Amazon Growth Strategies for Sellers - Tips to Boost Your Sales | SellerSPEAK

SellerSPEAK With Successful Amazon Sellers show

Summary: <p>We know that the Amazon landscape is constantly changing, and sellers need to look-out for cutting-edge strategies to thrive on Amazon. So we have Emily Wilcox, the founder and CEO of <a href="">#Elevate</a> Growth Group with us to give some insights on Amazon selling strategies in this <a href="">#SellerSPEAK</a> episode.   </p> <p>Emily along with Elevate Growth Group helps sales-focused brands who want to build a thriving Amazon business that wants to become an industry leader and a household name. Let’s get some actionable tips to boost sales from her experience.   </p> <p><strong>A quick peek into the video:   </strong></p> <ul> <li>A brief introduction about Elevate Growth Group </li> <li>How can multichannel brands get started on Amazon without risking their other sales channels </li> <li>Emily’s methodology in creating effective product listings that align with the brand person</li> <li>Key strategies to boost your conversion rate  </li> <li>How to strike a balance between the number of impressions that you will need to reach your target sales and the target ACoS  </li> <li>Strategies to achieve a high ROAS (<a href="">Return on Advertising Spend</a>) </li> <li>Emily’s take on A/B testing - Her quick tip for sellers to succeed on Amazon  </li> </ul> <p>Subscribe to our channel for more great content - <a href=";v=xiIKDAMtDgA&amp;event=video_description&amp;redir_token=QUFFLUhqbGF6TF9vR1ZveEhBalVQYXhHLWlOXzVIM1Ayd3xBQ3Jtc0tsZjJIcENlNmlBck41SDRzSFFTNllWbzRuRlNMMmpqVzd6RlNDd0pRbm5ySUlZX1hHTUF4TmxYZ2FISG9fMTEtQ25YTlViQTNoMXl2WHJBYjBWN3F2TGtnN0hSaUhlYVpmcXhTUXBvNVQydDZfb19YZw%3D%3D" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>