CBH Ministries - Keys for Kids show

CBH Ministries - Keys for Kids

Summary: CBH Ministries is a children's ministry organization, offering Keys for Kids, Down Gilead Lane, and much more.

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 The Feeder | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"Hi, Grandma," said Alicia as she entered her grandmother's house. "Mom said I could stop here on the way home and recite my Bible verses to you."She glanced out the kitchen window. "A squirrel climbed up on your bird feeder, Grandma," Alicia added. "He scared all the birds away and he's taking the food you put out for them. How can we make him leave it alone?" "I don't know," said Grandma. "I've tried several things, but squirrels are very good at finding a way to get at the birdseed." As Alicia watched, mourning doves came. The squirrel sat erect and made a loud noise that frightened them away. Blue jays flitted around the feeder and tried to get the seeds that had been put out for them. They shrieked at the squirrel, but he refused to move. Woodpeckers approached. When the squirrel ignored the sounds they made, they flew to the feeder anyway and began to eat. The squirrel seemed surprised and moved slightly to one side. The woodpeckers edged closer and closer to the squirrel until he scampered away, leaving the feeder available to all the birds. "Oh, good!" exclaimed Alicia. "That squirrel wasn't going to let the birds get to the seeds, but the woodpeckers just went after it anyway. The squirrel finally gave up." Grandma nodded. "Do you know who that squirrel reminds me of?" she asked. Puzzled, Alicia shook her head. "It's Satan," Grandma said. "To keep us from getting at our spiritual food--the Bible--Satan puts all kinds of things in our way." "Like what?" Alicia asked. "Bad stuff?" "Sometimes," replied Grandma, "but very often it's schoolwork, friends, books, or other good activities that we enjoy." "Well, the woodpeckers got rid of the squirrel, and I know who's stronger than Satan," said Alicia. "God is. One of my verses says if we submit to God and resist the devil, he'll leave us be." "Good." Grandma nodded. "As we learn about God and obey Him, He'll help us resist temptations and distractions from Satan. We need to take advantage of the opportunities God gives us to spend time in His Word." "And right now I should take advantage of my chance to practice my Bible club verses," said Alicia with a grin. "Okay. I'm ready to say them." How About You? Do you get to your spiritual feeder--the Bible--each day? Or does Satan help you find excuses to not read it? Does he show you reasons to skip Bible club or Sunday school where God's Word is taught? The believers mentioned in today's Scripture reading are a good example for you. They didn't just listen to explanations of God's Word, they "searched the Scriptures daily." Ask God to help you plan the hours of your day so that you'll find time to read and learn from His Word regularly. Today's Key Verse: I will delight myself in Your statutes; I will not forget Your word. (Psalm 119:16) Today's Key Thought: Persist in reading the Bible

 Canning Time | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Janae used a large spoon to carefully lift a peach from the hot water Mom had poured over the fruit. After gently peeling it, she passed it to her mother. Mom cut the peach in half, broke it apart, and removed the pit. "Too bad peaches don't grow around here all year long," said Janae with a sigh. "Then we wouldn't have to can any. It's a lot of work." She lifted out another peach. "How come we do so much canning?" she asked. "I don't think any of my friends do." "Maybe not," said Mom, "but home-canned peaches taste so good--better than store-bought ones. And even better than the fresh ones you can buy when they're not in season." "That's true," agreed Janae. "They are yummy." "Just thinking of how much we'll enjoy eating these next winter makes this job more pleasant," said Mom. "We'll have enough peaches stored up to last till after the cold weather is gone." "Thinking of that does help--a little," said Janae. She slid the skin from a peach. "A very little!" she added with a grin. "Did you know that Jesus talked about storing things?" asked Mom. "Oh, Mom!" exclaimed Janae. She giggled. "Jesus didn't do any canning." "I'm sure He didn't," Mom replied with a smile. "He was talking about storing up things in our hearts, not in cans." "In our hearts?" asked Janae. "Like Bible verses maybe?" "Yes, but He also talked about the thoughts and feelings we store up," Mom replied. "Jesus said you can tell what a person has in his heart by the way he talks. Good thoughts and feelings about people and about God will be evident from the kind words we speak. It's as though our mouths overflow with whatever we've stored in our hearts and minds." Janae reached over to pick up a shriveled peach and showed it to her mother. "I guess storing up bad thoughts would be like canning bad peaches," she said. "Yuck! Who would want to eat them? Bad peaches should be thrown out--and bad thoughts should, too." "You're absolutely right," said Mom. "Let's get rid of them as fast as we can!" How About You? What do people hear from the storehouse of your heart? Thinking of God's goodness and greatness, reading the Bible and other good books, and spending time with godly people are a few ways to help you store up good things in your heart. That will, in turn, make a difference in the way you speak and act. Today's Key Verse: A good man (person) out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good. (Luke 6:45) Today's Key Thought: Store up good thoughts

 The Prodigal Brothers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"Kent, have you finished your math?" Mom asked. "Not quite, Mom." Kent looked up as he added, "I'm almost done." Mom frowned when she saw his paper covered with doodles. "Don't forget that Dad's taking us to that new buffet for dinner tonight. We leave in about twenty-five minutes. If your homework isn't finished, you stay home," she warned. When it was time to leave, Kent dashed out of the house. His hair was uncombed, and he was buttoning his shirt. He slid into the back seat beside his brother Cody as his father started the car. "Made it," gasped Kent. "Barely," replied Dad. "One of these days you're going to waste too much time, and you'll be left behind." Kent was first in line at the buffet, followed by Cody. The boys eagerly chose portions from various dishes and then found an empty table. Until they were all seated, Mom and Dad didn't notice how much Cody had taken. "Cody!" Mom exclaimed. "Do you think you can eat all that?" "Sure," replied Cody, but when the others had finished eating, he still had several untouched items. "I'm full," he muttered, pushing his plate away. Dad looked at the plate and frowned. "You're wasting food," Kent accused his brother. "Don't you know that wasting is sinful?" Mom nodded. "Yes, it is," she agreed. She looked at Kent and Cody. "We seem to have two prodigal sons in our family." The boys looked at her curiously. "What do you mean?" asked Kent. "Prodigal sons like the one in the story Jesus told? We didn't run away from home! We aren't prodigals." "Mom's right," said Dad. "The word prodigal means wasteful." "Well, Cody is the wasteful one." Kent wore a smug look. "I didn't take so much food." "Cody wastes food, and you waste time, Kent," Dad explained. "One is as bad as the other." Mom nodded. "So now, Cody," she said, "I see you've eaten mostly side dishes. You need to finish the meat you took. And from now on, make sure you take only as much as you can eat! It's time for you prodigals to change your ways." How About You? Are you a prodigal? Do you waste time? Money? Food? Today's Scripture reading is often referred to as the story of the Prodigal Son. That son returned to his father, asked forgiveness, and changed his ways. If you're wasteful, you need to change your ways, too. Ask Jesus and anyone affected by your actions to forgive you. Depend on God to help you use time, money, talents--everything He has given you--for His glory. Today's Key Verse: He who is slothful in his work is a brother to him who is a great destroyer. (Proverbs 18:9) Today's Key Thought: Don't be wasteful

 Something Beautiful | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"This is going to be so pretty!" exclaimed Maggie as she helped her grandmother work on a quilt--a wedding gift for Maggie's cousin. "Elise will love this!" Grandma smiled. "Each square is cut from one of her old shirts or dresses," she said. "I plan to make this kind of quilt for all of you kids." She stood up. "Come along . . . I'll show you something." She led Maggie to a storage closet and opened a box half full of cloth squares. Maggie recognized material from some of her favorite clothes . . . and she also saw squares made from some not-so-favorite ones. "These are to make a quilt for me?" she asked, and Grandma nodded. Maggie was amazed at how Grandma could take such old, useless, outgrown things and make something lovely from them. "Wow!" she exclaimed. "I didn't even like the outfits some of those pieces come from, but when I see all the squares lying together in the box like that, they look great!" She grinned at her grandmother. "You're good, Grandma!" Grandma laughed. "You know," she said as they returned to working on the quilt for Elise, "our lives are something like patchwork quilts. God sees all the pieces of our lives--the good and the bad. As we surrender ourselves to Him, He cuts, shapes, and puts the pieces of our lives together to make something beautiful." As Grandma was talking, Maggie recalled the week of vacation her family had recently enjoyed. She remembered the fun she'd had at her last birthday party. But she also thought of some of the worst days of her life--the day her grandfather died, the low grade she had gotten in math one day even after studying hard, and the way her best friend had snubbed her only a few days before. "I'm sure God is the only one who can take all the pieces of our lives--even the things we think are terrible--and make something good of them," said Maggie thoughtfully. "I don't understand how He does it, but I know He will." "That's right." Grandma nodded. "We can safely trust Him with all of our days." How About You? What happy days do you recall? What seemingly bad ones happened lately? Maybe you came in last at the track meet, or maybe one of your friends lied about you. Maybe someone you love is sick. Whatever it is, does it seem like no good can possibly come from those difficult times? Trust Jesus to take all of those troublesome days, blend them in with the happy times, and use them all to make your life beautiful. Today's Key Verse: The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way. (Psalm 37:23) Today's Key Thought: Trust God to shape your life

 The Anti-Virus Program | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

As Evan began his report for school, lines of gibberish flashed across the monitor. "Brett!" he called, seeing that he needed help from his older brother. "I need the computer, and it's acting weird!" Brett came into the room and typed some commands into the computer. After a moment, he turned to Evan. "Can you use Garrett's computer?" he asked. "I think ours has a virus." Brett frowned. "Maybe we need to get a different anti-virus program." "What's an anti-virus program?" Evan asked. "It's a program to keep the computer from downloading destructive stuff in email or from the internet," Brett replied. "Well, Garrett's mom will probably let me do my report there," said Evan. So he went to check with his friend, who lived down the street. "Sure. Help yourself," agreed Garrett's mother when Evan asked if he could use their computer. "Nobody here needs it right now." The boys went to the den where the computer was kept. "That's not homework, is it?" Evan asked as he watched Garrett clear his Bible and several papers off the desk so Evan could use the computer. "No, I typed Bible verses I'm trying to memorize," said Garrett. "I print them on cards or stickers and put them where I'll see them during the day." "Why do you bother to learn all those verses?" asked Evan. "You could just as well read them from the Bible." "Well . . . I have to learn some for Bible club and Sunday school," said Garrett. "Besides, haven't you heard the verse about hiding God's Word in our hearts so we won't sin? Like . . . if I hear bad words or jokes, I'll hopefully remember the verses that say to think about good things. If I do that, the bad stuff won't stick in my mind." "Kind of like your own personal anti-virus program that keeps your brain from downloading bad stuff," suggested Evan with a grin. "That's it!" agreed Garrett, "and you know first hand how important an anti-virus program can be! You better start learning verses, too." How About You? Does your brain need some anti-virus protection? How many times a day are you exposed to ungodly words and ideas? How often are you tempted to say or do something wrong? God provided His protection long before computers were invented. It's called the Word of God--the Bible. How about downloading some Bible verses into your mind and life today? Today's Key Verse: Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You. (Psalm 119:11) Today's Key Thought: Memorize Bible verses

 A Letter to Harriet | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"It will take a lot of work to make this look good again," said Mom as she handed Molly a piece of sandpaper. "I know, but I'm glad we bought it," replied Molly as she inspected their flea market purchase--a beat-up antique dresser. "It's old, but I really like it." "I do, too," agreed Mom, "and it will be beautiful when we've refinished it." Molly nodded and began pulling the drawers out to clean them. When she removed the second drawer, she thought she heard something fall. She peered into the next drawer. Seeing an envelope, she picked it up. On the front was one word: Harriet. "Look, Mom," said Molly, holding out the envelope. "Someone left a letter in this drawer. Should we try to give it back? There's no address, only a first name." "Maybe there's something inside that will identify the owner," suggested Mom, "but that envelope looks very old, so I doubt we could locate her." Molly pulled out the letter and began reading. "Oh, this is dated years ago," she said. "It mentions some stuff that happened 'last week,' according to the letter, but I don't know what it's talking about. There are a couple of names, but none I ever heard of. I never heard of the guy who wrote this, either--he just signed his first name." Molly handed the letter to Mom. "Actually, none of this makes any sense to me." "Nor to me, either," Mom replied after scanning the letter. "Letters don't make a lot of sense if you don't know the people they're written to or who they're from." "Probably the only person in the world who would have understood what this letter is saying was Harriet, whoever she was," observed Molly. "Or maybe if you knew the author, you'd know what he was talking about." "Yes," said Mom, "and that makes me think of people who say the Bible doesn't make sense. Their problem is that they don't know the author. The Bible is like a letter from God. To understand it we need to have a personal relationship with Him. We need to accept Jesus as our own Savior." Molly nodded. "Let's keep this anyway since it's old. It can remind us to read the letter God sent us." How About You? Is the Bible a mystery to you? Do you have a hard time understanding it? Perhaps that's because you don't know the author--God--but you can know Him! Trust Jesus as your Savior (see the ABCs of Salvation at the end of this book), and then get to know Him better by reading the Bible, which is His letter to you. Today's Key Verse: All Scripture is given by inspiration of God. (2 Timothy 3:16) Today's Key Thought: Get to know God, the author of the Bible

 Feeling Special | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Micah's heart was heavy as he trudged down the road. Maybe I should run away, he thought, but probably nobody would even notice I was gone. Lately, Micah had felt left out and alone in his family. When his older brother Joe got a home run in a ball game or a good grade on a report card, Mom and Dad were excited and happy and made a big fuss over him. But when Micah did something special, it seemed that his parents just smiled and said something like, "I remember when your brother did that two years ago." Micah's younger sister Elsa got even more attention. Everyone in the family, including Grandma and Grandpa, always said how cute she looked in her pretty little outfits. They lovingly teased her about her curly hair, and they laughed at the cute things she said. But . . . Micah sighed, nobody ever thinks there's anything very special about me. I'm just . . . well . . . just there. Micah's thoughts were interrupted by someone crying. Glancing ahead, he saw a small boy with a bike. "What's the matter?" asked Micah. "I'm st-st-stuck," the little boy answered through his tears. Micah saw that the boy's pants leg was caught in his bicycle chain. "I got stuck like that once, too," said Micah, kneeling to get a better look. "I think I can help you." He carefully worked with the material and chain. "Got it!" he exclaimed after a few minutes. "Oh-h-h, thanks," the boy said, sounding very much relieved. He looked up at Micah with admiration. "You're great!" Micah felt better as he walked on. Maybe I'm important after all, he thought. I can do things that help others. Actually, I remember hearing Mom tell Mrs. Woods at church that she knew I'd do a good job on the clean-up committee for our party. Then Dad said I'd be a good helper on any committee. Micah's thoughts focused on some other nice things his parents had said to him--or about him. I guess Mom and Dad sometimes do notice whenI do something good, he admitted to himself. And they always tell all of us that God is pleased when we do the right thing. That's most important of all. How About You? Have you sometimes felt left out? Kids can feel that way even when it's not so. You are important to other people--and especially to God. In fact, you're so important to Him that He sent Jesus to die for you so you could become a part of His special family. And you're so important that He even numbers the hairs on your head. He delights in each of His children. He rejoices over you--you are very special to Him. Today's Key Verse: God . . . will rejoice over you with gladness. (Zephaniah 3:17) Today's Key Thought: You are important to God

 Not Your Fault | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Lauren's whole body shook with sobs. "Oh, honey," said Aunt Maria, comforting her, "please try to stop crying so you can tell me what's wrong." With great effort, Lauren did her best to control her crying. Her breath caught in her throat as she said, "Dad and Mom just told me they're getting a divorce. I think it's all my fault." Fresh tears rolled down her cheeks. Aunt Maria put her arms around Lauren. "I can understand how hurt you are, but you must not blame yourself, Lauren. Your behavior had nothing to do with your parents' divorce." "But if I had been better, maybe Dad and Mom would have gotten along better, too," Lauren answered. "I haven't kept my room clean, and I haven't always obeyed them. I've caused them trouble and made them worry." "When a couple gets divorced, their children often blame themselves," said Aunt Maria, "but they shouldn't. Believe me, it's not your fault. You certainly should be obedient and as helpful and cheerful as you can, but even if you aren't, your behavior is not the reason for the divorce." "Are you sure?" asked Lauren tearfully. "Absolutely!" replied Aunt Maria. "Don't blame yourself, honey--that won't help anyone." She picked up her Bible from the coffee table, and turned the pages. "God has comforting words for those whose hearts hurt deeply like yours does right now. Psalm 147 says the Lord 'heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.' Trust Him to do that for you." Lauren wiped her eyes. "I'll try--but I don't understand how He would do that," she said. "Do you know how, Aunt Maria?" "Not exactly, but among other things, I believe God will put into your life people--me and others--who will help you through this hard time," said Aunt Maria. "Pray every day and read your Bible so He can help you by reminding you of His love. Little by little, you'll begin to feel better." Aunt Maria gave Lauren a hug. "Shall we pray together right now?" Lauren nodded. Although she still felt very sad, she joined in prayer--praying quietly while Aunt Maria prayed aloud. How About You? Are you hurting because your parents are divorced? Do you blame yourself for that? Don't! It is not your fault. It's something between only them. Perhaps you have friends whose parents are divorced. Divorce is not fun for anyone. Pray for healing for your parents--or your friends' parents. Pray for their marriage, for yourself, and for others who have been hurt by what happened. God will help those who trust Him through the troubling time. Today's Key Verse: He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. (Psalm 147:3) Today's Key Thought: God can heal broken hearts

 Rescued Kitten | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"Mom! Pepper sharpened his claws on the couch again!" called Debbie as she and her friend Tasha went into the family room to play a game. "Oh, no!" exclaimed Mom, coming in and inspecting the couch. "If we keep that cat, we'll have to get him declawed!" "When did you get him?" asked Tasha. "I didn't even know you had a cat." "It was raining when Mom went to the corner store a few days ago," replied Debbie, "and there was this kitten meowing at the door. The store clerk said he was a stray who needed a home, so Mom brought him back with her. We named him Black Pepper." Debbie picked up Pepper and stroked his fur. "He was cold and wet and scared and trembling all over," she added. "Poor thing," said Tasha. Debbie nodded. "We rubbed him down with a soft towel and fed him," she said. "Now he has a home and a family who loves him." "That's right,"said Mom. She turned and spoke to the cat. "You should be more grateful and not scratch the furniture." "He doesn't know any better," said Debbie in defense of the new pet. Mom smiled. "Well, maybe not. Pepper is just a cat," she said. Then she added, "I'm afraid we humans are just as ungrateful sometimes." "Who? Not us," protested Debbie, pretending to have her feelings hurt. "Yes," said Mom, "all of us! I'm sure you both know that before we were saved, we were in much worse shape than Pepper. We were sinners with no hope. When we accepted Jesus as Savior, God forgave our sins and gave us a brand new life. In spite of that, we still do wrong things sometimes. You'd think we'd be more grateful." The girls nodded. "We'll do better," declared Tasha, "won't we, Debbie?" "Right," agreed Debbie. "After all, it's Thanksgiving time. We'll thank God--first of all for saving us, and then for all the other good things He gives us." "Good!" said Mom. "Let's do that--not only on Thanksgiving Day, but every day of the year. And let's show gratitude by our actions as well as our words." How About You? Are you thankful for all God has done for you?Do you show Him you're grateful by doing the things that please Him and turning away from those that don't?Thank God for the sacrifice Jesus made for you. Thank Him for daily blessings. Thank Him for the Holy Spirit, who gives you power over sin. Let both your actions and your words show that you are grateful to God. Today's Key Verse: I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth. ( Psalm 34:1) Today's Key Thought: Show God that you're grateful

 The Surprise Ride | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

With a click, Mom fastened her seatbelt. As she adjusted the rearview mirror, she caught a glimpse of Jeremy's worried face. "Honey, is everything all right?" she asked. "I'm afraid to go to the dentist, Mom," Jeremy moaned with both arms wrapped around his stomach. "It's making my stomach hurt." "I'm sorry, honey," said Mom. "You always liked Dr. Kent, and I'm sure you'll like Dr. Jameson, too. But I totally understand. Going someplace new can be scary. There have been times I had butterflies in my stomach, too." "Butterflies, Mom?" Jeremy replied. "It feels more like a herd of elephants!" Mom smiled. "Or a whole zoo?" she asked. "Like all the animals we saw when Dad took us on one of his surprise rides and we ended up at the zoo last week?" Jeremy's grimace turned to a smile as he thought of the surprise ride and the trip to the city zoo. "Dad likes to surprise us, doesn't he?" he said. "He does, and neither you nor I had a clue as to where Dad was taking us," replied Mom, "so were you afraid?" "Of course not, Mom!" Jeremy replied. "I trust Dad. He always takes us on the best surprise rides!" "Yes--and what would you say, Jeremy, if I told you this trip to the dentist is like one of the surprise rides Dad gives us?" Mom asked. "What do you mean?" Jeremy was puzzled. "Think of Jesus as our driver, and just like you had to trust Dad, you need to trust Jesus," said Mom. "But Dad always takes us to fun places," said Jeremy. "Going to the dentist isn't fun." "Not all the places Dad takes us are really fun," replied Mom, "but they're good places for us. Like the time he took us to the nursing home. You weren't quite sure about that at first, remember? But later you were glad you went. With God, we don't know what's going to happen, either, but we need to trust Him. His plan is perfect." Mom patted Jeremy's knee. "A verse I think of when I'm afraid is Psalm 56:3 . . . 'Whenever I am afraid I will trust in You.'" Mom winked at Jeremy. "So what do you say we leave those elephants in the zoo and go to Jesus right now?" "Okay," agreed Jeremy, "and I'll ask Him to help me remember that verse, too." How About You? Has God taken you on a surprise ride lately? Did you have to go to a new place? Meet new people? Go to the dentist or the doctor? Were you afraid? You don't need to be. Jesus doesn't want you to be afraid; He wants you to trust in Him. Jesus loves you and wants only the best for you. So sit back and enjoy the surprise rides God has planned for you! They're often very enjoyable; they're always good for you. Today's Key Verse: Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You. (Psalm 56:3) Today's Key Thought: When afraid, trust God

 Another Bible? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"Look, Dad." Cassie handed a book to her father. "Lana loaned this to me. They use it in her church--it's their Bible. It reads almost like ours, except for a few things in it that aren't in ours. A lot of it is the same, though." Dad frowned as he flipped some pages. "Yes, but it's dangerous," he warned. "How can it be dangerous?" Cassie asked. "It teaches a lot of the same things our Bible does--things like loving one another and not stealing or lying. Lana showed me verses about stuff like that. If a person follows all the teachings in this book, he'll be a good person." "Perhaps, but I'm familiar with this book, and it teaches that being what people consider a good person is all that's necessary," Dad replied. "Being good in the sight of man doesn't save anyone. Do you know what this book says about Jesus?" "Well . . . no." Cassie hesitated. "But . . . some people won't read our Bible, so it seems like this would still be a good book for them to read." Dad thought for a moment. "I saw a chart yesterday that would interest you," he said. "It showed what would happen if a rocket fired at the moon were off course by only a few degrees." "What did it say?" asked Cassie. She was always fascinated by anything regarding space exploration. "If a rocket fired toward the moon were five degrees off course at blastoff, it would be 13,579 miles off target by the time it neared the moon," said Dad. "It would bypass the moon completely." "Wow!" Cassie raised her eyebrows. Dad pointed to the book Cassie had brought home. "This book is portrayed as God's revelation to man, yet it doesn't acknowledge Jesus as the only way to heaven. When people accept it as the Word of God, they're definitely off course in their efforts to reach heaven some day," continued Dad. "The Holy Bible explains how we may get there, and being just a little bit off course on our journey means missing heaven completely." "So books that people call bibles are dangerous even though they seem to be almost right?" Cassie asked. Dad nodded. "Actually, that's when they're especially dangerous," he said, "because that's when they sound good to so many people." How About You? Is "Holy Bible" written on the cover of the Bible you read? The Holy Bible is the book that shows the only way to heaven. Other books, such as Keys For Kids, may help you understand what God wants you to know, but they must always agree with what God says in His Word. If they don't, you must not believe them. Don't allow teachings in other books--even those that are called bibles--get you off course. Stay with the Word of God. Today's Key Verse: Forever, O Lord, Your word is settled in heaven. (Psalm 119:89) Today's Key Thought: Believe God's Word--the Holy Bible

 The Poor Rich Man | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"I have some deliveries for you to make, Sam," said Mr. Ward, owner of the local pharmacy in their small town. As a special service, he allowed senior citizens to order things by phone and have them delivered to their homes. He handed Sam a couple of packages. Sam whistled as he rang the doorbell of the big house on the hill. The door jerked open, and Mr. Atkins stood there, frowning. "Well . . . what do you want?" Mr. Atkins demanded. "I'm Sam Parker, and Mr. Ward sent these things for you," Sam replied, holding out one of the packages. "The amount due on this is . . ." "I know how much it is! It's too much!" the elderly man snapped. "And I suppose you expect a tip for bringing it. Well, you aren't going to get it!" Sam gulped down a smart reply and stood quietly as Mr. Atkins counted out the money. "Thank you, Sir," Sam said as the man slammed the door. Sam wasn't whistling when he knocked on the door of the little house where Miss Patterson lived. "Yes? Oh, it's the delivery boy from the pharmacy." A sweet voice came from a wrinkled face. "Just a minute. I'll get your money." Soon she was back with the money and a plastic bag. "Here are some cookies for you. I do so appreciate having those things delivered to me." When Sam got home, he told his mother about Miss Patterson and also about Mr. Atkins. "Poor old man," was Mom's response. "Poor?" Sam snorted. "He's probably the richest man in town!" "He's also one of the poorest men in town," replied Mom. "Mr. Atkins was determined to make lots of money, and he did. But in the process, he turned his back on God and on his friends. As for Miss Patterson . . . well, everyone loves her. She may not have much money, but she's what the Bible would call rich in good works. She's also rich in friends. She's a good example of the way Christians ought to love and care for others." "So Mr. Atkins is a poor rich man, and Miss Patterson is a rich poor lady," Sam reasoned. He grinned. "Well, when I grow up, maybe I can be a rich rich man." Mom chuckled at her son's joke. How About You? Do you want to be rich? There's nothing wrong with having money, but don't make the mistake of thinking money brings happiness. The Bible says the love of money is wrong. There is a better way to be rich. Invest your time and efforts in making friends, helping others, and serving the Lord, and you'll be rich in things that count. Today's Key Verse: Do good . . . be rich in good works, ready to give, willing to share. (1 Timothy 6:18) Today's Key Thought: Money can't buy happiness

 Free as a Butterfly | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Isabella felt her face burn with embarrassment and anger. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Conner and Amos looking at her and laughing. "All those freckles," she heard Amos whisper, and then they laughed again. "Amos! Conner!" Mrs. Skinner spoke sternly. "Settle down!" At recess time, Isabella didn't feel like talking or playing with her friends. She found a grassy spot and plopped down by herself. I hate my stupid freckles, she thought as she watched a butterfly fluttering nearby. Or maybe I just hate Amos and Conner. I wish I could go home. Isabella saw her teacher approaching. "Mind if I join you?" Mrs. Skinner asked. "It's such a lovely day, I just had to come out, too." Isabella tried to smile as Mrs. Skinner sat down. Neither talked for a little while. They just watched the butterfly. Then Mrs. Skinner spoke again. "Isn't that butterfly beautiful, Isabella?" she asked. Without waiting for an answer, she continued. "God made butterfly wings very delicate, and He made them in a special way so water doesn't soak into them. It just sits on top. If the water soaked in, the wings would get so heavy that the butterfly wouldn't be free to fly." "That's interesting," murmured Isabella. She wasn't in the mood for another science lesson, but she didn't want to hurt Mrs. Skinner's feelings. "Our hearts and spirits are like that, too," continued Mrs. Skinner. "If we let hurt soak in, the heaviness weighs us down and we can't be happy and free. So God gives us the ability to forgive. When we forgive, it's like our hearts have a special coating that won't let the hurt soak in." Isabella looked at her teacher. She knew Mrs. Skinner must have heard what Conner and Amos said. Isabella's eyes turned back to the fluttering wings of the butterfly as it danced around their heads. She was struck with the beauty and joy of its freedom. "Thanks, Mrs. Skinner," said Isabella at last. She stood. "If it's okay with you, I think I'll play with my friends now." Mrs. Skinner smiled and nodded. As Isabella ran to the swings, she passed Conner and Amos. "Great job on your drawings in art today," she called to them. They looked at her in surprise. She smiled and felt free as a butterfly. How About You? Has someone hurt your feelings? Have you allowed the hurt to soak in and weigh you down? God wants you to forgive others as He has forgiven you. When you do that instead of dwelling on your hurt, you can enjoy God's goodness, blessings, and freedom. Today's Key Verse: Forgiving one another . . . even as Christ forgave you. (Colossians 3:13) Today's Key Thought: Forgive others

 No Longer Nervous | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"Mom, I don't know why I promised to play my guitar in the youth concert!" groaned Ben. "I'm really scared about performing in front of so many people!" "Well . . . I remember another time you were really scared," Mom replied. "That was the first time you had a toothache and had to go to the dentist. Do you remember what I did to help you feel more confident?" "Ah-h-h . . . yeah, I remember. I had to have the tooth pulled, and you stayed right there with me until the dentist was finished," said Ben. "Yes," said Mom. "Having me there with you helped you not to be afraid." "Yeah, well, I was just a little kid then," said Ben. "If you came up on stage with me at the concert, all the kids would laugh at me." "They sure would," said Ben's dad, who had just come in, "but sometimes we really need somebody to be with us." He nodded. "Like when I had to speak at a business luncheon a couple weeks ago. I was so nervous!" "Really?" asked Ben. "I didn't think you got nervous about things like that!" "Oh yes, I do; in fact almost everyone does," replied his father. "How did you deal with it, Dad?" asked Rachel, who had been listening with interest. She grinned. "Did you take Mom along to hold your hand?" "Well, I would have liked to, but I couldn't do that, "said Dad. "However, there was someone who I knew would be happy to stay with me." "Who, Dad?" asked Rachel and Ben together. "Jesus," replied Dad with a smile, "and when I really depended on Him, my nervousness went away. I even asked Him to give me the right words to use, and I'm sure He did." "Then . . . that should work for me, too, right?" Ben asked thoughtfully. "But right now, I better go practice my piece again." After a good performance at the concert, Ben rejoined his family. "Did it work?" Rachel asked. "You asked Jesus to stay with you and help you, didn't you? Were you still pretty scared and wished Mom was up there with you?" "Nope." Ben smiled. "Anytime I started to feel scared, I asked Jesus to help me. Then I quit being nervous." Ben grinned at his mother. "Having Him with me was even better than having you, Mom." How About You? Do you get nervous about performing in public? Or about taking part in an important sports event, witnessing to a friend,writing an essay paper, or completing some other tough task? At such times, it helps to have someone with you, doesn't it--someone you can trust? Jesus will stay with you, and He wants you to trust Him for help in whatever you do. Talk to Him about it. "Don't worry when you can pray; trust Jesus to lead the way" is good advice from a songwriter. Take it. Today's Key Verse: Be anxious for nothing, but in everything . . . let your requests be made known to God. (Philippians 4:6-7) Today's Key Thought: Don't worry; pray

 A Good Recipe | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Melanie walked into her father's study and sat down. "I think we made a big mistake coming here," she announced. "Everything's so different. Are you sure we shouldn't have stayed where we were?" Dad smiled. "I'm sure," he said. "After praying a lot about it, Mom and I both sensed it was time to move on to a new ministry. We asked God to show us where we should serve Him, and He showed us the need in this town." "Well, I'm not sure I'll ever get used to it," said Melanie sadly. "I know you say God never makes any mistake, but it still seems like a bigger town would be better. There'd be more people for you to reach--and more stuff for me to do." "Mail call!" Melanie's mother walked into the room and handed several envelopes to Dad. She smiled at Melanie. "I think maybe you and I should go bake a cake or something," said Mom. "What do you think? What sounds good?" "Um-m-m. Cookies," suggested Melanie. "Let's try that new recipe Grandma sent. She says they're really good, so let's make some today, Mom." "Hold on a minute, honey," said Dad. "Are you sure you want to make those? Why don't you look through all the magazines I've seen in the family room?They have a lot of recipes, don't they? You might find some you like better." Melanie frowned. "I'm sure they have some good ones," she said, "but Grandma tried the recipe she gave us. So she knows how those cookies taste, and she says they're good." "And you trust her judgment?" Dad asked. Melanie nodded. "Of course," she said. "I see. Well, do you think Grandma is more trustworthy than God is?" Dad asked. Seeing that Melanie was puzzled, he continued. "Would God guide us to a new ministry if He didn't know it was best for us and would all work out for His glory?" "Oh-h-h," said Melanie at last. "You're saying that if I can trust Grandma to send us a good recipe, I can trust God to send us good things, too. Okay. I know I should trust Him more than anybody--even if it means living in this town." She stood. "I guess it's God's recipe for us right now," she added, "but can we please go try Grandma's recipe, too?" Smiling, Mom agreed. How About You? Do you think of God as a loving heavenly Father--or as someone who is harsh and uncaring? Someone who ruins your plans? Always remember that God loves you and wants the best for you and for all of His children. Think about all the blessings He has given you, and trust Him for the future as well, even during times when things aren't going as you'd like. Today's Key Verse: How great is Your goodness . . . which You have prepared for those who trust in You. (Psalm 31:19) Today's Key Thought: God can be trusted


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