Earl Talbot – Drummers I Like Podcast #56

Drummers I Like Podcast show

Summary: <br> Well Hello, there Drummers! Welcome back to episode 55 of the podcast<br> Today we are joined by Earl Talbot. Earl is a Professional Drummer, Educator, Clinician, Mentor, Motivator and above all, a Father. Today is one of the most influential episodes to date so sit back, take notes, and enjoy the show!<br> About our guest<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Earl Talbot comes from an extensive music background starting at just the early age of 9 years old when he found himself in his best friends basement, face to face with his future passion and profession. Growing up playing music and exploring his creative freedoms he found himself traveling to Cameroon for an extensive stay away with Professional percussionist Christian Bourdon, Author of <a href="https://www.steveweissmusic.com/product/independence-and-coordination-in-african-rhythms-for-drumset-bourdon/drum-set-methods-cd">African Rhythms for Drumset</a>. Here is where he honed in on his ability to play the intense rhythms and phrases he is well known for. Earl is really a big deal for the Drummers I Like Podcast for multiple reasons and the most important is that he is a genuine Role Model to me. His personality, approach to life, ability to communicate, lead, and guide is severely important characteristics to me. Without these values what are we as men? Sheep? This episode unveils the deep and personal side to Earl Talbot and I personally was inspired by his extensive story and his undeniable drive to succeed.<br> Now, if you go back to episode <a href="http://www.drummersilike.net/jessica-burdeaux-drummers-i-like-podcast-23/">23</a> of the Drummers I Like Podcast featuring Jessica Burdeaux you will hear Earl being brought up as her personal teacher and mentor. We got deep into his teachings and his ability to communicate these extremely complicated patterns and phrases. Needless to say, it was an epic show and really just the beginning of an obsession that ultimately led to me getting to hang out with Earl out at Evan Ryans La drum school studio and take an in-person lesson. That was really key for me because it opened the doors for me to meet Earl in person, befriend him, get to know him on a personal level, and create ultimately was is sure to become a lifetime friendship. This episode goes long and because of its lengthy chat, we decided we needed to come back and do a part 2! Stay tuned for that… For now here is part 1 of our interview with the GANGSTER!!!!!! Earl Talbot.<br> In this EpisodeSHOW ME THE DRUMS BABY:<br> After a run in with what most would call fate( A.K.A. Earl landing in a room full of his best buds drums at only age 9, he would spark an interest that was ultimately solidified on a trip in the car with his Father where he found himself working his tail off to beat out a Dave Brubeck rhythm on dashboard. This impossible neverending agony would ultimately turn into the driving force behind his laser focused pursuit for drumming greatness.<br> THE GROWTH PERIOD:<br> As he grew up Earl would instill the fundamentals of drumming as his parents offered as much support as humanly possible to push Earl in the direction he wanted to go. He consistently found influence in his sisters Rush, the Who and other rock albums but it was Michael Jacksons records that stood out the most giving him a heavy feel for pocket and technique.<br> THE TRIP TO LAWRENCE:<br> After basically pounding down any door that stood in the way of his drumming success all throughout his life Earl found himself smack dab in the middle of Lawrence University in Wisconsin walking the Music Conservatory in amazement. It was then that he found himself sitting in the Dane Richardson’s office getting ready to do an audition. Earl will note that it was his ignorance that ultimately led to his almost fail but once he got on the drum kit it was then he was offered a chance to shadow the current students for an opportunity that got his...