109: Camy Kennedy on Loving Yourself to Success

Straight-Up Wellness show

Summary: In this episode, Camy Kennedy talks about becoming confident, connected, powerful, and purposeful:<br> <br> * Practicing your potential <br> * Camy's personal story<br> * Helping women overcome body issues<br> * How lifestyle impacts fitness<br> * Relationships as mirrors<br> * Breakthroughs and breakdowns<br> * Publicly sharing your struggle<br> * Developing the need for perfectionism <br> * Schooling and the perfectionism mindset<br> * Defining what you want for yourself<br> * 3 things for perfectionists <br> * Creating a 10-year vision<br> * Defining your values<br> * 6 core values<br> * Rewarding and celebrating yourself<br> * Defining your potential self<br> * Act "as if"<br> * Mentally managing goal-setting<br> * Feelings vs. achievement<br> * Vision boards<br> * Cultivating feelings based on what you have<br> * Vibrational scale of emotions<br> * Neutrality, acceptance, courage<br> * Anxiety about the future; shame about the past<br> * Concept of anchoring<br> * InsightTimer app<br> * Personalized affirmation creation<br> * Self-love, worthiness, and money<br> * Self-acceptance<br> * Daily forgiveness practice<br> * Getting "ridiculous"<br> * Celebrating constantly<br> * Hawaiian prayer for forgiveness<br> * Creating the energy to attract what we want<br> * Science of cortisol <br> * Self-care routines<br> * Book: The Power by Rhonda Byrne<br> * Getting 1% better each day<br> * Resetting your energy in 5 minutes