A Course in Miracles show

A Course in Miracles

Summary: Living A Course in Miracles: Walking the Talk provides profound support for those who struggle to express their beliefs from moment to moment in their everyday lives. A Course in Miracles shows us the way out of suffering and into that true place of peace and joy. The only way to experience that amazing healing is to live the teachings of A Course in Miracles day by day. To succeed requires practical application, and on this program, Rev. Jennifer Hadley supports you in that! In each week's episode, Rev. Jennifer shares her personal experience of transformation and invites her guests to do the same. Hear how Jennifer's commitment to truly living the principles has transformed her life and led her to teach tens of thousands of spiritual students how to use the practical tools she's discovered for living with more peace, joy, and freedom. In this program, Rev. Jennifer Hadley interviews many beloved teachers of ACIM so you can discover the practical steps they took to walk the talk and transform their lives in the areas of self-esteem, relationships, health, prosperity, and more. Listen in, and then take the pledge to live the teachings of A Course in Miracles on Facebook. The ideas and opinions expressed on this program do not necessarily reflect the teachings of Unity. Unity respects a wide range of spiritual thoughts and beliefs, as reflected in the diverse range of subjects presented on Unity Online Radio.

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 The Body as a Means of Communication | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

A Course in Miracles is a curriculum to help us remember that we are pure Spirit-holy and free, and that we are not a body. The world seems to make it impossible for us to remember the truth of our spiritual nature. At least it seems impossible until we make up our mind to use our body to communicate the Truth and nothing but the Truth. In this episode, Jennifer Hadley shares how to identify the reminders to choose Love every day. This can actually be a natural anti-depressant. Are you willing to give up wanting and waiting? Would you like to heal the choices that lead to depression? Listen as Rev. Jennifer shares this powerful message of A Course in Miracles.

 Mother’s Day Makeover! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Have you had challenges with your mother that are still unresolved? Or perhaps you have challenges AS a mother yourself. Do you recognize that your relationships with your children or your parents are filled with ego ugliness and difficulties? Jennifer Hadley has walked an amazing journey with her mother and with both her parents-particularly through her mother's terminal bout with cancer over several years. Through it all, she had an amazing healing. In this episode, Jennifer Hadley shares how she learned to do the deep forgiveness work and transform her relationship with her mother before her mother's transition. Through her forgiveness work, she set them both free! Listen as Rev. Jennifer shares this powerful message of A Course in Miracles.

 Love Holds No Grievances! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Lesson 68, "Love holds no grievances," is a favorite for many. Even the name of the lesson seems crystal clear to most of us, and yet, is that how we live? What does it really mean to hold no grievances? What is the cost of holding on to grievances? Is it really possible to let them go for good? In this episode, Jennifer Hadley shares how she discovered the motivation to walk the talk and live the Love. Listen as Rev. Jennifer shares her understanding of how to let those grievances go and let God reveal itself in your heart! The Kingdom is within!

 Miraculous, Magical and Mystical: What's the Difference? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

There's a substantial difference between the miraculous and the magical according to A Course in Miracles, and it's valuable to understand the difference. Many people use the words mystic and mystical without really understanding what they are. Understanding the terminology helps us understand the teaching. ACIM teaches us that words are but symbols of symbols. In this episode, Jennifer Hadley shares insight into the teachings of ACIM and applying them to your life in a way that is easy and practical. Listen as Rev. Jennifer shares the difference between magic, miracles and the mystic. You'll be glad to know the difference!

 Ask and It Is Given: Prayer Works! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Have you been "asking" and NOT receiving? Have you been praying and feeling that nothing is shifting? Are you feeling like you don't really understand where you're missing the connection? Are you feeling that abundance and prosperity elude you, endlessly? In this episode, Jennifer Hadley shares how to "ask" correctly in order to receive fully. Activate Divine guidance and inspiration. Become the one who has "eyes to see and ears to hear." Listen as Rev. Jennifer goes into the details of how YOU can receive the answered prayer in its fullness!

 Dream Support! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

A Course in Miracles, like many ancient spiritual teachings, reminds us that we are the dreamer of the dream. Our experience of life in the human realm is an illusion to which we are contributing and making. And still, we dream in our sleep time, and those dreams can be thrilling, terrifying, arousing, mystical and mysterious. Have you ever wondered what your dreams were trying to tell you? In this episode, Jennifer Hadley gets insight into her dreams and understanding the role our dreams play in expanding our spiritual awareness from Dr. Michael Lennox, author of Dream Sight: A Dictionary and Guide for Interpreting Any Dream. Lennox, who has his own program on Unity Online Radio is one of America's most recognized and respected dream interpreters, having spent the past 20 years interpreting thousands of dreams in workshops, in the media and for corporate and private clientele.

 It’s Always About Surrender! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

In the Manual for Teachers, there is a list of the "Characteristics of God's Teachers," and it tells us the most important of these is Trust. Trust is the foundation of our spiritual awakening. Love goes hand-in-hand with Trust. Above all, we are placing our trust in Spirit. For many of us, this is the most challenging thing. Are you challenged to trust God? In this episode, Jennifer Hadley shares what it really means to let go and let God, and that it might be easier than you think. Learning how to trust IS developing your faith. Are you interested in developing an unshakable faith in the Divine? This is such a valuable learning experience for most spiritual students, and the section on Trust in the Manual for Teachers tells us so much. Listen as Rev. Jennifer goes into the details of how YOU can build your faith and deepen your trust today.

 You’re Never Upset for the Reason You Think! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Lesson 5 in the workbook is "I am never upset for the reason I think." This is both super helpful and deeply challenging. It's basic to our understanding A Course in Miracles-and it's also primary in our healing the habits of being upset, frustrated, irritated, worried and distraught. Are you willing to give up the drama in order to feel the peace? In this episode, Jennifer Hadley shares how to create a new and practical habit of trading upset for peace and harmony. It takes a willingness to pay attention and to accept responsibility, but you really can have a much more peaceful life experience. Would you like to invest in more love and joy, and trade that for being upset? Listen to this week's program and get some practical tips in walking the talk and living the Love.

 If It's an Illusion, Why Bother? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

One of the most challenging things for ACIM students is the illusory nature of our experience in this 3-D reality versus eternal Reality, with a capital "R." Many people struggle with this understanding, and frequently people feel that it's pointless to care if it's all an illusion. How do you make sense of it and lead a fulfilling life if it's an illusion? In this episode, Jennifer Hadley shares how to work through these dilemmas and feel good about your choices. ACIM tells us that the script has already been written; how do you work with that understanding and have a meaningful live that is creative and powerful? Check out this week's episode and find out!

 Your Plans vs. The Divine Plan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Lesson 135 tells us "A healed mind does not plan." What??? Can you really live without plans? What would that actually mean? Lesson 135 is the longest lesson in the workbook, and it's packed with spiritual dy-no-mite! Are you willing to explode your attachments in order to set yourself free? In this episode, Jennifer Hadley shares how we can make huge progress in ending our suffering through releasing the attachments we have to how we think things should be. Be willing to get in tune with the Higher Holy Spirit Self, which is constantly downloading the Divine Plan for your life.

 Feel-Full-Ment v. Fulfillment | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Do you find that there's no end to the wanting and craving? Do you feel that time and again you're experiencing a sense of lack and limitation? Does all the prosperity teaching and talk of being a master manifester leave you feeling like a loser? In this episode, Jennifer Hadley shares how we can keep it REAL and put an end to the thoughts of lack and attack, limitation and separation. Jennifer brings us back to our heart where the true treasure is. Now and forever. Get ready for that deep sense of fulfillment that only Love can provide.

 Stop the Suffering—Live the Loving! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Relationships are the greatest gift. Each and every relationship we have is a relationship we're having with God, with Love itself. Are you willing to be the loving heart of God in your own life, in all your relationships-or are you choosing the tireless habits of blame, shame and judgment? What is your plan for living a life of Love? In this episode, Jennifer Hadley continues the conversation on transforming that special, egotistical relationship into a Holy Communion. You are born OF Love for a Holy Purpose and nothing else can satisfy you-do not seek to be content with false idols and imitations when true Love is already yours!

 Relationship Transformation—Living the Love | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Do you judge your loved ones and invest your precious life-energy into trying to manage, control and manipulate them to be what you think they should be and act how you think they should act? Is that loving? In this episode, Jennifer Hadley shares how we can work with the Holy Spirit to have a Holy Relationship of Love. It's not easy, but it is the only way to bring an end to relationship suffering. Jennifer breaks it down and makes it clear-you can have a healed relationship!

 Holy Relationship—Divine Valentine | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

It's Valentine's Day, that time of year when the "special" relationship competition is ON! Now is the time to make your sweetheart feel "special." If you don't have a sweetheart, you might not feel "special." Let's turn all the suffering from special relationships into a truly holy relationship with pure Spirit! In this episode, Jennifer Hadley shares the simplicity of the holy relationship and the power YOU have to transform your experience of relationship-no matter where you're starting from. If you're willing to have a holy relationship, no one can stop you, but YOU. Let this year be the year your relationships are transformed forever! To learn more about A Course in Miracles, please visit JenniferHadley.com. For the transcript of this episode and more, please visit LivingaCourseinMiracles.com.

 You're Already Complete! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

As illustrated in the movie Jerry Maguire, there's a romantic notion that our "soul mate" will complete us. People think that their job, their spouse, their bank account or their house might somehow "complete" them. In reality, each one of us is already complete. Wholeness is our nature-we have never been incomplete. In this episode, Jennifer Hadley shares how looking outside ourselves for completion leads to an intense sense of deprivation and suffering. Just in time for Valentine's Day, you can recognize-You ARE Complete!


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