Your Post Baby Marriage [Episode 15]

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Summary: For many years I have heard the warning that babies ruin marriages, and those issuing this warning often have years long studies backing up their claims. Since Dave and I got pregnant less than two months after getting married, I spent much of my pregnancy wondering if Amelia’s arrival would kill the romance. Guess what? It did, but does less romance correlate with a weak marriage? Does marital happiness always decrease post baby? I, along with Clara of, look at two articles, one from with the title “Secret to marital bliss? Don’t have kids,” the other from the Monitor on Psychology by the American Psychological Association with the title “Parenthood detrimental to marriage? Not necessarily.” We examine the findings of these articles and how they relate to our own post-baby marriages. Don't forget to subscribe to all (Over)Thinking Mom posts by RSS or Email.  Are you afraid of commitment?  That's okay, you can subscribe to each portion of the blogcast separately.  Check out the once a week Podcast Episode by RSS or Email.  You can also subscribe through itunes. Your Post-Baby Marriage