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  5 Best WordPress Zoom Plugins: Add Zoom Meetings to WordPress (2021) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:47

Looking for a plugin to help you add Zoom meetings or webinars to your WordPress site?With a global pandemic, many businesses have been forced to move everything online – you might be one of them. Thankfully, Zoom was there to meet the challenge and help everyone communicate digitally.However, you still want to keep things on your own website as much as possible, which is where these WordPress Zoom meeting plugins come in. These plugins let you create and manage meetings right from your WordPress site. Some even let you go further and charge for access, accept bookings and RSVPs, and more.In this post, I’ll feature the five best Zoom plugins for WordPress that let you add Zoom meetings to your site. Some of these plugins are 100% dedicated to Zoom, while others are regular event or booking plugins that offer dedicated Zoom integrations.Let’s get started!Five Best WordPress Zoom Plugins in 2021I’ll start with the plugins that are 100% focused on Zoom. Then, I’ll get into some other options that, while not 100% dedicated to Zoom, can still help you integrate Zoom meetings into events or your booking process.Let’s dig in!1. Video Conferencing with ZoomAs the name suggests, Video Conferencing with Zoom is a plugin that’s 100% dedicated to Zoom. It’s also the most popular Zoom plugin available for free at, where it’s active on over 20,000 sites with a 4.7-star rating on over 135 reviews.With this plugin, you’ll be able to manage Zoom meetings, webinars, recordings, users, and reports without leaving your WordPress dashboard, which is pretty cool. Article Continues BelowThe plugin accomplishes this by using the Zoom API. The setup process requires you to create a Zoom “app” which takes 10-15 minutes. But once you’ve done that, it’s super convenient because you can manage everything without leaving your WordPress dashboard.You can create new meetings as WordPress posts. Or, you’ll get a shortcode that you can add to any post, page, or custom post type. There are also some other goodies such as:Start meeting links for post authorsA countdown timer to show the meeting start that automatically adjusts to your local time zoneShow user recordings based on your Zoom account.The fact that you’re adding shortcodes to regular WordPress pages also means that you can easily restrict access using any WordPress membership plugin.If you want to monetize your Zoom meetings, the plugin also has some cool functions there, though you’ll need the paid version.First off, it integrates with WooCommerce, which lets you make your Zoom meetings purchasable. It also integrates with WooCommerce Appointments and WooComme... You are listening to the topic about "5 Best WordPress Zoom Plugins: Add Zoom Meetings to WordPress (2021)", if you want to read the full article, please visit or the link in the description.

  Building a header block in WordPress | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:31

I’m building a website with two different page title styles:I built this as a custom Header block so we can customize the page header directly in the Gutenberg block editor. The steps to implement this are:Create the custom block with Advanced Custom Fields.Remove the standard page title if this block is used.Move the block up to touch the site header when it’s the first block on the page.I use Advanced Custom Fields to build custom blocks. Here’s a detailed guide on building custom blocks with ACF.I registered my headerblock and set the render template to the /partials/block-header.phpfile in my theme.acf_register_block_type( array('name'=> 'header','title'=> __( 'Header', 'core-functionality' ),'render_template'=> 'partials/block-header.php','category'=> 'formatting','icon'=> 'schedule','mode'=> 'auto','keywords'=> array(),));I went to Custom Fields > Add New and created this field group: Then in partials/block-header.phpI added the markup for the header. Take note of the first line as it took me a bit of time to figure it out. If you need access to any information about the current post (like the title), standard template tags like get_the_title()and get_the_ID()won’t work in the Gutenberg block editor, but will work on the frontend. ACF dynamically loads the block using AJAX and passes the post ID as $_POST['post_id']. So we’ll use that in the backend, and get_the_ID()on the frontend to get the Post ID. We use this to build the default page title ( get_the_title( $post_id )).// Post ID is in $_POST['post_id'] when rendering ACF block in Gutenberg$post_id = get_the_ID() ? get_the_ID() : $_POST['post_id'];$title = get_field( 'title' );if( empty( $title ) )$title = get_the_title( $post_id );$content = get_field( 'content' );$image = get_field( 'image' );if( empty( $image ) )$image = get_option( 'options_ea_default_header' );echo '';echo '' . wp_get_attachment_image( $image, 'ea_header' ) . '';echo '';echo '' . esc_html( $title ) . '';echo wpautop( $content );echo '';echo '';The new header block works great, but now there are two page titles. The next step is to remove the standard page title if this block is used.Remove the standard page titleBefore Gutenberg, I would have used Genesis Title Toggle to disable the standard page title. The next version of Genesis will include the title toggle functionality, but this still isn’t as user friendly as it could be.A better approach is to automatically remove the standard title if this block is used. We should also remove the title if an h1 heading block is used. If a block has innerBlocks... You are listening to the topic about "Building a header block in WordPress", if you want to read the full article, please visit or the link in the description.

  How to Add Shortcode in WordPress: A Definitive Guide | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:43

If you want to know how to add shortcode in WordPress, you're probably aware of the convenience they bring when writing and designing your WordPress website.Shortcodes are a helpful addition, and almost every blogger will use one in some way or another. Whether that's through a WordPress plugin, a theme, or the core of WordPress itself, you'll very likely be using them with WordPress.The question is, how do you add them?In this article, I will walk you through a series of ways to add shortcodes in WordPress.You'll learn:What shortcodes are (with examples)How to create shortcodes in WordPress pages and postsAn easy way to add and make them with a WordPress shortcode pluginHow to create shortcodes in theme files, Gutenberg blocks, and the sidebarThe pros and cons of using themPlus much moreLet's get started.ContentsWhat Is A Shortcode?Why Were Shortcodes Created For WordPress?WordPress Shortcode ExamplesDefault WordPress Shortcode ExamplesVarious Other WordPress ShortcodesAdding a Shortcode in Sidebar Widget AreaHow to Add A Shortcode in the Classic WordPress EditorEasy Way To Add Shortcode To The WordPress Theme FilesUsing a WordPress Plugin to Add ShortcodesShortcodes vs. Gutenberg BlocksHow Do I Create a Custom Shortcode in WordPress?ProsConsFinal Thoughts on How To Add Shortcode in WordPressWhat Is A Shortcode?A WordPress shortcode is a code displayed inside a square bracket. The purpose of the code is to offer a convenient and fast way to add dynamic content to WordPress.You can add the content in pages, posts, and sidebars. They are also widely used with third-party plugins and WordPress themes.Why Were Shortcodes Created For WordPress?WordPress lets the user write HTML inside pages and posts, but you can't directly write PHP. WordPress does this as a security feature and to help with avoiding harmful code and discrepancies within the database.When a developer registers a new shortcode with the WordPress code files, it allows the user to use a range of custom shortcodes to enable certain features on their blog.If you want to add related posts, a bio box, or display the current year in the footer, you can use a shortcode to signal to WordPress to allow the feature you want to show.To sum up:It's a safe, fast, convenient, and easy way to display content, boxes, layouts, images, and much more for those who aren't web developers. However, they're so convenient that even web developers use them.WordPress Shortcode ExamplesLet's take a look at some shortcode examples. It will further help you understand what they are and why they're so helpful.Default WordPress Shortcode ExamplesThe following six shortcodes are included in WordPre... You are listening to the topic about "How to Add Shortcode in WordPress: A Definitive Guide", if you want to read the full article, please visit or the link in the description.

  How To Bulk Upload Files To WordPress Via FTP + Other Methods | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:39

Struggling with how to bulk upload files to WordPress via FTP? Sometimes you’re dealing with so many images that the regular WordPress media library uploader isn’t cutting it.Or, you might be working with a file that’s so large you can’t upload it through the Media Library uploader without hitting the maximum upload limit. In fact, some WordPress sites have an upload limit that’s just 2MB, which can easily be exceeded by high-resolution images.No matter whether you’re trying to upload hundreds of images or just a few huge files, FTP often provides an easier approach than trying to do it through your WordPress dashboard.But here’s the problem with doing that:As you may have already figured out, you can’t just upload files to your server and start using them on your WordPress site right away. Don’t worry, though. There is still a way to do it – and I’m going to show you how!Here’s Why Files You Upload To WordPress Via FTP Don’t Show UpIf you’ve already tried to upload files to your WordPress media library via FTP, you might be confused why the files aren’t showing up in your Media Library.Here’s the deal:In order for you to be able to use media files inside your WordPress dashboard, those files need to actually be registered in WordPress.When you upload files via FTP, you put them on the server, but you don’t do anything to actually register them to your WordPress site. To register them with your WordPress site and start actually using them in your Media Library, you need to perform a few additional steps.Here’s the entire process:How To Bulk Upload Files To WordPress Via FTPIn order to make this as helpful as possible, I’m going to start with how to actually upload files to your server via FTP.If you’ve already uploaded the files to your server via FTP, though, you can click here to skip straight to Step 3, where you’ll actually register those files to your WordPress site.Step 1: Connect To Your Site Via FTPTo connect to your site via FTP, you’ll need:Your FTP username and password – if you don’t know these already, you can get them from your host (consult your host’s documentation or support for more information).An FTP program – FileZilla is a good free option and what I’ll use for my tutorial screenshots.Once you have those two things, open your FTP program and enter your credentials at the top:Here’s what the various input boxes mean:Host – the actual URL to your website (or your server’s IP address)Username – the username for your FTP account, which you get from your hostPassword – the password for your FTP account, which you get from your hostPort – usually you can leave this as the default, but sometimes you... You are listening to the topic about "How To Bulk Upload Files To WordPress Via FTP + Other Methods", if you want to read the full article, please visit or the link in the description.

  Top 10 WordPress Profanity Filters and Spam Blocking Plugins | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:43

WordPress PluginsLast updated on: June 14, 2019Spam and profanity are a big problem for anyone with a WordPress site. Whether yours is a simple website with a few pages or a multi-user platform that hosts tons of user-generated content, you need to be wary of profanity and spammers for two major reasons:Profanity will scare away prospects leaving you with a thinner bank balance.Spammers will instantaneously hurt your SEO rankings in Google and other search enginesDepending on the type of website (or community) you run, profanity may or may not be a problem. But excessive use of cursives and adult language will decrease your online sales and your potential to attract viable partners. That’s right; companies will think twice about collaborating with you if your website is overly profane.Spam on the other hand will hurt your credibility with search engines as well as human web visitors. Credibility is your online currency – lose it and you lose business.This guide will reveal five profanity filters and five spam plugins to help you improve your rankings in Google and provide a better user experience with your WordPress site.Disclaimer: WPExplorer is an affiliate for one or more products listed below. If you click a link and complete a purchase we could make a commission.Top Five Profanity FilterPlugins For WordPressBelow are my five top WordPress profanity filters and spam blocking plugins. I’m not saying you have to or should use all the plugins, but they are all definitely work checking out because they are really top notch.WebPurify Profanity FilterWebPurify is probably one of the best profanity filters out there. Firstly, you don’t need to create a list of profane words/phrases to filter out since the plugin comes with an extensive list not only in English but also in several other languages including Spanish, French, Arabic, Italian, Portuguese and even Chinese.Whenever a user posts profane content, let us say, via the comment section, the plugin uses WebPurify Profanity Filter API to replace the profane words with asterisks immediately.If you’re willing to spring for the premium service, WebPurify can do much more than text filtering. Sorting through content is an uphill task, but sorting through images and videos can break the back of even the most resilient web master. WebPurify premium includes helpful video moderation to save you some valuable time.Download WebPurifyWord ReplacerThis free plugin works like magic replacing profane words with your own choice of words. If the discussion on your WordPress site is peppered with particular profane words or phrases, you can choose to turn it around using the Word... You are listening to the topic about "Top 10 WordPress Profanity Filters and Spam Blocking Plugins", if you want to read the full article, please visit or the link in the description.

  Best Free WordPress Themes for Your Ecommerce Store | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:38

Launching an ecommerce store has become more like a cakewalk these days. All thanks to turnkey solutions better known as themes which have helped several non-tech entrepreneurs to come up with a successful venture in no time. However, there is a new predicament faced by most of the entrepreneurs. While they have a variety of options around to launch their ecommerce store, choosing the right one has become more of a hassleWith tech startups, the hassle about selecting a tech, in particular, seems to outshine the chicken-and-egg problem. This move determines implementation success, or the other way round. Creating an online store is no longer a luxury, it has a direct impact on your profits. Now can you name an aspect that plays a major role in making your website a grand success? It’s the design! If you want to gain the spotlight and hold it for long! Choosing a well-designed ecommerce site will do the trick for you. However, not every business can afford to pay for custom website design, and with a plethora of free WordPress themes, you don’t have to spend extravagantly to build your online store. While Choosing the Right Ecommerce Website TemplateOpening up an eCommerce store can be a tricky task unless you don’t come up with the right ecommerce theme. Going by the trend, Leto WordPress theme is leading the pack with its outstanding features and functions. Further below I would like to mention a few basic yet crucial factors that must be taken into consideration while choosing a WordPress theme for your ecommerce store. Visual appeal – The famous adage – “The first impression is the last impression” is highly applicable to the ecommerce industry. A poorly designed website will offer you nothing more than a high bounce rate and less retention rate. On and all, themes play a major role to cast a spell on the visitors. In addition to this, one must always consider that theme should not be only about graphics, but it must also look professional. Create a website in such a way that it acts as the right representation of your business. Customizable – If we look in regards to the business perspective, ecommerce is such a business that is subjective to quick expansion in a short span. This means whatever theme you end up with, make sure it comprises of advanced and additional features to support you. Digital technology being subjective to advancement and change, it is very important to choose a theme should not be a constraining factor in customization and versatility. Is it responsive? – Until you don’t make major advances with a responsive design, everything seems like a wolf in sheep’s clothing. This probably means your site will ad... You are listening to the topic about "Best Free WordPress Themes for Your Ecommerce Store", if you want to read the full article, please visit or the link in the description.

  How to Setup & Add Google Adsense to WordPress Websites | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:35

Google AdSense is one of the many ways you can monetize your WordPress website. Millions of webmasters are using this monetization platform to generate revenue from their blog or website. So if you get decent visitors to your site and if you want to make some extra bucks then you should try this monetization platform from Google.It would be better if you start up an account with Google AdSense, which is obvious that you have to set it up with a Gmail account.It is one of the easiest ways to add to your WordPress website and start off making money right away. There is not much complexity involved since all you need is to agree with the terms and conditions that they set for you.Contents1 How To Add Google Adsense to WordPress Site?1.1 How to open a Google AdSense Account1.2 Activating Your AdSense Account1.3 WordPress site must contain original content1.4 Getting approval1.5 Ad Units tab1.6 Pasting the code on the WordPress WebsiteHow To Add Google Adsense to WordPress Site? If you had any previous monetizing apps with your WordPress site, it wouldn’t make much of a difference, but it is better to start up with a clean slate first so that you won’t be confused. Google AdSense’s setup might be entirely different, so when you work with a previous monetizing app together with AdSense when you’re completely new to it, you won’t know where to go next.It’s one another reason why you should read this guide as you’ll be able to learn the step-by-step procedure on how to manage this app.How to open a Google AdSense Account You need to sign up to a Google Account. If you already have the Gmail account, you have the Google AdSense automatically. All you need to do is activate it. You can’t use AdSense any other way. It is part of the services Google offers to its members.Activating Your AdSense AccountActivating Google AdSense can only be done if you have owned your website for quite a while, your website has a consistent number of visitors and your website is highly active. AdSense is in partnership with various advertising companies and the latter won’t just offer their ads to anyone that doesn’t fit their needs. Google will try to analyze whether or not your WordPress website has already been running for more than 6 months. There are exceptions to this requirement, but it all depends on how active your website is.WordPress site must contain original contentAdvertisers will love an active website with original content. Original content means that you haven’t copied it from any other website. Doing so will not only crush your chance in getting an ad placement on your website, it will also blacklist your site from Google. It takes a lot... You are listening to the topic about "How to Setup & Add Google Adsense to WordPress Websites", if you want to read the full article, please visit or the link in the description.

  7 Best Media Manager Plugins to Enhance the WordPress Media Library | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:48

Running a WordPress site can be full of uncertainty at times, but one thing you know you’ll always need is a good way to add and manage media.Every WordPress user needs to frequently insert images, videos, audio files, gifs, charts, and graphs from the Media Library.By default, WordPress provides sufficient functionality for personal blogging use. However, when your site grows and requires teamwork, you’ll need more than the basic options.So in this article, I’ve curated the best WordPress media manager plugins to help you handle many aspects such as media file organization, import/export, sort/filter, SEO boost, collaborated galleries, and more.The Media Library works fine for basic usage, but these plugins will supercharge it with new features.The addition of a feature like categories and hierarchy make the Media Library so much easier to use. For photographers or prolific bloggers, this will massively improve your workflow.Let’s dive in.1. View plugin now Plugin DescriptionFileBird is a WordPress media library plugin to help you organize thousands of files in folders and subfolders.Upon activation, this plugin adds a new left sidebar to your media library dashboard with two default folders: All Files and Uncategorized. Then you’re free to create new folders, give them descriptive names, and drag and drop files into these folders.FileBird is a set-and-forget plugin, which means there are no further settings to configure. Everything has its own place. That’s what drives FileBird to bring such a professional environment to WordPress.You won’t have to spend too much time looking for a specific image because you now have many ordering options to sort files and folders.This plugin also offers a Gutenberg block for inserting a media folder in the FileBird gallery block.Features:Smart context menuDrag and drop folders from PC to WordPressUpload files directly to a selected folderAdvanced sorting and filterBulk select and move files fastElegant drag and drop interfaceEach user role can have their own foldersPrice:FileBird offers a free version as FileBird Liteand a premium version with 6-month supportfor $25.Learn more→2. Filester – File Manager ProView plugin now Plugin DescriptionFilester comes in a super clean ad-free interface yet offers premium features.This plugin is a file manager built right inside your WordPress dashboard that operates like FTP. If you’re managing multiple sites, you will find it so convenient to make changes and save code tweaks without switching among different windows/apps.Editing images with advanced editors makes it very easy for you to enhance media files right on WP dashboa... You are listening to the topic about "7 Best Media Manager Plugins to Enhance the WordPress Media Library", if you want to read the full article, please visit or the link in the description.

  How to add an email through Office 365 on WordPress | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:03

If you are possessing a custom domain and you want to have another email address customized for that domain, you might think of creating this kind of email by using the Microsoft Office 365.Therefore, in this article, you will be shown on how to add an email through Office 365 on WordPress.How to add an email through Office 365Create an Office 365 accountHAdd the name of your domain to Office 365Verify your domain nameSet up DNS RecordsComplete Office 365 setupSet up online servicesTest new office 365 email addressCreate an Office 365 account {#how-create-office-365-account}Step 1: Head to and sign up for Small Business plan or higher one so that you can use its email service.Step 2: In case you already had an account from Office 365, you need to sign in this account by accessing with your email and password.Add the name of your domain to Office 365 {#how-add-name-domain-office-365}After logging in successfully to your Microsoft account, you have to add your domain you want to use for your own email. In order to do that, you can click on Domains options from Admin list in your account of Office 365.Next, you can type your domain’s name in the box given and choose Next to continute.After that, you will be requested to verify your own domain by using a TXT record.Verify your domain name {#how-verify-your-domain-name}If you want to verify your name of the domain you are using, you need to copy the value from the TXT records with its structure MS = XXXXX and then enter it as you start using the setup of Office 365 in the next step.Set up DNS Records {#how-set-up-dns-records}There exist two ways of setting up your DNS records.Connect automatically without configuring DNS manuallyEdit DNS manually and make the changes by yourselfConnect automatically without configuring DNS manuallyIn case your domain uses the name severs of, you can connect Office 365 automatically without editing the DNS manually.However, you might have to enable the _domainconnect record, and obey those steps as mentioned in this tutorial.Edit DNS manually and make the changes by yourselfClick on the page: and press on your domain name before going to Name Servers and DNS field.The Name Servers and DNS settings own a quick option for some email services, consisting of Office 365. Select Office 365 to continue.At this time, you are asked to enter your verification code. This is what you already copy to your clipboard in the step before. Paste this to the box and choose Set up Office 365.A message of verification will be present on the top of the screen and confirm that tho... You are listening to the topic about "How to add an email through Office 365 on WordPress", if you want to read the full article, please visit or the link in the description.

  WordPress Business Plugin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:59

For Business or corporate websites you need pages like FAQ,Testimonials,Team Members. There are no any wordpress plugin available which offers all these services inside a single plugin. WordPress Business Plugin provide options to add all this features to any wordpress website. Comes with options to manage Testimonials,Team Members,FAQS. You can add,edit,delete easily using wordpress administration section. Also comes with addon features like “Back To Top” button and “Skills” shortcode. You can use skills shortcode to display your skills at any location of your website. For more details about documentation and help please visit WordPress Business Plugin = Support & Help = We do not provide support for the WordPress Business plugin on the forums. If you want Support for this plugin then hire WordPress Developer. Check Our Other Plugins You can check our other plugins too: WordPress Content Slide Plugin. WordPress Gallery Plugin. WordPress PageNaviStyle Plugin.Want to write review?Are you an author of this plugin? Want to write a more detailed review? Submit ReviewThe plugin have some issues.Sorry, pal! The plugin couldn’t pass all our tests. No hard feelings, right?Tests done by WP Hive test script Results Minimal impact on memory usage The memory usage of this plugin is less than the average memory usage of other plugins on + 200KB. Check FAQ for more. Minimal impact on pagespeed The impact of this plugin on PageSpeed is less than the average impact of other plugins on + 1000 milliseconds No PHP errors, warning, notices WP Hive automated test found no PHP error while activating this plugin on our server No Javascript issues WP Hive automated test found no JavaScrip error while activating this plugin on our server Latest PHP 7.2.16 compatible The latest version of the plugin is compatible with the latest PHP version Latest WordPress 5.2.4 compatible The latest version of the plugin is compatible with the latest PHP version Optimized database footprint The plugin creates less than 50 database tables No activation errors WP Hive automated test found no activation error while activating this plugin on our server No resource errors WP Hive automated test found no resource error/s while trying this plugin on our server Frequently updated The plugin was not updated at least once in the last 90 days 4KTotal Downloads90Active Installation8 yearsOn WordPress0.0%Growth Rate1Support Thread3Ratings on WordPress00Downloads This Week00Ago Last Updated Download Plugin Plugin Website About WordPress Business PluginDescription For Business or corporate websites you need pages like FAQ,Testimonials,... You are listening to the topic about "WordPress Business Plugin", if you want to read the full article, please visit or the link in the description.

  How To Install & Setup WordPress Multisite Network – Step By Step Guide 2022 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:46

Learn how to install and setup a WordPress multisite network using this visual step-by-step guide.WordPress comes with a built-in feature that allows you to create multiple websites or a network of WordPress sites.A WordPress multisite network is usually used by organizations, companies, or businesses, who need to run multiple separate websites but want to control and manage them under one dashboard.If you are totally new to WordPress, we highly advise you to check our WordPress installation guide before following this one.A short concise summary is available after the table of content.Add a header to begin generating the table of contentsHow To Install & Setup a WordPress Multisite Network?Backup your existing WordPress website if you have one.Verify that Pretty Permalinks work on your single WordPress instance.Deactivate all active plugins if you are managing a single WordPress website.Add: define( ‘WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE’, true ); to wp-config.php file.Go to Tools → Network Setup then follow the on-screen instructions.Go to My Sites → Network Admin → Sites then click “Add New“.Follow the on-screen instructions from step (6) to add a new site.Install plugins and themes in the WordPress multisite.What is a WordPress Multisite Network?Whether you have a business with multiple branches or you run an educational site with several locations, WordPress multisite can help you manage countless websites with one WordPress account and all in one dashboard. WordPress itself uses a multisite network for their main website.If you don’t know what it is, WordPress multisite is a built-in feature on WordPress that allows you to use one WordPress account to manage multiple websites. This gives you the ability to use one login and dashboard to operate numerous websites.Multisite is perfect for people who use WordPress for a business with multiple branches, academic institutes with student blogs, forum sites with subforums, companies and governments with various departments, or even a network of blogs.Multisite gives you the flexibility and scalability to make running a large network of websites easy. In this article, I will explain how to install, setup, configure, and customize a WordPress multisite.Pros and Cons of WordPress MultisitePros of WordPress MultisiteEasy Access: WordPress allows you to manage every single website in a network in one dashboard, allowing you access to everything in one place with just one login.Admin Control: You can make it so that every site has its own admin, you can also completely change the privileges and permissions of each admin.Shared Themes & Plugins: If you wish to in... You are listening to the topic about "How To Install & Setup WordPress Multisite Network – Step By Step Guide 2022", if you want to read the full article, please visit or the link in the description.

  Best Membership WordPress Theme To Use In 2021 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:29

Are you looking to start a membership website? If yes then you must be looking to know the best membership theme that you can use for your wordpress website. Not to mention but every industry is seeing more entrepreneurs putting their hand in to offer the best product and services to customers. In recent years the membership business model has seen huge growth as more and more entrepreneurs are looking to get started with their online membership website.If you are looking for the same then you must have opted for wordpress as it makes it easy for you to create a fully functioning membership website. But wordpress offers a huge library of membership themes that makes it difficult for the new beginner to select the best theme for their wordpress website. If you are not from the technical background then you must be aware of the fact that creating a fully functioning and conversion-centric membership website is not as easy as it sounds. That’s the reason why most businesses today look to hire an experienced WordPress website design company for their business.Selecting the rights and the best membership wordpress theme is not easy as it sounds. That is the reason why we have created this article to help you find the best theme that you can select for your wordpress website. Apart from that, we will also be offering you a detailed idea of what you need to expect from the best membership theme. So make sure you stick to the end of this article.An overview of WordPress membership Theme websiteEarlier most of the entrepreneurs looking to start their own online business used to depend either on affiliate revenue or advertising but the membership business model has opened a new path for them. A membership website allows site owners to create and offer gated content which can be accessed only when users sign up and become your member. This type of membership website is widely adopted by various websites and many entrepreneurs have raised huge revenue just through this membership website model.But to drive users to your website and encourage them to perform the desired action you need to create and offer attractive and researched based website designs. The membership website design you created should match their expectation and encourage them to take action on your website design. That is the reason why today most entrepreneurs look to hire an experienced wordpress website design company for their membership website.Because they are aware of the fact that an experienced professional can bring their years of expertise in creating the best and result-driven design which may take years if done on your own. Even though you plan to hire an experienced wordpr... You are listening to the topic about "Best Membership WordPress Theme To Use In 2021", if you want to read the full article, please visit or the link in the description.

  WPSTALL – WordPress Related Search | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:03

LIVE PREVIEWBUY FOR $35Ultimate video player is powerful responsive video player for WordPress with right side or bottom Gallery which support most popular video types available! HTML5 (mp4) videos, videos from YouTube and videos from Vimeo as well. Player have built-in advertising system as pre-roll and pop-up ads (each video can have own ad, each video/pop-up ad can be enabled/disabled). Player have integrated YouTube API and Vimeo API so you can play any video from YouTube and Vimeo platforms beside your mp4/webm videos! You can use player without gallery with only one video, or you can build your own gallery with thumbnails, titles and descriptions. Number of videos is unlimited. Player comes with 5 pre-built skins and it’s fully responsive, resizeable and customisable so it fits perfectly in every website design.Android demo, iOS demoWatch installation video tutorialFeatureseasy to use and customizepop-up advertisement and pre-roll video advertisement that works with YouTubepop-up advertisement and pre-roll video advertisement that works with Vimeopop-up advertisement and pre-roll video advertisement that works with HTML5Google Drive videos supportAmazon S3 supportpop-up ads can be showed at any time during playback and hide at any timeoption to disable skipping pre-roll ads by usersplay/pause ads, skip ads, click ads etc…responsive (optimized for desktop and mobile devices – iOS, Android)font awesome icons – perfect for Retina displays (font Awesome icons are vectors, which mean they’re gorgeous on high-resolution displays)2 gallery types (with unlimited videos):1. Right side gallery2. Bottom galleryself hosted videos (mp4), YouTube and Vimeo videos supportcustomisable Vimeo player (set any color you want)5 skins included: Default skin, Classic skin, Minimal skin, Transparent skin, Silver skinclick & drag (touch) to control gallerymousewheel to control galleryall browsers compatiblemultiple instances: you can insert more players in same pagecustomisable: change size, combine different skin for player with different skin for gallery, disable logo/embed/share if you dont need these features and more…optional logo: you can add your logo as image (.jpg, .png). Logo position can be in bottom-left corner, or bottom-right corner.optional player shadowoptional preview image: if you want your player to be paused when page loads, you can set preview imageautohide controls: you can choose after how much seconds player controls will disappearhide / show gallery with playlist button (with this functionality you can “stretch” player over gallery to have better view for video, as well as “shrink” player to see gallery menu again to choose videos)autoplay: on/offcomplete volu... You are listening to the topic about "WPSTALL – WordPress Related Search", if you want to read the full article, please visit or the link in the description.

  How to Export WordPress Posts to CSV | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:53

WordPress is a platform for building a website that powers over 38% of all the websites on the Internet. Those who know nothing about programming can create a website easily with WordPress as it is a convenient and most admired way.WordPress is a content management system licensed under GPLv2. It is a simple tool that enables you to handle the essential features of your website without needing to know anything about programming. WordPress is mostly used for blogging. A blog is a compilation of different posts.If you are a blogger, you may want to share your directory of posts with your readers via the CSV file. It is also useful to take a glance at all posts without logging in to the WordPress dashboard.Moreover, you can easily find the post title and permalink by using CSV. In this article, we will show you how to export your WordPress posts to a CSV file.WP All Export PluginWatermark WordPress FilesWP All Export PluginIf you are wondering how to export WordPress posts to CSV, then don’t worry. There is a plugin named WP All Export which will help you to export WordPress posts to CSV effortlessly.WP All Export provides you with a three-step export method and an insightful drag and drop interface. It makes complex export tasks easy and swift.Here is how to get started and export WordPress posts to CSV.Installation & ActivationTo begin with, you have to install the plugin. Simply go to your WordPress dashboard and click on Plugins. Select Add New option from the dropdown menu and search for WP All Export. After installing, click on the Activate button.Getting Familiarized with the DashboardAfter its activation, go to the plugin dashboard and click on All Export option. Then, select the New Export option from the dropdown menu.Customize Export FileYou will see WP_Query Results. Click on this tab and select Post Type Query from the dropdown menu. Then add the following query in the box:‘post_type’ =>, ‘post’, ‘post_status’=>‘publish’Next, click on the Customize Export File option.Selection of Export FileYou have to opt for what you want to export. In this case, you will need the followings:Post TitlePost PermalinkPost Featured ImageSelect the Preview button to see the result.Download the DataTo export this data to CSV, keep the default iteration to 50 Records and click on the Create New File Each Time option.There will be a green button on the next screen. You may click on the CSV File to download your data.Why Should You Use WP All Export?With WP All Export, you can easily choose between the files to export. It allows you to structure your exported posts according to your need. You can also avail the option to export any custom field and post type.One of the best... You are listening to the topic about "How to Export WordPress Posts to CSV", if you want to read the full article, please visit or the link in the description.

  How to Export WordPress Users, Customers to CSV? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:50

Exporting and importing WordPress Users is so easy. Do you Want to Export WordPress users or woo-commerce customers of your site to another site? Or you are looking to export your WordPress user inside a CSV file to keep a backup of your WordPress users. No matter what are you looking for? This guide is going to cover everything step-by-step. The best thing about this guide is you can export and import WordPress user’s data for free. After reading this guide you will be able to- Export user data and import them on another site with their actual role and password. Export and import woo-commerce customers with their actual role and password. Backup your user’s data inside a CSV file, which you can import anytime on your live site or on another site. Things you will LearnHow to Export WordPress Users to CSV File With a Free Plugin?How To Import WordPress Users?ConclusionHow to Export WordPress Users to CSV File With a Free Plugin?In order to export the users and woo-commerce customers of your WordPress site, you need to install a plugin Import Export WordPress Users and WooCommerce Customers. If you don’t know about plugin installation, you can check our step-by-step guide on How to Install A WordPress Plugin?This is one of the best import export plugin for WordPress, which was developed by webtoffee. Obviously, this plugin has some premium features also. But you can export-import users and customers to your site while using the free version of this plugin. This plugin is very easy to use, you can export any data of WordPress user in just 5 steps. Even you don’t need to configure the settings of this plugin to work for your site. Everything is already configured. Let’s Export WordPress Users to CSVAfter installing this plugin you can see it in the admin drop down.From the Web Toffee Import Export (Basic) section click on Export to export users inside a CSV file.Now, select the post type as users/customers and click the button below. Now, select the advance export option from the select an export method. Then click the filter data button. Now in step 3, if you don’t want to export all the users, then you can filter out the data of the users in many ways. Such as you can select the users to export with specific emails. You can also export users by their roles. If you want to export users within specific dates then you can do so. You can also limit the number of users to export, by default it’s unlimited. If you don’t want to filter out the data of the users and want to export all the users then click the “Setp 4: map and recorder export columns”. Now, on the step 4, you can select which data of the users you want to export and which data you wa... You are listening to the topic about "How to Export WordPress Users, Customers to CSV?", if you want to read the full article, please visit or the link in the description.


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