We Talk Dick Pics, Depression and Disordered Eating With Mahalia Brown

Let's Talk Fast show

Summary: Mahalia Brown is a professional Actress and Voice Artist who has a beautiful soul and is one of those human beings you just like to be around as you know she will ALWAYS has your best interest at heart. I had the pleasure of meeting with Mahalia around a year ago when she came to see me at my clinic and ever since that time we have formed a great relationship and I was very happy to FINALLY have her on my podcast. This episode is not for the faint of heart as we talk about some very serious topics with some shits and giggles thrown in, however, Mahalia was kind enough to come on to the show to talk about what she has been through over the years and where she is now and how she has managed to navigate her way through some VERY dark times. If you are feeling depressed, have suffered from or still do suffer from an eating disorder or just feel like you are alone on this journey we call life, I am positive you will gain some value from this episode. HOWEVER, please know that if you are in need of professional help, PLEASE seek that help as both of us are NOT professionals in this area! We merely wanted to talk about these topics and bring life to them so you don't have to feel like you need to hide it away. If you want to reach out to Mahalia to ask any further questions, she is more than happy to answer your DM's and so flick her a question and go and say hi! Contact Mahalia Brown: Instagram: @mahalia.halia I do hope you enjoy the episode and as always if you do enjoy the show and haven't already, please go and give the podcast a quick review and 5 star rating as it would mean the world to me :-) Join the tribe and become a NO BREAKFAST CLUB member today and receive daily workouts sent directly to your email, discounts on products and services and MUCH more planned in the no too distant future. It's FREE to anyone and all you need to do is email me and put in the subject line, NO BREAKFAST CLUB and you are in! Contact The No Breakfast Guy: Instagram: @the_no_breakfast_guy Website: www.thenobreakfastguy.com Email: info@thenobreakfastguy.com YouTube: www.youtube.com/thenobreakfastguy