus, but don't take a know-it-all attitude. Instead, let what others see in your life and hear from your lips cause them be hungry to have Jesus in their lives. Think about it. Ask God to help you let your attitude, actions, and words make others want what you have--the Lord Jesus Christ. Today's Key Verse: Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:16) Today's Key Thought: Witness with a sweet spirit

 No Doubt About It | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Alex sighed as he sat on the beach and watched big waves come in and go out. He was thinking of his friend Jared, who had teased him about going to church and Sunday school and had asked some difficult questions. "What makes you so sure you'll go to heaven?" Jared had wanted to know. "My grandma sings a song about having sins rolled away. Do you sing that one, too?" Jared laughed. "If sins are rolled away, they might roll right back again," he added. "Like when my dad was moving logs the other day. He rolled one up onto the wagon, and when he turned his back, the log rolled back down--right into him! Maybe your sins will roll back like that." Alex hadn't been quite sure how to answer. Alex turned and saw his grandfather coming to sit down beside him. "As I look out over the water," said Grandpa, "I'm reminded of how God has pardoned all my sins and gotten rid of them. He says He cast them into the depths of the sea." "Oh, yeah. I remember learning a verse about that," Alex replied. "If they're buried in the sea like that, they can't ever come back, can they?" "No way!" Grandpa replied. "God also gives another example that helps us understand they're gone for good. Can you see where the ocean ends?" Alex cupped his hands over his eyes and looked into the distance. He shook his head. "No. I see where it looks like it ends," he said, "but I know it goes on a lot farther than that. When we were out on the fishing boat yesterday, we could see only sky and water in every direction." Grandpa nodded. "It seemed a long, long way from one edge of the sky to the other, didn't it? But that's nothing compared to the distance God has removed our sins from us," said Grandpa. "The Bible says the sins of those who trust in Jesus are removed as far as the east is from the west." "In a lesson on distances, the textbook said the east and west never meet," said Alex thoughtfully. "So I guess that would mean our sins can't come back." "They sure can't," Grandpa answered firmly. "If we try to remove them ourselves, it doesn't work--we'll still have them. But the Bible says God has removed them. You can be sure He's done a good job. You won't see those sins again!" How About You? Do you wonder if you need to be saved over and over again? It's true that you still sin sometimes and should repent of any sin and confess it to God. But if you've accepted Jesus as Savior, depend on Him to have done what He said He would do--that is, to remove your sins far, far from you and cast them into the depths of the sea and give to you eternal life. You can count on Him. Today's Key Verse: As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions (sins) from us. (Psalm 103:12) Today's Key Thought: God removes sin forever

 A Puzzling Gift | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"Puzzles!" exclaimed Juanita when she and her brother Clay opened the package the mailman had just delivered. "Grandma sent one for each of us." "She sent us a letter, too," replied Clay, holding up an envelope. "Look! It's taped shut and she wrote a message on it. It says, 'Don't open this envelope until you've both worked your puzzle.'" Clay frowned. "I wonder what that's for." Juanita and Clay dumped their puzzle pieces on the dining room table and began putting them together. It kept them busy most of the day. "I'm missing a piece," said Clay when he finally added the last piece he had to his puzzle. "I'm missing one, too," said Juanita. "It makes a hole in my puzzle. Maybe a piece stuck to our clothes or something when we went to the kitchen for lunch." Juanita looked all over the floor while Clay searched the wrapping paper and boxes, but they couldn't find the missing pieces. "Do you think it's okay to open our letter even though the puzzles aren't quite done?" Clay asked. Their mother nodded, so they quickly opened the envelope. "Are you missing something?" Juanita read aloud. "I am, too! I miss each of you, so I'm coming to visit next week. Love, Grandma." When Grandma came, she gave each of the kids a small package. Opening hers, Juanita found the missing puzzle piece and a bead bracelet. Clay got his missing piece and a key chain. "All right!" exclaimed Juanita. "Next time we work our puzzles, they won't have holes in them anymore." Clay nodded and grinned. Grandma smiled. "No, but without the holes, don't forget that I miss you when I don't see you or hear from you," she said giving them a hug. "Do you know who else wants to hear from you regularly?" she asked. "Our friends?" asked Juanita. Grandma nodded. "I'm sure they do," she agreed, "but I was thinking of Jesus. He wants to hear from you, and He has a special message for you, too." "So . . . we should pray and read the Bible, right?" asked Clay. "Yes, and think of Him often," replied Grandma. "Thank Him for your daily blessings. Throughout the day, think about what He would do or say, and follow His example." How About You? Do you faithfully keep in touch with friends and relatives? Do you often stop in to see your grandparents? If they live too far away, do you frequently call or send them emails? Do you contact friends if you haven't seen them for quite a while?How about the Lord--do you spend time each day with Him--talking to Him, reading the Bible, thinking about Him, and obeying His commands? Don't neglect friends, relatives, and especially the Lord Jesus Christ. Today's Key Verse: Do not forget my law, but let your heart keep my commands. (Proverbs 3:1) Today's Key Thought: Keep in touch with God and His Word

 The Body-House | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"Dad, there aren't any mistakes in the Bible, are there?" asked Travis. "I mean . . . I was reading in the book of John this morning, and it says if somebody believes in God, he'll never die. But people who are Christians die. Like Grandpa Potter--he loved God, but last year he died anyway." Dad smiled. Then he reached over and pinched Travis lightly on his arm. "Ouch!" exclaimed Travis. "Why did you pinch me?" "I didn't," said Dad. "I only pinched the house you live in." "House?" Travis asked. He looked at the walls around him. "You didn't pinch the house," he objected. "You pinched me!" Dad laughed and shook his head. "You're more than a body. God made you with a mind to think and a spirit and soul to know Him," he explained. "He gave your mind and soul a house to live in on this earth--your body. The real you lives inside the body-house God provided for you." "Oh . . . I think I get it," said Travis thoughtfully. "When you believed on Jesus Christ and asked Him to forgive your sins, He gave everlasting life to your soul--to the real you," Dad explained. "Will something that is everlasting die?" "No," Travis quickly replied. "If it's everlasting, it lasts forever and ever." "That's right," agreed Dad, "but your body wasn't made to last forever. At the very moment your body dies, God will take you out of your body-house and into His home in heaven." "So . . . the real me won't ever die, right?" asked Travis. "But if I weren't a Christian, I--the real me--would die someday?" "Then not only would your body-house die, but your soul would suffer spiritual death, which means eternal separation from God," explained Dad. "In hell?" asked Travis. "Yes." Dad nodded. "That's why it's so important to trust Jesus as Savior." How About You? Where will you--the real you--spend eternity? Will it be in heaven with Jesus, or will it be in hell? Do you believe Jesus took the punishment you deserve? Do you trust Him as your Savior from sin? If you do, God has given you everlasting life, and the real you will live forever in heaven! If you haven't yet accepted Jesus, do so today. (See the ABCs of Salvation at the end of this book.) Today's Key Verse: Whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. (John 11:26) Today's Key Thought: Believers never die spiritually

 Master Designer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"All animals evolved from lower forms of life," Amy's science teacher declared. Amy raised her hand. "Where did the lower forms of life come from?" she asked. "We can't go into the details," said Mr. Matthews. "They . . . just happened. What I want you to remember at this time is that all life evolved from them." Amy raised her hand again, but Mr. Matthews looked at her and shook his head. "Some of you have been taught a lot of nonsense about a creator,"Mr. Matthews said. "You need to accept that life came about in the natural order of things. It just happened--without any creator." I know God created everything, but how can I convince Mr. Matthews? Amy wondered. Then she had an idea. After school, Amy hurried home. She went to her room, took a beautifully carved cardinal her uncle had made for her, and wrapped the wooden bird in several layers of paper. The next day she took it along to school. When it was time for science class, Amy set the cardinal on her desk. The other students admired it, and even Mr. Matthews came back to where she was sitting and looked at the cardinal. "Whoever carved this bird certainly knew what he was doing," he observed. "This is beautiful! Who did it?" Amy shrugged her shoulders. "What would you say if I told you I woke up this morning, and there it was? It just happened?" Mr. Matthews frowned. "I'd say if you can get anybody to believe that, you should become a salesperson. Don't you know who made it?" Amy grinned at him. "Mr. Matthews, you'd think I was silly if I really believed no one made this wooden cardinal, yet you told me that no one made the real cardinals," she said. "Isn't that even sillier?" Mr. Matthews gave Amy a thoughtful look as she added, "My uncle made this cardinal, and God made the real ones." "I . . . I don't think so,"murmured Mr. Matthews as he moved away. Amy knew she hadn't convinced him that God created the world, but she silently thanked the Lord that at least her teacher was thinking about it. And she prayed that he would soon acknowledge the Creator--God. How About You? Have you heard that things in nature just came about on their own? That there is no God in heaven who created the world and everything in it? Don't believe that. Things don't come into being by themselves. Someone had to make this world, and that Someone is God. Read about it in the Bible--why not read the entire first chapter of Genesis? See God's handiwork in the beautiful, awesome world in which you live. God is the Master Designer who created all things, including all life. Today's Key Verse: I (God) have made the earth, the man and the beast that are on the ground, by My great power. (Jeremiah 27:5) Today's Key Thought: God created everything

 Too Much Work | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Marcie put the last plate in the dishwasher and cleaned the kitchen sink. "I'm tired of doing all this work," she grumbled. "Dishes, making the beds, straightening up the place, picking up the newspapers--there's no end, and . . ." Marcie paused to catch a breath. "Well, hey, you're not the only one who works around here," her brother Eric reminded her. "Dad and I made supper tonight. And, I might add, without griping about it." "Well, I don't know why Mom had to go and get a job," complained Marcie. "You oughta know," said Eric. "You're one of the reasons she went to work." "Me?" Marcie asked. "I didn't ask her to go out and find a job!" "No, but the money she makes will pay for things you and I need--books and clothes, and even food we eat," said Eric. "Well, Dad will buy all that. He always has," Marcie argued. "Sure, but he's been cut back to part time for a little while, and we've had a lot of sickness lately, so money's been tight," said Eric. "You know we've been praying about it, and when the chance came for Mom to take this job, she felt she had to do it." He frowned. "Mom's making all kinds of sacrifices for you and me," he added. "Can't you make a couple for her?" With that Eric left the room. Marcie thought about Eric's words. Am I an ungrateful, spoiled brat--grumbling just because I have to do extra chores? she asked herself. I don't mean to be, but I . . . I am. She felt ashamed. "Dear Jesus," Marcie murmured quietly, "please forgive me for being so grumpy. And please help me have a better attitude from now on--and thank You for all the good things You give us." When Mom arrived home a little later, Marcie and Eric greeted her. "Hi, Mom," said Marcie with a big smile. Eric looked at her in surprise. "Hi, kids," said Mom. "How was your day?" "Good," replied Marcie. "Want me to make you a cup of coffee? Or is there anything else we should do?" She giggled at Eric's puzzled expression. So far, only she and God knew she had a changed heart! How About You? Do both your parents need to work outside the home? Do you find it all too easy to complain if you have to do a few extra chores around the house? Remember that your parents work to provide for food, clothes, and all the other things you need--and probably for several things you want. Thank God for your mom and dad and for the work He has given them. Cheerfully do your share to make things run smoothly at home. Today's Key Verse: Do all things without complaining and disputing. (Philippians 2:14) Today's Key Thought: Appreciate the work your parents do

 A Human Bouquet | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"I love flowers! And you make such pretty bouquets and centerpieces, Mom," said Kara as she and her mother worked in the flower garden, selecting and cutting flowers for bouquets. "It's fun to help you with your home florist business," Kara added. "You're so creative." Mom smiled. "Thanks, honey," she said, looking at the wide variety of flowers in the garden. "I'm glad you like my arrangements and think I'm creative, but . . ." Mom paused and motioned to the flower beds all around them. "I'm not nearly as creative as God is. Look at all the different kinds of flowers He made." "Iknow," agreed Kara. "There are so many colors, and they're all so pretty! White and yellow daisies, red and pink dahlias--and the snapdragons and petunias and lilies come in all sorts of pretty colors." "Yes," said Mom, "and it's not just the colors that are different. The petals are also different. Lilies are shaped like trumpets, daisy petals are like teardrops, baby's breath is like little stars, and gladiola petals are all ruffly." She smiled. "God made people like that, too," she added after a moment. "Are you saying we're ruffly and like little stars?" teased Kara. Mom laughed. "No, but He made people with different colors of skin and hair and eyes," she said. "Even body shapes are different--people can be tall or short, round or thin. Their hair might be straight, wavy, or curly." Kara grinned. "That makes them more interesting than if they were all alike," she said. "I think so, too--I'm glad we're not all exactly the same as everybody else," said Mom. "We gather a variety of flowers for our bouquets, and the Bible says God will gather believers from every tribe, tongue, and nation to worship Him in heaven. Won't it be wonderful, honey, to praise the Lord along with believers from all around the world?" Kara's eyes widened. "Like a human bouquet!" she exclaimed. "Now that's a lovely thought, Kara," Mom said with a big smile. "A beautiful human bouquet!" How About You? Do you wonder what it will be like to worship God with people from everywhere? In heaven, there will be believers from every tribe, tongue, and nation. What a wonderful time that will be! But don't wait until then to enjoy people who look different than you or speak a different language. God created everyone to be unique and in His image. Learn now to accept and appreciate the huge variety of people He made. Today's Key Verse: A great multitude . . . of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb (Jesus). (Revelation 7:9) Today's Key Thought: Enjoy God's variety of people

 Locker Trouble | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

For what seemed like the fiftieth time, Mike twirled the knob of the padlock on his locker and silently prayed it would work. He hoped nobody noticed how long he'd been trying to get the locker door open. This is a lousy way to start middle school, he thought with a sigh. "Fifteen . . . thirty-five . . . twenty-two," Mike muttered under his breath as he stopped at each number. "Here goes." He tugged on the locker handle, but nothing happened. In frustration, he tugged harder. He was startled when someone behind him spoke. "What's wrong, Mike?" It was Tanner, a friend who was a grade ahead of Mike. Mike leaned against the locker. "This thing won't open," he said. "Let me try," offered Tanner. "Tell me the numbers." Mike called out the numbers, and Tanner flipped the dial this way and that way. When he pulled on the handle, the door opened! "How'd you do that?" Mike was astonished. "It wouldn't work for me!" "Try it again and I'll watch you," said Tanner. So Mike turned the knob to the right and stopped at fifteen. Then he turned it left and stopped at thirty-five. "Whoa," said Tanner. "You have to go past that number and stop at it on the second time around." Tanner took the knob and demonstrated for Mike. "Oh, right! Mrs. Gray told us that." Mike shook his head. "Boy, do I feel stupid!" Tanner laughed. "It's just like Pastor Burt said last Sunday. Remember?" "You mean . . . in church?" Mike asked. Tanner nodded. "He said it wasn't much use to memorize if we don't know how to use what we've learned. You memorized your locker combination, but those numbers didn't do you any good because you didn't know how to use them. Of course, Pastor Burt was talking about the Bible verses we learn." "Yeah . . . well, I know how to use my combination now," said Mike. He tried the lock one more time and gave Tanner a thumbs-up when it opened right away. "All right! Thanks, Tanner!" he exclaimed. "And next time I learn a Bible verse I'll make sure I know how to use it, too." How About You? Do you understand the meaning of Bible verses you have learned? Can you use them in your daily life? Think of one you can recite. Is it a verse that could be a comfort to you? A warning? Or perhaps a guide to show you what to do?If you don't understand it or know how it could be used, get help from a parent or teacher. Whenever you're asked to learn a verse, think about what it means and how it can be of help to you. Today's Key Verse: Make me understand the way of Your precepts; So shall I meditate on Your wonderful works. (Psalm 119:27) Today's Key Thought: Memorize and use God's Word

 Good Luck Penny | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

As Chase and Josiah walked home together, Chase spied a penny on the sidewalk. "Mine!" he declared, picking it up. "You can't buy much with a penny, but at least now I won't have bad luck today." Josiah frowned. "What does a penny have to do with luck?" he asked. "Haven't you heard that poem about finding pennies?" asked Chase. He quoted it. "See a penny; leave it lay--have bad luck all the day. See a penny; pick it up--all day long you'll have good luck." Chase grinned at Josiah. "Now aren't you sorry you didn't see it first?" "Hah!" scoffed Josiah. "I don't believe in luck anyway. I believe God controls what happens in our lives." "God?" Chase shrugged. "Maybe He thinks about and controls big things like wars and earthquakes and floods--stuff like that," he agreed. "But I'm sure He can't be bothered with all the details in the lives of the billions of people down here on earth--especially not kids like us." "Sure He can. He's watching over everything," insisted Josiah. "He even cares about little birds." "Really?" Chase asked. "Where did you hear that?" "In church and Sunday school," replied Josiah. "It says so in the Bible. Jesus said it Himself. He said God knows when every sparrow falls and He knows exactly how many hairs everybody has on their heads." Josiah looked at Chase. "Didn't you learn that in your Sunday school?" Chase shrugged. "I don't go," he said. "Well, hey! Want to come with me this week and hear more about God?" Josiah asked. "You'll like our teacher--he's really nice. We sing cool songs and have a Bible lesson every week. Sometimes we play a Bible game--and we have parties and other fun times, too." "Well . . . okay," agreed Chase as they reached his house. "I think Mom will let me." He looked at the penny. "If what you say is right, I guess I won't need this. But like Great-grandpa Jones always says, the pennies make the dollars," Chase added with a grin, "so I'll just keep it anyway." How About You? Do you think luck controls your life? Or do you put complete faith in God and trust Him to take care of you? God made the earth and everything in it, including you. He sees and controls all things, big and small. Birds--especially sparrows--seem small and insignificant to people, but God sees them all and knows exactly what's happening to them. He cares for them, but He assures you that He cares much more about you. Thank God for His loving care and trust Him at all times. Today's Key Verse: Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows. (Matthew 10:31) Today's Key Thought: God cares about everything

 Hurt on the Inside | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"Look! Here comes that girl on her three-wheeler," said Colton. "She's not very smart." "Yeah," said Zach. "Let's pretend we're going to run into her and see what she does." So Colton and Zach steered their bikes toward the girl. Fear spread across her face as they came closer. "Stop!" she shouted. "Retard! Retard!" chanted Colton, and Zach joined in. Laughing loudly, they steered away just in time to avoid actually running into the frightened girl. Just then, Colton saw Mrs. Brown, their Sunday School teacher, coming out of her house. Feeling guilty, he turned and looked the other way. CRASH! Before he realized what was happening, he had run into Zach. Down they went--a tangle of boys and bikes! Colton felt a sharp pain where his arm was badly skinned, and Zach was limping when he got up. Mrs. Brown hurried to help them. She went back into her house to get bandages. "Do you like to get hurt?" she asked when she returned. "Do we like to get hurt?" Colton asked in surprise. "Of course not." "So how would you have felt," continued Mrs. Brown, "if I had come out and pushed you over and then laughed when you got hurt?" The boys looked at her in wonder. "That would have been mean," Colton answered finally. Mrs. Brown nodded. "Yet that's something like what you did to that little girl." "We didn't touch her," protested Zach. "We just teased her a little." "Yes, and that hurt her,"replied Mrs. Brown. "It hurts her to be made fun of because of her disability." In their hearts, the boys knew that and felt guilty and sorry. "Jesus taught us to treat others kindly," continued Mrs. Brown. "He treated everyone with love, and He wants us to do that, too." Both boys looked ashamed. "I'm sorry," said Zach. "Me, too," said Colton. "We won't do that again. We promise." Zach nodded. In the following weeks, Mrs. Brown smiled when she saw that instead of teasing, the boys went out of their way to be kind and helpful to the little girl. How About You? Are you kind to those who are different because of special problems? Or do you sometimes tease them? Teasing can be very painful. Try thinking how you would feel if you were in their place. Then instead of teasing, treat them the way Jesus would. He was kind to everyone, and He wants you to follow His example. Never be a bully--don't ever tease when it hurts someone. Instead, be a friend. Today's Key Verse: Be kind to one another, tenderhearted. (Ephesians 4:32) Today's Key Thought: Be kind to others


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