Alex Andrews of BeatMirror: Drummers I Like Podcast #59

Drummers I Like Podcast show

Summary: <br> I often find myself trying to figure out why there is such a lack of focus on tech that support’s the real needs of Drummers in today’s world. Even more so, I find myself often complaining about how many toys that are hitting the market daily. At Drummers I Like we take pride in our ability to review products we think work for the every day drummer. Today is no exception and easily one of the coolest products we have reviewed so far.<br> About our guestToday, we are joined by Alex Andrews. Alex is the founder and owner of Ten Kettles, a software development company with a focus on creating musical applications. His App Beatmirror is the first real time metronome that gives you a real time read out of the current BPM you are playing in. It’s probably one of the coolest apps ever and after being extremely skeptical of its consistency I found myself becoming one of the biggest fans ever.<br> In this EpisodeThe Incubation Period: Alex gives us a thorough breakdown of how and why he started Beat Mirror along with a breakdown of himself. This portion of the show really gives us a fundamental understanding of Alex and his background in music and Coding.<br> That’s the name of the game: Alex explains that the first time isn’t always the best time and he really takes it the extra mile when he explains how he took a step back to put in the extra details Beatmirror needed to succeed.<br> My name is Alex and I love music: After a long and detailed rundown of Beatmirror, himself, and his company, Alex gives us some insight on Ten Kettles and what he plans to do going forward.<br> ClosingKevin and I always have a blast doing product review shows and with this entire month being dedicated to them we couldn’t have been happier to sit down with Alex and talk shop. Alex is hooking up a 5 promo codes to get Beat Mirror for free. All you need to do is like Ten Kettles and Drummers I Like on facebook right now!<br> <a href="">Drummers I Like Facebook</a><br> <a href="">Ten Kettles Facebook</a><br> Until next time<br> Until next time<br> – Richard<br> Links for Ten Kettles<a href="">Instagram</a><br> <a href="">Facebook</a><br> <a href="">Twitter</a><br> <a href="">Website</a><br> Links for Drummers I Like<a href="">website</a><br> <a href="" rel="nofollow">Instagram</a><br> <a href="" rel="nofollow">Facebook</a><br> <a href="" rel="nofollow">Twitter</a><br>