"Feel and Look Fabulous with Irina" and Carole Carson, founder of "From Fat to Fit"

 Radio Show for Women: Feel and Look Fabulous with Irina Wardas  show

Summary: Ladies, take a break to have your "Me Time" with breathing, laughing, dancing while learning from Carole Carson TIPS on how to AVOID WEIGHT GAIN during the candy splurge of HALLOWEEN followed by THANKSGIVING EXTRAVAGANZAS and year end HOLIDAYS.LASTS MINUTE TIP on INSTANT FACE LIFTThe first three listeners who e-mail their plans for their personal fitness makeover will receive a complimentary copy of From Fat to Fit: Turn Yourself into a Weapon of Mass Reduction. To receive a FREE COPY, listeners need to send a fitness plan, name and address to: CaroleCarson1@earthlink.net Just before turning 60, Carole remade her life. After chronicling her 62-pound weight loss in weekly newspaper articles, she inspired more than 1,000 ordinary people in her small northern California community to team up and lose nearly 4 tons in 2 months. Carole’s book, "From Fat to Fit: Turn Yourself into a Weapon of Mass Reduction", gives readers a 7-step process for shaping up. Visit Carole's website "From Fat to Fit"