Baby Led Solids: Skipping Rice Cereal and Purees Completely [Episode 11]

(Over)Thinking Mom » Podcast Episodes show

Summary: We all know the guidelines for introducing solids to babies.  First, comes rice cereal mixed with breast milk or formula between four and six months, then comes pureed vegetables and fruits, one at a time.  I’m not exactly the type of person to buck all parenting guidelines, but I’m planning to skip rice cereals and purees completely.  I’m a little nervous about trying out this baby-led solids approach, so I talk with two moms, Sarah and Clara, about their experiences with Baby-Led Weaning (this is the British term for introducing solid foods and the title of Gill Rapley and Tracey Murkett’s book). How does this approach work?  Won’t your baby choke?  Will your baby waste away?  I try to find answers to these questions and more. Books: Baby Led Weaning Blog: My Life with Bryce Baby Led Solids: Skipping Rice Cereal and Purees Completely