The Yellow Farmhouse and more hauntings with M.A.P.G.

Maine Ghost Hunters Radio show

Summary: Drew, of the Maine Atlantic Paranormal Group, will share some stories and anecdotes of his team’s experiences with "The Yellow Farmhouse”. Drew states that his group relies primarily on "scientific facts, and not feelings" throughout their investigative processes. However, if a situation warrants, his team is open to working with a person who senses spirits. Drew says, "we've been to The Yellow Farm house about six times... Throughout it all, we've experienced a lot of things. K II meters responding to questions, even though no power was in the house, doors opening and closing, moving emf's, sounds of pots and pans rattling. The scariest thing for me was the second investigation there. I went up to the second floor alone and started to try and provoke. The door handle next to me started to shake violently. We caught it on two cameras, the sounds anyway.” Want to know what happened next? Tune in as Drew takes us through The Yellow Farmhouse to ..."the other side”.