What comes first? A pretty website or business results?

Social Media Podcast for Social Business by Shane Gibson Speaker and Author show

Summary: Too many people think a website, Twitter account or well produced video is a strategy -- in reality they're just tools. Before you invest money and time in building a brand new site, or devote more time to your social media efforts, it might be a good idea to have a plan. Feedback from many of our peers who work in a social media agency (http://www.rpmltd.com/) say it's one of their common points of frustration when working with clients. Their site design can actually hinder proper search engine optimization and a visitors ability to share content once they discover it. Today's podcast (http://CLOSINGBIGGER.NET/wp-content/uploads/sales-training-podcast/Whatcomesfirst.mp3) was inspired by a couple of conversations I have had recently. The recurring issue is people and organizations revamping their websites (some spending thousands and thousands of dollars) and not having a social media strategy before doing so. Many sites are built by well meaning developers or agencies that haven't considered what a truly social site and blog (http://www.closingbigger.net/2011/02/social-media-assessment/) are. I personally think organizations should have a plan, strategy and spec their sites to be social and easily adaptable to new social media tools and trends (and not cost huge amounts of money in the process). Have a listen to my podcast and let me know your thoughts on this. (http://www.closingbigger.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Shanerbw.jpg)Shane Gibson (@ShaneGibson (http://twitter.com/shanegibson)) is a sales and social media speaker (../about-shane-gibson/) who has addressed over 100,000 people on stages on three continents over the past 15 years.  He is also co-author of Guerrilla Social Media Marketing (http://guerrillasocialmediahq.com/) and Sociable! How Social Media is Turning Sales and Marketing Upside-down (http://sociablebook.com/).  When he's not speaking or Tweeting he is in the social media trenches working with his clients as Chief Social Officer for Socialized! Ltd (http://socialized.me/). a social media agency (http://socialized.me/) and training organization.