Wheel of Life Podcast: Business|Productivity|Accountability show

Wheel of Life Podcast: Business|Productivity|Accountability

Summary: Create your personal Wheel of Life, for helping you find balance in everyday life. This powerful tool puts your life in perspective and helps you set goals around creating total life balance and enhancing your quality of life. Proven Business Success Principles and Systems for Working Less, Making More Money, and Enjoying Better Work Life Balance. You will discover proven and practical ideas you can immediately apply in all areas of your business and personal life so you can achieve your goals in the time frames you desire. Wouldn’t it be great if our ‘good intentions’ worked the way that we think they should? Not even enthusiasm guarantees positive results. There’s often a wide gap between our intentions and our actions. We fail to take the action necessary to be in alignment with our good intentions. This can be very frustrating. Good intentions don’t magically lead to good results. They are a start; however, they are unfortunately not enough. This is just the truth! We all can use a little accountability in our life to help us stay focused so we can achieve all our goals in the time frames we desire. Anne Bachrach is author of Excuses Don't Count; Results Rule!, Live Life with No Regrets; How the Choices we Make Impact our Lives, No Excuses, and The Work Life Balance Emergency Kit. Listen to the Podcasts and you can create the kind of life you have always dreamed of having. Go to www.AccountabilityCoach.com/landing today and take advantage of 3 Free gifts that you can immediately use to help you achieve your professional and personal goals. Visit www.AccountabilityCoach.com and receive 10% off all high-value products and services along with many complimentary resources and tools available to you under the FREE Silver Membership. You have access to tools like the Quality of Life Enhancer™ Exercise, a Wheel of Life exercise for helping you find balance in everyday life, assessments, articles, and so much more. Subscribe to the high-content Blog and receive valuable information. https://www.accountabilitycoach.com/blog/

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  • Artist: Anne Bachrach
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 Big Sale: Get 80% Off on Proven Business Success Resources | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:05:51

Wouldn't it be Great to Get 80% Off on Proven Business Success Resources? Today, you can!! First and foremost, I hope you and your family are safe and healthy. It's been a crazy month.... to say the least. With the pandemic & social distancing going on, no one knows where the world is headed. Whether you have a job or business, it doesn't matter. Everyone is in the dark. We are all in the same place. Airplane companies are close to shutting down. Restaurants are hanging on by the skin of their teeth. Any non-essential business is in a world of hurt. Fear is everywhere. And if you're feeling anxious, you'll see your productivity suffer. At first, you might not even notice. But you'll soon catch yourself glancing at the news. Decisions that were clear cut before will be muddied by panic. You'll be tempted to 'escape it all' for a bit & binge on some Netflix movies. Please don't fall into that trap. Most people see this as a disaster, but it's a golden opportunity in disguise for many of us. The fact is, everyone around you is feeling this level of uncertainty. Right now, your competition is buckling under the pressure. While others are frozen, you can hone your professional development and rise above the rest. Don't limit yourself to surviving, create momentum to thrive. And to help you do that, I was thinking here's one great solution for you to consider. For the first time in history, I'm rolling out the red carpet for you because I want to help - my biggest discount yet, to help you turn these challenging events into an opportunity to elevate your client value, grow your business. You can now get an 80% discount, yes I said 80%, on everything in the accountability.com store, including my 1:1 coaching. All you have to do is enter the Coupon Code

 6 Tips for Becoming Even More Confident in Business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:43

Confidence is absolutely essential if you want to make friends, influence people, and wake up energized day after day. A lack of confidence can be a pretty serious problem in a lot of different ways. It can affect your goals, your daily work, how you interact with people, and how you perceive yourself. If you don’t have enough confidence to believe in yourself, then you are going to have trouble ever achieving your goals. In fact, a complete lack of confidence will likely keep you from even setting goals! As a successful businessperson, you no doubt realize that confidence is important… and you would probably not have gotten as far as you have without having at least a good measure of it. If, however, you ever find yourself doubting whether you are ‘good enough’ or ‘capable’, then this article is for you! Let’s now explore 5 tips for becoming even more confident than you are now. Finding more confidence will help you as you venture on towards the next level of success, and can help to guard you against a recurrence in self-doubt or demotivation. Tip #1… Walk Faster Do you ever notice how confident people seem to walk faster than people who are not as sure of themselves? This is because confident people are usually busy, full of purpose, and have a ‘method’ to their madness! Next time you go out, try to think about all of the important things that you will be needed for. Think about how important your time is, and think about how much more you could accomplish if you got to where you were going in less time. Believe it or not, brisk walking can actually fill you with a sense of purpose and security about yourself. You will actually feel more confident if you lengthen your strides and walk like you have a reason to get somewhere (which you do! You are, after all, a successful businessperson… and you DESERVE to feel like one!). Tip #2… Create and Periodically Review Your “Me” File Keeping a ‘me’ file on hand filled with emails, letters, cards, and other positive communications or comments from clients and friends is one of the best ways to help give your confidence level a boost on those days when you don’t feel as good about yourself. Keep this file close at hand, and pull out a few letters to read when you start to feel down. If you ever feel like you are not good enough, looking back on good things that were said to you can REALLY have a positive impact. The whole point of this tip is to remind yourself that you ARE successful, and that you have a reason to be confident! Tip #3… Compliment Others Positivity is positivity… no matter what form it comes in. Believe it or not, complimenting others and making them feel better about themselves will actually HELP you to be more confident! When you focus on the negative aspects of life, you will often focus on the negatives within YOU as well. But, if you can learn to focus on the good in people around you, you will also be more prone to focusing on the good points within yourself. This will make a huge difference in your level of confidence, and will help you to improve your overall view of who you are as a person. Tip #4… Work Out – Get Some Exercise While this might seem like a very ‘healthy’ or ‘physical’ tip, it can be a very helpful one! Getting a healthy dose of exercise during the day is sometimes all that we need to push us over the positive edge. Taking up a sport, running around the block, doing a 10-minute exercise routine in your office, or even going a mile on the treadmill are all great ways to up your self-confidence level. By getting some exercise, you will be living a healthier lifestyle… but you will also be improving your own physical self-image within your mind. With confidence, it is all about how you perceive yourself, and you will be MUCH more likely to perceive yourself with confidence if you get in at least 20 minutes of exercise 4-5 times per week. Tip #5… Visualize the End Result In everything you invest your valuable time you want to visualize

 Turn Challenging Events into Opportunities to Grow Your Biz | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:40

Just in case you haven't seen or shared with your clients and prospects something that can hopefully, favorably influence their fears and concerns about the impact of the Coronavirus (Covid-19), the one I've seen that does the good job of explaining this new virus, it's effects, and best prevention tips (without any of the media hype either way), is from the Mayo Clinic. You can view their special report link in the show notes (http://bit.ly/2IDU3Wq). Of course, there are many great, short reports out there for you to use from very reputable organizations. After you’ve sent an email to your clients and prospects, implementing 2 ideas I’m going to share can turn these challenging events into an opportunity to elevate your client value and grow your business. 1. CALL every client. Glean your talking points for that conversation from the text in the email you previously sent them. Sample Script for a Financial Advisor - “You may have seen the email l sent with my thoughts about how the Coronavirus events could impact your money. The purpose of my call is to see how you’re feeling and answer any questions you may have.” Listen with empathy. Be prepared to respond to market, economy, and Coronavirus questions. Ask follow-up questions and listen with empathy. If the 'door opens' to have another phone conversation or a face-to-face meeting that may lead to being of service and doing more business, step through it. If not, feel good about being of service to your clients. Well done. 2. CALL every prospect, friend, and family member in your database to have the same conversation. This means that you sent the same message your clients received to your prospects, friends, and family members. The same script works (for a Financial Advisor). “You may have seen the email l sent with my thoughts about how the Coronavirus events could impact your money. The purpose of my call is to see how you’re feeling and answer any questions you may have.” Listen with empathy. Be prepared to respond to market, economy, and Coronavirus questions. Ask follow-up questions and listen with empathy. If the 'door opens' to have another phone conversation or a face-to-face meeting that could lead to being of further service and doing business, step through it. If not, feel good about the value you’re putting into the world. What goes around comes around, right? We live in an ever-changing, complex world, but one thing that has been true for those of us in business, we all must continue to do revenue generation and client acquisition to grow our business. Let me know how I can help you make more money and work less, so you can enjoy even better work life balance. If you are getting value from any of Podcasts, please take a minute to leave me a short rating and review. I would really appreciate it, and love to hear from you and requests for topics you would find of value. Aim for what you want each and every day! Anne Bachrach The Accountability Coach™ The Results Accelerator™ Get your daily Accountability Minute shot of a single, simple, doable idea, so you can start your day off on the "right foot", subscribe to it based on your country. The Accountability Minute on Amazon's Alexa in the USA: https://www.amazon.com/Accountability-Minute-Anne-Bachrach/dp/B07F5H2KGB The Accountability Minute on Alexa in Canada: https://amzn.to/2MpvUmx The Accountability Minute on Alexa in Australia: https://amzn.to/2vQqI4i The Accountability Minute on Alexa in UK: https://amzn.to/2MayU9v To help you stay focused and on track to achieving your goals, check out these other high-value resources. - Subscribe to my YouTube channel with business success principles (https://www.youtube.com/annebachrach) - Subscribe to my high-value Blog (https://www.accountabilitycoach.com/blog/) - Anne’s Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/TheAccountabilityCoach) - Anne’s Linked-in page https://www.linkedin.com/in/annebachrach - Connect with me on Pinterest (https://pinterest.co

 Are Limiting Beliefs Stopping You from Achieving Your Goals? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:53

Today you have the opportunity to download a complimentary special guidebook called, Are Limiting Beliefs Stopping You from Achieving Your Goals? To give you some insight about what this special guidebook is about and why you want to read it.…I believe that, inherently speaking, there is nothing that you are not capable of accomplishing. The truth is there is no such thing as can't - you only think you can't. Success is not a special privilege handed out to a selected few; success comes to applying success-oriented beliefs. Transform limiting beliefs into success beliefs and you can achieve anything. Sometimes people don't realize their limiting beliefs have created an obstacle that is stopping them from achieving their goals. For example, let me tell you a quick story. During one of my coaching sessions with a client, I asked him about his success with obtaining referrals (which is a key to any business). He told me that he typically will receive two referrals per client. When I asked him why he thought he didn't receive more, he replied, I just can’t imagine obtaining more than two referrals per client because that is what I typically receive. Then I asked him if he expected and believed he would receive more than two referrals (something like 5, 8, 12 or 25), did he think he might actually receive more referrals? He hesitated for a minute and in an "a-ha" moment, said yes. He realized at that moment his limiting belief was holding him back from something more. As soon as he changed his limiting belief, he began experiencing a higher number of referrals from his clients. How are limiting beliefs affecting your success? When you let go of limiting beliefs, you gain the power to not only get around obstacles, but prevent your mind from creating them in the future. In this complimentary Special Guidebook, we explore 7 Success-Oriented Beliefs that will help you realize that you can do anything and any obstacles you face are only imaginary blocks created by your limiting beliefs. Apply these 7 success-oriented beliefs to create a success driven business and life. Download this complimentary guidebook, Are Limiting Beliefs Stopping You from Achieving Your Goals today and crush any limiting beliefs you have or don’t know you have. Get your copy of this Guidebook by going to https://www.accountabilitycoach.com/request-guidebook-limiting-beliefs/ or http://bit.ly/2ItXDSJ. If you are getting value from any of Podcasts, please take a minute to leave me a short rating and review. I would really appreciate it, and love to hear from you and requests for topics you would find of value. Aim for what you want each and every day! Anne Bachrach The Accountability Coach™ The Results Accelerator™ Get your daily Accountability Minute shot of a single, simple, doable idea, so you can start your day off on the "right foot", subscribe to it based on your country. The Accountability Minute on Amazon's Alexa in the USA: https://www.amazon.com/Accountability-Minute-Anne-Bachrach/dp/B07F5H2KGB The Accountability Minute on Alexa in Canada: https://amzn.to/2MpvUmx The Accountability Minute on Alexa in Australia: https://amzn.to/2vQqI4i The Accountability Minute on Alexa in UK: https://amzn.to/2MayU9v To help you stay focused and on track to achieving your goals, check out these other high-value resources. - Subscribe to my YouTube channel with business success principles (https://www.youtube.com/annebachrach) - Subscribe to my high-value Blog (https://www.accountabilitycoach.com/blog/) - Anne’s Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/TheAccountabilityCoach) - Anne’s Linked-in page https://www.linkedin.com/in/annebachrach - Connect with me on Pinterest (https://pinterest.com/resultsrule/) - Connect with me on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/annebachrach/) Take advantage of all the complimentary business tips and tools by joining the Free Silver Membership on https://www.accountabilitycoach.com/coaching-store/inner-circ

 4 Tips for Being More Consistent - Increase Business Success | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:29

When it comes to your business, consistency is absolutely essential to increasing success. Becoming and staying consistent is not always easy, but it will always produce better results. What exactly does it mean to be consistent? I would say that Merriam-Websters dictionary probably says it best… “Consistent - Marked by harmony, regularity, or steady continuity: free from variation or contradiction.” Staying consistent will mean a number of things to you as you grow your business. To clients, you will appear reliable, dependable, capable, and steady. To your employees, you will appear congruous and constant. Consistency makes up a huge part of what causes a business to be successful, and achieving consistency will bring you a step closer to realizing this success on your own terms. We are going to explore 4 tips that can help you to become even more consistent each and every day. Some of these tips might seem like no-brainers; however, following them faithfully can have a dramatic impact on the outcome of any project that you might be working on, be it large or small. 1… Create and Execute a Game Plan Having a set plan is absolutely essential to staying consistent. Without a firmly established success road map, you could very easily veer off course. This could cause variation in any part of your business, even if you are trying as hard as you can to avoid it. In truth, it is really hard to stay focused and regular when you do not have a plan to work from that can help you realize how to get to where you ultimately want to be. To help you consistently execute your plan, you need to make sure you utilize your calendar, so you can stay focused on exactly what needs to be done every day. Does your business have policies and procedures for all of its work-related tasks? Do your employees have access to these procedures? How do you know that your employees have this information, and it is accurate? The failure to have a plan in place is a common-enough occurrence among businesses, but you would be amazed at how many businesses forget about putting together a plan for informing everyone involved, as keeping such information current is important! 2… Encourage Open Communication Have you ever had a team member who asked you a lot of questions or the same questions over and over? Believe it or not, some people naturally get aggravated when they are asked questions, even if they pertain to the important aspects of running the business. But unless this habit is broken and overcome, this kind of communications breakdown could result in setbacks that will hurt you and your company’s success. If you often find yourself annoyed when asked for answers that you feel should be common knowledge, then you really need to take a second look at the situation. Try to be open to any questions that make their way to your ears, and make sure that everyone else, whether they are directly involved or not, knows the answer as well. This is a great time to ensure that the answer to questions is being recorded in a procedures manual that everyone has access to so you don’t need to repeat it in the future. Successful businesses have procedure manuals for every position in the firm. Having a good, positive line of communication is essential to keeping things consistent and reliable. 3… Be Committed One way to achieve consistency is to commit to it. This could mean committing to work until a certain time each day, working by appointment as much as possible (minimize phone tag), completing a specific amount of revenue generation hours each week, or meeting with your employees on a regular basis to reduce distractions and interruptions (be more time efficient). Regardless of what you intend to accomplish or pledge to do, making one or more commitments is likely to affect your business in a positive way. One of the easiest ways to commit to your business is to be as passionate about it as when you first started. If you are having trouble finding

 3 Tips for Working Smarter Instead of Harder | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:39

We have all heard that old adage that tells us to ‘work smarter, not harder’. While you probably remember someone telling you this while you helped with chores on the farm, it can sometimes be difficult to employ such wisdom to a modern business. How do you do it? What does that even mean in today’s world? When it comes to modern business, this mentality could not be more useful… but truth be told, it can definitely be hard to fit it in if you are not used to it. So, here are three tips that will show you how to work smarter instead of harder in today’s world, so you too can enjoy an even better quality of life. These tips will not only inspire you to attack your duties from a new perspective, but will also encourage you to use your intellect as opposed to your raw, exhaustible physical effort. Tip #1… Streamline the Process Do you find yourself putting vast amounts of time or effort into activities that are performed on a regular, consistent basis? If so, then streamlining these processes could save you a lot of time and effort. Finding the most time-effective and energy efficient way to get daily tasks accomplished is not only a way to ‘work smarter’, but is also a way to save your business valuable time and money… and if you are the boss, then it is up to you to come up with such methods for the areas you are responsible for! Every team member should have systems and processes for ALL of their respective areas. This can help to reduce training time and the time it takes to replace employees, either on a permanent or a temporary basis. Start by looking at everything that needs to be done and by identifying the areas of the greatest wasted effort or resources. How can you arrange or delegate activities so that they can be completed as efficiently as possible by the best person for each task? One example might be moving boxes from one end of the warehouse to the other. Instead of picking each one up and moving it individually, is it possible to pick up the entire pallet and just move them with a wheeled goose in one trip? Some situations might require some brainstorming, but keep in mind that there are always easier ways to do things… all you have to do to both save your company money and make your life just a little bit easier, is to discover a way to streamline the process, so that you eliminate excess effort. With current technology and continual advancements, you should always be open to new ideas. Tip #2... Use Your ‘Brain’, Not Your Back Try to find smarter ways of doing things, as opposed to methods that are going to cause you literal physical exhaustion. This can mean a number of things, and can be applied to a lot of areas of business. One example might be paperwork. While paperwork might not physically wear down your muscles, it CAN wear you down in general if you get buried beneath an entire pile of it! If at all possible, try to find a smarter way to get it all done so that you are not stuck in the office. One way might be to train someone else to help you with it. Or, you could try to take it with you and do it during odd ‘down times’ during the day. Consider implementing resources like Paper Tiger (http://www.thepapertiger.com/) or tools such as this to help you. Scanning papers into your system so that all of your files are electronically stored is also an option that many have been using for years. Your average day is probably filled with opportunities to use your brain instead of your brawn, so make the most of these opportunities by taking advantage of your intellect and the intellect of those around you… and don’t be afraid to ask for ideas and help from peers and mentors in the process. Tip #3… Set and Accomplish Daily Goals Setting daily goals for yourself can eliminate the temptation to do ‘everything’ at once or in a single day. By focusing your efforts on only the things that matter TODAY, you can save your energy for tasks that truly require your attention and that only you can do (those t

 10 Quick and Easy Tips for Beating Procrastination | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:09:44

Procrastination is no joke. Putting things off until later can spell ruin for even the most successful businessperson… which is EXACTLY why it is a problem that you should make an effort to continually deal with when you notice it negatively affecting your results. If you suffer from procrastination, then you undoubtedly know that it can be extremely troublesome. You no doubt want to work hard and get things done, but some people find this more difficult to do than others. If you are one of those people, then this podcast is for you! Here are 10 quick and easy tips for beating procrastination. Winning this battle doesn’t have to be rocket science or making it harder than it needs to be. Sometimes, finding a little bit of help (like these tips) is all that you need to tip the scales back to your favor! Tip #1… Get Up and Get Going If you feel the urge to procrastinate coming upon you, then sometimes the best thing to do is to get up and get moving – don’t let yourself put off what you need to do. The minute you start to deviate from what you know you need to be doing is exactly when you need to take a deep breath, and just do it. Stop letting those typical excuses to stop you from getting going! Changing scenery can often change your frame of mind, and you might find that going for a walk, taking a jog, or even grabbing a cup of coffee can help you to clear your mind and get you back on track to getting things done. (Just don’t do it too often, as doing this EVERY TIME you get the urge to procrastinate can actually become procrastination itself.) Tip #2… Wake Up Earlier Waking up earlier in the day can often improve your odds of getting things accomplished. More productive people are generally out and about during the early morning hours, and you will likely find the atmosphere a lot more conducive to productivity than the atmosphere of the early afternoon or evening hours. Get up earlier to exercise, stretch, meditate, and get those juices flowing to immediately tackle your highest payoff activities the moment you arrive at work. Tip #3… Clean and Organize as You Go Sometimes we get so surrounded by clutter and chaos that we end up getting defeated before we begin. Looking around you and seeing a mess is usually never conducive to productivity, which is why it can really pay to keep things clean and tidy as your day progresses. Five or ten minutes spent prioritizing your activities can pay big dividends as the day goes on. Tip #4… Get Away from the TV Did you know that TV is one of the biggest causes for procrastination among entrepreneurs who often work from home? Having a lot of channels and a list of favorite shows is nice, but not if it distracts you from getting everything done that you need to do! Record your favorite shows and only allow yourself to watch them AFTER you have your most critical activities done for the day. I strongly recommend you stop watching the news. There are so many more negative stories than positive ones that it can negatively affect your mood, and who wants to be in a “bad” mood? Tip #5… Schedule Specific Blocks of Time in Which to Get Things Done Setting up a daily schedule can be a great way to stop procrastination before it starts. Having a plan in place will not only give you a sense of direction, but will make your day seem more achievable as well. Do the activities that bring you the best results first is usually a great way to start the day. In fact, Brian Tracy has a GREAT analogy on this subject. “Eat That Frog!” Think about this… what if the first thing that you did everyday was to eat a live frog? It sounds gross. In fact, it would probably be the worst thing that you have to do all day. But, if you ate the frog first thing in the morning, you could effectively say that the worst part of your day was behind you! The point of this analogy is that if you do the worst things first, you will find that your day will get easier and less distracting as you go. Tip #6… Avoi

 5 Quick Fitness Tips for Busy Entrepreneurs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:08

Staying in shape while trying to run a business can definitely be a challenge. When you are so busy getting everything done, what time do you have left to exercise or go to the gym? If you are struggling with getting enough exercise to stay in shape or get in shape, then here are some tips that might definitely help you! These tips are easy to implement, take very little time, and will definitely help you to stay in shape as you invest your energy into getting your business to the next level. “Discipline is doing what you know you should do at the time you should do it, even if you don’t feel like it.” – Rowena Szeszeran-McEvoy, Fitness Educator Ride a Bike Some people live fairly close to their place of business so that they can be there without spending too much time commuting. If this is true for you, then you could definitely make use of this tip! Start riding a bike to work instead of taking the bus or driving your vehicle. This can give you a regular amount of exercise each day, and may not take you that much longer than your normal commute. You would be surprised at how quickly you can get to work on a bike! Plus, it can save you money on gas, and is also a habit that will keep the planet cleaner by limiting your carbon footprint. It is really a win-win on all fronts! Join a biking group to add a little accountability. Doing exercise with others sometimes helps to motivate you to get out there and get moving. Stand Up A lot of business owners find themselves sitting for prolonged periods of time during the day, which is definitely part of the problem when you start to talk about fitness. Since you, as an entrepreneur, are so vital to the success of your own business, and because your presence might be needed at a desk for most of the day, it can be difficult to find time away from it all to get some exercise. However, even though it is difficult to find the time necessary, you can still ‘tweak’ the rules in your favor with this incredibly easy tip that will save you a LOT of time and that can really help to contribute to your overall fitness… just stand up! When you talk on the phone, go to meetings, or read documents, practice standing up and pacing in your office instead of sitting at the desk. This behavior might seem foreign to you at first, but it is actually a great way to get the blood flowing in during the day. When it comes to exercise, every little bit helps… and this is a simple step that anyone can utilize to get better results out of your time spent at work. You can also quickly and easily do 100 sit-ups and 50 pushups once a day to get your heart pumping. Get Up 30 minutes or an Hour Earlier One great idea for getting in an extra workout is to get up 30 minutes to an hour earlier and use that time specifically for fitness purposes. This can be done once a week, twice a week, or even every day… depending upon how often you want to work out each week to get started. You could use this time to hit the local gym, to take a morning run, to lift weights, or you could rotate your options to mix it up on different days. Getting up earlier is a great option because you will probably find that fewer people will try to bother you or pull you away than would if you tried to work out at a different part of the day. Getting your heart pumping a little harder first thing in the morning can help you start the day in an even better mood. Work Out on Your Lunch Break If your schedule allows, you could take an extended lunch and hit the gym for a half an hour before returning to work. Getting some exercise in and taking a quick shower before hitting the grind for the second half of the day can not only lead to better fitness, but can also lead to you feeling more energized during the part of the day when a lot of people are tired and dragging. Take Up a Sport If you have trouble sticking to a typical workout routine, then you might want to take up a sport. Tennis, basketball, boxing, and soccer are all very ex

 How to Embrace Your Inner Power to Stick to Your Game Plan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:47

Embracing your inner power is important if you want to continue to progress as a successful businessperson, though learning to get past your own self-imposed boundaries can be a challenge. In order to fully understand how we can use our ‘inner power’ to stick to our game plan in life, we are going to first examine what it takes to unlock it. Unlocking your ‘inner power’ You will hear a lot of people talk about inner power, what it is, what it does, where it comes from, and how to unlock it. You will hear a lot of people say that we, as humans, are actually made up of two different parts. There is, of course, of physically manifested body… but there is also the non-manifested consciousness. In theory, humans often hold themselves back because they only gauge and perceive the physical… not what lies beneath the surface. In theory, if you can learn to recognize that you have control over your destiny, you will be able to think, dream, or plan any reality that you want for yourself. It is all about believing in yourself, and about ‘being’ the person that you want to be. Unlocking this ability, generally, requires you to step outside of your typical thought framework and to bypass your own self-imposed boundaries. You need to open yourself up to the idea that you CAN create any reality for yourself that you choose… even if it means taking your already successful business and making it even more successful. If you believe that this will happen, to the point where you don’t really see how anything else is possible, then you will begin to feel what it means to unlock your inner power. To go through life with an attitude so positive that you literally don’t see failure as an option is going to make ALL the difference in the world. In order to unlock this power, you need to stop setting yourself up for failure! Stop being surprised when things work out. Don’t plan on failure… plan on DOING until what you envision for yourself is accomplished. "It is never too late to be what you might have been." - George Eliot Using you inner power to stick to your game-plan If you already have a game plan, then using your inner power to accomplish it will make it far more likely to succeed. First, you need to realize, within yourself, that failure is not an option. You can literally accomplish ANYTHING if you set your mind to it… so don’t think for a moment that your game plan might lead you to a less than ideal outcome. If you have put thought into it, believe in it, and can see it working in your mind, then you are set up for success, IF you do not allow doubt and negativity to creep back into your mind. It is important to remember that setbacks and small roadblocks are going to occur… and many people come to these small problems and give up. They get burnt out, and they believe that the small problems are signs that their plans are not going to work… but this is the biggest mistake that you could ever make! Roadblocks and problems are not really signs of failure… they are signs of opportunity! Every time you encounter a problem and fix or bypass it, you are perfecting your vision and your plan. This won’t change the fact that you are going to be successful; this is just the journey to success that everyone needs to take to some degree. Sticking to your game plan, even when you face roadblocks and problems, is going to feed your inner power. When you can continue to visualize the end result actually occurring, then you can continue to move forward. And when you can stay strong enough to keep doubt from creeping into your mind, then you will finally begin to realize the extent of the inner power within you. To go through each day KNOWING that you, at the end, are going to be an even bigger success than you are now is the ABSOLUTE key to achieving whatever you set your mind to. Also, keep in mind that there is not necessarily anything magical or mystical about your inner power. The simple fact is that most people lack the resolve to k

 How to Keep Up and Stay Relevant in Today’s Fast-Paced World | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:24

There is no doubt that things change as time goes by… but never have things (especially pertaining to business) advanced as rapidly as they do now. With technology evolving and changing on a day to day basis, it can be a challenge to keep up. Marketing, communication, networking, technology, infrastructure… all of these are areas that are constantly affected by the metamorphosis of who we are as humans, and how we do business with one another. Keeping up with the business world can be a challenge, but it is definitely possible. In fact, those who are the most successful at business in the long run are usually those who are good at adapting to changes as they take place in the world around them. Regardless of what type of business you are in, you are probably going to be hard-pressed to run it without adapting to new technologies as you progress. Communication is Only the Beginning If anything has changed in the last twenty years, it has been communications. Businesses now communicate with other businesses, employees, and potential clients in ways that were unheard of just a few short years ago. There was a time (and not that long ago, either) when you mailed checks with order forms if you needed a product from a store far away. There was also a time when landline telephones were a primary method of communication. Do you remember the days when the fax machine was a revolutionary way to receive information on short notice? Even these modern-day wonders have been all but replaced by the advent of newer and more effective technologies. Where we used to rely on catching people at home on the landline phone, or leaving a voice mail on the physical voice mail machine, we now all carry cell phones that make us reachable 24/7. Instead of fax machines, we use texting and email to send instant written messages back and forth. Even face-to-face meetings have changed! With services like Skype available to anyone, you can have a face-to-face meeting with your colleague, virtual employee, client, or prospective client from the other side of the world in real time! How can you keep up with these changes? How do you know what is being used and what is just a passing fad? These are great questions, and the answers are not as difficult to figure out as you might think. Staying Current in a Changing World The first thing to remember about staying current is to pay attention to growing and changing trends. Listen to your employees, mentors, and peers. Find out what other businesses are doing. Be active on social media websites and try to get as much information as you can about new technologies. And, surprisingly, listening to your kids or to other younger people is often an overlooked way to hear about newer changes first. Often, the younger generations are more likely to accept newer technologies and quicker to assimilate them into their lifestyle. By paying attention to what younger consumers are using, buying, and communicating with, you can usually stay pretty on top of what the next fad is going to be before it goes main-stream on a major level. In the end, the biggest thing is not being afraid to embrace new technologies or ways of doing things. A lot is going to change as you operate your business. In five years, you will likely not be doing things the same way that you are now. In twenty years, what you are doing now will most likely seem archaic by the worlds standards. What got you to where you are now is not what will take you to where you want to be. By the time you retire, you will remember back to the early days of your business, and the methods that you used to get started will seem quite ancient. The truth is that things are going to change, and unless you can commit to changing with them, you and your business are going to quickly get left behind. What Can You Do? The best way to stay current in today’s business world is to keep your eyes and ears open. Constantly be on the lookout for new things that people ar

 5 Tips for Developing and Keeping Great Habits | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:02

Your success relies, at least in part, on you spending your time wisely. As a successful businessperson, you no-doubt realize that time is the most precious commodity that you could possibly possess. You also know that moving to the next stage of success will only be possible if you continue to permeate your life with good habits that will help you to make the most of your time. “Every person who has become successful has simply formed the habit of doing things that failures dislike doing and will not do.” --John Maxwell Good habits are an asset that every successful person has to develop… but doing so is not always easy. Developing great habits can be challenging, especially when old habits threaten to rise up again during times of weakness. Therefore, we are exploring 5 tips for developing and keeping great habits. This list will help to remind you of what it takes to create those great habits, and it will also help you to keep from falling back into your old routines that aren't serving you. 1… Define Your Objective Why do you want to develop a certain habit? What are you hoping to achieve by it? Before starting a new routine, it is always a good idea to figure out exactly what you hope will come of it. Are you looking to do away with a bad habit by implementing a new one? Are you looking to lose weight? Are you hoping to make more effective use of your time during the day? Figuring out exactly what you hope to accomplish will enable you to look past the difficulties that you might face. 2… Visualize Overcoming the Obstacles Every new habit is going to be tempted with obstacles. It is important to visualize exactly what might happen that could keep you from sticking to your new habits, and to figure out beforehand how you are going to deal with them. If you are trying to effectively lose weight through better eating habits, then you are going to have to find a way to deal with how to avoid caving in when your mother sends you a box of fresh-baked cookies, or you not eating desert when your spouse regularly eats it after dinner. If you are trying to develop better workout habits, then you are going to have to plan on saying no when your friends want you to skip out on a night at the gym to watch a movie. The truth is that good habits are not developed completely overnight. It is going to take some effort to implement them, so make sure that you can visualize a way to get through obstacles before they happen. Don't let these 'obstacles' be your excuse to not follow through on what you know you need to do in order to achieve the results you truly want. "View each obstacle in life as a little gift. Open it and see what is inside." - Mother Teresa 3… Stay Consistent Most good habits take effort to implement. Researchers have not really found conclusive results on how long it actually takes to develop a particular good habit, but most of the figures point to somewhere around a month, or even a little bit longer. I believe you can change a habit in 1 second - the second you choose it is no longer acceptable for it to be the way it currently is now. While you are attempting to institute a new good habit, keep in mind that there are going to be times when it is going to get difficult. In fact, there are going to be times when you mess up. If you are trying to lose weight, you are going to break your zero carb habit at least once… but this does not mean that you have to give up. A lot of people give up if they experience a slight weakness and break their new habits, even if it only happens once. It can be easy to lose heart. You can become disappointed and discouraged in yourself, and it is usually more difficult to continue on than it would be to fall back into your old ways. But it is EXTREMELY important that you remain consistent during this time. If you mess up, just move on and make it a point to do better tomorrow. You are not going to be perfect, because nobody is… so just do your best and make it a point to

 Getting On Top and Staying On Top | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:23

Operating at the top of your game and being the very best you can be is essential to being successful. If you can find a way to always give 100%, no matter what you are doing, then you will most likely find yourself in a successful position if you keep at it long enough. But how do you continue to do your best, every single day – day in and day out? How do you keep from burning out? Burnout happens to all of us at some point along the way. We try our best in the beginning, but eventually ‘other’ things start to sneak into our mindset and overwhelm can quickly and easily take over. We allow ourselves to take shortcuts and to lose focus. We get lazy about things that are hard to focus on. We start to let quality drop in certain areas. We start to feel run-down and tired, and sometimes, we even end up losing interest in doing a great job altogether. Now we are going to explore 5 tips for always doing your best. These tips are simple, and can really help you to get on top of your game. And once you are there, they will also help you to stay there! Tip #1-Get Enough Sleep This might seem like a no-brainer, but sleep is essential to doing your best. Having enough sleep is actually so vital that you could find not getting enough of it can actually physically keep you from performing tasks at the height of your ability. A lack of sleep can not only cause drowsiness and the inability to focus, but can also result in impaired cognitive function, making it harder for you to reason and think logically. If you normally stay up late and find yourself drowsy and half-asleep in the morning, you might need to re-think your sleeping pattern. Try going to bed a half hour or an hour earlier than normal, so that you allow your brain the kind of time it needs to wake up on its own. Statistics actually show that many of us go through life sleep deprived. Imagine the difference that you could make in your life if you were fully rested and raring to go each and every day! Wouldn’t it be great if you didn’t wake up wishing you could sleep for another hour or two? Tip #2-Maintain a Healthy Diet Eating right is actually essential to doing your best. Some people have a huge problem with this. Their diet consists of soda, chips, cookies, and anything else they can get out of a vending machine or at the fast-food restaurant. A bad diet saps your energy, makes you tired, and hurts your immune system. Try going on a special whole-foods only eating plan (fruits, vegetables, whole grains, eggs, etc.). The difference can be astounding! You will not believe how much better you will feel, even if you don’t think you feel bad now. Tip #3-Get Enough Exercise By now, you might feel as though you have heard more ‘health’ tips than you care to… but that is actually a good thing! Staying healthy is the most important thing that you can do to get on top and stay on top at work, and exercising is absolutely no exception. Try to get at least twenty minutes of exercise a day, whether it is a walk around the block several times, a run on the treadmill, playing a sport with your friends, or even doing strength training exercises right in your office (sit-ups, push-ups, squats, etc.). If at all possible, try to get outdoors for your exercise, though bad weather might restrict you to the treadmill from time to time. Tip #4-Focus on Individual Tasks Doing your very best can be extremely overwhelming if you look at everything at once, which is why breaking your day down into smaller tasks can really help you. Instead of looking at your entire day, first just think about getting to work and making those revenue generation calls (the ones you may not like making but are critical to your success). Focus first and foremost on the highest payoff activities that will put you in the most advantageous position to achieve your goals. Then you can do your lower payoff activities during what I call, ‘non-prime time’. You still have to do them but they aren’t as important. This

 4 Steps to Building Persistent Behavior in Your Business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:26

Persistence is sort of like a ‘magic word’ when it comes to success, in my opinion. Persistence is basically the repetition or continuation of behavior, and it is an absolutely essential part of business. As a successful business owner, you no doubt have at least a pretty good idea of what it takes to be persistent, though it never hurts to revisit a subject that is this important. The whole idea of persistence revolves around the fact that motivation has a tendency to wax and wane a bit as time goes by. Persistence is a behavior that can be learned, but it is also a behavior which will render this troublesome waxing and waning of your motivation harmless in the long run, which is why it is so instrumental to expanding your current level of success. However, since persistence is an attribute of longevity, it can take some strength of mind and some psychological fortitude to really believe in it enough to make a commitment to practice it day after day. We are now going to discuss 4 steps to building persistent behavior. Following these steps will help you with the process of more consistently being a persistent person so you can experience even better results. Step #1… Realize That Motivation Is Not Enough Getting motivated is a great way to start your day, but unless you are an enigma with an endless supply of motivation… you are going to experience some downtimes. The sad truth is that, to put it quite bluntly, motivation is GOING to fail you at some point or another. A lot of people will look at a lack of motivation and think to themselves that maybe they are not doing the right thing. They will wonder why they used to be so excited about it, only to now believe that they have lost their excitement forever. This can be a big problem if you do not know exactly what is going on. Motivation, very typically, comes and goes much like the waves on a sandy beach. One day, you might be filled with motivation. You might feel like you could conquer the world. But, as time goes by, you may notice this motivation begin to leave you. At some point, you will realize that the tide has completely gone out. You will feel drained, exhausted, discouraged, and you may even have thoughts about wanting to give up. These are the typical ups and downs that you will experience in business, and this is EXACLTY why you need persistence! Without it, you would be more likely to act on these highs and lows instead of just riding through them and moving forward to persevere. Step #2… Focus on Your Big Goals Persistence will be a lot easier to achieve if you stay focused on your big goals. Think of the upsides to what you are doing. Imagine where you will be when you finally DO succeed at your highest level. You have been working for it, and you are going to have to continue to work towards it… but the good news is that, if you stay persistent and keep going, despite occasional lapses in motivation, you will be MUCH more likely to achieve that next level of success! In fact, persistence is such a HUGE common denominator among successful businesses, that ‘when’ is actually a better question to ask than ‘if’. Step #3… Learn and Adapt Persistence is not JUST about doing what you do without changing. In fact, trying to do the same thing, day after day, while expecting different results is not at all what persistence is about. Being persistent is not JUST about continuing onward. It is also about growing, adapting, and changing to get better at what you are doing. If you are continuing in what you are doing, but NEVER get good results, then you might need to change and/or adapt to better meet the needs of your potential clients. Step #4… Recognize That the Results of Persistence Can Be Long Term in Coming Finally, you need to remember that the results of your persistence might not be evident for a while, especially if you are in the early stages of a project or a new expansion. You need to give things some time to work. For example, being discou

 How to Identify and Change ‘Limiting Beliefs’ | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:15

A limiting belief is a belief that holds you back from realizing your full potential. They can be hard to spot, but for those who suffer from them, they can be very debilitating and troublesome. So how do you identify them, and how do you change them? The first thing that we will talk about is how to spot them. How to Identify a ‘Limiting Belief’ A limiting belief is almost always a negative thing. It usually manifests itself as a sub-conscious thought that keeps you from trying something. Most of the time, such a belief causes you to give up before you try, simply because you believe that you are no good at. An example could be math… if you have a limiting belief that you are ‘bad at math’, then you may not even attempt to comprehend an in-depth math problem. Limiting beliefs usually have roots in our past experiences. Perhaps someone once told you that you were bad at it, and hearing that really affected you? Or maybe you attempted it once long ago, and failed… so now you believe that you are inherently ‘bad’ at whatever it is you tried. Maybe you took a class on it in school, and failed the class… so you believe within your own mind that there is absolutely NO way that you could ever be good at that particular subject. Maybe you have always received 1-2 referrals every time you asked so you believe that is all you will ever get when you ask. Identifying such a belief is not always easy, but it is essential to be honest with yourself. Anything that you believe is not worth trying is usually tied to a limiting belief, and you usually believe the way you do because of something that happened in the past. How to Get Past It Getting past such a belief can be mentally challenging, because odds are good that you have spent a great deal of time avoiding it or putting yourself down about it or haven't ever thought outside the box and beyond it. Getting past such a mental roadblock can definitely be accomplished, but you have got to use logic… and you are often going to have to bypass your emotions or feelings of inferiority in the process. Begin by thinking about WHY you have this belief. Is it because of something that somebody said? Is it because of something that someone has done? Is it because you have failed at it in the past? Is it because you kept getting the same outcome you now don't expect more is possible? Any number of these things could have happened, but it is important that you do not let these things define who you are or what you can accomplish. When faced with something that you do not believe you can achieve, it is important to think about WHY you feel the way you do. Once you isolate the reason for your limiting belief, you can generally figure out whether it is all emotional, or whether it has any basis in fact. Here are some questions to ask yourself as you continue through the process… • Why do you feel like you cannot accomplish this? • What has happened that led you to limit your own ability to succeed in this area? • Is this belief based on actual facts, or mostly on emotion? • If you are not able to accomplish it now, what would it take to get you past it? • Being as logical as possible, do you believe that you could overcome this limitation if you gave yourself a few good chances, educated yourself, and practiced? • If you expected more, could you get more and be more? • Who can help you identify limiting beliefs you don't even know you have? Limiting beliefs are almost ALWAYS grounded in our emotions, and usually have little logical basis. The simple fact is this… there is almost NOTHING that you cannot accomplish if you… 1. Set your mind to it 2. Determine within yourself NOT to give up 3. Learn as much as you can 4. Expect a different, better, and bigger outcome 5. Practice until you get it right Why Is It Important To Get Rid Of Them? The biggest problem with self-imposed boundaries like this is that they can definitely hinder you from doing your best and reaching your true potential.

 Happy New Year! Get Your Business Accelerator Free Gifts! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:28

“What the New Year brings to you will depend a great deal on what you bring to the New Year.” This is a great quote by Vern McLellan, I think. We all have 365 days in a year. The only difference between the successful people and the mediocre is what we do with each day. We spend every second of every day doing something. Are those things moving you forward or keeping you where you currently are? Oprah Winfrey said: “Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.” To show my appreciation for you, I’m giving you a Jackpot of New Year Gifts. These are complimentary Business Accelerator Resources to Help You Achieve Your Goals in 2020 and beyond. To take advantage of all or any of these gifts, make sure to get the link from the show notes, or write it down as I say it. Go to bit.ly/2s57A4h and claim your gifts. Make 2020 your best year ever, and let me know how I can help you. Claim Your Free Business Accelerator Gifts to help you make 2020 your best year ever by going to http://bit.ly/2s57A4h or https://www.accountabilitycoach.com/complimentary-business-accelerator-resources-to-help-you-achieve-your-goals-my-jackpot-of-gifts-to-you. If you are getting value from any of Podcasts, please take a minute to leave me a short rating and review. I would really appreciate it, and love to hear from you and requests for topics you would find of value. Aim for what you want each and every day! Anne Bachrach The Accountability Coach™ The Results Accelerator™ Get your daily Accountability Minute shot of a single, simple, doable idea, so you can start your day off on the "right foot", subscribe to it based on your country. The Accountability Minute on Amazon's Alexa in the USA: https://www.amazon.com/Accountability-Minute-Anne-Bachrach/dp/B07F5H2KGB The Accountability Minute on Alexa in Canada: https://amzn.to/2MpvUmx The Accountability Minute on Alexa in Australia: https://amzn.to/2vQqI4i The Accountability Minute on Alexa in UK: https://amzn.to/2MayU9v To help you stay focused and on track to achieving your goals, check out these other high-value resources. - Subscribe to my YouTube channel with business success principles (https://www.youtube.com/annebachrach) - Subscribe to my high-value Blog (https://www.accountabilitycoach.com/blog/) - Anne’s Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/TheAccountabilityCoach) - Anne’s Linked-in page https://www.linkedin.com/in/annebachrach - Connect with me on Pinterest (https://pinterest.com/resultsrule/) - Connect with me on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/annebachrach/) Take advantage of all the complimentary business tips and tools by joining the Free Silver Membership on https://www.accountabilitycoach.com/coaching-store/inner-circle-store/. Check out all the great free high-content training web classes, by going to https://www.accountabilitycoach.com/free-articles/free-webinars/. Go to https://www.accountabilitycoach.com to check out for yourself how I, as your Accountability Coach™, can help you get and stay focused on you highest payoff activities that put you in the highest probability position to achieve your professional and personal goals, so you can enjoy the kind of business and life you truly want and deserve. As an experienced accountability coach and author of 5 books, I help business professionals make more money, work less, and enjoy even better work life balance. Check out my proven business accelerator resources by going to https://www.accountabilitycoach.com/coaching-store/. Author of Excuses Don’t Count; Results Rule, Live Life with No Regrets, No Excuses, and the Work Life Balance Emergency Kit, The Roadmap To Success with Stephen Covey and Ken Blanchard, and more.


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