The Free Believers Network - Into the Wild show

The Free Believers Network - Into the Wild

Summary: Finally a show that isn't censored by religiosity and cold traditionalism! The "Into the Wild" show is an unrestrained, cutting edge, over the top look at the Christian life, lived outside of the cage. If you are looking for something REAL and relevant; you've found it. Become a part of the revolution and be released into the wild.

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 MIDWEEK - Lust | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Robert talk about the modern day Christian perspective on lust. We have been taught so many things on this subject that most of us aren’t even sure what it is anymore. The very teachings on the evil of lust have served to intensify people’s lust ten fold. Learning to let go of what we believe about lust is an important step to freedom. So many of us have developed such a fear of this subject that we literally shut down when it’s brought up. When we can learn to relax on subjects like this and not take it so seriously, freedom is just around the corner.  

 A Love Like That | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Robert talk about the difference between being UNDER the law and being ABOVE the law. So many people see the grace message as nothing more than a chance to do whatever they want. Others embrace the love of God and they find themselves living so far above the law that they find it offensive. Unfortunately with every message out there, there will be people who will make it a religion and not understand the heart of it. Each person will find love on their own completely aside from religion. Once they do, they will have discovered the very face of God Himself. 

 MIDWEEK - Laughter Therapy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Aimee talk about how religion has stolen away our ability to experience fun. So many of us have become so self conscious from years of self analyzation. We’ve lost our sense of humor because we’ve been pickled in a jar of seriousness our entires lives. Could it be that the greatest healing mechanism in the human experience has been stripped away from us. For many people who are experiencing the wild for the first time in their life, it’s a path of reclaiming true happiness and joy. Letting go of the serious side and embracing humor and laughter is sometimes the first thing that’s needed to heal people from the pain of the past.

 Self Defense in the Wild | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Aimee join Heidi Venie once again for a discussion on whether or not self-defense is needed in the wild. Coming from about twenty years in institutional ministry Darin understands how important it can be when people make false accusations about what you believe. In the church world, accusations of heresy can destroy your career and ultimately your reputation. How important is a good reputation? Darin asks whether or not he should constantly provide explanations to people who are bound to believe a bad thing regardless of what they’ve actually heard. When someone believes something bad about you without cause or evidence, is it your responsibility to correct their opinion of you or should you just let it go and allow them to continue in their misguided opinion?

 MIDWEEK - Discussion On Hell | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Aimee discuss the topic of hell. It\'s amazing how many pictures and beliefs there are on this one subject yet when it comes to heaven the average Christian knows very little. We have been taught to be hell minded Christians in our generation. Regardless of what anyone\'s particular belief is about the subject, the question is whether or not your religion derives it\'s power from heaven or from hell. Most modern day teachings on hell make it impossible for us to take our main focus off of hell. Christianity\'s hell doctrine demands attention. It steals the show and because of this, we have developed a religion that actually NEEDS hell in order to survive. What if the modern day Christian understanding of hell is wrong? You\'ll enjoy this conversation. 

 Interview with Heidi Venie #3 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Heidi discuss the last two podcast shows and the reaction of some of her old church members to it. People took it personally and some were quite angry. Heidi opens up about how liberating it was for her to finally stand up and tell her story. There is a power that comes upon each of us when we stand up and proclaim our story to others without regard for personal consequences. Many of us have been raised in a religious world where “talking” about certain things or just plain speaking our mind is forbidden. We have been taught to shut our mouths and go with the flow. The moment we stand up and proclaim the truth in any situation, there will be division. Truth divides. The power to bring freedom to ourselves and others rests in whether or not we are willing to speak the truth.

 Interview with Heidi Venie | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Robert talk to Darin's friend Heidi Venie from Alaska. Heidi's an ex-worship leader who left the institutional world almost one year ago. She discusses her path in the wild and how God is healing her from spiritual abuse. Heidi represents thousands of ex-worship leaders who decided to live in the wild rather than succumb to a system that promotes performance over authentic worship. Heidi has a unique perspective on the heart of God. She isn't a person who bought into the teachings of organized religion and had to relearn God's heart when she got out. Heidi knew the truth about God's heart long before she left church. She has a wonderful husband and two beautiful children. You'll enjoy her heart in this conversation.

 MIDWEEK - Interview with Heidi Venie #2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Robert talk to Darin’s friend Heidi Venie from Alaska. Heidi’s an ex-worship leader who left the institutional world almost one year ago. She discusses her path in the wild and how God is healing her from spiritual abuse. Heidi represents thousands of ex-worship leaders who decided to live in the wild rather than succumb to a system that promotes performance over authentic worship. Heidi has a unique perspective on the heart of God. She isn’t a person who bought into the teachings of organized religion and had to relearn God’s heart when she got out. Heidi knew the truth about God’s heart long before she left church. She has a wonderful husband and two beautiful children. You’ll enjoy her heart in this conversation.

 MIDWEEK - Can We Be Led Astray? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Aimee confront the common concern that some have voiced when visiting the FBN site or the Facebook page, when they encounter posts that advertise skewed doctrine or bad theology. Some people have suggested that as long as we allow people to post whatever opinions they have, we are running the risk of allowing them to lead people astray. Is it really possible for a person who knows God to be led astray? Would being led astray be evidence that a person was oblivious to truth in the first place or is this a justified fear? How far should we go in order to “guard the sheep.” At what point is it just a matter of control and manipulation? Who’s job is it to guard our hearts against false teaching and how do we go about that?

 Interview with Ed Fernandez part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Robert talk to Darin’s friend Ed Fernandez. Ed is a great friend and a Free Believer who travels to several different Countries with the message of God’s love and grace. He currently spends most of his time in Romania getting to know people one on one and developing relationships with folks who have been steeped in religious tradition. Ed speaks a little about his journey on the Free Believer path and what that might look like in the coming months and years. He shares his concerns and opens up about the things he’s insecure about on a personal level in regards to where things are heading with Christianity. This is a transparent moment that is both touching and inspiring. You’ll enjoy this great Free Believer. You can learn more about Ed at

 MIDWEEK - Interview with Ed Fernandez | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Robert talk to Darin’s friend Ed Fernandez. Ed is a great friend and a Free Believer who travels to several different Countries with the message of God’s love and grace. He currently spends most of his time in Romania getting to know people one on one and developing relationships with folks who have been steeped in religious tradition. Ed speaks a little about his journey on the Free Believer path and what that might look like in the coming months and years. He shares his concerns and opens up about the things he’s insecure about on a personal level in regards to where things are heading with Christianity. This is a transparent moment that is both touching and inspiring. You’ll enjoy this great Free Believer. You can learn more about Ed at

 Love Pries | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Aimee have an interesting discussion about how upside down we often view life and relationships. Many of us spend much of our time toiling over how we can become comfortable with ourselves enough to open up to others. This seems to be a running Christian theme that is brought up about as often as Jesus and the cross. Is that were our focus should really be? Darin talks about how his mind works when he meets a new person and the question is raised whether or not “opening up” to others is as important as getting others to open up. True love’s focus isn’t about opening it’s own heart, but it’s obsessed with prying open the hearts of others.

 MIDWEEK - Judge the Ones You Love | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Amy confront what has become a popular cliché in both the Institutional and Free Believers worlds. The statement, “Don’t judge me” has been spun and turned into a spiritually manipulative excuse to indulge in destructive behavior without having to answer to anyone for it. A staggering number of Christians act as if any form of being “called out on the mat” for their actions is contrary to the grace message. NOTHING could be further from the truth. Those who subscribe to this silly mindset have literally pillaged loves heart. If you love a person, you don’t even ask whether or not it’s okay to call them out on the mat when you know they’re destroying themselves.

 Self-Love and Judgement | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Amy Ramos discuss the problem of a judgmental spirit and what it’s really doing to our relationships. It’s a cheap escape from true intimacy. Many times we do it to avoid standing face to face with the authentic center of another person. In our insecurity we find a replacement identity for people we don’t wish to encounter personally. The problem is that this mindset of exchanging someone's true identity with a lie is that we ultimately make the same exchange when it comes to knowing ourselves and God.

 MIDWEEK - Time Away | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Aimee talk about how the human heart needs time alone after being abused and tormented in a relationship for years. For many of us who have suffered spiritual abuse and who have believed terrible lies about the heart of God, we need time to ourselves before entering into another full fledged relationship. God is patient with those of us who need this time to heal. He waits with us like a gentleman until we are ready for true intimacy.


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