How to Stop Inflammation and Start Losing!

Living the Fit Life! show

Summary: ‘The Inflammation Terminator’, Dr. Lori L. Shemek – Professional Health Coach Expert, President of DLS HealthWorks, LLC and Founder of the Health Attraction System™ drops by to talk about inflammation and the effect it has on your weight loss journey. Dr. Lori shares her vast knowledge of how to eat to avoid inflammation and to achieve optimum health. Dr. Lori’s strong background in Counseling Psychology has allowed her to observe the extent to which physical health seriously impacted emotional health and vice-versa. Her tenure as Casework Therapist and Vice President of Family Outreach, a non-profit organization for the prevention of child abuse and neglect, further egged her on to continue in the nutritional field as well. Being a first-hand witness to the effects of general poor health and malnourishment, she continues her onward journey to propagate the true importance of optimal nutrition in a person’s everyday life.  You won't want to miss this episode. You might even learn a few things.