143: Adri Kyser on Improve Your Health and Increase Your Confidence

Straight-Up Wellness show

Summary: In this episode, Adri Kyser talks about reducing pain and stress and improving confidence:<br> <br> * Adria’s story of not being good enough<br> * Physical pain and emotional pain’s link<br> * The process of enlightened alchemy<br> * Subconscious triggers<br> * Taking action to change the narrative<br> * Living broken through success<br> * Unconscious thoughts become reality<br> * Courage is acting in spite of fear<br> * 4 key components for health and happiness<br> * Role of physical health<br> * No time for health<br> * 3 simple things to improve health every day<br> * Clearing the canvas<br> * Replacing negative patterns<br> * Finding forgiveness<br> * Quick fixes<br> * Scarcity is keeping you stuck<br> * Biggest struggle will be biggest gift<br> * From Limited to Limitless workbook