Internet Business Mastery | Escape the 9-to-5. Make More Money. Start an Freedom Business, Now! show

Internet Business Mastery | Escape the 9-to-5. Make More Money. Start an Freedom Business, Now!

Summary: Since 2006, Jeremy and Jason have been showing people like you how to create automated online income streams so that you can get out of the cubicle wasteland and enjoy a freedom lifestyle. Whether you're just starting out or looking for new insights to grow an existing online business, every episode you'll discover actionable tips in every episode for taking your business and lifestyle to the next level. Jason and Jeremy been supporting their families and growing wealth with internet businesses since 2003. They'll share with you the latest strategies, as well as the proven principles and critical mindset necessary to create sustainable income online. Listen now to find out why so many of today's online business leaders were inspired by the "godfathers of business podcasting.."

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  • Artist: Internet Business Mastery | Escape the 9-to-5. Make More Money. Start an Freedom Business, Now!
  • Copyright: Copyright 2005-2018, Internet Business Mastery, LLC. All rights reserved.


 86 | Here’s how I almost died. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:53

My eyes were shut and I could hear a lot of activity going on in the room. I was laying on a bed. I felt weak and disoriented... Listen to the rest of the episode then Join at:

 86 | Here’s how I almost died. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:53

My eyes were shut and I could hear a lot of activity going on in the room. I was laying on a bed. I felt weak and disoriented... Listen to the rest of the episode then Join at:

 85 | Anti-hype… | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"What the hell is the Freedom Club? Please tell me without all the hype and rah-rah." That's a question I got recently. I think this page, , does tell you without the hype, cause I'm not big on flashy sales crap. But, I thought I'd break it down as hypeless as I can... The Freedom Club is a subscription based membership site, so you pay for as long as you want access to all of the courses. The Freedom Club's 10 courses that are all step-by-step instruction and are divided into three phases: Freedom Club - Phase One: Make your first $500 online (on the side) The Freedom Formula The Freedom Business Blueprint The Niche Profit Code & The Niche Master Class Beginners Bootcamp Freedom Club - Phase Two: Replace Your Income and Quit Your Job! Email List Magic The Online Course Academy The Backstage Pass - Product Launch Insider Access Extreme Time Mastery Freedom Club - Phase Three: Build a 7-Figure Business! The Automated Income Machine List Building with Facebook Groups The Best of 2016's Coaching Call Recordings You get all this and a bunch of bonuses as well as access to our private, exclusive, members-only Mastermind group. The investment to join is just 1 dollar a day, paid one time each month. It's everything you need to go from zero to freedom. ← I know that last line could be considered hype, but I've watched too many people make it work to consider it hype. Join now: Jeremy Frandsen World Leader in Freedom Business Education

 85 | Anti-hype… | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"What the hell is the Freedom Club? Please tell me without all the hype and rah-rah." That's a question I got recently. I think this page, , does tell you without the hype, cause I'm not big on flashy sales crap. But, I thought I'd break it down as hypeless as I can... The Freedom Club is a subscription based membership site, so you pay for as long as you want access to all of the courses. The Freedom Club's 10 courses that are all step-by-step instruction and are divided into three phases: Freedom Club - Phase One: Make your first $500 online (on the side) The Freedom Formula The Freedom Business Blueprint The Niche Profit Code & The Niche Master Class Beginners Bootcamp Freedom Club - Phase Two: Replace Your Income and Quit Your Job! Email List Magic The Online Course Academy The Backstage Pass - Product Launch Insider Access Extreme Time Mastery Freedom Club - Phase Three: Build a 7-Figure Business! The Automated Income Machine List Building with Facebook Groups The Best of 2016's Coaching Call Recordings You get all this and a bunch of bonuses as well as access to our private, exclusive, members-only Mastermind group. The investment to join is just 1 dollar a day, paid one time each month. It's everything you need to go from zero to freedom. ← I know that last line could be considered hype, but I've watched too many people make it work to consider it hype. Join now: Jeremy Frandsen World Leader in Freedom Business Education

 84 | If you want to feel different, act differently. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

A week or so ago I was talking about the way to build confidence is to act courageously by taking the first step. In my studies, I found some more great info for you. You begin by asking, "who am I going to be?" You decided to be courageous again. So what's next? Act that way. Act with courage. And here comes the part that's so simple it's easy to miss: the way you act will shape the way you feel. When you act with courage, immediately your fears start to shrink and you begin to grow. If you want to feel different, act differently. This isn't complicated, but it's amazing how many get it wrong. Cato (one of the original stoics) was a man who decided at an early age what kind of person he wanted to be – someone who was stoic, tough, self-sacrificing - and then he set out to become that person. When you put identity first – when you start from your conscious choice to be a certain kind of person – the way you think about achievement changes too. You see that character precedes achievement. I don't mean that good things only happen to good people, or that there's no such thing as luck. I only mean that while what we accomplish is something beyond our control, we can always shape who we are. “We can't promise achievement. But we can become the kind of people who are worthy of achievement." ~Eric Greitens, author of Resilience So there you go, choose what type of person you want to be and then act like you are already that person. You want to be the owner of a successful freedom business, act like it. Take the smart steps a successful business owner would take. Invest in yourself and your new business now by skipping all the mistakes beginners with no real business knowledge make by signing up for the Freedom Club now: Jeremy Frandsen World Leader in Freedom Business Education

 84 | If you want to feel different, act differently. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

A week or so ago I was talking about the way to build confidence is to act courageously by taking the first step. In my studies, I found some more great info for you. You begin by asking, "who am I going to be?" You decided to be courageous again. So what's next? Act that way. Act with courage. And here comes the part that's so simple it's easy to miss: the way you act will shape the way you feel. When you act with courage, immediately your fears start to shrink and you begin to grow. If you want to feel different, act differently. This isn't complicated, but it's amazing how many get it wrong. Cato (one of the original stoics) was a man who decided at an early age what kind of person he wanted to be – someone who was stoic, tough, self-sacrificing - and then he set out to become that person. When you put identity first – when you start from your conscious choice to be a certain kind of person – the way you think about achievement changes too. You see that character precedes achievement. I don't mean that good things only happen to good people, or that there's no such thing as luck. I only mean that while what we accomplish is something beyond our control, we can always shape who we are. “We can't promise achievement. But we can become the kind of people who are worthy of achievement." ~Eric Greitens, author of Resilience So there you go, choose what type of person you want to be and then act like you are already that person. You want to be the owner of a successful freedom business, act like it. Take the smart steps a successful business owner would take. Invest in yourself and your new business now by skipping all the mistakes beginners with no real business knowledge make by signing up for the Freedom Club now: Jeremy Frandsen World Leader in Freedom Business Education

 83 | How you can profit from my Loss! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Yesterday I did a rundown of some of the big mistakes I made when I started this freedom business journey. I didn’t do this to whine and moan about the past, I wanted to make sure I learned all the lessons I should have. I do this every year or so. Why? Well, as Scott Adams says: "Failure always brings something valuable with it. I don't let it leave until I extract that value." I like to make sure you can get the most value from my failures too, by not making the same mistakes again. When I started, I made a lot of mistakes. I didn’t have a step by step plan. I didn’t have a mentor with a proven plan. After years of messing around and making mistake after mistake I finally figured out a bunch of things and was able to make it work. Even as things started working there were new levels of business to mess up on. That is why there are three phases in the Freedom Club with 10 step by step courses and many bonus courses to help you through each phase. It makes no sense for you to have to waste time making the same mistakes, skip them and just get to the good stuff! Jeremy Frandsen World Leader in Freedom Business Education

 83 | How you can profit from my Loss! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Yesterday I did a rundown of some of the big mistakes I made when I started this freedom business journey. I didn’t do this to whine and moan about the past, I wanted to make sure I learned all the lessons I should have. I do this every year or so. Why? Well, as Scott Adams says: "Failure always brings something valuable with it. I don't let it leave until I extract that value." I like to make sure you can get the most value from my failures too, by not making the same mistakes again. When I started, I made a lot of mistakes. I didn’t have a step by step plan. I didn’t have a mentor with a proven plan. After years of messing around and making mistake after mistake I finally figured out a bunch of things and was able to make it work. Even as things started working there were new levels of business to mess up on. That is why there are three phases in the Freedom Club with 10 step by step courses and many bonus courses to help you through each phase. It makes no sense for you to have to waste time making the same mistakes, skip them and just get to the good stuff! Jeremy Frandsen World Leader in Freedom Business Education

 82 | How long does it take you? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This morning I was reflecting on the last few months. In 2017 I decided I was going to totally change my life and go after another dream. Since then I’ve gotten rid of more than 90% of my stuff. I’ve sold my home and gentleman’s farm. I’ve streamlined this business even more. I’ve gotten a new place in a different city and moved there. I’ve set up my life to be perfect for my next hero’s journey. Once I make a decision, I move fast. Why? I took to heart a what author Phil Stutz said in his book The Tools. Phil said that the longer we wait between feeling inspired to do something and actually doing it, the more our confidence and self-respect erodes. When I make a decision now I take action as fast as possible. I also prefer to lead by example, not just theory. How long has it been since you realized you had a dream to create a freedom business? Have you noticed your confidence in taking action waning as you wait till “the time is right?” Have you also noticed your self-respect corroding as you make excuse after excuse as to why now isn’t the time? Speed is a force, that is why you need to take action towards your dreams as soon as possible. Start now: Jeremy Frandsen World Leader in Freedom Business Education

 81 | The power of one… | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

As I am about to start a new business my mind drifted back thinking about how I originally started this business, Internet Business Mastery. I made a ton of mistakes. I'm going to list a few of them in hopes you can learn from my past ignorance and then I'm going to give you the plan that finally made it all work. As I said, I made a ton of mistakes. I didn't choose my mentors wisely, I picked who ever was most seen and was putting out the most info. I got on over 30 emails lists and I buried myself in beginner information and I let it go on for far too long. I let my fear stop me for far too long. When I finally started, I started a bunch of businesses. I tried mashing all the different business plans and advice into a Frankenstein hybrid business. I picked the wrong business model and one of my businesses actually became successful, which made it so I had to work at least 12 hours a day, seven days a week. I ended up hating that business and business model. I kept starting different projects, but never finishing them. I could go on and on, but there is a little taste. Now I'm going to tell what finally started working. I learned it from a guy in the first group mastermind I was in. This guy made over 1 million dollars a month with his business. 1 MILLION DOLLARS A MONTH! I told him all the problems I was having and I asked him why he didn't have the same problems and here is what he said he did: He understood the power of ONE. ONE BUSINESS He choose to work on one business at a time. He said he'd get it to a place where he was happy with the money and then he'd just hire a CEO to run it exactly the way he did. ONE MENTOR He choose one mentor at a time to take advice from. He said they had to have been doing whatever they were teaching successfully for more than 7 years and he didn't want to hear about fads. No fads in business plans and no fads in traffic generation and no fads in sales and marketing. Just fundamentals. He said the power of one was how he was able to get his business to 1 million dollars a month. I decided to take his advice and everything changed for me after that. I stopped building businesses and I focused on one business, this one. Internet Business Mastery double in size and profit each year for the next four years in a row. At 10 years in business we hired a CEO to take over all the day to day operations. That was 3 years ago. Don't make my mistakes. Instead focus on the power of ONE. One Business. One Mentor. Jeremy Frandsen World Leader in Freedom Business Education

 80 | Everything that needs to be said has already been said. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Back when I got started I had a major fear. Actually, I had a lot of fears, but one especially stood out. I looked out over the internet and saw a LOT of people already successful doing the exact thing I wanted to do. I had the mistaken belief that if someone was already doing it, in my case a LOT of someones, then there was no room for me. I recently found a quote I saw years ago that helped: "Everything that needs to be said has already been said. But, since no one was listening, everything must be said again." ~Andre Gide You can say what has already been said, but add YOU to it. This is another reason I love the personality-based, relationship business I teach. You learn the ins and outs of the subject you want to teach and add YOU to it. No one can copy YOU. I'm a combination of my mentors, my thoughts, my actions, and what I've learned (and didn't learn) from my actions. That makes me different from anyone else, even if we talk about the same things. I'm going to say something that has been said a different way than anyone else. I bring a different angle, a different voice, and different view and so do you… See, I bet if you were to write an email based on this quote, you'd make a different point, maybe a better point. Maybe you'd make the same point, but make it more clear. You'd use a better story and point out someone that did an action that proves your point. Maybe you'd be sarcastic or more optimistic or use your dog as an example. Maybe you'd decide this quote is dumb and find a different one. No matter what, if you have a desire to be heard and create value for others, do it. It may have already been "said", but not by you. Time to get your nuggets into the club: Jeremy Frandsen World Leader in Freedom Business Education

 80 | Everything that needs to be said has already been said. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Back when I got started I had a major fear. Actually, I had a lot of fears, but one especially stood out. I looked out over the internet and saw a LOT of people already successful doing the exact thing I wanted to do. I had the mistaken belief that if someone was already doing it, in my case a LOT of someones, then there was no room for me. I recently found a quote I saw years ago that helped: "Everything that needs to be said has already been said. But, since no one was listening, everything must be said again." ~Andre Gide You can say what has already been said, but add YOU to it. This is another reason I love the personality-based, relationship business I teach. You learn the ins and outs of the subject you want to teach and add YOU to it. No one can copy YOU. I'm a combination of my mentors, my thoughts, my actions, and what I've learned (and didn't learn) from my actions. That makes me different from anyone else, even if we talk about the same things. I'm going to say something that has been said a different way than anyone else. I bring a different angle, a different voice, and different view and so do you… See, I bet if you were to write an email based on this quote, you'd make a different point, maybe a better point. Maybe you'd make the same point, but make it more clear. You'd use a better story and point out someone that did an action that proves your point. Maybe you'd be sarcastic or more optimistic or use your dog as an example. Maybe you'd decide this quote is dumb and find a different one. No matter what, if you have a desire to be heard and create value for others, do it. It may have already been "said", but not by you. Time to get your nuggets into the club: Jeremy Frandsen World Leader in Freedom Business Education

 79 | How is this different? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

One question I get nearly every week is: How is the Freedom Club different from “the Academy”? Let me quickly clear this up. The Academy is ONE of the 10 courses we use to offer. The Freedom Club is ALL 10 courses we offer. The Freedom Club has every course, bonus course, and even recordings of calls we did with high level, $2,000 - $5,000 coaching students. The best thing about the Freedom Club is you can get EVERYTHING we have for just 1 dollar a day. My goals was to go from helping just over 10,000 smart students to bringing that number up to 100,000! One of the ways I did that is to put it all in one place and charge LESS than a cup of coffee per day. It has worked incredibly well. Lot’s of people have seen the incredible value and realized now is the time. The other fantastic thing about the Freedom Club is you get access to other members in the VIP, exclusive, private, “for members only” Mastermind Group. That way you will not have to go on the journey alone! I hope that clears up the confusion. Get all 10 courses and access to the mastermind group RIGHT THIS MINUTE: Jeremy Frandsen World Leader in Freedom Business Education

 78 | Who is really in control of your happiness and success? (HINT: It’s not you.) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In my reading yesterday, I found this bit of insight: “Studies show that your boss has a much larger effect on your happiness and success than the company at large.” ~Eric Barker How is your relationship with your boss? Have you kissed enough boss ass lately? You should, as Eric talks about, your boss has far more control of your success that the company you work for. How do you like that, someone else gets to decide your level of happiness… I’m sure you didn’t need a study to realize how much control your boss has, for many people that's why there are here reading my posts. Winners want more control, that is why you have a desire to create your own freedom business. I hated sucking up to my boss, it was the bane of my existence. For the past 13 or so years, I’ve seen what it is like to be in control of my own happiness and success. It’s even better than you’re dreaming about and the best thing is you can start now. Instead of someone else deciding things for you, you have to make the decision. You have to earn being the one making all the decision by actually making the decision to succeed right now. Decide to take control of your future now: Jeremy Frandsen World Leader in Freedom Business Education

 77 | The catch-22 of getting started… | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

My youngest sister asked me about how I got started recently and I began telling her the story again. She stopped me. She said, "I've heard the story, I want to know how you got the confidence to get started knowing nothing about business." I said, "I'll get back to you..." I actually thought about it for days and I came up with this answer. "Confidence comes when you have the courage to start without confidence." That was it. I decided to commit to the desire to start a freedom business and I mustered all my courage and I just started. I slowly, but surely gathered the information to get started and I tested and tested. I finally got to know my audience and I focused on getting them the value they wanted. After doing that, I got more and more confident. It was really blind, tiny courage that got me started. Then that grew into confidence. All you have to do is start. Gather all the courage you have now and get a huge jump start on your journey by not having to slowly figure it out over years. Jeremy Frandsen World Leader in Freedom Business Education


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