The Free Believers Network - Into the Wild show

The Free Believers Network - Into the Wild

Summary: Finally a show that isn't censored by religiosity and cold traditionalism! The "Into the Wild" show is an unrestrained, cutting edge, over the top look at the Christian life, lived outside of the cage. If you are looking for something REAL and relevant; you've found it. Become a part of the revolution and be released into the wild.

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 MIDWEEK - Revelation Vs. Knowledge | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

 Darin and Robert confront the age old teaching that the purpose of the Scriptures is to give us foresight into the things of God. We have been taught that revelation comes from the Bible FIRST rather than from the heart. People in our generation have become crippled when it comes to hearing the voice of God without first having seen it in the Bible. Could it be that the Scriptures are there to confirm things that God has spoken rather than being the voice of God Himself? The modern day Christians view of the Bible and it\'s purpose in our lives has literally become a thorn in our side. Until we are ready to trust our hearts and believe in His voice to us personally, we will be prisoners to lifelessness. 

 The God Connection | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Aimee talk about whether or not it\'s possible to know God\'s voice with absolute certainty. Many people claim divine inspiration so much that they end up hurting more people then they help because their \"God told me\" way of speaking is both confusing and contradicting. Others have swung the pendulum in the opposite direction in an effort to get as far away from that mentality as possible. They\'ll act as if having any confidence in our ability to KNOW His voice for certain is bad and even somewhat immature. Is it possible to know with absolute certainty what God is saying or should we all stick to the politically correct, \"I feel that this is what He MIGHT be saying to me\" mentality? What does connection with God really look like? 

 MIDWEEK - Going Back, But Not Backwards | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Robert discuss the topic of how many Free Believers are deciding to return to the institutional church after having spent healing time in the wild. There are some who feel that God has called them to return to their positions as leaders in the church with a new heart. While many people will inevitably have different opinions on this subject, it\'s clear that some folks are really called of God to do just this. Whether we feel lead to return or not, it\'s important that we all keep an open mind and heart to what God may want for us individually. 

 Happy New Years | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and the whole gang meet for a New Years Eve party and podcast. After deciding that none of them have any New Years resolutions, the four discuss the necessity of confidence in the Free believers lifestyle. Rather than promising God that you\'ll do better and quit destructive habits, it makes so much more sense to just relax and KNOW that He is God. We live in a generation where getting better, growing and achieving goals is considered more important than just BEINNG. We can achieve every goal imaginable but if we don\'t enjoy the journey, we\'ve missed it all.  

 MIDWEEK - Letting Go of The Porn God | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Robert talk about the perception of God that has been sold to the Church and how it\'s based on a pack of lies designed to stimulate the carnal senses of man. The Church as advertised God in a way that appeals to the goats. People come running to Him because of all the great things He can do and the list of promises they were given by the salesman. He\'s been defined by His power and miracles. The truth of His heart is basically unknown by His own people. Transitioning from the advertised picture of God to the real thing is a difficult process for many people. Living in the wild is a process of letting go of the \"Porn-god\" you were sold on and embracing the heart of the Father. 

 The Power of Believe | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Robert talk about how each of us can create whatever world we choose to live in, through the power of BELIEVE. Every person in the world has their own view of how they see life. That view is strictly a choice. Whatever each of us chooses to believe about any specific subject is exactly what we will see from there on out. Most modern day Christians have completely lost sight of the amazing power of their own BELIEVE. We\'ve been taught that we\'re victims and at the mercy of circumstance. Many of us become isolated inside of a world that WE created and we wait for God to change it. Living in the wild is about taking responsibility for what you believe and embracing love over anything else. 

 MIDWEEK - More Than Information | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Aimee talk about how most of modern day Christianity demands that we conform to a pre-determined idea of Christ likeness. We have mistakenly reduced the Gospel Message to \"information.\" The message of the Gospel has a different sound, smell, vibration, look and feeling with each individual presenting it. When we trade in the beauty of individuality for a cold set of principles that work the same for everyone; we are extracting the personality of God Himself. The most beautiful part of Christianity is that we don\'t just memorize the message but we BECOME it. This beautiful fact has been lost in the minds of most Christians today. 

 Thoughts on the Rapture | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Aimee talk about the modern day Christian perspective of The Rapture. This subject has become more popular in recent days than ever before. Many Christians find themselves preoccupied with searching the scriptures for signs that point to the end of time. This topic brings fear and uneasiness to just about any Christian, but is it really true? Will things play out the way we’ve been taught or is it just a manipulative scare tactic? The bigger question is what can we do about it? What position should we take as Free Believers? How can we maintain a balanced happy life without getting caught up in all the fearful craziness?

 MIDWEEK -Interview with Mike Myers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Robert talk with Mike Myers from the Facebook page. The three have a great discussion about how each Free Believer seems to have to go through a period in their life where they are completely alone and abandoned by everyone. There is something irreplaceable that takes place in the heart of a person who suffers for a belief or a cause. It strengthens their resolve and prepares them for what is to come. The original purpose of the Free Believers Network was to try to relieve people from that difficult stage. Now, however it’s becoming more and more evident that this is a necessary stage in the development of the entire person. Today, the FBN’s purpose is more about letting people know they’re not alone in the midst of this phase.

 Spiritual Terrorism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Aimee talk about how the power of fear can cause the masses to do things they never imagined they’d do. When faced with terror, people willingly give up their rights as human beings. They’ll believe anything they’re told to believe and follow whoever they’re told to follow. The “War of Terror” has surprising similarities with what’s happening in organized religion. The principal is the same. If people are given an invisible enemy and put under an extreme amount of fear, they’ll throw out everything they’ve learned first hand, everything they know in their heart and even their common sense. Crowd control is the same in the church as it is in any governmental system. Just make the people afraid and you own them outright.

 MIDWEEK -Finding Your Sweet Spot | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Robert talk about some of the clarifying revelations Darin has gotten in the last few months concerning his life and ministry. Having gone from questioning his calling, to laying it down altogether, to even redefining it, Darin has come full circle and is now starting to embrace a series of songs that have never left his heart. \"God is love.\" It\'s so easy to allow the flow of a ministry to define who you are and what you\'ll do in the future. Being willing to let everything go in an instant can be an amazing liberating feeling. The great thing about living free is that when things begin to take over your life you can always back away and go another direction. The important thing is that you\'re always true to the deepest part of your heart. 

 From Sweet spot to Sweet spot | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Robert talk about the notion that we are called to do one job for God while here on earth. It’s so easy for us to spend the rest of our lives trying to find that specific job that God has called us to do, and in the process we can miss life altogether. Many people feel chained to a specific ministry or job because someone told them it was their calling. Just because you once had a heart for something, doesn’t mean you are married to that thing for life. It’s easy to live in guilt and condemnation because our heart’s passion for a specific thing isn’t as strong as it used to be and we feel like we’re not allowed to leave and do something else. Real freedom is being able to move from thing to thing throughout our lives without feeling like we MUST tie ourselves to any one thing. Until we are free enough to trust our heart, we simply cannot ever know the joy of finding that sweet spot in life.

 MIDWEEK -Prayer Without Ceasing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Robert talk about the constant struggle that Free Believers have when it comes to understanding prayer. So many of us attempt to replace our institutional prayer life with something else that\'s like it but different. Darin talks about how he is coming to the understanding that prayer in the wild is something that happens continuously within our hearts. Rather than attempting to develop an organized prayer life, Darin is discovering that he has a prayer life already. Life is now about uniting our heads with the continuous prayers of our hearts. It\'s about learning to hear the cry of our heart and embracing it. 

 Spiritual Nakedness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin and Robert talk about how sometimes life takes us to a point where nothing else matters but hearing and knowing God. When all that surrounds you ceases to matter as it did in days past, God\'s voice seems to sound stronger than ever. Being able to tell the difference between what really matters and what doesn\'t is really a path to freedom. Darin also gives an update on his current condition and how it has affected him personally. 

 MIDWEEK - Second Guessing with Lonnie Bellon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Darin, Aimee and Lonnie talk about coming to that point in life when you begin to second guess everything. Is it okay? Is it a sign that you\'re out of the will of God, or is it just a normal phase in life? So much of what we have been taught has suggested that we have a specific job to perform while here on earth and because of those teachings many of us are plagued with feelings of insecurity. Is there a way that we can accept life as it comes and know that God is sovereign through it all? 


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