FFM Dee Jay – Ted: Battle Mix 001


Summary: <br> <br> <br> <br> Freestyle.FM Dee Jay - DJ Teddy T Battle Mix 001<br> This is the Freestyle.FM Dee Jay - DJ Teddy T Battle Mix 001. Battle mixes were challenges that our community put forth to the deejays on the site. Challenges included using only certain songs or artists in the mix. Most battles included a time limit to complete the challenges. They were a lot of fun and showcased the skills of all the deejays that participated.<br> DJ Teddy T or simply Ted as he is known to most, was co-owner of Freestyle.FM. He was also the co-owner of DOFCH, which was a merger of DOF (his personal site) and FCH.Ted hosted his Freestyle Request Show, starting with DOF, before eventually moving on to FFM.<br> Facebook: <a href="https://www.facebook.com/teddy.navas" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">https://www.facebook.com/teddy.navas</a>FreestyleFM Forum Profile: <a href="https://daunknownadmin.com/forums/index.php?members/ted.437/">https://daunknownadmin.com/forums/index.php?members/ted.437/</a>- Listen To Other <a href="https://daunknownadmin.com/category/ffm-dee-jays/" rel="noopener">Freestyle Mixes</a> from past FFM Deejays<br> <br> <br>