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Internet Business Mastery | Escape the 9-to-5. Make More Money. Start an Freedom Business, Now! show

Summary: Recently my youngest daughter moved out and is on her own.<br> <br> <br> <br> She's got her first apartment and is heading out into the world.<br> <br> I look back on her childhood with great satisfaction as I got to be there for everything.<br> <br> When she had a mid-afternoon music recital, I got to be there.<br> <br> Every soccer game, I got to be there.<br> <br> Every morning doctor's appointment, I got to take her.<br> <br> Every ballet performance, I got to be there.<br> <br> When she had an opportunity to go to Spain on a class trip, I could afford to take care of it.<br> <br> Anything at any time, I got to be there.<br> <br> My freedom business allowed that to happen.<br> <br> It wouldn't have been the case with my old job, I barely got to see her.<br> <br> When she was really young, I would just barely make it home to see her go to bed or on the weekends, then I took the chance and started my freedom business.<br> <br> That one choice changed the lives of everyone I'm close to.<br> <br> A freedom business opened my life to live the way I wanted to all while helping others achieve the same lifestyle if they had the courage to go for it.<br> <br> It was the pain of no control and never getting to see my family that helped me go for it and do what it took to make it happen and I'm so glad I did.<br> <br> As I watch her leave, I didn’t have to feel the regret that would have certainly been there had I kept my ol' day job.<br> <br> There are so many upsides to making the choice to follow your dream of having a freedom business, killing regret is certainly a beautiful one.<br> <br> Kill regret right now:<br> http://www.FreedomClubVIP.com<br> Jeremy Frandsen<br> World Leader in Freedom Business Education