Limiting beliefs around alcohol and celebrations | DSS28

Desperately Seeking Self show

Summary: Today's LIVE episode is all about our limiting beliefs around alcohol and how to shift and reframe them. We as a society use alcohol in every celebration and every failure. It's hard to step away from the norm. When we choose to quit drinking alcohol limiting beliefs will most often times creep back in and hold us back from living joyfully without alcohol. We struggle the most during holidays and birthdays as these are times when most people drink to excess for days on end in celebration mode. I show my mastermind group in this episode what limiting beliefs hold us back the most and how to reframe them and accept our new beliefs. I also cover tips to make it through a birthday or party sober. If you are struggling to give up alcohol download my workbook: 10 Tips for Living Alcohol Free You may be ready to take it a step further and join a course platform to create a strong foundation of sobriety and have an awesome community of other women supporting you through it! Sign up for the waitlist tot he sober course: a recovery program here. As always head over to my website to book a clarity call or find other information that might be helpful to you. lastly check me out on Social IG: and my new TikTok account where I already have over 82,000 likes and over a million views! Don't forget to hit subscribe and if you like what you hear leave us a review! please let me know if there are any topics you'd like me to discuss on an upcoming episode. With Gratitude, Brooke