Don’t put a towel over a dog’s head & other lessons not learned from Stanley Coren & Psych. Today

How To Train Your Dog With Love And Science - Dog Training with Annie Grossman, School For The Dogs show

Summary: <p>Looking for misguided information about dog training? Look no further than Psychology Today, which is publishing new articles that are offering outdated and possibly dangerous information. In this episode, Annie surveys the work of Dr. Stanley Coren, who recently suggested to the publication's readers that they should mimic wolves and clamp down on a dog's muzzle to stop barking. She reads from some of Dr. Coren's books on dogs from the early 1990s and also shares a comedy clip from the early 1990s on the topic of reading dog minds. Next week: An interview with Dr. Marc Bekoff. </p> <p>Take Annie's free Master Class! <a href=""></a></p> <p>My Dog's Smarter Than Your Dog, by Sarah Boxer (NY Times Book Review, 1994) <a href=";emc=rss/">;emc=rss/</a></p> <p>Why Does a Reward During Training Change a Dog's Behavior? by Dr. Stanley Coren <a href=""></a></p> <p>A Quick Fix for a Barking Dog by Dr. Stanley Coren (Version edited post-publication) <a href=""></a><br> Original version of article can be found <a href="">here</a>.  </p> <p>Do Dogs Bark Unnecessarily or Excessively? by Dr. Marc Bekoff <a href=""> </a></p> <p>Punishment as defined by Psychology Today  <a href="'Brien%201993%20clip:%20"> Conan O'Brien 1993 clip:</a></p> <p>---</p> <p>Partial Transcript:</p> <p>Annie:</p> <p>A few years ago, a cousin gave me a pile of books about dogs, all these used books that I think he'd gotten at a garage sale. They were all from the nineties. And one was called, <em>What Do Dogs Know?</em> One was <em>The Pawprints of History: Dogs in the Course of Human Events</em>. One was called <em>The Intelligence of Dogs</em>. And I kind of flipped through the books and thought, you know, okay, there's some dated information here, and there was some decent info here and there, but overall I found the books a little, I guess, a little boring.</p> <p>And I put them on my shelf of books that are dated and, but possibly interesting for future reference relating to all things dogs and dog training. I have a lot of books in this category, or not even books that are dated, just like I like old, weird books about dogs.  I like thinking about not only how people think about dogs now, but in the past.</p> <p>I guess I didn't really consider these books too much or the author, although I did remember seeing that he was a doctor, that he was a professor of psychology...</p> <p>Full Transcript available at <a href=""></a></p>