4 Steps to Building Persistent Behavior in Your Business

Wheel of Life Podcast: Business|Productivity|Accountability show

Summary: Persistence is sort of like a ‘magic word’ when it comes to success, in my opinion. Persistence is basically the repetition or continuation of behavior, and it is an absolutely essential part of business. As a successful business owner, you no doubt have at least a pretty good idea of what it takes to be persistent, though it never hurts to revisit a subject that is this important. The whole idea of persistence revolves around the fact that motivation has a tendency to wax and wane a bit as time goes by. Persistence is a behavior that can be learned, but it is also a behavior which will render this troublesome waxing and waning of your motivation harmless in the long run, which is why it is so instrumental to expanding your current level of success. However, since persistence is an attribute of longevity, it can take some strength of mind and some psychological fortitude to really believe in it enough to make a commitment to practice it day after day. We are now going to discuss 4 steps to building persistent behavior. Following these steps will help you with the process of more consistently being a persistent person so you can experience even better results. Step #1… Realize That Motivation Is Not Enough Getting motivated is a great way to start your day, but unless you are an enigma with an endless supply of motivation… you are going to experience some downtimes. The sad truth is that, to put it quite bluntly, motivation is GOING to fail you at some point or another. A lot of people will look at a lack of motivation and think to themselves that maybe they are not doing the right thing. They will wonder why they used to be so excited about it, only to now believe that they have lost their excitement forever. This can be a big problem if you do not know exactly what is going on. Motivation, very typically, comes and goes much like the waves on a sandy beach. One day, you might be filled with motivation. You might feel like you could conquer the world. But, as time goes by, you may notice this motivation begin to leave you. At some point, you will realize that the tide has completely gone out. You will feel drained, exhausted, discouraged, and you may even have thoughts about wanting to give up. These are the typical ups and downs that you will experience in business, and this is EXACLTY why you need persistence! Without it, you would be more likely to act on these highs and lows instead of just riding through them and moving forward to persevere. Step #2… Focus on Your Big Goals Persistence will be a lot easier to achieve if you stay focused on your big goals. Think of the upsides to what you are doing. Imagine where you will be when you finally DO succeed at your highest level. You have been working for it, and you are going to have to continue to work towards it… but the good news is that, if you stay persistent and keep going, despite occasional lapses in motivation, you will be MUCH more likely to achieve that next level of success! In fact, persistence is such a HUGE common denominator among successful businesses, that ‘when’ is actually a better question to ask than ‘if’. Step #3… Learn and Adapt Persistence is not JUST about doing what you do without changing. In fact, trying to do the same thing, day after day, while expecting different results is not at all what persistence is about. Being persistent is not JUST about continuing onward. It is also about growing, adapting, and changing to get better at what you are doing. If you are continuing in what you are doing, but NEVER get good results, then you might need to change and/or adapt to better meet the needs of your potential clients. Step #4… Recognize That the Results of Persistence Can Be Long Term in Coming Finally, you need to remember that the results of your persistence might not be evident for a while, especially if you are in the early stages of a project or a new expansion. You need to give things some time to work. For example, being discou