Spiritual Awakening Empowered Living show

Spiritual Awakening Empowered Living

Summary: Evolutionary Spirituality with your host Donna DeVane! Donna is a certified spiritual healer, life coach, author and teacher of a New Evolutionary Spirituality! New understanding of the law of attraction, rather than the law of detraction. We are not divided beings, part one thing, part another. We are ONE. With All Creation. Everything is energy, thoughts, feelings, actions, words, politics, playing, fighting; it's All Energy! Let's discuss Life as we are living it. What are we creating? Are we loving it or do we need to shift our energy and create something different? Listen in for a new take on old thoughts. Her passion is helping others live empowered lives. Listen in as we discuss the Law of Attraction, healing, forgiveness, real life going on around us and Being An Empowered Woman. She offers tele-seminars and online classes on the subjects of healing, manifesting, forgiving, creating your life consciously with the law of attraction.

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  • Artist: Empowered Women
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 The power of laughing at life. It's the fun way to heal what's bugging ya | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

What do you do when things feel hard, when life throws you a curve ball? Do you duck for cover or reach out and catch it with laughter and glee? Today I invite you to join me as we talk about how laughter really is a good medicine. How that mind set can move you from where you are to where you'd like to be. Get in the chat early, call in and join me on the air. Got a good joke? Share it with us. Let's have some fun.. A Journey Back To Self The Road of Healing and Self Awareness.

 What would YOU say to President Obama about oil in the Gulf? Etc | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Today President Obama visits the citizens in the Gulf and listens to what they have to say about BP and all that nasty oil that has put them out of work. What would you say if you had a conversation with Obama? What are your ideas about drilling oil in deep water? Do you have any ideas about how to stop the oil gushing into the ocean? What about the clean up? Who is responsible for this mess? Does Sarah Palin have a point when she blames the environmentalist? Obama has been on office 500 days now. How do you think he's doing? Remember H1N1? I have some news about that for today's show as well. Join me in chat or on the air to discuss the oil in the Gulf.. what does this mean to you? A Journey Back To Self The Road of Healing and Self Awareness.

 Are we stuck with duality? What about our creations? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Today is gonna be wild. I do hope you'll join me on the air and in the chat room. Let's talk about up, down, light, dark, good, bad.. you know ... duality. WE seem to think this is how it was intended to be. What if it's all in our heads? What if we are making it up as we go along because we've forgotten that there is a lot more to the story of who we are and what we are doing here. Let's talk about the energy Beings that we Are.. let's take a look at our energy creations.. we are excellent energy workers.. we have perfected the art of creating the illusion of duality. A Journey Back To Self The Road of Healing and Self Awareness.

 the End of the World as we Know It Political Spirituality | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

It's the end of the Gulf as we know it. The end of miranda rights as we've known them. The end of privacy as an American. The end of politics as we've thought it was. Some big, ugly truths have come to the surface in our nation. We've tortured those in our custody and lied about it. We've lied our way into invading another country. Perhaps politics has always been corrupt and we've just not been watching. Now with the oil all over the Gulf Coast we are being forced to pay attention. Remember "Drill Baby Drill"? All the talk about how safe it was? Well, once again we were lied to. Who do we hold accountable? The politicians or do we bear some of the weight for not being involved, for not checking things out? Our nation has changed and is still changing. Did you vote for Obama? Do you think he's keeping his promises? Are we on track with the change we voted for? What do we do about the changes? Do we grab the steering wheel and help guide our nation or do we continue to just stand there and ignore what's going on and "trust" the politicians? We have choices.. what will you decide? A Journey Back To Self The Road of Healing and Self Awareness.

 In order to change something don't you have to admit something is wrong first? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Big Smile folks.. I was asked wasn't I complaining about world issues on a show earlier and it got me thinking. When do we change? How do you know when it's time to change something in your life? Does the Law of attraction really mean you can't look at or think about things you don't want so you don't get them? Join me for a discussion about this. Tell me.. .how did you know when you wanted to change something in your life? What is the law of attraction all about? Does it help or hinder you in your daily life? This will be fun.. so be sure to join me.. Chat room opens before the show start.. show up early to get a good seat. A Journey Back To Self The Road of Healing and Self Awareness.

 Political Spirituality & You Why Politics Matters | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

It seems that the battle line has been drawn in the sand. People are taking sides, left vs right, liberal vs conservative, one religion vs another. Does this even make any sense? How do we plan on working together for change when we can stop fussing? With things in such turmoil I want to bring some of Naomi Wolf's points in her book "The End Of America" to the table. Are we as a nation taking a turn that there is no way back from? Why does politics matter? Why should you take an interest? Others are deciding to to elect and that elected person will be making decisions on your behalf. Laws will be made that matter to you, your children and your grandchildren. This morning two Egret birds landed in my yard. They were together when they landed and then went their different ways looking for something to eat. The same kind of bird, the same yard, both looking for food, yet they walked a different path while still getting along and working together for safety and companionship. The birds got me thinking that we could learn a thing or two from them. Join me today as we discuss the importance of politics, working together for the common good and why I say politics is a spiritual matter. Chat room opens 10 minutes before show, join me there or on the air. A Journey Back To Self The Road of Healing and Self Awareness.

 How do you know what to believe? The spirituality of American Politics | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

So many problems, so many takes on who is to blame, who can fix it. It's just hard to get your head around. After all the news, the finger pointing and name calling, how do you know who to believe? Who is telling the truth? What about the 9/11 folks? Do they have a point? Was 9/11 and inside job? Is there such a thing as a False Flag that is used to move us as one upset, worried and frightened mass into agreeing with something we would otherwise be against? Who is behind the economic mess we are experiencing world wide? Do you know? Got any ideas on the subject? Are we really being attacked by terrorists on every front or are we being duped? Who has kept us from the truth that HEMP can be grown and used to replace 25,000 items we currently depend on OIL for? What do you think will happen to all those people in the Gulf? Is it a conspiracy to get them relocated? What is HAARP? Could it be behind the earthquakes wrecking havoc around our world? All around the globe there are problems, what are the answers? Join me on the air or in the chat to share your take on these issues. Yes there are many problems, but for each one there is a solution. What solutions can we come up with? How can we make a difference? How can we live up to Being the Change our world needs? As the Hopi say.. We are the ones we've been waiting for.. will you answer the call?

 The Politics of life. A Look in the mirror we call America | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Politics is a wonderful form of entertainment, just a shame it's become such an expensive past time. Join me in a discussion of political goings on in the US and around the globe. What do you think about men who serve their prison terms and are incarcerated in a mental facility for the rest of their lives? Is this fair? What do you think about the $1 Trillion dollar price tag for our war on terror? Is it worth it? Is there something we are missing about this Gulf Oil Spill? Join me to take a look at these topics from Donna's World.. chat is open 10 minutes before show. Please be respectful.. that's the only way we will find solutions.

 Healing with Quartz Crystals Bringing Oneness to Awareness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

It's time.. you know it is.. time to heal.. Time to heal your body, your emotions, your life.. our world. With the energies changing I want to help you flow easily with the changes that are happening. Today we will work with quartz crystal energy for alignment, releasing blocked energy and talk about how to clear and program. I was asked to teach a healing course and have done so. This radio time will be an aid to help my students and others discover how to work with energy, light, stones and crystals for well being. The course is a special deal just for you. visit my website to find out how to take the class and transform YOUR life. A Journey Back To Self The Road of Healing and Self Awareness.

 Can you heal your past? Your Pain, Wounds, Experiences. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

As a spiritual life coach and energy healer I am often asked how to heal the past. What do you do about all that hurt that happened in your childhood? What about abuse by a spouse or parent? What about the life long affect of having been so deeply hurt? Can you do anything about it? The answer is YES.. you can. Today's show will offer healing tips, avenues to shift your connection with the past and means to move into your present.. I hope you'll join for healing energy, insightful discussion and meditation. Chat room opens 10 minutes before the show, get in early, grab a seat and get ready to share your wisdom. A Journey Back To Self The Road of Healing and Self Awareness.

 We've Always Been at War with Eastasia | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

If a lie is told often enough with enough passion, you will believe the lie as truth. This happens all the time with religion and politics. So much passion behind the lies connect with the words and emotions that the lies are just accepted and then defended. What do we do about it now? What can be done to shift the course we seem to be on? Today I will share with you some ACTIONS you can take to help alter the path we seem to be on at this present time. Join me in the chat or on the air to share your wisdom, your answers to the "problems" opportunities we are dealing with right now. Discover HOW to Change YOU and Change Your life Awakened Empowerment These Ebooks will help YOU CHANGE your Thinking and change your life!.

 Working with Amethyst for healing, peace, intuition, and more | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Special show on working with stones and crystals for healing, meditation and much more. Bring your amethyst with you today as we play and grow in understanding. We will do some healing work, meditation and programing of your favorite stone. Join me in the chat, open 10 minutes before show or on the air.. Stones & Crystals for healing Awakened Empowerment for healing your life!.Amethyst ON SALE http://lyonzpath.webs.com/

 Why are we here, what are we doing? Does it matter? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

We've all asked the questions; where did I come from, why am I here? What does it matter what I do? I have exciting news about these questions.. some answers if you will. And YES, it does matter what you do. Today let's discuss how being human while being eternal spirit matters. A voice of reason is needed now, words of understanding, it's time for us to evolve... to BE who we are. Chat opens 10 minutes before show... join me there or on the air. Discover HOW to BE Happy Awakened Empowerment These Ebooks will help YOU CHANGE your Thinking and change your life!.

 Isn't it about time we evolved already? Will we change in time? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Doing the same thing, having the same feelings, the same outcomes over and over.... isn't that insanity? It's time we evolved a little bit. As humans we have gained a lot in technology, medicine, communication devices even.. but WE are still thinking, believing, and doing the same things the same ways. What about some answers? Some solutions? Are you ready for them? Turmoil surrounds us on every front.. it's screaming at us to CHANGE Already!! Will you remember who you are? Will you let go of habits and come into a new awareness? IF we want things to be different.. then we MUST change. Our understanding must evolve. Our comfort level depends on our evolving.. NOW. What role could hemp play to solve our oil problems? How long will we continue thinking of those who don't look like us, believe like us or have the same sexual preference as us be treated like something other than our brothers and sisters. I'm fired up today.. Enter my world at the risk of having your blinders snatched off your face and your beliefs shook up.. smile Join me today as we discuss these issues and share how to evolve. Chat opens 10 minutes before show.. switchboard open so you can join me on the air. EVOLVE NOW Awakened Empowerment These Ebooks will help YOU CHANGE your Thinking and change your life!.

 What are you communicating to the Universe? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

How are you asking? What are you asking for? Is your communication clear and crisp? Thoughts, feelings, beliefs and actions are all messages to the Universe to bring into physical form stuff in their likeness. What are you setting into action? If your communication skills are chaotic, rambling, unclear, chances are that's the theme of your life. Learning to communicate openly, honestly and with intention is the key to a new creation. Join me in the chat room, open 10 minutes before the show, or on the air, to discuss our patterns of communication, getting what we ask for and making sure we really want what that is. Donna DeVane is author of Live Happy Be Happy. She has also written Heal Your Life Power of Forgiveness. Along with many other ebooks she also offers classes, spiritual coaching and energy healing Visit her website today to heal your life. Check out my blog Be inspired today. Empowered Women Radio Spiritual Awakening Empowered Living. Check out my NEW store Awakened Empowerment Healing Stones, crystals & gemstone jewelry. Discover HOW to BE Happy Awakened Empowerment These Ebooks will help YOU CHANGE your Thinking and change your life!.


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