Daily Fill: Decompressing and taking a break

Drummers I Like Podcast show

Summary: <br> Welcome to the Tuesday edition of the Daily Fill with our Owner and founder Richard Ducat! Every Tuesday Richard gives us a dose of motivation, guidance, life hacks, marketing tips, and more!<br> Today's quote: " We are the facilitators of our own creative evolution." - Bill Hicks<br> <br> On today's episode, we are back with week 4 of the Drumtrepreneur series! In this series, we focus on strengthening our guidance, focus, balance with challenges that will help hold you accountable for success! Week 4 is an essential week by far and our most important in the series which is why I saved it for last! This week is all about slowing it down, taking a break, doing some self-evaluation, and starting our next month fresh on our new path to success.<br> <br> So far we have covered the following:<br> <br> * <a href="https://www.drummersilike.net/dailyfill97/">Decluttering your schedule and clearing your mind</a><br> * <a href="https://www.drummersilike.net/dailyfill100">Balancing your schedule, your week, and your next 90 days</a><br> * <a href="https://www.drummersilike.net/dailyfill97/">Automation tools and how to make them work for your schedule</a><br> <br> So we have got a hang on our path to success, we have scheduled it out and increased our ability to execute 10X, and then employed the use of some handy automation tools to ensure we stay on track and efficient with our time. Now take a break, pop open a beer (or pack a bong) and take a break so you can reflect on your amazing accomplishments and prepare your body for another week of hard work!<br> Why it matters:<br> If you're like me you get burnt out by work and work associated activities which means your body is likely bored, sick of the work, and in need of a change of scenery. This is primarily why I talked so highly about the Pomodoro technique and allowing yourself to take short breaks in between each work period. These are our mini breaks, micro vacations, and small moments of stressless thinking that give us the multiple daily mini recharge's we need to think clearly. Without these moments we deprive our spirits of the self-dose of sanity it needs to function at optimum efficiency. Sometimes I am not always perfect about making these moments happen all day and when I don't I can tell. This is why it all comes down to balance and making sure thought ten steps ahead to allow you this much needed time.<br> How to do it:<br> It all starts with scheduling and from there it's execution. Sometimes the hardest thing for me is turning off the monitor, putting away my phone, shutting off the TV, and eliminating social media completely. I know though that if I do I will execute my client work better so I always use that as my main self-argument point. Remember that taking breaks helps eliminate immediate stress otherwise, It just piles up.. so schedule accordingly and treat this time as if it were just as important or detrimental to your wallet as delivering for a high-end client would be.<br> How often do you do it?:<br> I have a simple formula for this entire method. Schedule it out every day and make it apart of your daily regimen and life system. This practice will add literal years to your life, create the essential work-life balance, and allow you to do the number one thing that we look to get out of this entire series. CONCENTRATE CLEARLY. That's what it's all about here and something that should heavily be regarded as your number one coveted need. Without clear thoughts, we cannot act clearly and without clear actions, we can't create clear paths to travel.<br> <br> So this is it for our 4-part Drumtrepreneur self-evaluation series but by far from the last of the series itself. We are taking a break next week to prepare for part 2 of the series featuring our Drumtrepreneur Artist interviews. This series will feature a handful of different drummers talking about their business acquisitions,