A Course in Miracles show

A Course in Miracles

Summary: Living A Course in Miracles: Walking the Talk provides profound support for those who struggle to express their beliefs from moment to moment in their everyday lives. A Course in Miracles shows us the way out of suffering and into that true place of peace and joy. The only way to experience that amazing healing is to live the teachings of A Course in Miracles day by day. To succeed requires practical application, and on this program, Rev. Jennifer Hadley supports you in that! In each week's episode, Rev. Jennifer shares her personal experience of transformation and invites her guests to do the same. Hear how Jennifer's commitment to truly living the principles has transformed her life and led her to teach tens of thousands of spiritual students how to use the practical tools she's discovered for living with more peace, joy, and freedom. In this program, Rev. Jennifer Hadley interviews many beloved teachers of ACIM so you can discover the practical steps they took to walk the talk and transform their lives in the areas of self-esteem, relationships, health, prosperity, and more. Listen in, and then take the pledge to live the teachings of A Course in Miracles on Facebook. The ideas and opinions expressed on this program do not necessarily reflect the teachings of Unity. Unity respects a wide range of spiritual thoughts and beliefs, as reflected in the diverse range of subjects presented on Unity Online Radio.

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 Key to Success | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

If you don't feel successful in your spiritual studies, you may be missing an important key. It's as obvious as the nose on your face, but hardly a day goes by that someone doesn't tell Jennifer Hadley that they never saw it before she mentioned it. Studying A Course in Miraclesis brings profound benefit very quickly when you have this key. This week, Jennifer Hadley shares her own journey of unlocking the key to understanding the teachings of A Course in Miracles and applying them minute to minute to release fear and step into spiritual power!

 Bustin' Loose From Fear! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Fear is not what most people think it is. How can you eliminate fear if you don't understand it? You can find complete freedom from fear! In fact, A Course in Miracles is a course in how to do just that. The key is to really LIVE it. This week Jennifer Hadley shares her own journey of finding freedom from fear through living the teachings of A Course in Miracles and applying them minute to minute to release unprecedented relief and joy!

 Healing Negative Patterns | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Patterns of false belief can become so strong that it seems as if they are true. A thought such as "I'm not good enough" can be the foundation for many false beliefs and negative patterns of thinking. A Course in Miracles guides us through the muck and the mire of false beliefs of negative patterns with record speed-when we're willing. This week, Jennifer Hadley shares inspiration from A Course in Miracles, healing negative patterns no matter how entrenched they seem to be! You CAN find freedom in your heart and mind and bust loose from the past!

 True Liberation! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

This week in the United States we're celebrating Independence Day. As spiritual students, we know independence is not something that's really possible. We're one with each other and interdependent. FREEDOM is what we're really interested in. That's true liberation! A Course in Miracles is a pathway for remembering your true identity. This week, Jennifer Hadley shares insights from A Course in Miracles for truly liberating through holy relationship, building faith and taking responsibility. Liberation is at hand!

 Faith Activation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Worry is the negative use of faith. It is a faith in a power that is opposed to Love. Doubt is a belief in an alternate power. A Course in Miracles teaches us to lean not upon our own understanding, but to, as Jennifer Hadley says, "Partner UP!" Many spiritual students struggle with this issue of faith and don't even understand why. Many advanced spiritual students secretly believe their own prayer power is limited, defective, or failing. In this way, doubt leads to even more doubt! Faith is a muscle. You strengthen it and then you have a resource to meet ANY challenge. Are you willing to build your faith muscle?

 How to BE Happy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Becoming the "happy learner" is what A Course in Miracles teaches us. When we decide to really GO FOR IT, it's amazing the results we can have. It is profoundly miraculous how much healing is possible for anyone, no matter HOW miserable they are. The question is: Are you willing to do what it takes in order to be happy?

 Healing Fast Track | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

"All healing is at the level of the mind." This is the teaching of A Course in Miracles, and yet how many of us are able to live it and experience the healing? Are you ready for healing in any area of your life? Are you willing to change your mind? This week Jennifer Hadley shares inspiration and motivation to experience true healing and lasting transformation through working at the level of the mind as taught in A Course in Miracles. Tremendous healing is available for anyone who is willing. Give the heavy lifting to the Holy Spirit and get on the healing fast track!

 ACIM in the Workplace | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

You can transform your career, your finances, and your experience in the workplace through truly living A Course in Miracles. It requires some real attention and effort, but that's MUCH easier than continuing to struggle and suffer. Are you willing to put the ego to the grindstone and practice these teachings of liberation? This week, Jennifer Hadley shares inspiration and motivation to truly live A Course in Miracles in the workplace, moment by moment, so you can have the experience of working for God, Inc. The benefits of working for God, Incorporated, are truly fabulous. Go for it!

 Heart Healing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Have you ever felt so hurt and suffered so much you felt damaged permanently? Have you ever been so disappointed and heartbroken that you felt that you could never be happy again? One of the benefits of truly living A Course in Miracles is that we can realize it is just a feeling based on thinking that is the result of identifying with the ego. When we don't know our true identity as spiritual beings, then it's amazing how many crazy stories we make up about what is lost, what things cost, and what's NOT possible. Fortunately, if it makes us feel miserable then it's DEFINITELY not actually true. This week Jennifer Hadley shares inspiration and motivation to truly live A Course in Miracles in your moment-by-moment recovery from hurt and heartbreak. You CAN be free now. Why delay?

 Divine Guidance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Inspiration is always available when we're receptive. Being available to receive Divine Guidance-to hear the holy voice of the Higher Holy Spirit Self-is one of the key aspects to truly living A Course in Miracles. So often, spiritual students turn away from the Holy Spirit and then later kick themselves for making the same old mistakes. It's a very common pattern, and yet, it can dissolve very quickly too. This week, Jennifer Hadley shares inspiration and motivation to truly live A Course in Miracles in your moment-by-moment relationship with the I AM-that I AM to support your breaking of the old patterns to reveal your true Self.

 Enlightened Relationships | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

The biggest challenge most of us have in life is our relationships. They offer the greatest rewards and the biggest opportunities to practice truly living A Course in Miracles. And yet, who among us feels really masterful at relationship? This week Jennifer offers truly helpful tips on how to apply A Course in Miracles in your relationships so they can become harmonious and healed.

 Turbocharge Your Breakthrough! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

There are some clear steps you can take to dramatically increase the effectiveness of your spiritual practice. A Course in Miracles tells us exactly what they are. This week Jennifer gets down to the nitty-gritty of your willingness to see if you're TRULY willing to do what it takes to shift into high gear with your spiritual healing and awakening awareness. There are so many POWERFUL keys for exactly what to do embedded into A Course in Miracles, and we can put them to use and experience the healing they bring. All that's required is your willingness!

 Healing Is in the Mind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Through our study of New Thought and A Course in Miracles, spiritual students realize that working in the invisible realm of mind is so much easier, faster, and more enjoyable than working in the world of effects, the world of density and form. It's challenging to believe that this is true with our physical bodies, our finances, and our relationships on every level-and yet it is the willingness to correct the errors in your thinking, engage the healing of the mind, and ALLOW the Truth to set you free that turbo-charges your experience of healing in all aspects of your life. Having a healing is the focus this week. Join Jennifer Hadley as she helps us understand A Course in Miracles and call forth our freedom and liberation from suffering through an active spiritual practice of Love.

 Moving Out of Misery | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Do you allow yourself to feel sorry for yourself? Do you give yourself permission to throw a pity party? Do you immerse yourself in your misery? Who hasn't done that? We all have felt the absolutely MAGNET pull of misery. And there are real tools that you can use to make the misery stop, including putting an END to the worst kind of fear, guilt, blame, shame, regret, resentment, jealousy, sadness, and a whole host of other unpleasant emotions

 Healing the Terrorist | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Do you have an inner terrorist? Do you feel terrorized and know that it's you who have invited this terrorist to sit at your table and pull up a chair? Terror in the world we see will end when we no longer allow ourselves to be terrorized by the ego. Let's put the ego to the grindstone and take specific steps to healing found in A Course in Miracles. You can heal your inner terrorist. Begin today!


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