You need to be social to have long-term social media success!

Social Media Podcast for Social Business by Shane Gibson Speaker and Author show

Summary: Today's podcast is about being truly sociable (http://CLOSINGBIGGER.NET/wp-content/uploads/sales-training-podcast/youneedtolovepeople.mp3). You need to be social to have long-term social media success! There I said it. Plain and simple, hiding behind your computer or iPhone is only going to give you marginal long-term success. Eventually the Wizard of Oz was found out. Compared to people who are good at social media and also have great personal presence and charisma those that are solely good at being social online will not fare as well for many reasons. Have a listen to today's podcast and tell me what you think. (../wp-content/uploads/2009/10/Shane_Gibson-200x285.JPG)Shane Gibson (@ShaneGibson ( is a sales and social media speaker (../about-shane-gibson/) who has addressed over 100,000 people on stages on three continents over the past 15 years.  He is also co-author of Guerrilla Social Media Marketing ( and Sociable! How Social Media is Turning Sales and Marketing Upside-down (  When he's not speaking or Tweeting he is in the social media trenches working with his clients as Chief Social Officer for Socialized! Ltd ( a social media agency ( and training organization.